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Syvishtar's Journal

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#941 Usurper

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Posted 10 December 2012 - 11:51 PM

We take out one of them.

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And we go in to see what has been done to the house by the gate.

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We interrupt a conversation.

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Posted Image Valuable stuff, I must say. Here you are. A club, a staff, a dagger, and this nice armor. And four potions. I also found this key on the ground before I entered this house. Now give me my reward. Five thousand gold, as we agreed yesterday.

Posted Image The reward, of course! I almost forgot about it, sorry. Pumpkin, give him what he deserves.

As you can expect, the poor thief gets killed by an arrow from Pumpkin.

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And then, of course, we give Boris what he deserves.

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And also Pumpkin, who seems to be a ... man?

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The potions are of Antidote, Regeneration, and two of Magic Protection. The key is an iron key. And the equipment is a Studded Leather Armor +1 and the Club of the Archdruid +2. There is no dagger.

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Boris has better loot on him. He's got a Splint Mail +1, 3 different jeweled necklaces, and 300 gold. He must have been into the bling. And Pumpkin, poor bastard, didn't have anything special at all. You'd think he would have gotten something for that nickname.

Nearby we hear the sound of many wolves, and go to investigate. There is a wolf tamer and pack, which all attack us.

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He is wearing a Leather Armor +1 and wielding an Oak Club +1. It didn't help him though.

There are more riffraff in the Inn's yard.

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They aren't a threat. What is a threat is the huge bandit, ogre, and ogre-mage group just outside of the Temple of Wisdom!

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These fools are just begging for a magical smackdown. I shape my hands and open my mind to the Will of the Weave. The Weave speaks.

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It speaks in cow.

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I cast another Random Spell III at the oncoming horde. The Weave shows me how to sequence my spells so that I can cast several at once. I choose several of Random Spell II.

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But after I am done arranging all that in my mind, I realize that it is not all the Weave has given me. It has also given me a Delayed Blast Fireball.

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Which I of course follow up with my Simbul's Spell Sequencer of 3 Random Spell II's. Insanity results.

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I decide that I've done enough for one battle and step aside, letting Indira and Edwin do the honor of casting the traditional Fireballs and Lightning Bolts.

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But then, when the Ogre Mage shows up, I do lend a hand. OF FIRE!

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Minsc mops up the remains.

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We think that there are no more enemies to fight, but just around the corner are a whole set of Flaming Fist deserters!

I again use Random Spell III, and again get Simbul's Spell Sequencer. While I am setting things up in my mind, Indira and Edwin both cast Horror upon the group.

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Yeslick follows up with Holy Smite, as I unleash... nothing. My spell fails. But since we have a yard full of frightened deserters, I do not really care. We set about cutting them down.

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They are wearing platemail, but platemail doesn't help you when you're running scared. We kill them all and take the plate. Then, we go inside the temple. We brace for an evil sight...

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Posted Image How does she look like?

Posted Image Lucy is a beautiful young girl. He has long blonde hair, and is wearing a green dress...

Posted Image Unfortunately I haven't seen anyone who looks like that. However, I am going to check out all the houses as well as the building of the Inn, and I will find your niece if I can.

Posted Image Please find Lucy, adventurer! I will give you a nice sum as a reward, just find her!

I'm glad to just see this place not full of dead bodies. Piling corpses inside a temple seems like the kind of thing these guys would do. I approach the guy in the heaviest armor.

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Posted Image Adventurers! It's so good that you are here! My brother...

Posted Image Not now, Felicia. Please.

Posted Image Ha! You did let Robert speak, didn't you?! Because he is wealthy and influential! Okay, okay, I'll shut up.

Posted Image Good idea, Felicia. Adventurer, do you have any news? Can we expect any help from the Flaming Fist?

Posted Image I don't know. But we don't need them! Together we will be strong enough to drive out the bandits.

Posted Image I hope so. If you need more information on the attack, I may be useful to you. Since I was here when the siege started, I can tell you what I know. Just ask.

Posted Image I'd be grateful for that.

Posted Image Do you have any questions, adventurer?

Posted Image Where are the people... did they manage to escape? Where is Bentley and Gellana Mirrorshade?

Posted Image A severely wounded ranger had brought the news about the bandit attack. He died in my hands. I managed to evacuate most of the commoners, including Bentley and Gellana. Bentley wanted to stay, but I didn't want to risk his life. The bandits arrived earlier than we expected, so we had to protect the escaping people. I sent my best soldiers to escort Bentley. Neither of them returned, but Felicia is sure that Bentley managed to escape.

Posted Image I couldn't run fast enough, and was lagging behind the escorted group. Suddenly bandits appeared out of nowhere, as if they very shadows materialized right in front of us. I was shaking in fear. *shudders* Thank Helm I found safety amongst the trees, otherwise I would have been dead with the rest of those poor lads. I could see everything from the place I was hiding, and noticed Bentley and a group of commoners disappear into the darkness of the woods. Then Ignas, who was scouting the area, found me. One of the roads wasn't controlled by the bandits, so we fled back here.

Posted Image I can easily slay the untrained bandits, they aren't stronger than street thugs. However, their leaders and wizards are much tougher enemies. What do you know about them?

