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#821 Usurper

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Posted 06 October 2012 - 08:12 PM

So you think I should make some excuse to take it off?
The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#822 Usurper

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Posted 07 October 2012 - 11:17 AM

We started talking about some of the more exotic Bhaalspawn in the main thread, which led to this:

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Edited by Usurper, 07 October 2012 - 11:17 AM.

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#823 Usurper

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Posted 07 October 2012 - 12:55 PM

Posted Image

13 Tarsakh, 1370

I feel like I'm leaving Candlekeep all over again. I've practically lived here at the Jovial Juggler for almost a year. I mean I have to pay, but everybody knows me here, I always return here, and I long to be here when I'm in some dank dungeon killing increasingly disgusting monsters.

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But if I am going to stop the Iron Throne from constantly hounding me and everyone that I care about, I'm going to have to go after them. I'm going to have to go to Baldur's Gate. Before I do, though, I need to do something about my equipment. I can't go up against a lucrative international consortium with scrub gear.

First stop is Thunderhammer Smithy. Taerom makes us another offer about the wyvern heads we are carrying.

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Posted Image I would like some time to think upon your generous offer. In the meantime, might I see your wares?

I sell 23 suits of Plate Mail Armor, and Excellent Short Sword, an Excellent Dagger, an Excellent Short Bow, an Excellent Halberd, and an Excellent Two Handed Sword for 4,105 gold, which brings my total gold to 20,874. I also jot down what he told me about the wyvern heads.

* 9000gp + wyvern head = wyvern armor, elemental and poison resist

Then I take a trip to my Armory and load up my Bags of Holding, Potion Case, and Spellbook with everything that I own. I clean the place out. Then I take it all to Thalantyr.

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Posted Image I have with me a rather strange sword. It is not for sale, however. Would you mind looking at it?

Posted Image I need not touch it to tell you that is cursed... Wait... It doesn't seem likely, but... I had not expected to see that damned artifact in this lifetime! Revenge of the Vampire, if my memory does not fail me. Yes... and unlocks what was it?

Posted Image I believe it is the key to something.

Posted Image Yes! It IS a key! But to what, I cannot remember. Some store of hidden magic... You will have to find someone more learned in these evil artifacts crafted in days long past. Maybe the Priest of Gond in Baldur's Gate, or a fortune teller could tell you more! I want NOTHING to do with this!

Posted Image I didn't mean to touch a nerve. Sorry...

Gameplay note: I'm pretty sure he's talking about this sword:

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I thought our quest related to this sword was done. We brought it to that cave out behind the Song of the Morning Temple and released the three spirit dude, and then got the stuff behind him. But maybe there's more to it?

Then, I show my entire inventory to Thalantyr and ask him if he can upgrade anything. I get a little lost on the details, but I do manage to jot down the recipes for everything, despire Shar-Teel's distractions.

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THALANTYR'S UPGRADE RECIPES (missing ingredients in bold):
* 3000gp + berserk sword + 2 Remove Curse scrolls + 2 Horror scrolls
* 5000gp + Gauntlets of Weapon Skill + Gauntlets of Weapon Expertise + Bracers of Defense AC7, Potion of Defense
* 5000gp + Mage Robes of Fire Resistance, Cold Resistance, Electrical Resistance, Knave's Robe, Traveler's Robe and Adventurer's Robe + Potion of Invulnerability + Potion of Defense
* 5000gp + Golden Girdle + Girdle of Bluntness + Girdle of Piercing + Potion of Frost Giant Strength + Potion of Cloud Giant Strength + Potion of Regeneration
* 4000gp + 2 Rings of Protection +1 + Diamond + 2 Pearls = Ring of Protection +2
* 5000gp + Helm of Glory + Helm of Defense: Gift of Peace + Potion of Invulnerability + Scrolls of Protection from Fire, Cold, and Electricity

He doesn't come right out and say what he can make with these, but we trust it to be better than it used to be. We can get the scrolls with Firebead's help. We teleport back to the armory to talk to him. We also drop off Jet'laya and Ferthgil at the Jovial Juggler.

