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Syvishtar's Journal

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#961 hook71

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Posted 15 December 2012 - 11:28 AM

Syvishtar should get the tome.


A. Stay in Baldur's Gate and do quests there.

#962 AmyAE

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Posted 15 December 2012 - 01:01 PM

Syvishtar, B.

#963 Lurker of the north

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Posted 16 December 2012 - 03:44 AM

...and it looks as if you have still to visit Ulgoths Beard... so B.

When in the Gate btw, Syvishtar should really find an excuse to enter Ramaziths tower.
(...unless i'm misremembering, there should be another tome in there.)

Edited by Lurker of the north, 16 December 2012 - 03:48 AM.


#964 Fred The Archer

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Posted 16 December 2012 - 11:53 PM

Yeslick, A

#965 Crazee

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Posted 17 December 2012 - 04:03 PM

Syv, B :)

#966 TDouglas


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Posted 17 December 2012 - 07:28 PM

Syv, and (a) as I second LOTNs suggestion to raid Ramaziths tower (an extra point of IQ is always a good thing for a mage yes?).

#967 Usurper

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Posted 25 December 2012 - 11:46 AM

Here are the final votes:

Who should get the tome?

Syvishtar	...........................
Yeslick		.

Should we stay or should we go?

A. Stay in Baldur's Gate	......
B. Go back out there		.................
C. Finish mod then city		....

So it looks like I'll get the tome, and we're going to be doing things outside the city for a while.

Also, merry christmas!
The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#968 Usurper

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Posted 25 December 2012 - 02:22 PM

Posted Image

30 Mirtual, 1370

We spend some time resting in the Elfsong after our long journey. Kivan strikes up a conversation with Alora.

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Posted Image Huh, training, of course.

Posted Image Alora, the blade is what?... three inches taller than you? You will not be able to lift it, let alone wield it efficiently. If you are interested in weapons wich a longer reach, I suggest that you try a light spear or a...

Posted Image But not a longsword? That's soooo unfair! Sooo unfair! *starts sobbing*

Posted Image Alora, I do not understand... How did I cause those tears? After all, for you, a short sword must feel just like a greatsword fo an elf... so in a way you do wield a longsword... Alora? Please, do not cry.

Posted Image Stop babying me! You are becoming just like my parents: "Alora, do not cry! Alora, do not go there! Alora, do not touch this!" I am a woman grown, not some dull-witted child.

Posted Image I was not babying you, I was merely offering advice.

Posted Image You weren't? Oh, sweet! NOw, can I look at the sword? It has those funny little letters on it and I thought it's Elvish. Like in a book. Huh, I've never read Elvish before on a sword. It's so much more fun!

Posted Image They are Elven runes, corret. They spell... Aiya, tampa! ALORA, DO NOT! You know, Alora, you can play with the blade, and I shall go scout around. I... I cannot watch.

Then, as is become our tradition, we all gather around the fire and Finch reads to us from her collection of books. Tonight she continues with the second volume of her hometown's history.

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human tribes lived along the Sword Coast, fishing, hunting, and gathering in spring and fall to trade their furs with vessels sailing in from the south for merchant's jewelry, metal tools, and the occasionally-available weapon or two. In the spring, these vessels came primarily to cut and take huge trees for shipbuilding, trees being no longer available in such large sizes farther south.

In the fall, the vessels came in to cut timber for their own repairs, or to take on a cargo of wood if the misfortunes of trading had left their holds low or empty. Most of these trademoots were at a certain place where there was a great natural deepwater harbor, protected from the sea by a rocky spur of land, an arm of an isolated coastal crag, or a rocky island beyond it.

Gameplay note: Is there any other game in existence that has an actual library's worth of books just lying around the world holding insignificant backstories of the land? Well, there's the Elder Scrolls, I guess. But other than that?

Then, after Finch is done, we all sleep.

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My sword whispers to me in the night.

Posted Image I wait.

It is a comforting voice now. I am beginning to think that it reflects my thoughts many a time.

I sleep, and dream of dark places. In the morning when I wake up, I realize that I need to find out what is in Beregost that is connected to the Grey Clan. And after that, I need to be a hero.

The trip is pretty long.

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When we arrive, we are morosely greeted by our friend, the dirgesinging cow.

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I do not know which of the many inns of Beregost the Grey Clan will be involved in. I really hope it is not the Jovial Juggler. So we stop by the Burning Wizard first.