Posted Image We can't see too much from the temple, but I'm sure that their leaders are inside the Inn, probably on the top floor. Beside the Ogre Mage, my men reported two other spellcasters. One of them is known as Reufazo or Reufazeo. According to rumors, he is capable of turning people to stone.

Posted Image Unlike the guards I remember from my previous visit to the Friendly Arm Inn, who wore ragged leather armor and looked untrained, your men are well-equipped and fearless in battle. Did you train those guards so well, in such a short time?

Posted Image Ignas has found a few old chests in the cellars. There were many chainmails, swords, and daggers in them.

Posted Image Hehe, yeah, indeed, I found some chests. But we would already be dead if the *original* guards of the Friendly Arm Inn were our defenders. They were so cowardly that they fled the area as soon as they heard the news of the dying ranger. Neither I, nor my men, are local people. I'm the stepbrother of Lieutenant Aegisfield from Athkatla. My current soldiers were a group of fighters from various parts of the Sword Coast, originally heading for Baldur's Gate, but having a break here at the Friendly Arm Inn. They were going to Baldur's Gate to Entar Silvershield's estate, because some crazy diviner had told the duke that he would die by the hands of assassins. Silvershield then decided to organize an elite group of bodyguards, selected from the best fighters of the Sword Coast.

Posted Image I have no more questions for the time being.

Posted Image As you wish. I'll be here, if you change your mind.

Gameplay note: This is a refuge from the horrors outside, namely the endless MIDI track. It is a calm and most importantly SILENT area.
The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#942 Usurper

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Posted 10 December 2012 - 11:52 PM

I decide to talk to Felicia again, to see if there's any more information forthcoming from her.

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Gameplay note: SOOO tempted to take the "shut up, wench" line. But Syvishtar's been a woman, so he's been cured him of any misogyny. Probably.

Posted Image What would you like me to do?

Posted Image Charles left our family after the death of our father.He became a member of the Clan, but when I met him last time, he said he had never killed anyone, and that he would quit as soon as possible. Captain Ignas promised me that if we survive this invasion, and my brother really isn't a murderer, he would take him along to Amn. Ignas invited me as well, but I won't go without my brother.

Posted Image So how can I help?

Posted Image He is here in the Friendly Arm Inn. I know, because I saw him. He was far away, but I know it was he. If you meet him, tell him that now he can quit the Clan, and shouldn't fear the Flaming Fist, because Captain Ignas will take us along to Athkatla.

Posted Image I will do what I can. He might also reveal some useful information about the Clan.

Posted Image Thank you! You will see that he is actually a nice guy, I promise!

Okay. Well. It seems like we have a ton of people to find and the Friendly Arm Inn to storm. We are reasonably well off still, and none of us are tired anymore. Maybe it was the refreshment that the Weave gave to me once during battle? I bet we can take whatever we have coming at us without the need to prepare. Let's do this!

Posted Image Hop skip to it!

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We brace ourselves for battle and bravely march in perfect formation to do battle inside the well-worn halls of the Frien... what the hell?!

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Where in the Weave are we?!

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Posted Image What the hell... I thought I entered the Friendly Arm Inn!

Posted Image I was kidding when I said it was comfortable. You've been taken here the same way I was: we have tried to enter the first floor of the Friendly Arm Inn. It must be warded by some powerful magic, because any creature trying to enter the Inn is teleported to this cursed cave. Don't look at *that* door, it's just an illusion. I have tried it; and it leads to nowhere.

Posted Image How the hell can I get out, then? And what is that red creature *there*?

Posted Image A Crystal Servant. Some magically summoned creature. Tergius told me about these long ago. I don't remember much, but it is certain that they consider any creature as their master, but only if the creature has a certain crystal. But I don't have any crystal... Unfortunately, while it might be tempting, it would be fatal for us to kill her: these creatures are surrounded by powerful energies, and the lack of her presence would cause the magical balance of the area we're in to cease. The magical trap would collapse, and the released wild magics would instantly destroy us.

Posted Image Are you sure there is no way out?

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Gameplay note: It may be a little hard to see but Tergius has just teleported in and is standing next to Hertuk.

Posted Image We don't have much time! I can teleport you out of here, but my power is inadequate to penetrate the magical protection, so I can't take you into the Inn. You have to find the Crystal and return to here. The servant will then follow your orders, and you can ask her to teleport you inside the Inn. I won't go with you. I have to return to my original position and destroy any incoming reinforcements of the Clan.

Then Tergius unceremoniously teleports us all back to the road next to the Friendly Arm Inn.

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Posted Image I've already killed the Ogre Mage, and I found no crystal.

Posted Image Try searching again inside the walls. I will look around outside, in the southeastern part of the area. Good luck!

So I have nothing else to do but go crystal hunting. I hurry back inside the Friendly Arm's walls. On the way in, I see a door that I have never really noticed before.

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Inside, there's another Grey Clanner.

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Posted Image Please don't hurt me! Help, stranger, help!

Posted Image You there! What the hell are you doing here right NOW?

Matching golden elven armor, magical ioun stones swirling around our heads, gigantic fuckoff flaming swords in our hands... I thought it was obvious what we're doing.

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But maybe that's just me.