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The first thing we do with Firebead is get him to scribe out two copies of Strength, two copies of Army of One, and two copies of Greater Malison for both Imoen and myself. He also scribes one copy of Dire Charm, Ettin's Healing, Summon Lesser Air Elemental, and Summon Lesser Fire Elemental just for Imoen.

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After all that scribing I try to get him to scribe some Remove Curse and Horror scrolls. He points out that we have two Horror scrolls already, and that he doesn't know the spell Remove Curse. I will have to go to Thalantyr again. And while I'm at it, I need to get some Potions of Defense.

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Turns out Thalantyr doesn't have any Potions of Defense, but he does have the scrolls of Break Enchantment/Remove Curse. Then we talk to him about the sword again.

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Posted Image Yes, make it for me.

He does some magical mumbo-jumbo, and when he is done, we have the Sword of Rage.

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So we decide to go check elsewhere for Potions of Defense.

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We do find one at Al-Mustafa's All Things Magical in the Friendly Arm Inn courtyard.

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And since we are here, we decide to go talk to whats-his-face the dwarf smith.

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Yeah. Thorengrim Hammerfist.

THORENGRIM'S UPGRADE RECIPES (missing ingredients in bold):

* 5000gp + spider body = Spider's Bane Sword w/ poison damage
* 5000gp + Boots of Speed + Scimitar+2 = Hasted Scimitar
* 8000gp + Ring of Fire Resistance + Scroll of Protection from Fire + Potion of Fire Resistance = better protection from fire
* 4000gp + Chainmail of the Dead + Diamond + Potion of Defense = better chainmail
* 10000gp + Girdle of Piercing + Potion of Fire Giant Strength = give incredible strength
* 6000gp + Wyvern Head = Wyvern head helm

After much consideration, I think that the most appealing items are the wyvern helm and armor, the better protection from fire ring, the strength belt, and the mage robe that Thalantyr will make. But altogether that stuff costs 38,000 gold. I ponder. I look in my bag. I realize that I have 9 Two Handed Swords +3 that I picked up from various skeleton warriors around Faerun. I think I will never actually use those, so I make the choice to sell them.

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Selling those gets me up to 18,324 gold. I have to make some tough choices. But in the end, Thalantyr's mage robe and a belt of great strength win out.

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Posted Image Sure thing. Go ahead and make it.

Thorengrim Hammerfist busies himself with his work until he makes the Improved Girdle Elves' Bane for us.

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Awesome! Someone's strength troubles will soon be over! For now, I wear it to help me in inventory juggling.

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Gameplay note: Just look at those numbers! I am like unto a tiny god!

We go back to Thalantyr as well and have him make the mage robe for us.

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Posted Image Yes, make it for me.

When he finishes, we have something that cannot be frowned upon.

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It is even better than the Robe of the Good Archmagi that Imoen normally wears! I'll give this to her next time out.

Our next errand is to meet up with Finch and give her all the new books we found in her absence. Her personal library is getting rather large:

	 Gondegal the Lost King
READ-History of Amn
	 History of Calimshan
	 History of Cormyr
	 History of Durpar and Var the Golden
READ-History of Estagund
READ-History of Halruaa
	 History of Shadowdale - Doust Sulwood Becomes Lord of Shadowdale
	 History of Shadowdale - Khelben Kills Jyordhan
	 History of Shadowdale - The Time of No Lords
	 History of Shadowdale - Mourngrym's Rule
	 History of Shadowdale - Shaerl and Mourngrym Meet and Marry
	 History of Tethir
READ-History of the Bell in the Depths
READ-History of the Chosen of Mystra
READ-History of the Dark Side
READ-History of the Dead Three
READ-History of the Dragon Coast
History of the Drow, The Dark Wars
History of the Fateful Coin
	 History of the Moonsea
	 History of the North - 1368, Year of the Banner
	 History of the North - 1369, Year of the Gauntlet
READ-History of the North - Recent History of the North
	 History of the North - The Crown Wars
	 History of the North - The Elven Exodus
	 History of the North - The First Flowering
	 History of the North - The Might of Men
	 History of the North - The Spread of Humankind
	 History of the Red Ravens
READ-History of the Unicorn Run
	 Last March of the Giants
READ-Sisters of Light and Darkness

But we can only stop to talk for a little while with her, because I'm not giving up on this taming animals thing. I pick up Kivan and we go animal-taming.