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Asking around doesn't provide information on the Grey Clan right away, but it does give some other strange rumors.

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People who dissolve into slime? What could that possibly mean? There's nothing upstairs but more peasants hanging out and gossiping. So we move on to Feldpost's Inn.

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Posted Image But I...

Posted Image I'm just his butler. You can discuss everything with the Lord.

Dervanto teleports us all to a room I have never seen before. This is definitely NOT Feldpost's Inn.

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Posted Image Abjurers? Wizards?

Posted Image MORONS!

Posted Image I know we arrived later than you expected, my Lord. But it wasn't my mistake. I was waiting at the entrance of the Inn the whole day...

Posted Image These aren't the people we were waiting for, idiot! This is Syvishtar!!! And I have only six bodyguards and a moron wizard in here!

Posted Image You're right, I'm not needed here. Good luck, m'lord.

Posted Image Wait, Dervanto! Don't leave me here! Dervanto! Where is my wardstone! Dervanto! DERVANTO!

But Dervanto just teleports away.

Posted Image Elite Guard! To Arms!

Great. I brace for battle. But then the Elite Guard just... walks away too?

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I grin fiercely at Tevan. He keeps shouting, though.

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Posted Image It is a surprise that you are here, Teven, because I killed you in Larswood. But slaying you wasn't a challenge, and I'm sure that you are still no match for my skills, bandit.

Posted Image I'm... I'm not the person you seek, Syvishtar! I am just a... just a...

Just then, another mage appears in a bright column of light.

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Posted Image Grachus is dead?! Hahahaha! It would have been a pleasure to see Xephistagoras's face when he learned that his beloved disciple exists no more! I also wonder what he will say to Lord Desider tomorrow, when the achievements of the Grey Clan will be discussed in the Legencase Castle...

Posted Image Where is Legencase? Who is Lord Desider? Speak!

Posted Image Fool.

She decides to teleport in two other mages.

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Posted Image I'll do my best, m'lady.

Posted Image You were a very good teacher, m'lady. We won't disappoint you.

Posted Image I have to go. Good luck, girls!

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#969 Usurper

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Posted 25 December 2012 - 02:22 PM

With that, Monica hits us with some sort of fire-based spell that throws us across the room and into the far wall. Ouch!

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As soon as we can stand we start wrapping the Weave around us.

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My Chaos Shield doesn't go quite right.

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Then I do these girls the same way I did High Sorceress Linda. First, Dimension Door.

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And then I unleash the full power of the Weave at them.

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My Djinni attacks one of the women as the other unleashes the howling of unfamiliar magic at me. I am glad that I am distracting them from my friends.

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But then High Sorceress Petrarca teleports behind the rest of my party and I am no longer in control of the situation.

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Edwin launches a Remove Magic at my enemy.

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It works! High Sorceress Octavia is completely stripped of her spell protections. I quickly direct all of my chaos daggers that I had pre-cast into her body. They hurt her.

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I follow up with an Ice Shard and Octavia is almost dead.

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However, things are not going well on the other side of the room. Petrarca hits Finch with lots of magic missiles, and Kivan has somehow been Dire Charmed!

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Edwin thinks fast and takes out his Ettin's Wand. He uses it to stun Kivan. It works!

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At the same time, I try to finish off High Sorceress Octavia with a few Acid Arrows. She has the exact same idea as I do, only with Fire Arrows. With a snarl I try to directly rip the life out of her.

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It works. She screams as she dies. I like it.

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As I move over to begin to help out, High Sorceress Petrarca casts Chaos on everyone.

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What this situation needs is less magic. I use Rhialto's Spellbook to Dispel some of it. It works, but this Teven makes himself very annoying by hacking through my mirror images to attack me.

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Now that Petrarca has no spell protections, Edwin uses his Ettin's Wand on her too, and it works again!

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Also, Finch moves to heal Kivan. Someone had been beating on him. I down a healing potion and run past the Djinni, who I suppose had been stunned by one of the sorceresses. Teven stops to beat on it, giving me a break. And Kivan kills Petrarca.

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The Djinni comes alive under the assault, and tries to defend itself. But Teven is actually doing pretty good against it.

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As Teven gives it a serious beatdown, the Djinni changes into cloud form and tries to get away. Then Teven shouts at me from across the room.