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Posted Image Robert is in the temple, the guards are protecting him. They were attacked by a group of bandits who tried to get inside the temple, but I've slain the attackers. It's dangerous outside, so stay here. I will tell Robert that you are here, and he will find you once the Inn is freed.

Posted Image So he is all right, thank god. I will wait here. Good luck, and take care!

The bandit rapist wannabe has nothing on him but... a Gold Key!

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I'm starting to have the feeling that the Mold Golem is going to be the one to give us the crystal.

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Posted Image Examine the keyholes.

Posted Image All of the keyholes are different sizes. Based on what the bandits were doing when you arrived, it seems that you need to have all six keys to make the golem identify you as its master.

Gameplay note: So six keys makes it 6x5x4x3x2x1 possible combinations, or 720. I don't think even Syvishtara can survive 719 Fireballs. We're going to need more clues.

Posted Image What a great day for adventuring! In fact, every day is a great day for adventuring!

I smile in spite of myself. Alora is an adequate substitute for Imoen, I must admit. They probably conspired together to keep each other peppy.

I decide to check the bodies of the ogres again. Maybe one of them dropped something I didn't notice. I go there, but on the steps of the Inn is that one dude!

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Posted Image You were the tattooed guy in the bandit attack at the Hall of Wonders!

Posted Image The sweet adventurers. We've already met before, haven't we?

Posted Image So you would be the leader of the Grey Clan...

Posted Image Wait! I would like to introduce my children first.

He spawns some platemailed goons off to the right.

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Then starts speaking again.

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But a voice from one of the platemailed thugs chills me to the bone.

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Wait... the King of Tethyr? I don't even know where Tethyr is. But then the magic starts to flow and the battle is on.

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#943 Usurper

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Posted 10 December 2012 - 11:54 PM

We all wrap the Weave around us in protective magicks.

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I don't like this guy's Wind Horrors. I don't like this guy's undead monstrosities. I don't believe that really is Jedyen! I pull out my scroll of Cacofiend and prepare to make it true. But Grellus has his own ideas about what is true. He casts Confusion.

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And none of them seem to like Minsc.

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As the Hellgate forms, I realize that I have called a demon into a crowd of both mine enemies and my confused allies. What have I done?!

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As the Cornugon spreads its leathery wings, I try to fling a Dispel magic out of Rhialto's Holy Book and fix this mess.

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The Dispel Magic hits Indira, and Grachus. Alora and Edwin are too far away, and Yeslick gets cut down by every monster in the field.

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Indira and I retreat to a still-Confused Edwin in order to face the one Mist Horror that follows us.

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I manage to take care of the Mist Horror the old-fashioned way - Magic Missiles to the face.

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Then I hear the Cornugon roar in intimidation, and fear for Alora. But thank the Weave she is off wandering near the wall looking for flowers.

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She has nothing to do with the chaos happening over here...

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I cast Random Spell III at the crowd. I am not going to feel bad about doing this at all. The Weave sends me a Djinni as the Cornugon Fireballs the shit out of everything.

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I manage to get another Random Spell III off before the Djinni opens negotiations. It is Sphere of Chaos.

Gameplay note: Remember guys, due to my totally awesome mage robe my wisdom is currently 19.

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Posted Image A repeatable wish.

Posted Image Choose then, but be aware that unwise wishes shall leave the wisher wanting.

Posted Image I wish that spells I have cast would be restored, that I might cast them again!

Posted Image Then I shall grant your wish and restore some of your lost spells.

Gameplay note: 1 spell from levels 1 to 4 are restored!

I don't waste any more time with the Djinni than I need to. As soon as I'm done talking to him I throw another Random Spell III. This one is a Hakeashar.

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I don't even know what that is. My next gift from the Weave is an Earth Elemental, and to leave my body and become a Projected Image of pure will.

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My projected image continues to fling spells at the problem with wild abandon.

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I don't know if the undead can feel despair, but lets find out, shall we?

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Some of the spells aren't really that deadly.

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But my Projected Image keeps throwing them out as fast as he can because there is literally no downside. I will still have all these spells when my image is done.

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Does it matter that I hurt my own summoned creatures? No it does not.

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Does it matter if I give one undead abomination a Fire Shield Blue? No it does not because he is also standing in an Ice Storm.

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Then I feel my consciousness getting pulled further out of my body as my Projected Image, which already held my full consciousness, casts Vortex.

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My consciousness is further projected from my Projected Image into the Vortex, where I find myself a spinning sphere of destructive energy absolutely surrounded on all sides by enemies. This MUST be heaven!

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I feel two things die. I have no idea what they are. I move towards Grachus, who looks to be afraid of the Cornugon.

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The air and earth elementals are locked into combat with the Cornugon. The air elemental doesn't look so good.

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It must have killed the air elemental and ignored the earth elemental, because the Cornugon emerges from the absolute chaos and attacks... my Projected Image! I don't even know if that's bad.

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After a few seconds, my projected image is near death. What is that going to do to my vortex?

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The Cornugon destroys my Projected Image, and turns back to the Earth Elemental. Now my consciousness it split into two. I can move my own body, and yet my Vortex is still rampaging.

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I retreat my body to a safe distance and continue to follow Grachus around with my Vortex. When he starts attacking my vortex directly I use it to move him closer to the Cornugon.

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And when my Vortex dissipates I just sit back and listen to the fight. Grachus actually seems to be doing damage to the Cornugon!

