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Syvishtar's Journal

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#721 Usurper

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Posted 16 September 2012 - 12:35 AM

Later on we find a bunch of ogres and ogrillions trying to ambush us.

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I decide to see what the Weave has to say about this. It uses me to speak a secret word.

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Then I have to run around like a fool until the ogres are dead. It doesn't take long.

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Finch seems to gain new heights in ogre-killing then.

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We keep going and eventually, near the shore, find The Surgeon.

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Posted Image If you desire, I have the skills necessary to heal you.

Posted Image Certainly, we do need your healing; but first, could you tell us who you are?

Posted Image You may call me the Surgeon. I heal others in penance for what I have done in my past. Many have died because of a foolish act of charity on my part. I have a brother, an evil man by the name of Davaeorn. He lives because I was too weak hearted to kill him when I had the chance. Many have died at his hands, including... including our own father. I have heard that he has come to this region, and I hope to meet him one day, to rectify my previous mistake. Your group seem to be adventurers... perhaps you might come to fight my brother. This may be wishful thinking on my part... but take this, it would help you in any fight against magic users.

Posted Image Lie still and allow me to do my work.

And then he heals Yeslick of his wounds.

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And with that, he walks off. We don't even get to tell him the Davaeorn is dead. Sorry dude, you're going to be wandering around forever.

Gameplay note: I just realized that this is a base game area, all of these encounters are base game encounters, and I have never, ever been here before. I guess the narrator cluelessness starts now!

We go down into a little cove, and it is down there that we find a shipwreck and some hostile wolves.

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You can probably guess what happens next.

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We dig around in the shipwreck for a bit and find some interesting items.

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They are the Deceiver's blade and Ettin's Wand.

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Gameplay note: I remember way back in the halcyon days of the Internet, I played a MUD. No I'm not going to explain it if you don't know what it is. Anyways I looked at the code for one of my favorite swords and there was an entire section commented out, with a note at the bottom. The note said, "AC on a sword? That's insane!" I've never forgotten that fragment of code and neither should you. Indira would like this, and so would Khalid. HAHAHA like we ever use him.

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Gameplay note: This looks like it was made by the same guy that created the spell Ettin's Healing. I guess he really did want to be a cleric.

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Gameplay note: Straight-up +2 dex. Can't argue with that! Imoen's definitely getting it.

Posted Image All this fresh air really makes me feel alive.

Well, it looks like we took care of this area. We turn around and head back inland. But we are stopped by a very green-looking creature.

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Posted Image I guess so. Who are you?

Posted Image She is my kin, a Sea Elf. What chased you out of the sea?

Posted Image Be needing help do I, and Jozzi Seasnake be my name. Sahuagin - shark-men - killing my mate they be. He told them he does show them a secret cache on the broken ship - and there do be none. When they be finding this out...

Posted Image I will try to help you, Jozzi, if I am able.

Posted Image Syvishtara, Sahuagin are sea monsters, incapable of mercy. They torture their prisoners, and when they are done with them, they feast on their corpses. *quietly* A doom worse even than Deheriana's was...

Posted Image My sea kin are their sworn enemies...

Posted Image Yes... we do be.

Posted Image We are coming to help!

Posted Image Splashing. Do be following me.

We follow Jozzi to the shipwreck.

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Posted Image In... in your... *he coughs up blood* innards. Open... open your white guts, and you will find it.

Posted Image Seasnake? You did bring more drylanders? Do they be knowing of the treasure?

Posted Image Keth'sim Dwin'anea did be telling you where it hides. In your guts, and I do be wanting to see it much!

Then Keth'sim jumps behind us and the two of them quaff potions. How did they do that?

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The sahuagin are stinky, and slimy, but they are not tough.

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#722 Usurper

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Posted 16 September 2012 - 12:36 AM

We kill them easily.

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Posted Image *Kivan restrains him.* You have your life back because of her, Keth'sim Dwin'anea.