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Oh don't be silly Teven. Edwin and I throw some magic missiles at him.

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And as the Djinni retreats, I cast a spell at Teven that I don't normally use: Ray of Enfeeblement.

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It serves to slow him down. His armor must be doing it. He tries to run after us, but none of us stays still long enough for him to catch up. The Djinni, not out of the game, turns back to normal and summons a lesser air elemental.

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It is Alora who, still Confused, makes the correct decision anyways and kills Teven with a sling bullet. Ha!

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In looting the bodies of the two High Sorceresses, I realize that Legencase is a magical academy. Hrm.

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Both of the girls were also carrying wardstones.

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On Teven's corpse we find a really great gem, a Rogue Stone! Wow!

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His armor is just a Splint Mail +1, and his shield is just a Shield +1. But his sword is the Long Sword +3: Gift of Storm.

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Indira is really going to like this sword!

I check up on Squirrel. He has learned a lot this fight.

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Then, with all the looting and contemplating out of the way, we look for a way out of here.

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I guess these golems are the only possible way out. I approach the golem on the left.

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The middle one says the same thing. The one on the right, though...

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Posted Image Insert wardstone

The Stone Servant teleports us out and we find ourselves surrounded by... friends?

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Posted Image Thank god you are alive, Syvishtar! Where have you been? What happened?

Posted Image It seems that The Grey Clan is controlled from a place called Legencase. The leader of the Clan's forces in our region was Teven, a former bandit of the Black Talon. I have slain him as well as two sorceresses, who apparently arrived from the Academy of Legencase. Since their leaders are dead, and most of the bandits were destroyed or captured by the Flaming Fist in the Friendly Arm Inn, I'm sure that their local organization will soon collapse.

Posted Image This is exactly what I was afraid of. We were wrong when we assumed that the Clan was formed by the remaining part of Tazok's bandits and the Black Talon. We were also wrong regarding their possible connection to the Zhentarim: there doesn't seem to be any. The Clan's roots can be found far from here. And they're much more powerful than we've ever imagined. Hmm, Legencase... Legencase... It doesn't sound familiar! I will try to locate it in some way, but unfortunately my divination power has been no match for their magical protections lately. This is no wonder if there is really a whole wizard academy in that place...

Posted Image If the local forces of the Clan have been controlled from such a distant place, the Grey Clan must be much bigger than we estimated. We're in a great peril. Good old Jeyden, he would probably know what to do now. The treacherous forces of evil could take his life, but his noble spirit will guide us forever!

Posted Image I met him. But it wasn't the general, only his animated body. The horrible creation of Grachus.

Posted Image His body may be desecrated, but no power can touch his noble soul... Some day, his dream about the peace will come true. Because we will finish his plans... Unfortunately Duke Eltan can't disguise our secret organization any more, so with his knowledge and approval, I've decided to separate our organization from the Flaming Fist. We can't expect any more help from the regular forces, but with the selfless aid of these volunteers and veterans, we'll continue our activity to defend the innocent and will protect our home.

Posted Image No matter how powerful the Grey Clan is, it will need time to re-organize its forces after these great casualties. You can take a short breath, and can strengthen your forces.

Posted Image I am afraid we have too little time. We realized the truth too late.

Posted Image We thought we were in daylight, and the sun was shining. We didn't realize that we were actually in faint candlelight, surrounded by darkness. By darkness that still makes us blind, and still tries to consume us.

Gameplay note: And with that, our rep has gone up 1 point. We are back to being popular again!

Posted Image Isn't this great? All of us, doing nice things, being happy. It's great!

Since we're in the neighborhood, I decide that it can't hurt to spend the night in the Jovial Juggler. You know, for old times' sake.

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The place really feels different though, what with everyone moved on to the Elfsong.

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It is almost creepy. Finch tries to calm everyone's nerves with another reading. I don't mind at all. This time it is Gondegal the Lost King.

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In the years following, people would say that Gondegal's reach was no longer than his blade. He could not hold any of the territory against the might of Cormyr, Sembia, Daggerdale, Tilverton, and several of the other Dales - all of whom he drew the blood and ire of in the making of his throne.

Gondegal ruled for less than a season, though he reigned officially for scarcely eight days. The remainder of his rule was spent fighting here and there against one foe or another in the lands he claimed. His troops were largely mercenary, and his treasury of seized goods was small and soon gone. One night Gondegal's force simply melted away before the advancing troops of Cormyr, and was gone. King Azoun IV retook Arabel on that morn without wetting a blade.