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I go up to visually evaluate the situation and realize that the cornugon is almost dead! Holy shit!

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I try to help out by casting an Arc of Death upon Grachus. It is then that I see a new horror that I could never have imagined. Grachus says "Come, my children!" and some... monstrosities... burst forth into being around him. I simply cannot describe them.

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Gameplay note: They are actually red-tinted Bone Fiends but are usually not seen until well near the endgame. Syvishtar certainly hasn't seen or heard of them before. And I the player am pretty shocked about their existence here in Baldur's Gate.
The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#944 Usurper

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Posted 10 December 2012 - 11:54 PM

I also cannot see Grachus anywhere. Deeply disturbed and horrified, I throw all my wild magic in their general direction. Fire Storm!

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A few failed or useless Nahal's Reckless Dweomers go by, and then I get one to stick - Infernal Combusion Enigma!

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Gameplay note: No save means more damage!

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I falter through a few more wild surges, and the next spell to come through is Miasma!

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Fumble, drop the magic, pick it up again, plead and beg, and eventually I get a Vortex!

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Holy Weaveballs I'm doing nothing to them!

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Wait... the Miasma just might actually be melting them into puddles of goo.

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Yes! They're dying! They're actually dying! As soon as my Vortex dissipates and I have control of myself again I try to burninate them some more.

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I continue pumping wild magic into the area as fast as possible. I don't even really know what I'm casting anymore. But those monsters that got summoned a few seconds back really didn't stand a chance.

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Poor guys. It looks like Miasma was the smartest spell I managed to get off. It ends up killing the last of the Moon Horrors, and with them dead, Grachus reappears.

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He's the pile of goo in the middle. I focus my fel energies in his general direction. Or, at least I try to, but I can't seem to make the gestures. I look down at my hands, and they have turned into paws.

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A wild surge must have half-polymorphed me. I stare at my hands in shock. Alora starts pounding away at Grachus with her sling, and actually damages him. I move to the side. Grachus slinks along the ground, a slime. Indira engages him in melee.

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I do too. I have no other option with paw-hands. Indira slices away at him, and he gives almost as good as he takes. Indira has to drink a potion.

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Also, periodically, his Blue Tattoo activates, giving him more Mirror Images. We have to smash those away before we can get back to hurting him. It makes the process take longer. Sometimes he is healed as well. Eventually, the goop speaks to us.

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I'm starting to wonder if there isn't something we missed. Something having to do with the reason Edwin has been Held this entire time. Something to do with a Necromantic soul split.

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We are at a stalemate until I get my hands back. Then I begin to cast spells once again. I summon my bunnies to give Indira a break.

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And then the Weave helps me out again with another Vortex.

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I'm not sure why, but Edwin becomes un-Held at this time. I tear into Grachus with the Vortex and the bunnies both. And finally, Finally, FINALLY! It is enough.

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Gameplay note: This was absolutely exhausting to play. Holy shit that's like some kind of endgame fight. Now, here's the question.

Press forward or give up?

A. Press forward! Pick up Finch and Squirrel and take back the Friendly Arm tomorrow!
B. Uh, maybe let the evil necromancer hang out in his little pocket dimension for a while. We can do, uh, normal things back in Baldur's Gate, and uh, level up. We'll come back LATER.

Also since we had two deaths this time, Squirrel is up next. So what class should Squirrel be?

1. Sling-based character, throwing rocks at all comers.
2. Sorcerer. He shall bring the pain.
3. Druid-type. He IS nature.
4. Another class that I will detail in my post.
The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#945 Fred The Archer

Fred The Archer
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Posted 11 December 2012 - 12:56 AM

A, 3

#946 AmyAE

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Posted 11 December 2012 - 01:12 AM


That was some badass spellcasting there. I'm sure you'll do fine without waiting to level up.

#947 Lurker of the north

Lurker of the north

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Posted 11 December 2012 - 09:02 AM

A, 1.
...if there's those cool exploding bullets from, i belive, DSotSC. It'd be like a tiny super-grenadier... otherwise: 3.

#948 hook71

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Posted 11 December 2012 - 01:41 PM


#949 Justify

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Posted 11 December 2012 - 10:38 PM

A, 2

#950 Quiet

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Posted 11 December 2012 - 11:14 PM

A, 1

#951 Sanctifer



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Posted 12 December 2012 - 07:55 AM

Ah come on, that tune :

What is it again ? Where does it come from ?
(didn't see anything about that in the readme of the grey clan)
« Regarde moi ces émincés d'oignons, je voudrais tous les enfiler sur une corde pour m'en faire une parure ! »

#952 Justify

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Posted 12 December 2012 - 09:21 AM

I want to say it's from Escape from Krondor, but I can't swear to that. I have definitely heard it before, though.

#953 Usurper

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Posted 12 December 2012 - 07:59 PM

Oh, on the main thread they said it was the Final Fantasy 6 overworld map music.
The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#954 Sanctifer



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Posted 13 December 2012 - 01:16 PM

YEAH !!!! That's it !
Thank you !
« Regarde moi ces émincés d'oignons, je voudrais tous les enfiler sur une corde pour m'en faire une parure ! »

#955 Usurper

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Posted 13 December 2012 - 09:53 PM

Hehe, no problem. I'm one of the few people who hasn't played any Final Fantasy games, so I was totally lost too.
The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#956 Usurper

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Posted 13 December 2012 - 10:20 PM

Here are the votes!
Press forward or give up?

