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#761 Usurper

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Posted 24 September 2012 - 03:01 PM

Yes, there are a lot of other paladin subclasses. There's Inquisitor and Undead Slayer as you say, along with Dark Knight, Lord, Champion, Messiah, Vitalier, and some others. I usually choose a subset of 6 sub-classes for each character based on what seems to fit them. Strongblade seems to be focused on his sword, so I chose a selection of more melee-oriented paladin classes for you guys to choose from. And it sort of doesn't make sense that an undead hunter would be carrying around a dragon-slaying sword and offer to help you kill a dragon. Same thing with Inquisitor. Would make more sense if Strongblade offered to help you kill a lich, or an evil wizard, as one of those classes. So that's why.
The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
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#762 Aumanor

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Posted 25 September 2012 - 01:40 AM

Thanks for clarifying that, Vorgen. Regarding your post on SA about selling the extra items, I'd suggest keeping track on which are not needed, but only selling them when you're about to buy something/burn yet another hefty sum for yet another resurrection. Otherwise... well, we all know how it goes: wild surge, unlucky throw, goodbye to all that hard earned gold.

#763 AmyAE

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Posted 25 September 2012 - 02:29 AM

B, just because it sounds cool.

Also I like how they did the dragon thing, here. Yes, it's a bit ridiculous that you're fighting a dragon at such low levels (although in the context of the megamod, not as much ridiculous I guess), but the equipment you get beforehand makes it a self-imposed challenge rather than an exercise in pure frustration.

#764 Beleg33


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Posted 25 September 2012 - 03:59 AM

The Mystic Fire kit looks interesting but it's useless until BG2 levels where you actually get spells on your paladin :/

Sme of the other ones look silly :
- Holy swordsman, yay 5 stars in two-handed weapon style, wut?
- Saurial, same stuff with 4 stars in dual-wield...

Tough choice between the rest but I'd go with F Dragonslayer (and possibly switch Bjornin to Militarist? that one looks decent)
Random spambot #8434678 said :

you should liquor multiplying great deal supplment your to office apparel predicated copy may possibly be an go through check out this behave as more busy den has an interest in pc

#765 Usurper

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Posted 25 September 2012 - 07:52 AM

In the main thread, they don't approve of the style and methods of the Dark One:

And of COURSE the best place to stash your phylactery is in a barely guarded shack right behind your unambitious content to hang out in wilderness in the middle of nowhere and do nothing of importance hillbilly lich ass.

Edited by Usurper, 25 September 2012 - 07:52 AM.

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#766 Usurper

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Posted 25 September 2012 - 07:57 AM

Thanks for clarifying that, Vorgen. Regarding your post on SA about selling the extra items, I'd suggest keeping track on which are not needed, but only selling them when you're about to buy something/burn yet another hefty sum for yet another resurrection. Otherwise... well, we all know how it goes: wild surge, unlucky throw, goodbye to all that hard earned gold.

Yes, good idea. As a Wild Mage it's best to not have gold just lying about for the Weave to eat.

Also I like how they did the dragon thing, here. Yes, it's a bit ridiculous that you're fighting a dragon at such low levels (although in the context of the megamod, not as much ridiculous I guess), but the equipment you get beforehand makes it a self-imposed challenge rather than an exercise in pure frustration.

Yeah, I do appreciate the extra help. And we haven't seen all of the help yet either. We will run into one more person eager to kill a dragon before we actually get down to business.
The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#767 Lurker of the north

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Posted 25 September 2012 - 10:23 PM

I'd say Dragonslayer (thought he was that by default btw? guess i remember it wrongly), but since you already have one (and there's only this one dragon) i'll go with Cavalier instead.
...so: E

#768 Usurper

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Posted 26 September 2012 - 06:07 AM

Looks like Holy Swordsman marginally edges out Cavalier for Strongblade's class:

So what's it going to be?

A. Holy Swordsman	...............
B. Saurial Paladin	.
C. Militarist		
D. Mystic Fire		
E. Cavalier		...........
F. Dragonslayer		..

So we will use the aid of Conchobhair Strongblade, Holy Swordsman, in our quest to slay the dragon. On another note, does anybody know how to pronounce this guy's name?