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Kivan's presence keeps the animals calm, and I am able to walk up to a bear and pet him without it getting aggressive.

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But if I try again too quickly, the bear loses interest.

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Gameplay note: For animals, you can only do this once a turn, which is 10 rounds. And one round is 6 seconds. So I can only do this once a minute, and it takes quite a few shows of friendship before they are close enough to join the party. Best to do this when you are also doing laundry or rewatching episodes of Community, like I am!

We casually surround the bear so that it doesn't wander away, and begin the slow process of showing it our friendship.

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Kivan approves of what I am doing.

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Posted Image This is such a waste of time, or should I say men are such a waste of time.

Oh for the love of the gods woman will you give it a rest for five minutes? I think this bear is starting to come around. It used to give off a distinctly unfriendly vibe.

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This isn't as easy as it looks.

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Insects everywhere!

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And then the Weave tries to help me out.

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It actually does help to be able to tell the black bear where to go. And when we finally achieve Closeness, then I invite him to the party!

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Gameplay note: After I saw his stats, I had to make him a berserker. This animal is a whole lot better integrated than the cow was.

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Look at all those hit points! He's got one more than Shar-Teel, heh. He's also stronger than her and has better INT. ha!

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He's got a paperdoll. Those guys at One Pixel Productions think of everything. He can even wear armor! His name is Black Bear. It's a string reference. I can't change it.
The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#824 Usurper

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Posted 07 October 2012 - 12:55 PM

Our mission accomplished, we continue on our way. Kivan says we should stop by and talk to the Sirines near the lighthouse. Perhaps they will help us? We travel there. Once we get there, the first thing we see is a small squirrel.

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Showing friendship to the little guy is actually rather difficult. I have to follow him around everywhere.

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We finally manage to trap the little bastard up against a tree.

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And after a few minutes of terrified squirrel, it seems to calm down.

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And I get it to come along with us too!

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Is seems like trapping this little guy against a tree for a while has taught him valuable lessons about not running away in the face of adversity.

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Gameplay note: He also has a paperdoll. And if we give him the Improved Girdle Elves' Bane, he can actually use equipment.

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We run into a little trouble on our way to the beach.

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But I can pretty much take care of it.

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And when we get to the beach, the friendly sirines are just hanging out, wandering around. I approach one and try to make a deal.

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After a little negotiating, I'm feeling pretty close.

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Gameplay note: It just takes 1,000 gold to bribe the monster.

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I don't know how this picture got here.

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I make her an aquatic druid, because why not?

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And then I go back to the Jovial Juggler, for what may be the last time.

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Everyone else is ready to go. Now, I just have to choose which people to take directly with me, and which will come after we've cleared the way.

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#825 Usurper

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Posted 07 October 2012 - 12:56 PM

It is time once again to vote for new party members! Who do you like best? You have 5 votes to spend, except for Fruits of the sea who has 8 this time around. You can use all 5 votes for one character, or spread them out. You can vote both positively and negatively. If you vote too many times, only the first 5 votes are counted. If there is a tie, the character with the least amount of negative votes wins. If there's a tie in both positive and negative votes, I'll flip a coin. After voting is closed, the top 5 characters will join the party until they die, when they will be replaced with the next-most-popular character. Below is an abbreviated roster of all of our current choices:

Duty Roster - Who is willing and able to aid Syvishtar if needed.