A. Press forward!	...................
B. Give up.		...

So what class should Squirrel be?

1. Sling-based.		.......
2. Sorcerer.		.
3. Druid-type.		..................
4. Ranger-stalker	.

Ok, so it looks like we'll be giving our little furry druidic friend a crash course on what it means to hang with Syvishtar. I think that we can incorporate all aspects of what people are wanting with the little guy by making him an Avenger Druid kit. He will be able to shapeshift into a Wolf, Black Bear, Brown Bear, Spider, Baby Wyvern, and Fire Salamander when he gets to level 7. During that time he will be receiving several mage spells in his druid spell list, which is kinda sorcerer-y. He will wear the Cloak of the Wolf too so that he can shapeshift into a werewolf and tear a few new assholes before level 7. But of course for big fights he will be wielding a sling the entire time because I'll be damned if I'm going to send a low-CON werewolf into a melee fight with characters that can probably kill greater demons.

It's true! From the incomprehensible Engrish from npcs like Xephasnuffleupagus, the inclusion of 1000 forgettable npcs that feel like a George R.R. Martin novel, and the balls to the wall murderfest of overpowered and unbalanced enemies in the final battle, Grey Clan truly is a testament to the mod experience. :)

Personally I'm just completely in love with the massively assholish dialogue options that make you sound like a petulant thirteen-year-old lashing out at the world. Augh I fucking hate everything and I'm angry all the time! Fuck you, old man! You're not the boss of me! I will sword you until you die for even looking at me!

I should change the thread title to Let's Play the BWP: Balls to the Wall Murderfest, Swording 'til We Die!

Edited by Usurper, 13 December 2012 - 10:21 PM.

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#957 Usurper

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Posted 15 December 2012 - 09:30 AM

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26 Mirtul, 1370

There is a red crystal on Grachus' body.

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He was also carrying the Dwarven Helm that those dwarves were looking for.

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Then it is in a kind of numb trance that I look over the battlefield once again.

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I don't even know how to begin to describe what happened here. Best just to count my own life and call myself blessed. I turn to the others of my party. Edwin has quite an impressed expression on his face.

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Gameplay note: A new proficiency point in daggers! Woo!

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Then, mostly on autopilot, we go back to the Temple of Wisdom. I forget that Gellana is not here. I stand around dumbly for a moment and then speak to Robert.

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Posted Image Lucy has a gold necklace, right? She is all right, she is in the house near the Inn's gate. I told her to hide there, you can visit her if the bandit threat is over.

Posted Image Thank god she is all right! Thank you! May your name be blessed!

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Gameplay note: +1 rep! Yay! And 100 gold! Yay again!

I also go outside in the gathering twilight to give the helm to the dwarves. They are happy to see me.

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I take a look at the hammer they give us. I recognize it as Thundercharm.

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Yeslick would like this, if he were alive.... Resurrecting him and Minsc is 800 gold each at the High House of Wonders.

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Then of course I give them time to convalesce at the Elfsong. I know a good replacement for Yeslick though - Finch! She is practically his pupil in clerical studies.

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Posted Image Certainly! It was just not the same without the constant scratching of a quill in the air!

Posted Image Oh! It is so nice to have one's strengths appreciated. (blush)

Ahh, good old Finch! I sit down with her for a long while. We have a lot of books to talk about. It turns out that the new books we have collected to add to Finch's traveling library are:
  • History of Sembia
  • History of the Western Heartland
  • History of the Zhentarim
  • History of Ulgarth
  • History of Waterdeep
  • History of Waterdeep - Age 0, Tuabemoots and Pioneers

She is, of course, overjoyed. And since we have to rest here for the night anyways, she graces us with a reading of the History of Waterdeep as we all sit down by the fire.

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Northreckoning is counted. The city grew spectacularly, such that by 1248 DR both the City of the Dead and the guilds had been developed. The guildmasters seized control soon afterwards, ushering in a period of unrest and bitter conflict known as the Guildwars. The Guildwars ended only when the two surviving guildmasters brought in their own period of misrule. It was only in 1273 DR that the present system of government (or lack thereof) was instituted. This was the year that the Magisters were established and the secret Lords of Waterdeep were firmly reestablished. Since that time, the city has continued to grow and prosper. Humankind and other races come from all over the Realms to earn hard coin in the City of Splendors. Over the years these successful merchants have set up guilds and themselves become nobility, supporting the secretive Lords of Waterdeep who police the city fairly, yet with a light hand, by means of the superb city guard (soldiers), city watch (police), and over 20 black-robed magistrates. As a result, Waterdeep is a place tolerant of different races, religions, and lifestyles. This in turn has encouraged commerce, and Waterdeep has grown into a huge, eclectic city.

Hmmm, I wonder if I will go there some day? It would be interesting to visit. I also remember that both Ajantis and Finch are from that city. They were both far from home.

After Finch is finished, I come to a decision, and go talk to Squirrel.

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Posted Image Back to the party, I need your help.