Edited by Usurper, 26 September 2012 - 06:07 AM.

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#769 Aumanor

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Posted 26 September 2012 - 07:10 AM

My inner powergamer is truly, truly disappointed in the voters' decision. While not the worst kit (that goes to Saurial paladin), it gives almost no benefits at this level (one extra pip into two-handed swords, and even that's only if Vorgen uses Shadowkeeper to relocate the pip from something else), and seeing as he probably won't get into BGII, he'll never get to the point where the kit would actually prove useful (Karsomyr). Luckily, he'll probably never reach the level at which his disadvantages show (paladins get spells at lvl 9).

On an unrelated note, do you think you could link more detailed character sheets to the chapter of heroes, Vorgen? It'd be a lot of help to me if I could help proficiencies and resistances when deciding who I should vote for in the party composition.

#770 Beleg33


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Posted 26 September 2012 - 07:44 AM

Wait for the 2nd next DSotSC NPC with his pet wolf for unpronounceable name, Cuchoineach or something :doh:
Random spambot #8434678 said :

you should liquor multiplying great deal supplment your to office apparel predicated copy may possibly be an go through check out this behave as more busy den has an interest in pc

#771 Usurper

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Posted 27 September 2012 - 12:21 AM

Ok, I can make more detailed character information. Proficiencies and resistances are important, anything else?
The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#772 Beleg33


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Posted 27 September 2012 - 03:32 AM

Thief skills when relevant?
Random spambot #8434678 said :

you should liquor multiplying great deal supplment your to office apparel predicated copy may possibly be an go through check out this behave as more busy den has an interest in pc

#773 Aumanor

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Posted 27 September 2012 - 05:09 AM

Slots for spells and special abilities, items only given character can use? You should ask on the SA forum, too, maybe they have more ideas.

Edited by Aumanor, 27 September 2012 - 05:10 AM.

#774 Usurper

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Posted 27 September 2012 - 08:49 AM

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13 Ches, 1370

Conchobhair really likes talking about swords.

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Gameplay note: He has enough pips to get 4 pips in Two Handed Swords, and 2 pips in Two Handed Weapon Style. Also, his voice acting is pretty cool. He sounds flippant and yet competent, just like a brash young Holy Swordsman ought to sound. He's also got the innate abilities of a paladin.

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With 7 Protection from Evils, he can make sure we are not attacked the next time I summon a demon. If he approves. And with 7 Remove Fears he can definitely take care of us when we start running away like Gavin did during the battle with the Dark One.

We of course take him to the Armory to better equip him for what lies ahead.

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Then we all turn in for the night. Everyone but Bjornin, that is. He works on something by the fire late. In the morning, he hands Imoen 5 Arrows of Dragon Slaying.

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We might not be so bad off after all. The universe itself seems to be conspiring to help us slay this dragon. With an upbeat attitude, we all stride out of the inn and head off to hunt down this dragon. They said he was south and east of Nashkel. Perhaps he has made it as far as the mines? We should go check.

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We start to look around the Naskhel Mines area. But we don't find anything but a pack of kobolds. A Glyph of Wild Magic does for them.

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Perhaps it is still further south in the Cloudpeaks?

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We arrive, and rest the remainder of the night. Then we prepare for the day of dragon killing.

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I send Imoen, with her Faded Cloak, out to look around. She doesn't find anything on the lower slopes.

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She does find an adventuring party from Gullykin on the upper slopes. But they're in the midst of running away... err, retreating.

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Posted Image Actually, yes we are. We are going to put an end to this creature's rampage.

Posted Image Then the best of luck to ye. You're going to need it!

We are in the right place. The dragon is here, and it has already defeated one set of halfling adventurers. Imoen comes back to tell us, and we all regroup and press in together. We pass a bloody cliff face and the sound of flies is strong.

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Then, past the cliff, we realize that not all of the halflings have left.

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Posted Image We can always use a good archer... well met friend and welcome.

Posted Image That's great... I can't wait to get at that dragon's treasure... er... I mean that dragon.