No one has ever found the body of Gondegal; he is known to have fled north and then east via Teshwave, but this his fate becomes a matter of conflicting rumor and legend. Some believe he still lives with a score or more of loyal followers, keeping court in the wilds somewhere, a careful and ruthless bandit who takes care that none survive his attacks to carry tales anywhere. When entire caravans vanish at times anywhere between the High Dale and far-off Impiltur, he is blamed by talk in the taverns.

Gondegal was said to be a tall, gray-haired warrior of considerable personal skill and intelligence. His badge was a gray wolf's head, face on, with red eyes. Caravan guards often warn merchants to beef up the escort on a particular caravan, "else thy gold'll soon be gilding Gondegal's throne." Gondegal was an impecctable swordsman and somewhat chaotic in his self-professed neutral alignment. If he does indeed yet live, the magic or treasure he carries, and who his allies might be, are all unknown.

Gondegal's reign had a great influence on the King of Cormyr, at that time in his second decade of rule. Not only was Azoun forced to put down an effective rebellion in his own country, he was forced to pay more attention to matters outside Suzail, to become the ruler of a nation as opposed to a city-state. Further, the bloodless assault on Arabel was Azoun's first true experience at the head of his army, and the joy of "freeing" the people of Arabel is one that remains with him.

I go to sleep that night wondering what would happen if I tried to start a kingdom of my own. It would probably end in disaster, with everybody dead or dying. That night, I dream of desolate wastelands full of corpses.

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#970 Usurper

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Posted 25 December 2012 - 02:39 PM

Hey I'm running into an error when I try to enter the Fields of the Dead area. First I got this error:

An Assertion failed in CGameArea.cpp at line number 5012
Programmer says: Luminosity map missing: AR01PBLM


I tracked that file down in the NTotSC installation directory and put it in the override. Then the same thing happened for AR02PBHT, so I did the same thing for that file. Then, finally, I got another error, which was this:

An Assertion failed in ChDimm.cpp at line number 1246
Programmer says: ChDimm.cpp CDimm::Demand(): CRes pointer invalid (Check Baldur.log for missing resource)

And in Baldur.log, it says:

-----------------Start Logging Session-----------------------
CVisibilityMap::AddCharacter : ( 541, 674 ) #:17760527 R:14
CVisibilityMap::AddCharacter : ( 760, 594 ) #:20054322 R:14
CVisibilityMap::AddCharacter : ( 776, 546 ) #:20119859 R:14
CVisibilityMap::AddCharacter : ( 776, 510 ) #:20185396 R:14
CVisibilityMap::AddCharacter : ( 712, 570 ) #:20250933 R:14
CVisibilityMap::AddCharacter : ( 664, 546 ) #:20316470 R:14

Any clue on what I can do here?
The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#971 Tempest


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Posted 25 December 2012 - 06:59 PM

Posted this in the official Merry Christmas thread, but what the hey. Now taking bets on which creatures from this list will eventually show up in the BWP...

On the first day of Shieldmeet, Ao gave to me:

A phoenix in an elder treant!

On the second day of Shieldmeet, Ao gave to me:

Two Elder Orbs!

And a phoenix in an elder treant!

On the third day of Shieldmeet, Ao gave to me:

Three owlbears!

Two Elder Orbs!

And a pheonix in an elder treant!

On the fourth day of Shieldmeet, Ao gave to me:

Four scheming drow!

Three owlbears!

Two Elder Orbs!

And a phoenix in an elder treant!

On the fifth day of Shieldmeet, Ao gave to me:

Five purple worms!

Four scheming drow!

Three owlbears!

Two Elder Orbs!

And a phoenix in an elder treant!

On the sixth day of Shieldmeet, Ao gave to me:

Six wraiths a'draining!

Five purple worms!

Four scheming drow!

Three owlbears!

Two Elder Orbs!

And a phoenix in an elder treant!

On the seventh day of Shieldmeet, Ao gave to me:

Seven hags a'haggling!

Six wraiths a'draining!

Five purple worms!

Four scheming drow!

Three owlbears!

Two Elder Orbs!

And a phoenix in an elder treant!

On the eighth day of Shieldmeet, Ao gave to me:

Eight bards a'buffing!