Posted Image Bardo Furfoot: A level 10 halfling Adventurer with 90 in Open Locks, 100 in Find Traps, 50 in Pick Pockets, 80 in Move Silently, and 60 in Hide in Shadows. His Backstab Damage is x1. He is also proficient in Daggers, Short Bows, Two-handed Weapon Style, and Single Weapon Style.
Posted Image Bjornin: A level 7 human Dragonslayer. He is a Specialist in Spears, Halberds, and Two Handed Weapon Style.
Posted Image Black Bear: A level 3 bear Berserker.
Posted Image Branwen: A level 5 human Battleguard of Tempus who knows level 1, level 2, and level 3 cleric spells. She is a Specialist in War Hammers and proficient in Slings as well.
Posted Image Bub Snikt: A level 4 human Berserker. He is a Master of Daggers and Proficient in Two Weapon Style.
Posted Image Conchobhair Strongblade: A level 7 human Holy Swordsman who is a High Master of Two Handed Swords and is Proficient in Two Handed Weapon Style. He also carries around his own magical two-handed sword, Conchobhair's Dragonslayer.
Posted Image Coran: A level 7 elf Huntsman with 80 in Open Locks, 98 in Move Silently, and 100 in Set Traps. His Backstab Damage is x3. He is also proficient in Long Swords and a Specialist in Long Bows.
Posted Image Dynaheir: A level 2 human sorceress who knows a couple of level 1 spells. She is proficient in Darts.
Posted Image Edwin: A level 5 human conjurer who knows level 1, level 2, and level 3 spells. He is proficient in the Quarter Staff.
Posted Image Faldorn: A level 7 Shadow Druid who we met in the Cloakwood Grove who can cast level 1, level 2, level 3, and level 4 druid spells. She is proficient in Clubs, Maces, and Two Weapon Style.
Posted Image Ferthgil Trollslayer: A level 8 dwarf Troll Slayer. He is a High Master in Axes and a Specialist in Sword and Shield Style. He also has his own weapon, armor, and helm: Ferthgil Trollslayer's Battle Axe +3, Ferthgil's Dwarven Mithril Plate Battle Armor, and Ferthgil's Helmet.
Posted Image Finch: A level 5 gnome Priest of Deneir who knows level 1, level 2, and level 3 cleric spells. She is proficient in the Flail, Sling, and Sword and Shield Style.
Posted Image Firebead Elvenhair: A level 11 human Enchanter who can cast level 1, level 2, level 3, and level 4 spells. He is specialized in Daggers.
Posted Image Garrick: A level 5 human Singer who doesn't know any spells yet, but could cast level 1 or level 2 spells if he was taught any. His Pick Pockets is 65. He is proficient in Daggers, Cross Bows, and Single Weapon Style.
Posted Image Gavin: A level 5 human Morninglord of Lathander who knows level 1, level 2, and level 3 cleric spells. He is proficient in War Hammers, Maces, and Slings.
Posted Image Imoen: A dual-classed level 7 human Charming Rogue / level 8 Mage who can cast some level 1, level 2, level 3, and level 4 mage spells. She is proficient in the Quarterstaff and Two Handed Weapon Style.
Posted Image Indira: A level 6/6 half-elf Fighter/Mage who can cast some level 1, level 2, and level 3 mage spells. She is Specialized in Long Swords and Short Bows. She is also proficient in Spears and Two Weapon Style.
Posted Image Jaheira: A level 1/1 half-elf fighter/Priest of Sylvanus who can cast some level 1 cleric spells. She is a Specialist in the Quarterstaff and the Cross Bow.
Posted Image Jet'laya: A level 8 Feywarden of Corellon who can cast level 1, level 2, level 3, and level 4 cleric spells. She is also a Specialist in Maces and Sword and Shield Style. She has her own weapon, shield, and armor: the Mace of Contrition, a Small Shield +2, and Jet'laya's Chainmail.