After discussing it amongst ourselves, we decide that Yeslick will take a break and Bardo will take his place. The old dwarf has done enough, and deserves a break. He nods, accepting our decision.

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Posted Image Our paths must run apart for a while. If I should need your help again, though, we should rendezvous at the Jovial Juggler in Beregost.

Posted Image It's been good being with you. But I'm sure you're acting wisely... Still, there's much left to be done, so let's work together again soon.

Gameplay note: Maybe I should have played this far first before asking for votes, then we could have voted on Burdo's class too. Oh well. For now, he'll be a Sniper. It is an elf and halfling-only class that focuses on shooting things with a bow, which is what he looks like he does. I also got him good at detecting illusions, something that few thieves ever train.

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Gameplay note: He's actually wearing useless rings and a necklace. Heh. That's funny. He is also carrying a Protection from Evil scroll that he can't use. But the most important thing that is is carrying are Arrows of Dragon Slaying that are different from the ones Bjornin makes. These... are evil.

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We of course outfit him as is our custom.

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We make sure to specify that these pieces of equipment are only on loan. Not gifts. Thieves always have the hardest time with that idea.

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Then we go back and begin to buff up for the fight.

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The paladins cast Protection from Evil on everyone. Jet'laya casts Resist Acid and Corrosion on everyone. She also Blesses us. Strongblade gives everyone a Resist Fear. I wrap Blur and Mirror Image around myself. And finally, Imoen gives us all Haste. We are as ready as we will ever be. We rush forward, eager to show this dragon a lesson.

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What is this?

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Quite a price to pay just for famous last words. We push on. We pass the dead bodies of a few halflings. Then, there it is, majestic and terrible as it towers almost higher than the cliffs. It begins to cast a spell. We are engaged.

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I'm not familiar with the magics it is using...

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but I start to work it out as some kind of electricity-related stuff.

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Strongblade shouts and scores a pretty impressive hit.

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I finish off my first spell, which is to call in a few more monsters to take care of the wild dogs.

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And then, almost as soon as it has begun, it is over. The dragon falls!

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Gameplay note: K. Dragon's dead.
The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#775 Aumanor

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Posted 27 September 2012 - 10:21 AM

This... Just... Hahahahahahahaha... ha... I just have no words for this. Was this one of the "chance to kill a dragon on hit" weapons, or was this dragons health just this pitifully low? Because if it's the second then it's just... sad. After all the crazy stuff modders have thrown at us so far, I really expected something more... formiddable. Now.. do we have anything actually challenging ahead of us?

#776 Usurper

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Posted 27 September 2012 - 03:38 PM

I think the next challenging thing ahead of us is... the Citadel. And I think Strongblade just beat the dragon to death. He was getting 30+ damage on it every round. I almost felt bad enough to cheat-heal the dragon heh.

Edited by Usurper, 27 September 2012 - 06:01 PM.

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#777 Usurper

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Posted 28 September 2012 - 09:02 AM

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15 Ches, 1370

We did it!

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We all celebrate and do silly things with the dragon's head. After a while, we calm down and look around for the hoard. We see what looks to be a little bit of a crack in the nearby rock wall and decide to explore it.

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It is not just a hoard, it is a hatchery! We are attacked by baby dragons. But they are not really threats.

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In the next hall we find the actual hoard. And it is shiny.

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First, there is an entire backpack full of gems and jewelry! And not the cheap stuff, these are diamonds and emeralds and rogue stones!

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There are also some potions of Fire Giant Strength, Fire Resistance, and Fiery Burning. There is a Sling +1. There is 2,200 gold! And there is also the Ancient Relic of Lathander that we seek.

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Gameplay note: I guess the skull motif was more popular in Lathanderic church iconography in ancient times. Now they are more partial to the rising sun I believe.

Well, we have what we came for, so we turn around and go back the way we came. But we hear some bad news on the way back.

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Oh damn. We're not going to get paid are we. When we get back to Nashkel, we are walking down the street when I recognize Oublek, that guy who asked us to find Prism and return the emeralds he stole so long ago. I remembered that I kept them before, but I have so many now, I might as well pretend like they are the ones Prism got. I approach Oublek.

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Posted Image I've come to turn in a bounty, and collect the reward that is duly mine.