We can communicate, I guess. He's not the brightest squirrel in the forest but he's more skilled than most. He also seems almost angry, for some reason. Very intense.

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After we equip him with all the druid equipment that will shrink to fit him, he looks even more intense.

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Gameplay note: He's wearing lots of druid-only equipment that make him a powerhouse. Stormcloud Kraken's Bane for armor, the Gift of the Woods for gauntlets, a Deep Red Ioun Stone, the Amulet of Wyvern Summoning, the White Oak Great Shield, the Improved Girdle Elves' Bane for 22 STR so that he can use equipment at all, the Boots of the Forest, the Cloak of the Wolf, the Ring of Fire Shielding and the Ghaunadaur Priest Ring for complete immunity to Fire and Acid, and he is wielding that weird weapon we picked up, Elgenon's Bramble - The Branch of Many Things. It is a club but it shoots poisoned thorns, so it is ranged as well. He's still only got 9 hit points, but he can probably survive. Probably.

While I'm equipping Finch...

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Posted Image Huh, Edwin, of course! It is so sweet of you to hint that I need to go chat with someone else, but then sweet is what you are, though you strive to hide it. Everyone is so friendly in our small company!

Posted Image Yes, not to mention that some of our friendly company has begun to think... somewhat improper... and downright rude... things...

Posted Image Oh! You must mean all that 'red-cloaked pervy hobbit fancier' stuff I keep hearing? Right? But I assure you that's nonsense. Huh, that doesn't mean you don't like me, right? Right?

Posted Image It's not that I do not like you, and I do like you, in some strange way, which is most definitely not *that* way. Erm, what I mean to say is that I like children... Stop staring, you dirty-minded cretins! In general, I like children in general, with the condition that they be well bred, clean and quiet if not spoken to... (Must stop... What am I saying? Furthermore, what are they hearing!?)

Posted Image I am NOT a child! I am a halfling! A woman grown in halfing standards! And I am very tall for my age!

Posted Image (This is as complicated as dealing with the Zulkir!) Yes, yes, of course you are fully grown. Indeed, how could I have mistaken so? I apologize. Just don't shout anymore!

Posted Image Now, Edwin, isn't that better?

Posted Image Strange, I... I do not feel so well. I need rest...

I am filled with a sense of squickiness. Must Edwin always bother me so? I try to concentrate on outfitting Finch. We put her up in the manner befitting the main healer of the party.

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Then we rest the night and set off once again out the gate!

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Gameplay note: Man it's hard to even see Squirrel.

12 hours later we are ready to once again try to enter the Friendly Arm Inn.

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Posted Image The flames await!

That they do, Meta Infernum, that they do.

When we enter, we are once again in the chamber of the Crystal Servant.

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Posted Image I want to get into the Inn. Teleport me to the first floor.

Posted Image As you wish.

She does. And as soon as we enter, we see a hostile mage.

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I fling out the first half-baked magic in my mind in his general direction.

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The falling cow interrupts Reufasio's spell.

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Gameplay note: It is really, really hard to catch that cow with a screenshot!

It also knocks him to the ground, and Indira or Edwin remove his spell protections. This is almost too easy!

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But he gets back up and casts a spell at Finch. Crap!

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She turns to stone!

Squirrel has transformed into a werewolf! He closes in for the kill, but Edwin takes out the mage with a perfectly-timed volley of Magic Missiles.

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I reach for the Weave and realize that I cannot cast any spells at all. I am reduced to using my sword.

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The illusionary images projected from Indira and I blend together in a kind of strange crowd as we cut down all those in front of us.

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Now I know why she fights like this! It is exhilarating! We take care of the problem there, and then turn back to our Finch-statue. Conveniently enough, there are 3 Stone to Flesh scrolls on the body of the mage we just killed.

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We take care of her and she is back to normal in no time. Then we explore this first floor.

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#958 Usurper

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Posted 15 December 2012 - 09:31 AM

We find Charles!

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Posted Image Your sister Felicia has sent us. She says that Ignas, a soldier from Amn, can escort the two of you to Athkatla. You can start a new life there.

Posted Image Felicia! I knew she was here! I saw her in the distance, but I thought I was dreaming! Going to Amn? Wonderful! Where is she now?

Posted Image Under the protection of Captain Ignas, in the temple. I am here to investigate the Grey Clan. What do you know about them?

Posted Image I will tell you everything in the temple! See you there later, and good luck on your mission!

But then we see another Grey Clan in the kitchen.

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Before we go up the stairs to the next level, Indira casts Resist Fear on everyone.

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It doesn't seem to affect me though. Weird. Then Edwin casts Haste and Indira casts Invisibility Sphere as well.

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We are ready. We go up. Upstairs are just normal bandits hanging out.

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We kill them as efficiently as possible. One of the back rooms has a lazy bandit in it.

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The women he was with don't really take kindly to us murdering him.

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There are three newly-created statues in the fireplace room.

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Thankfully, I have a few extra Stone to Flesh scrolls. I cast the first one on the guard.

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Posted Image Calm down. I am not Reufasio. You were petrified, but I've dispelled it.

Posted Image Eh? Ah, sorry. Oh you aren't that damned wizard! Where is he?!

Posted Image I have slain Reufasio. Anyway, you are in no condition to fight.