Seven hags a'haggling!

Six wraiths a'draining!

Five purple worms!

Four scheming drow!

Three owlbears!

Two Elder Orbs!

And a phoenix in an elder treant!

On the ninth day of Shieldmeet, Ao gave to me:

Nine dragons breathing!

Eight bards a'buffing!

Seven hags a'haggling!

Six wraiths a'draining!

Five purple worms!

Four scheming drow!

Three owlbears!

Two Elder Orbs!

And a phoenix in an Elder Treant!

On the tenth day of Shieldmeet, Ao gave to me:

Ten worgs a'raiding!

Nine dragons breathing!

Eight bards a'buffing!

Seven hags a'haggling!

Six wraiths a'draining!

Five purple worms!

Four scheming drow!

Three owlbears!

Two Elder Orbs!

And a phoenix in an elder treant!

On the eleventh day of Shieldmeet, Ao gave to me:

Eleven pit fiends plotting!

Ten worgs a'raiding!

Nine dragons breathing!

Eight bards a'buffing!

Seven hags a'haggling!

Six wraiths a'draining!

Five purple worms!

Four scheming drow!

Three owlbears!

Two Elder Orbs!

And a phoenix in an elder treant!

On the twelfth day of Shieldmeet, Ao gave to me:

Twelve tarrasques trampling!

Eleven pit fiends plotting!

Ten worgs a'raiding!

Nine dragons breathing!

Eight bards a'buffing!

Seven hags a'haggling!

Six wraiths a'draining!

Five purple worms!

Four scheming drow!

Three owlbears!

Two Elder Orbs!

And a pheonix in an elder treant!

"The righteous need not cower before the drumbeat of human progress. Though the song of yesterday fades into the challenge of tomorrow, God still watches and judges us. Evil lurks in the datalinks as it lurked in the streets of yesterday, but it was never the streets that were evil." - Sister Miriam Godwinson, Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri

#972 -Deucetipher-

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Posted 27 December 2012 - 05:22 AM

Dios mio!

I just spent the last four days reading this truly epic effort. Amazing. I really had a blast reading it.

I was reading over at SA, but after I got through the first 100 pages or so, the thread turned inaccessible without registration. So, I moved over here to finish reading it.

Bizarrely, I found your LP while doing a google image search for alternate faldorn portraits, which brought up some sort of mirror page for your thread. I got curious, read most of the update in which you have everyone vote on the alternate faldorn pic, and ended up trying to track this thing down. Googling "syvishtara baldur's gate" brought up your profile on the BGEE forums, where I currently hang out, and I followed the links from there.

#973 Usurper

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Posted 03 January 2013 - 01:35 AM

I don't think I'll be able to enter the Fields of the Dead and thereby do the Northern Tales of the Sword Coast content. I get a crash whenever I try and I have been unable to fix it. Sorry guys!

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#974 Lurker of the north

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Posted 27 January 2013 - 04:08 AM

Don't worry about that, it's just one mod... plz don't stop.


#975 Sanctifer



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Posted 28 January 2013 - 04:05 AM

Yes please, don't stop this LP :(
(or maybe you're busy playing BGEE...)

« Regarde moi ces émincés d'oignons, je voudrais tous les enfiler sur une corde pour m'en faire une parure ! »

#976 Usurper

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Posted 26 February 2013 - 12:21 AM

I'm not stopping! I'm just insanely busy this new year. I wrote a tiny fiction passage.  Here it is :).