Posted Image Kagain: A level 6 dwarf Gladiator. He is a Master of Axes and Specialized in Sword and Shield Style.
Posted Image Keiria Silverstring: A level 6 half-elf Spellsinger who can cast quite a few level 1 and level 2 spells. Her Pick Pockets is 77. She is proficient in Long Swords, Cross Bows, and Single Weapon Style. She has her own crossbow, Keiria Silverstring's Light Crossbow of Speed, and her own armor, Keiria Silverstring's Studded Leather Bard Armor +1.
Posted Image Khalid: A level 1 half-elf Duskblade. He is a Specialist in Long Swords and Sword and Shield Style.
Posted Image Kivan: A level 6 elf murder machine Archer. His Stealth is 67. He is a Grand Master of the Long Bow, proficient in Spears, and Specialized in Two Weapon Style. He also carries around his own bow, Kivan's Bow.
Posted Image Minsc: A level 5 human ranger. His Stealth is 47. He is a Specialist in Two Handed Swords and Two Weapon Style. He is also proficient in Maces, Long Bows, and Two Handed Weapon Style.
Posted Image Mur'Neth: A level 4 ghaunadan Ghaunadan. His Open Locks is 55 and Move Silently is 75. His Backstab Damage is x2. He is proficient in Daggers, Clubs, and Darts.
Posted Image Rose: A level 4 half-elf White Dragon Disciple who knows some level 1 spells and can cast Chill Touch innately. She has 75 in Pick Pockets. She is proficient in Short Swords, Darts, and Sword and Shield Style.
Posted Image Safana: A level 6 human Treasure Hunter. She has a 94 in open Locks, a 94 in Find Traps, a 105 in Detect Illusion, and a 50 in Set Traps. Her Backstab Damage is x1. She is proficient in Daggers, Cross Bows, and Single Weapon Style.
Posted Image Shar-Teel: A level 6 human Sellsword. She is a High Master of Two Handed Swords, and is Specialized in Two Handed Weapon Style.
Posted Image Sirine: A level 1 sirine Aquatic Druid who is proficient in Quarter Staffs and Two Handed Weapon Style.
Posted Image Skeezer Lumpkin VI: A level 4/5 gnome Illusionist/thief who knows some level 1 and level 2 spells. His Open Locks is 50, Find Traps is 50, and Detect Illusion is 55. His Backstab Damage is x0. He is proficient in Quarter Staffs, Two Handed Weapon Style, and Single Weapon Style. He has his own helmet, mage robe, and staff: Skeezer Lumpkin's Dwarven War Helmet, Skeezer Lumpkin's Mage Robe, and Skeezer's Staff of Unpredictability.
Posted Image Squirrel: A level 1 squirrel Dreadnought.
Posted Image Thorfinn Hauskluniff: A level 4 human Frost Dweller. He is a Specialist in Axes and is a Master of Two Weapon Style.
Posted Image Tiax: A level 2/2 gnome Strifeleader of Cyric/thief who can cast some level 1 cleric spells and can summon a ghast in battle. His Find Traps is 50. His Backstab Damage is x2. He is proficient in Maces and Slings.
Posted Image Viconia: A level 6 drow Nightcloak of Shar that can cast some level 1, level 2, and level 3 cleric spells. She is proficient in Maces, Slings, and Sword and Shield Style.
Posted Image Will Scarlet O'Hara: A level 1 human Troubadour. His Pick Pockets is 21. He is proficient in Flails and Sword and Shield Style.
Posted Image Yeslick: A level 6/6 dwarf Fighter/Cleric who can cast level 1, level 2, and level 3 cleric spells. He is a Master of War Hammers, Specialized in Slings, and is proficient in Sword and Shield Style.
Posted Image Xan: An amazingly handsome level 5 elf bladesinger. He is a Master of Long Swords and Specialized in Single Weapon Style.
Posted Image Xzar: A level 2 human Necromancer that knows a few level 1 spells. He is proficient in daggers.