Posted Image Well, it is good to see you attempting to earn honest gold, even if it is through the unsavory task of bounty hunting. I shall pay you, though less than the posted amount. We shall store the extra in case you decide to... alter the facts in any further dealings.

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I've made a terrible mistake.

We go back towards the Nashkel Inn. It is there that we get the greeting we have earned.

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Then he hands us the gold and wanders off. Weird.

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Gameplay note: I went into the Inn then and the original Jeremy was standing there. I talked to him and he gave me another 2500 gold. Nice exploit if you're into that. I'm not, though, so I deleted the excess gold.

We spend some time in the Inn analyzing the fight and talking about other dragon kills that Strongblade and Bjornin have been involved in. The consensus is that this wasn't so bad, all things considered. Then we go back outside, where we are approached by a little girl.

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Posted Image Yes I am, and these are my loyal sidekicks!

Posted Image I'm Megan Ghastkill, the mayor's daughter. My mother sent me to ask you to come talk to her. She's waiting for you in the mayor's house.

Posted Image Why does she need to talk to me?

Posted Image My baby brother was taken from our house and she needs your help to find him.

Posted Image Lead on.

We all follow the little girl down the path to her parents' house.

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When we get inside, Gillian Ghastkill meets us right at the door.

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Posted Image Yes she found us... what's the problem?

Posted Image It's my son... he's missing, gone! I woke up this morning and he wasn't in his bed. I don't know what could have happened to him or where he could be. He's only eight months old. Please, you have to help me! I feel something horrible has happened.

Posted Image Is there anyone who would want to cause harm to him or your family?

Posted Image Not that I am aware of.

Posted Image Do you have any ideas at all about what might have happened or any information for us to go on?

Posted Image No I don't. Please... you have to find him!

You gotta help me out a little here lady!

Posted Image Did anyone else have access to the child? A family member, friend?

Posted Image Only Megan, my other children, my husband, Clairis, and I were ever with him.

Posted Image Who is Clairis? One of your children or a friend?

Posted Image She's my son's nanny. We hired her two months ago. However, it couldn't be her. She's so good with him.

Posted Image What more can you tell us about her? Where is she from? What does she look like?

Posted Image Well... she said she was from Calimshan. She's a young half-elf, very sweet, pretty, good with children and she has golden hair.

Posted Image Did she have any family or friends that you know of? Do you know where we can find her?

Posted Image I don't know... she never mentioned family and I never asked her about her private life. So I don't know about friends. Oh please, you will find him won't you?

Imoen kicks me in the foot.

Posted Image We will do everything we can, Mrs. Ghastkill.

Posted Image Thank you Syvishtara, thank you!

So we get ready to ... uh... actually I have no idea where to start. I guess we should ask around for where this blonde half-elf goes. We head towards the Inn. Just north of it, a woman meets us and also asks us for help.

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Imoen kicks me again.

Posted Image Of course, m'lady.

Somewhere along the way, huh? We'll have to look for it on our way back to turn in the Lathander relic.

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On the road we find a pack of hobgoblins first.

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I try out a new spell on them, Ice Storm.

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Many of them don't make it through.

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We loot and move on. We see someone standing right in the middle of the road, with a wolf to boot, and worry if we are going to be assaulted by some kind of super-bandit.

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#778 Usurper

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Posted 28 September 2012 - 09:02 AM

But he seems friendly.

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Posted Image Perhaps, and who might you be?

Posted Image My name, fair travelers, is CuChoinneach, and this is my companion and friend Madadh n'Sgail. Perhaps I can be of help to you. If I may inquire as to what ye seek.

Posted Image My name is Syvishtara and my party and I have been given the task to find the son of the Mayor of Nashkel. But as of now, we have no clues to go on other than the baby was last seen with an elven maiden by the name of Clairis. His mother fears that something terrible and evil has befell him.

Posted Image It would appear that I indeed can be of assistance. This sounds like the work of a very evil creature that I have been in search of these past few months, and my search is nearly over. I have traced him to the south of here. This fiend goes by the name of Lord Daerthmac, and his nature is that of the most vile and evil that should be smote from the face of Faerun. I can sense that your quest is one in the same with mine. It's not usually my way to do so but perhaps, in light of the situations and tasks at hand, we should join forces? What say ye?