{A few pages of text fallen out of an untidy pack}
2 Kythorn, 1370
I don't know what to do. 
I've been thinking a lot during my endless trips around the Sword Coast. I can't seem to stay in one place at all, really - just trudge here, hike there, travail over to this lost forgotten wood. And I'm starting to wonder... why do I do this? Why is this even a way to live?
Well, there is the fact that people keep trying to kill me. That's true. Even within Candlekeep there were supposedly asssassins out to get me. That's what people were saying. I didn't run into any of them, though. Until we got out.
Then Gorion... 
And after that my life has been a constant state of kill or be killed. Sometimes a party of mercenaries finds me and attacks. Sometimes I find a party of mercenaries and attack. My compatriots, the Golden Company, have formed around me as a kind of humanoid shield against these constant threats. And I don't stop them, because I know I'd be completely lost without them.
And they keep dying. Again and again they fall, and we go to temple, and we raise them, and they patiently wait for their turn to do it again. Okay, some don't. Some have gotten out while the getting's good. But most stay.
So here we are, on the road again, just having finished killing some more groups of fighters who were taking over the Friendly Arm Inn. I swept in there and brought death in my wake, to almost everyone. 
And then there's the Weave.
My earliest memories I've felt it dancing and carousing just beyond the corner of my eye. It has always been a capricious, dangerous thing - and that's why I love it so. And it has always been my steady companion in my endless tour of death. It seems to be eager enough to explode over friend an foe alike. I walk into an area, the magic goes wild and free, and then I'm surrounded by bodies. That's... that's just what happens. And it keeps happening. And ...
Well, that's the thing I don't know what to do about. I'm finding it hard to even write this down. But I have to confess to something, if not someone. I definitely can't tell this to anyone, even Imoen. And I can't even bring myself to say the words in the privacy of my own room, or in the silence of an empty wood. But perhaps I can write it down. I need to get it out of my head somehow.
I kill people. 
A lot.
With magic.
And I don't mind.
In fact,
I like it.
{The pages blow away, perhaps to land in water and be destroyed. Perhaps to become the nest of a bird. Perhaps to be ... discovered?}
Gameplay note: Please indulge me a little fiction-writing here. This short passage is all I have time to do right now.

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#977 Usurper

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Posted 21 May 2013 - 07:30 PM

Guys, I am back into this. I've made another update, but I can't seem to post pictures from lpix.org anymore. That is the Let's Play-focused image host that the something awful forums use, and that I use. Back when I switched to them I got special permission from the administrator to allow linking images from this domain, shsforums.net, so that I could use the images here. However, it seems that during my absence the image host restrictions on THIS site have gotten more strict, so I can't create an image link with the following URL: http://lpix.org/1231...tormShield.jpg.  Who do I need to talk to about this?

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#978 SapphireIce101

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Posted 22 May 2013 - 04:20 AM

You would probably have to talk to K'aeloree about it.

#979 Usurper

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Posted 22 May 2013 - 07:06 PM

Ok it turns out the problem is not what I originally thought. Since my last update, the syntax for posting images has changed. It used to be [img] and then the URL, and then a closing tag. But now, I can't use that on these forums without getting the error message saying that I can't use that image host on this web site. I can't even type a closing tag without getting that error. The error message is incorrect, and the filter is actually checking for opening and closing tags. What I apparently should do is type [img=URL] and then be done with it.


This means that in order to post further updates on this thread I'm going to have to do a mass search and replace on the text after posting it on somethingawful.com. I guess that's not too bad? Let me try.

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#980 Usurper

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Posted 22 May 2013 - 07:08 PM


11 Kythorn, 1370

Aranor won't speak to me.


I struggle to remember why this is important. I look around, slightly confused. I feel as though some sort of huge sluggishness has clouded my brain, as if I have been asleep for months, and am just now barely waking up. But that can't be true. I traveled straight here from ... from... why can't I remember?




Oh, right, there was a demon...


I almost died... or was that my Image?


AHH yes, moon horrors!

And then, there was more...


Oh of course, a squirrel that heals. But we also have a mission from Pheirkas... don't we?


And now here I am, standing in the Blushing Mermaid, trying to talk to a mage that won't speak. Aranor. Right. I suspect it has something to do with the fight that we got into upstairs, and the Confusion, and the fact that Jaheira executed a few peasants. Why did I come here again? And why is that guy looking at me so funny?


Wait, didn't that bard down in the Nashkel Fair give me a letter to give to this guy? Where did I ever put that? No, its not in my Bag of Holding... Where is it?


Oh, here it is! I had put it in the saddlebags that are hanging on the mule in the interdimensional hotel room in which I also store my pet scribe, Firebead Elvenhair!


Yes, of course! How could I ever have forgotten? Silly me, forgetting the basic facts of life like how I have an interdimensional hotel room that I teleport to on a daily basis, and that I keep things in the saddlebags of the mule that I have left there permanently, which is in turn taken care of by the friendly neighborhood mage Firebead, who does not have a teleport key of his own and must needs stay here unless I let him go.


I'm quite dumb to have forgotten that.

While we are here, let's relax for a few hours.


And let's have Finch read us another story. It has been so very long since I've heard one of hers... almost a week. Right? She chooses to read the History of Calimshan to us.