Posted Image I guessed. But what do I need my life for, if I have killed my own companions on the lie of the traitor?

Posted Image Do yo know what she s? She is a malenti! A vicious, merciless malenti! They look like sea elves, but they are Sahuagin in truth.

Posted Image Sahuagin use them as spies, so they threw this... witch in with us. Every day she told me that it would be her to fight the last of us, landfolk, and she looked so weak... I thought that I would be the last man standing and let her kill me when we must fight. Perhaps Sahuagin then would spare her life, until their next catch. And meanwhile... meanwhile she might get help from her kin and escape.

Posted Image Only it was a lie - and I understood it only today, when I saw her among them.

Posted Image What cruel game did you play, Seasnake?

Posted Image *She shrugs one shoulder.* More than one prisoner ashore they never would take. You to live I did want, not others. One life did I want to save.

Posted Image *spits at her* What is one life if you have destroyed ten to do so? No, eleven... for I do not want to live after what I have done.

Posted Image *quietly* One life... one life is worth everything when you love that person. Are you blind, Keth'sim Dwin'anea?

Posted Image It must be the blood of my comrades flowing into my eyes that blinds me.

Posted Image Seawater it do be.

Posted Image *He laughs bitterly.* Seawater. Yes, it is. Curse the sea and the monsters that live under it! I want you dead, Snake.

Posted Image *Jozzi starts walking into the sea, then turns her head and looks at Keth'sim Dwin'anea with unperturbed eyes.*

Posted Image Dead I do be soon enough for your liking, drylander. Waters be telling what happened here, scents of blood it does carry quick. Sahuagin be killing me for living when pure sharkblood died. Your sea kin do be thinking just like you. They do be knowing that I killed many, and saved but one. They do not be wanting me. With no school one does not live long under the sea. *She prepares to dive into the water.*

Posted Image I... I am sorry.

Posted Image Live long you can, Keth'sim Dwin'anea. Do it. And step on sea-urchins may you not.

Posted Image I... I think I will never again come close to the sea. There are... some items in the stern of the ship that may be of interest to you, adventurers.

Posted Image Forgive me for being so abrupt, but I must get away from the cruel sea.

And then they are gone.

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I look in the ship again, and find something that I had not noticed before.

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I've already got one of these, but it can be good for another mage to use.

Sahuagin. Geez. Smelly, cruel bastards. It must be extremely confusing underneath the waves. I hope I never go there!

On our way back from the shipwreck, we decide to talk to Mad Arcand one more time. He might make some sense this time.

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Oh, so that was his ring was it? He gives us an Oil of Fiery Burning in return.

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A bad trade, I figure. I try to talk to him again.

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Gameplay note: He doesn't leave. Maybe we can recruit him?

On our way back to Beregost I ponder all that has happened here. And I stay confused.

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We stop by the Jovial Juggler and rest after our long journey. Then we have a little meeting, to bring everybody up to speed on Gavin's quest. Keldath Ormlyr told us long ago that people have been disappearing in Beregost, and that we should begin by checking at the Burning Wizard, where they were last seen. So, after a good night's rest, that is where we head first.

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We are recognized as soon as we walk in the door.

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We sit down to have a few drinks and listen to the local gossip. People are still talking about us ending the iron shortage.

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We don't hear any other news. I try to talk to Zhurlong, but he just goes on about some boots.

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South of Beregost... badlands... Actually I think I have those boots already.

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Posted Image Huh, so much ado 'bout some stupid boots! And ya know what, Syvishtara, in those boots he'd only become better at stealin', so let's keep our eyes on our money while we're 'round here.

Posted Image Who, me?

The boots Imoen has been carrying around for so long, waiting for the day when she can wear them again. They were his! And now he's taken them back. No thieving boots for Imoen. Too bad.

There's only one person left to talk to. Penny the quiet one.

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Posted Image Do you know anything of the recent disappearances?

Posted Image What's it worth to you?