Posted Image Agreed. It is better to face these things as one, than to face them alone. Welcome to ye!

I ask Bjornin to go on ahead and tell those at the Jovial Juggler to make a room for one more. CuChoinneach is the newest member of our army.

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Gameplay note: CuChoinneach is a ranger that is nothing like Drizzt at all.

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As you can see, he is an elf, while Drizzt is a drow.

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Also, he uses a scimitar and shield, whereas Drizzt uses two scimitars. Also, his scimitar is called Mairial The Death Hunter.

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Here is the full description:

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Drizzt's twin scimitars have different names entirely. And CuChoinneach's personal leather armor is of course much different from Drizzt's. Probably. I wouldn't know.

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He is a normal ranger, and there is no point in changing his class because he is only going to be with us temporarily.

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He also has an animal companion.

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This wolf is stealthy, can heal, detect evil, charm people, cast true sight, and bouncyroots multiple targets as a normal attack, but is not otherwise overpowered. Haiass was never this good, but that's because you must understand that we have stepped out of our own story and become bit players in another protagonist's tale. You may feel a slight tingling sensation. That is the feeling of Plot Armor leaving our body and pressing itself up against the hot, hot elven ass of CuChoinneach and his wolf Madadh n'Sgail.

I'm not going to give him any equipment. He's already a ranger with a -7 AC. His wolf can make up for any shortcomings he has.

We still have to find the necklace, though, so we keep walking along the pathway searching for shiny things. We are ambushed by a pack of wolfweres and dire wolves. Madadh opens up on them like a wolven spellcasting woodpecker.

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It's... it's some kind of single-target bouncing entanglement spell, and he keeps firing it like he's Kivan with a bow. Holy crap! I wish the wolf could write that shit down.

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We kill them all, and somehow I knew this would happen. I could feel it in my bones. We find Jules' necklace.

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We return it post-haste!

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Uh, thanks CuChoinneach!

Posted Image This journey is turning out better than I thought.

Uh, thanks Conchobhair!

Then it is back to Beregost. We need to return this Lathander relic we got from killing the dragon. And I think Otho is already done making that special weapon he promised us. If what CuChoinneach says is true we could really use all the edges we can get our grubby little paws on.

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Otho Truehammer is quite delighted to see us again!

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I'm really looking forward to this weapon. What kind of awesome thing has he created for us?

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Oh. A mace +1. That's nice... I guess. I smile weakly and leave the smithy. Outside, that old man approaches me again. The one that I keep meeting now and again. What's his name... Elminster!

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Posted Image Yes it does.But if you ask me I think it's a bit more than fate old man. I think you are following me around... are you making sure I don't get myself into trouble? Well let me tell you, I can take care of myself just fine!

Posted Image I don't doubht for a moment you can't, young Syvishtara. It is not for me to interfere nor guide you in the path that you must take on your own. However, as I say that, I would like to provide one thing for you. You received an expertly crafted weapon from the smith Otho. That weapon is a very important item for you to retain. You will need its strength in the very near future. If you will allow me this once I would like to place an enchantment on that item to further its strength and performance. But, after I do this, I suggest that you take this weapon and have a blessing placed upon it. The evil that you are about to face requires a little help from divine intervention. And I believe someone in a most holy position suggested that they would help you when you needed it. Maybe this is the time? But for now... I will perform this task and take my leave of you.

Then a holy white light envelops Elminster and he touches the weapon.

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I take a look at the weapon again, and it seems to have improved. This is looking better all the time.

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I'm pretty sure that Elminster was strongly implying that I get this mace blessed by Morninglord Jarent of Lathander. I guess I can find him at the Burning Wizard.

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Wait, Jarent, I want to... crap. He took off. I guess I have to catch up with him at the temple. I do. I think Jarent has been celebrating with the holy wine or something. He seems to have developed a stutter.

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Posted Image Well, I was told that I should seek your help so here I am. He told me that I should have someone of divine influence place a blessing upon this weapon. Though I don't completely understand why.