...from the Plane of Fire. Some say this is where the bitter hatred between djinni and efreeti started, though others contend this was just a result of a hatred that was already there. Whatever the cause, the battle was long and bloody, and took over 100 years to complete. The Djen finally routed the attackers, but were greatly weakened in the attempt. They slowly declined, and the last mention of the Djen is just under 6,000 years old.

For the next 4,000 years Calimshan was dominated by nomadic tribes of humans. Tribes from various places - Chult, the Shaar, The Shining Plains, Chondath, even Amn and Cormyr - took turns dominating, only to be conquered by the next, nearly identical tribe.

SLowly, the nomadic nature of Calimshan began to change. As explorers and traders from Amn, Waterdeep, and Cormyr discovered the wonders of the area, some tribes began to settle down and develop new means of support, like fishing, farming, or trading. These communities began to band together for mutual protection, and soon a civilization was born. It was only 1,300 years ago that the Shoon Empire (now called Iltkazar) came into being.

The Shoons were a grand and glorious empire, and their excesses were the foundation of Calishite snobbery today. They grew wise and powerful in the ways of magic, and ships and caravans bearing the Shoon flag traveled across the Forgotten Realms. Shoon himself, a particularly powerful mage, created a book of great power during this time called the Tome of the Unicorn. The exact location of the Tome has been lost in time, but since the book is 2' by 3' and made of pure metal, it is likely to still be around... somewhere.

900 years ago the Shoon empire abruptly vanished. A great magical upheaval was suspected at first, but learned mages of other lands dispute the claim. A force that great, they say, would have disturbed magical powers and beings throughout the Realms, and that didn't happen. Sages who have studied the Shoon at great length have reached no definite conclusions, but the most popular theories today center around a plague or disease that decimated the population.

Today, the Shoon impact on Calimshan is still great. The grandeur of that empire is responsible, more than anything else, for the strong national character of Calimshan today. The ruins of the Shoon's greatest city, Monrativi Teshy Mir, can still be found in the wilderness to the west of the edge of the Forest of Mir (see below for more on Monrativi Teshy Mir).

Since the fall of Shoon, no orce or people has risen to soley dominate the land. There are a half dozen or so major cities, each of which exerts its power over its own area. About 170 years ago, a man in Calimport amassed a large army and declared himself "Pasha" over the land. Before that army could march, however, the representatives of each major city met and agreed to recognize the Pasha's authority in limited areas, and to pay a small tribute to him; enough top ay for the works the Pasha was expected to do. The oldest son of each Pasha inherits the title; if there is no son, the mayors of each large city select a new one. The current Pasha, Rashid Djenispool, has ruled over 18 years, and is the grandson of a pasha elected by the mayors of Calimshan 44 years ago.

Such a far away place. But I think I heard Khalid mention once that he was born there. Sometimes I feel so tied down by location and geography. Am I ever going to be able to travel so far away? I feel my heart rise up in sudden, strange longing. I just want to get out of here. As soon as I talk to Aranor, and get some stuff done here regarding the merchant guilds, and maybe one other thing. Then its off to Calimshan for me! Maybe.

With the letter in hand, I return to Aranor. I don't see any frightened commoners around. Maybe he'll talk to me now?


BRKVQ.jpg OK, I'll have a drink with you; hand me the bottle.

aranor.jpg There you go stranger, take a good swig.

aranor.jpg Now take it easy, its strong stuff. Too much and you'll be asleep all week.

BRKVQ.jpg Strong stuff! I needed it, thanks for sharing it with me. You wouldn't be Aranor by any chance, would you?

aranor.jpg I am the man you seek. What is it you require that is of such importance?

BRKVQ.jpg I have journeyed from Nashkel to deliver this letter to you. It's from a bard named Cearwin. Do you know him?

aranor.jpg I have known Cearwin for many years. I have been waiting several weeks for a message from him. No doubt the message you hold is of great importance. YOU had best hand it over to me.

BRKVQ.jpg As you wish. Here it is.

aranor.jpg So the stone remains in place. This is not the news I was expecting. The elves are very adept at keeping their secrets hidden.