Posted Image A hundred gold.

Posted Image Casing out houses is all well and good, but it pays to know who lives in them. Their habits, the hours and company they keep, that sort of thing. I only follow locals when I'm bored. A few have vanished right before my eyes in front of Lady Valeria's house, out the door, right around the corner, and halfway up the street that leads to the road to the Friendly Arm Inn.

Posted Image Who is Lady Valeria?

Posted Image She's this new nob moved in from foreign parts a couple months ago. She lives there alone, with a few servants. There's a cleric around a lot of the time, but if he is her lover, he acts more like he is in her employ and less like he is in her bed. She never locks the place. I could have walked in any time and helped myself, but she's so beautiful, and looks so sad, I couldn't bear to do it.

Posted Image I've said too much. You should go. Be careful.

So out the door, right around the corner, halfway up the street that leads to the road to the Friendly Arm Inn...

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That must be here.

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I ask around to see if anyone has seen anything strange recently.

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Oh hey, the Surgeon! Wow, I never thought I'd hear about that guy again.

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Ain't that the truth. I can't hardly go from one town to one inn without some paladin trying to stick a sword up my ass. But that's neither here nor there; nobody seems to have seen anything. We'll just have to go in and see for ourselves.

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The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#723 Usurper

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Posted 16 September 2012 - 12:36 AM

What we find is surreal.

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Posted Image Is Lady Valeria at home?

Posted Image I am afraid that Her Ladyship is engaged in a matter that requires her undivided attention. It would be quite impossible to intrude on her privacy thusly. I suggest you go at once.

I'm not really one for politeness.

Posted Image What does "her Ladyship" do that requires such concentration?

Posted Image What do you think, Bertram? Have we shown enough forbearance in the face of their inquisitiveness? Should we allow them access to the Mistress? Or maybe they should be taught that intelligence is less useful than a healthy measure of common sense?

Posted Image I think they are overdue for a lesson in the neglected art of "Shut the Hells Up," which I am about to administer with the help of my assistants. Would you be so good as to inform our mistress of my tutelage?

Posted Image But of course!

Then a blinding divine light shines from the corner.

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It has been a long time since I fought any divine casters, but magic is magic. I remove it.

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Someone has called a skeleton into battle. I think it was Bertram.

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Gavin kills the first of the bad guys, and moves on to the next. I cast Corporeal Instability at Bertram, but he resists. He also resists Finch's Hold Person.

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Bertram begins to taunt us as he buffs his allies.

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Imoen uses Ettin's Wand, which I had given her, to try to paralyze Bertram. It works! He is both paralyzed and poisoned.

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Kivan and Imoen destroy him with twin arrows, one to each eye.

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Yeslick had been in melee combat with Bertram, and when Bertram falls Yeslick remains completely surrounded by undead. I worry about him, but he just lowers his warhammer to the ground and breathes out a quick prayer to Clangeddin. Then he grins a fierce grin and all the skeletons start running from him.

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Gavin actually hits his foe so hard that he bursts and apart, and chunks go flying everywhere. Damn!

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A moment later I manage to kill the other goon, Plato.

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We are left with a room full of dead bodies and lots of stuff to loot.

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Finch goes straight for the bookshelves. She finds a new book, History of the North - The First Flowering. I go straight for Bertram's corpse. He is wearing full plate mail, holding a Large Shield +1, and wielding an excellent warhammer. He's also holding some healing potions and gems. Nice, but not extraordinary.

There is also a chest - a chest that Kivan cannot even pry open.

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Imoen casts Knock on it and we open it to find... 9 gold. Great.

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Then we brace ourselves for another fight and climb the stairs to the second floor. We find some of the skeletons that had run away from Yeslick up here. We also find Valeria.

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Posted Image Fortunately, no.

Posted Image What a pity. I suppose I shall miss him. Even so, there is still a chance we can end this without further bloodshed.

An enemy that wants to negotiate? This happens so rarely! I really want to know what she's going to propose.