Posted Image Well Syvishtara, we don't always understand the twists and turns our paths take. But eventually you will get your bearings and all will become clear. Now let me see your weapon, it's the least I can do for what you have done for us. I would be happy to provide the most holy blessings of Lathander upon your mace.

Jarent is also enveloped in divine white light.

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Then, when I look at the mace once more, I am completely shocked.

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Gameplay note: Yes, my friends, it is true. We have just witnessed the creation of the Mace of Disruption; yea, verily, we have been intimately involved in its very construction. This is the mace that allowed Minsc to kill Kangaxx the Demilich in one round during my very first playthrough of Baldur's Gate 2 so many years ago. This is everyone's answer to powerful undead. This is the reason being a necromancer is ultimately a losing proposition. This is the one, true Mace of Disruption, and our true reward for killing the Green Forest Dragon.

I reverently hand the mace over to Jet'laya. She takes it with equal reverence, and gives it a few swings. It hums in the air with what sounds like an orchestral hymn. I can't wait to see it in action. CuChoinneach uses that as a segue into telling us an important detail - he knows where the baby has been taken, and where the great evil lies. It is Castle Daerthmac. It is far to the south. He can guide us there.

And so we go, for days and days.

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We survive bandit and ettercap ambushes and eventualy arrive at the desolate and forboding path leading to Castle Daerthmac.

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Gameplay note: Ok, for dramatic effect I did not include a vote for Bardo Furfoot's class last update. But we can do it now.

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He has mediocre stats all around, with the highest being 14s in DEX and WIS. He's a halfling. He's a thief. He's got a bow and arrows in his character portrait. He's from Gullykin. He managed to get ahold of dragon slaying arrows. And he's the only halfling that didn't run from the dragon. What does all this sound like?

A. He's a Sniper. It's a bow-based elf-and-halfling-only thief class. Sounds good.
B. He's an Adventurer. The little guy is doing his best to live up to all the stories he's heard of other great Gullykin adventurers like Froyo and San, and he's out to make a name for himself. He definitely lucked out by meeting us.
C. He's a Sharpshooter. Not a Sniper. Come on. That would be silly. You can tell by the way he holds his bow, and the number of snipers I've seen in my time.
D. He's an Expert. He may not be so good at the fighting thing but when it comes to non-combat activities he's indispensable.
E. He's a true Gentleman. He steals from the rich and gives to Gullykin. He's a really swell guy, great to have around! Problem is that he considers us to be part of the rich. (If he joins us I will raise the party's rep from 13 to 16.)

Let your votes be known!

Edited by Usurper, 28 September 2012 - 09:07 AM.

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#779 Aumanor

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Posted 28 September 2012 - 01:14 PM

D. Expert. The only way to make this guy even remotely useful. Losing backstabs shouldn't be a problem given your playstyle, and his stats are just too mediocre for him to make a difference with any other kit. Besides, this will be a nice change of pace from sending the meatshield to activate al the traps, and should let you save on healing spells, thus prolonging your adventuring day. Not to mention let you use less potions during combat. And our two high-constitutioned (I'm not sure this is even a word, english is stil a bit less than intuitive at times) members will sure be thankful. After all, we wouldn't want our totally-not-overgeared-(that sword...)-paladin or our NOT-DRIZZ'T Chosen friend to get peppered by arrows, burned, electrocuted, turned to glop or insta-killed, now would we?



#780 AmyAE

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Posted 28 September 2012 - 03:55 PM

This wolf is stealthy, can heal, detect evil, charm people, cast true sight, and bouncyroots multiple targets as a normal attack, but is not otherwise overpowered. Haiass was never this good, but that's because you must understand that we have stepped out of our own story and become bit players in another protagonist's tale. You may feel a slight tingling sensation. That is the feeling of Plot Armor leaving our body and pressing itself up against the hot, hot elven ass of CuChoinneach and his wolf Madadh n'Sgail.

I started laughing out loud at the first sentence and it only got better as I went on. Well-done.

Also, B. [EDIT: I just realized I wrote E before. That was dumb.]

Edited by AmyAE, 29 September 2012 - 02:10 AM.