For more information and full character bios, check out Page 98.

Edited by Usurper, 07 October 2012 - 10:01 PM.

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#826 Suslik



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Posted 07 October 2012 - 02:01 PM

My vote goes to the squirrel dreadnought. Because look at my name.

Edited by Suslik, 07 October 2012 - 02:02 PM.

#827 Justify

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Posted 07 October 2012 - 02:13 PM

+5 to Jaheira, I'm really hoping she'll be able to make it in the final battle.

#828 AmyAE

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Posted 07 October 2012 - 03:20 PM

+5 Xan

#829 SapphireIce101

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Posted 07 October 2012 - 04:08 PM

+3 Kivan and +2 Coran.

#830 Tempest


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Posted 07 October 2012 - 04:17 PM

I concur that Jaheira should be back.

+5 Jaheira

"The righteous need not cower before the drumbeat of human progress. Though the song of yesterday fades into the challenge of tomorrow, God still watches and judges us. Evil lurks in the datalinks as it lurked in the streets of yesterday, but it was never the streets that were evil." - Sister Miriam Godwinson, Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri

#831 Quiet

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Posted 08 October 2012 - 04:35 AM

And another +5 to Jaheira. )

#832 Lurker of the north

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Posted 08 October 2012 - 08:36 AM

+5 Sirine (Yes, really! ...perhaps cheat her a pip in short-bows as well, since she's been using one for a long time now?)

#833 hook71

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Posted 08 October 2012 - 12:47 PM

+3 Imoen and +2 Finch

#834 Justify

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Posted 08 October 2012 - 02:57 PM

I noticed in the main thread folks were talking about changing the class/stats of the monster party members. I don't have any votes left, but making the Siren some kind of Bard, and giving the Squirrel an 18 dex would make much more sense.

#835 Usurper

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Posted 08 October 2012 - 10:20 PM

Yes, I agree. The siren really should be some sort of bard. For the squirrel, are there 2nd edition DnD statbooks around for animals? We could do it by the book, heh. The other idea I proposed was to spawn the animal trainer NPC that is supposed to be in Waukeen's Promenade somewhere inside of Baldur's Gate and just use him to do whatever the mod dictates for the squirrel and bear.

Here are the votes so far:
Place     Name      Positive  Negative        Total        Last Time 
          Black Bear  106                       106           (shitting in the woods)
          Imoen        54                        54            1
          Squirrel     38       - 3              35           (chittering in the woods)
          Edwin        28                        28            4
          Yeslick      24                        24            2
          Minsc        26       - 5              24            12
          Jaheira      22                        22           15
          Sirine       21                        21           (frolicking)
          Finch        17                        17            6
          Kivan        13                        13            3
          Xan          13                        13           20
          Kagain       11                        11            5
          Viconia      11                        11           13
          Khalid       10                        10           25
          Indira       10                        10           (joining up with scrubs)
          Coran         8                         8            9
          Dynaheir      7                         7           11
          Rose          7                         7           14
          Will          3                         3           26
          Jet'laya      3                         3           (looking for her sister)
          Garrick       2                         2           21
          Tiax          2                         2           18
          Ferthgil      2                         2           (in the Underdark)
          Bardo         2                         2           (joining up with scrubs)
          Firebead      2                         2           (resting peacefully at home)
          Xzar          1                         1            7
          Faldorn       1                         1           16
          Branwen       1                         1           17
          Gavin         1                         1           22
          Conchobhair   1                         1           (hunting dragons)
          Keiria        0                         0           23
          Thorfinn      0                         0           24
          Bjornin       0                         0           27
          Skeezer       0                         0           28
          Safana        0                         0           10
          Mur'Neth      0                         0           19
          Bub           0                         0           29
          Shar-Teel    15       -23            -  8            8

VOTING IS STILL ON. You know this voting thing takes a long time, and I'm still interested in more people's choices. So vote away. You can even change your votes if you like, just go back and edit your post. I don't mind, really.
The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#836 Aumanor

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Posted 09 October 2012 - 12:41 AM

-5 Edwin

#837 Fred The Archer

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Posted 09 October 2012 - 02:39 AM

Yeslick 2, Jaheira 3. - Thanks for a great story !! :clap:

#838 Crazee

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Posted 09 October 2012 - 03:55 AM

Jaheira + 5 (but be careful with her or she'll be gone before you blink)

#839 Sanctifer



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Posted 09 October 2012 - 05:55 AM

+5 Xzar
« Regarde moi ces émincés d'oignons, je voudrais tous les enfiler sur une corde pour m'en faire une parure ! »

#840 TDouglas


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Posted 09 October 2012 - 11:04 AM

I give +5 to the Bear ... It's better looking than Jaheria (and far less annoying), smarter than ... well, most of 'em actually :devil: ) and has far nicer breath (and better hygiene too) than ... well, most of 'em :devil: .