Posted Image You are right. I'll stay on this floor. Hopefully I still have enough stamina to slay some of those dirty bandits.

Nope, sorry buddy, got those too. I de-petrify Mary next.

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Posted Image You were turned to stone. Damien is waiting for you outside, but it would be unsafe to go there for the time being. Hide somewhere here, the bandits will be driven out soon.

Posted Image He is here?! Thank god! Okay, okay, I'll hide under a bed, hopefully these villains won't find me there!

And then I release the kid.

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Posted Image Quickly, hide somewhere, kid! It's dangerous to go anywhere.

Posted Image Okay, okay, I'll hide!

We prepare to go up to the third floor. This time it is Edwin that does the Invisibility Sphere honors.

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I cast Fire Shield (Blue) too, and then we go up to the top floor. We overhear a conversation.

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A strange thief leaves the area, brushing past us on the stairs. He doesn't seem to even care that we are there.

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#959 Usurper

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Posted 15 December 2012 - 09:32 AM

Then the Bandit Leader notices us.

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Posted Image My former superiors have most likely sent them. Their efforts are in vain, rest assured.

Posted Image I've no idea how they came in. I am really sorry, my Lord...

Posted Image Let's teach them a lesson.

Let's see, a closely packed group of enemies... I know!

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Oh that didn't work out so great. I try to get everyone in a room together so that we can defend our weaker members. But of course the opposing spellcaster casts Confusion!

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When am I going to protect myself against this damnable spell before combat begins?! The only one not confused is Indira. She is close to the front door so she tries to work her way into a defensive position.

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Unfortunately a confused Squirrel tries to attack me and burns himself on my Fire Shield! No Squirrel, you're not immune to cold!

Indira can't survive the assault from High Sorceress Linda. She falls to an insanely fast number of Flame Arrows.

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Thankfully squirrel stops attacking me and wanders off. Only one of the bad guys can reach us right now, and he's having trouble hitting his target, Alora.

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The sorceress can't seem to get a bead on us either. We just sit here, like idiots, as one lone swordsman tries and fails to kill us, repeatedly.

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When the Confusion wears off, it is ON! Edwin goes first.

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I follow it up with a Confusion of my own.

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Then, since this seems like the absolute best time for it, I follow up with Cone of Cold.

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Nobody can quite seem to hit me, so I just do it again.

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One guy has slipped past and into the room. The rest of my team pile up on him and kill him behind me. We are now alone in the room. One bandit leader tries to attack me. Edwin and Finch give him what-for.

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I attack him with Meta Infernum, but it is Edwin's Acid Arrow that finally does him in.

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Commander Greyfist presents himself at our doorway, and we give him the magical smackdown too.

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He survives that, but he doesn't survive the Blade Shower I throw immediately afterwards.

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Then, I tell everybody else to stay in the room. There is one more enemy, and she is mine. High Sorceress Linda will taste the Wild Weave today!

I start by casting Dimension Door to the far side of the room, keeping my friends out of the line of fire.

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High Sorceress Linda casts Magic Missiles at me, but my Cloak of the Shield absorbs them all. Then I try to go for the instant Coup de Grace that would end it all instantly - Insanity.

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But all I get is itchy. Or did it affect me?

Back in the room where I left everyone else, there is still one bandit leader that was not killed. He attacks Finch, who bravely defends the rest of the group with her Flail, Chaos Rage. Also, Edwin the idiot casts Color Spray through the group, confusing Alora.

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Back at the wizard duel, the Weave gives me Paithan's Fiasco and I cast it at Linda.

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My next prayer to the Weave gives me a whole host of effects!

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An illusory copy of me appears next to me, while I am hidden. I send it after Linda.

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Back in the room, Edwin makes up for his previous mistake by casting Horror.

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And a moment later, High Sorceress Linda's body explodes into chunks all over the room!

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I think it's hilarious. I can't stop laughing! As I cackle away, my Fire Elemental goes over and takes out the bandit leader.

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Then, surprisingly enough, there is nothing left to do here. We have defeated all comers!

The bandit leaders are generally rich. One has 4 diamonds on his corpse, the others have several hundred gold each. On one of the corpses is the Verse of the Dark Shadow.

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Well, it seems like either he was being lied to or he betrayed them, because he's dead now! Also, High Sorceress Linda was wearing the Robe of the Evil Archmagi. Another one. We'll put it with the rest. But the coolest thing she was holding was the Mold Golem Scroll!

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My satisfaction, of course, is tinted by the tiny voice in the back of my head saying that I failed to save Indira. Poor Indira. Why must she follow me to her doom? Why must any of them? I look to Squirrel. He seems wiser somehow.

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We go back down, and out the exit of the Friendly Arm Inn, and we enter the Crystal Servant's domain again.

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Posted Image I want to leave this place. Teleport me to the entrance of the Inn.

Posted Image As you wish.

And then it is back to the Temple of Wisdom to see how everybody's doing.

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Posted Image Thank you! We will always be grateful for what you've done for my brother!

Posted Image ... I must admit that I am a criminal after all.

Posted Image Charles! You said that...

Posted Image No, I didn't kill anyone, Felicia. I've said that already! But... well... once, in a tavern in the city of Baldur's Gate, a fat noblewoman left her handbag on the table. She left it there, I swear! No one was around, so I examined it. I found some jewels in it. *this* one is yours, adventurer. Here you go. Sell it, wear it, do whatever you want with it.