BRKVQ.jpg What is this stone you speak of? Why is it so important?

aranor.jpg The story of the stone is this. A long time ago before the retreat of elves, the Wood of Sharp Teeth was known as Askavar, a now-ancient elven community. Over time, Askavar fell into ruin, overgrown by the forest and overrun by dire wolves and other strange beasts. Last Erastide, a scroll was discovered in the area, giving details of a stone buried deep beneath the ancient settlements. Believed to hold awesome powers, in the wrong hands it could sway the balance of power in the region. As you know, we have tried to recover the stone, but until now our attempts have failed. The loss of the Talismans can only mean that the enemy are aware of its existence.

BRKVQ.jpg Is there another way to retrieve the stone?

aranor.jpg Without the Talismans there is no way that you can enter the underground chamber. Having all five talismans will release the wards and make the entrance visible. To my knowledge, there is no other entrance. No doubt the talismans were stolen by Teldorn's men. I have heard rumors that some of his Black Gauntlet are in the area. The enemy may not be aware that the Talismans are the key. If you wish to help, go back to Cearwin and see if he's had any luck locating them. Once you have the Talismans try to gain access to the underground chamber and retrieve the stone.

Nashkel? Again?

BRKVQ.jpg It's a long journey to Nashkel. I would need provisions and they cost money.

aranor.jpg I will give you 100 gold now. If you retrieve the stone I will give you 3500. So... are you interested?

BRKVQ.jpg I accept your offer. I'm sure I can find a diligent party to help me.

aranor.jpg You are indeed a savior. Make sure you are will equipped for the task. Bane's followers will be tracking you, so keep your eyes peeled.

Well then. Off to Nashkel!

Gamplay note: I think this is a great way to get back into the swing of things, because I've never done this mod before. Off we go into the mutual unknown!

It is a long trip.


But it is good to once again visit this pastoral scene. Compared to the hustle and bustle of Baldur's Gate itself, this place is positively paradise.


When we get to Cearwin, he seems happy to see us.


BRKVQ.jpg Yes, I have spoken to Aranor. Having learnt the secret of the stone, I have decided to join your cause. Aranor believes Teldorn and his Banite followers were responsible for the loss of the talismans. Did you find any information on them?

Cearwin.jpeg It's good to have you with us. We need all the help we can get in our fight against Teldorn and his Banites. I've only been able to trace four of the Talismans. Luckily, Teldorn's agents were unaware of their importance, and sold them to a merchant in Beregost. However, the merchant has sold them in turn, so you will have to try and recover each one in turn. The fifth I was unable to locate, and can only suspect that it is still in the hands of the enemy. I have made a note from the sales ledger - it will tell what you need to know.

Cearwin.jpeg My spies have also heard rumors of a small group of mercenaries somewhere to the east, near Dystra's old watch tower. Kalindra, one of our agents, has already been tasked to investigate the area. She may need your help, so I suggest you travel there and have a look around.

BRKVQ.jpg Looks as if I've got my work cut out for me. Tell me more about Dystra's old watch tower.

Cearwin.jpeg There's not much to tell. Dystra was an old wizard who beleived the Zhents were planning an invasion of the western heartlands. He built a watch tower so he could detect any invaders coming from the Darkhold fortress. Most thought he was mad but considering the recent events, maybe he wasn't that mad after all.

BRKVQ.jpg If these mercenaries are Teldorn's men, we must act quickly to neutralize the threat. No doubt they'll be after the stone as are we. There is much to do, so I will bid you farewell.

Cearwin.jpeg Before you go, take this mirror with you. It will aid your defense when you need it. Let me know when you recover the Talismans.

Well, cool, a magic mirror! I take a look at it.


Gameplay note: Color in an item sketch? Say it isn't so! Still, Blur isn't so bad of a spell to have more of.

I also take a look at the notes that Cearwin took on where the Talismans are.


Oh great. I'll be running all over the place now. I think Bluebell Wood is closest to Nashkel. Let me start there.


As soon as we arrive at the wood, Phase Spiders teleport in!


Kivan manages to take them out pretty easily.


Their sword spider cousin also charges us soon after. But we shut it down.


I don't want to spend all my time wading through hordes of easily-killed spiders, so I send Alora and Kivan out to scout alone.

Alora.jpeg Hop skip to it!

ywD7r.jpg Shut up! Your chattering might drive us all insane.

Alora.jpeg You are mean, mean, mean! No wonder people don't like you!

I wince as they run off into the forest, bickering back and forth. In retrospect, this might not have been a good idea.

At least they shut up when they find a ghoul.

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
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