Posted Image Thank you, Charles. You also promised me to tell about the Grey Clan...

Posted Image I was a very low-ranking member. They never said anything important in my presence. I overheard one conversation though, it was basically about battle tactics, about how to organize half-ogre and human forces. At the end, however, they mentioned that the Zhentarim refused their offer to cooperate... this is all I know... if I remember anything else, I'll let you know...

Posted Image Better than nothing. I'll return later.

Posted Image Good luck!

Posted Image Captain Ignas will take Charles and I with him, to Amn. Only if we ever get out of here, of course...

Posted Image I will, I will. But if I ever learn that you lied after all, I will throw you into the Athkatla sewers, kid!

Posted Image No sir, I didn't lie. I didn't kill anyone, ever. I swear.

Posted Image So your sword hasn't been used too many times.

That's that.

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#960 Usurper

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Posted 15 December 2012 - 09:34 AM

I leave them to do their thing and stop by the Mold Golem.

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Posted Image Insert Small Brass Key

Posted Image You insert the selected key.

Posted Image The golem says nothing. The key disappears in the keyhole, and you hear the sound of cogwheels.

Posted Image Insert Copper Key

Posted Image You insert the selected key.

Posted Image The golem says nothing. The key disappears in the keyhole, and you hear the sound of cogwheels.

Gameplay note: It continues on like that.

Posted Image You insert the last key.

Posted Image After a few seconds, the golem says: 'You didn't insert the diamond key into the secret keyhole on my head. You commanded me that I must dissolve if this happens.

The golem dissolves into a puddle of moldy goo. Inside the puddle are an Excellent Quarter Staff, an Excellent Morning Star, a King's Tears gem, a Diamond, an Emerald, a Star Sapphire, an Inquisitor's Halberd, and a Tome of Clear Thought.

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Gameplay note: Wow, dispel magic on hit? It's like Carsomyr!

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Then we move up the road to find that wizard to tell him of our success! But instead we see a demon?!?

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Posted Image Sorry for saying, but you look like a demon... really...

Posted Image Huh?! Demon? Ah, of course! Sorry, I totally forgot about that. I'm the elder brother of Rudi, also known as "The Metaphysician." He is a great scientist, and has taught me the secrets of metamorphosis - how to change form, or polymorph, through magic. I enjoy it a lot. But you have come here to buy items, so let me shapeshift back to my human form, it will only take a few seconds...

The demon casts a spell...

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He casts a spell again...

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And one more time...

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Posted Image Let me see your items.

He has a selection of magical arrows, potions, spells, wands, excellent weapons, and enchanted armor. Nothing special, really. Especially disappointing coming from a demon. We just walk up the road a little further to find Tergius.

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Posted Image The bandit leaders are dead, and I've found this scroll in a leader's gear. Before you leave, could you take a look at it?

Posted Image Let me see... A verse... actually a coded message...... Yes! Check the first letter of each major sentence! I'm sure you will be able to interpret it. If you need magical equipment before you depart, talk to Jeremias. Good luck, child. I feel that we are going to meet soon. Very soon.

I look at the Verse of the Dark Shadow again.

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Of course! How could I have not seen that before! I need to resurrect Indira and drop her off, though, and then I can make my way there. Oh, and I need to talk to that guy who was looking for Mary.

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Posted Image I am most grateful, and in your debt, adventurer. You saved my beloved wife, a deed I will never forget.

Posted Image M'lady! I told you it was dangerous outside. However, I'm more than happy to see that you escaped unharmed. One thing that bugs me, though; how did you manage to breach the magical shielding that sealed the Inn?

Posted Image I've found a potion. It had a pleasant smell, and I was thirsty anyway. When I drank it, I became invisible! I was very surprised at first, but then I got used to it, and started to explore the building. I noticed that a young woman, presumably a wizard, was preparing to teleport a group of bandits to the outside. I carefully joined them, and then found myself at the entrance of the fortress...

Posted Image You were risking your life. You are a very brave woman, m'lady.

Posted Image I'm sorry, but we can't talk any longer. We're in a hurry. I must get back to a merchant conference in Athkatla...

Posted Image All the best, m'lady. Good luck, Lord Jesacco.

Posted Image Before I go, I would like to express my gratitude with this small sum. Please accept it. Good luck, adventurer!

Gameplay note: He gives us 750 gold.

And with that, we head on back to the good old Gate.

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Raising Indira is 800 gold, and sending her back to the Elfsong is free. I already know who I'm going to ask next.

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Posted Image I would tend to agree. Perhaps we should rejoin and continue on our way.

Posted Image A wise choice. Lead on.

Gameplay note: Ok, there are two things I'd like to vote on. First of all, who gets the Tome of Clear Thought? It can be anyone in the Golden Company.

Second of all, do you guys want to continue to pursue plot points outside of Baldur's Gate, or stay in the city for a while? We have a ton of things to do both inside and outside the city. So should we stay or should we go?

A. Stay in Baldur's Gate and do quests there.
B. Gather your party and venture forth back into the wilderness!

Edited by Usurper, 15 December 2012 - 09:34 AM.

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.