Posted Image I'm listening.

Posted Image I do not ask you to forgive what you believe my companions and I have done. Poor Bertram, Gustav and the rest were acting only out of loyalty to me. They were defending my home against intruders, nothing more. The damage you endured is testament to their skill, but not to their malice.

Posted Image I have no doubt you are here because you seek an answer to the recent disappearances. Before he... left, Gustav said as much.

Posted Image The townspeople you seek are dead.

Posted Image Stay your blades but a moment longer! The rest will soon be made clear.

Posted Image Can you know the unspeakable, desolate loneliness that has haunted me every day since I was old enough to crave the voice of another? Even as a child, I would hear the laughter of others and wonder what could move them to such joy. How desperately I wanted that for myself! Where others had happiness and companionship, I had only empty longing, a hollowness that could never be filled.

Posted Image Oh, I tried making friends. I invited people into my home, had lavish parties, but the polite veneer of society was never pierced. When the guests went home, I was left with nothing but the memory of a few shallow conversations and a couple of wasted hours.

Posted Image Gentlemen would call sometimes, it is true, but all they had to offer in exchange for my company was lust. Once that was satisfied, they left, and I was just as empty and desolate as before.

Posted Image I had hoped that my magic might hold the answer. I do not expect you to grasp the subtleties of my art, but I hope you can at least understand enough to appreciate the nature of my research. If I could help myself, who else would benefit? Surely, I am not the only one afflicted with an utter lack of joy!

Posted Image You see Humeral Theory asserts that emotion is comprised of four elements: blood, which is hot and moist; phlegm, which is cold and moist; black bile, which is cold and dry; and yellow bile, which is not and dry. By combining these in correct proportions, it should be possible to distill the essence of happiness into an elixir. Unfortunately, it seems the subjects of these experiments do not survive the process.

Posted Image Even so, I believe I am closer than ever to identifying and isolating that elusive combination. In just a few short weeks, I could have the answer to despair!

Posted Image That's monstrous!

Gameplay note: I am presented with a huge list of conversation options at this point.

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Syvishtara murders tons of people, but only in self-defense. More importantly, Syvishtara cares about freedom, which these people have none of now, since they're dead. There is probably a part of him that wonders what the results of the experiment are, but there is no way he would voice that in a room full of clerics. Syvishtara bends like a leaf in the wind, any wind. She will forgo her own curiosity and speak the group's mind in this case.

Posted Image You would have me believe that you have been murdering countless innocents for a science project?! You deserve death!

Posted Image If that is your answer, then I welcome death! It would be a mercy after the life I have endured.

Screw this bitch. I cast more Despair upon her.

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She saves against additional despair, and casts Greater Malision on us all.

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Yeslick's perfectly-placed Dispel Magic removes everything we don't want.

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Then we hit her with a 1-2-3 combo of Finch's Silence, Gavin's Hold Person, and Imoen's Magic Missiles. Some of them hit.

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Then, I am merciful. I throw my chaos blades at her, and she falls. This is me, showing mercy.

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She has expensive gems on her, a couple of healing potions, a scroll of Magic Missile, a scroll of Improved Invisibility, a Robe of the Evil Archmagi, a Ring of Protection +1, and a Martial Staff +2.

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The spells we all know already, so they go in Pelltar's spellbook. In the bookshelves in this room, Finch finds the book History of the North - 1368, Year of the Banner. We also find a second locked chest that Imoen has to open.

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There is 5 gold in it. Seriously, why do people lock up pocket change? I grumble about this to Imoen all the way back to the Song of the Morning Temple. She nods in fervent agreement the entire way.

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Gameplay note: We get +1 reputation, 1,000 experience, and 1,000 gold. Woohoo! We're popular now! (13 reputation)

Posted Image I am learning so much! This is the best adventure ever! And, one day, generations will have read of your grand acts!

Finch is such a great companion, I really think we should help her get all the books she needs. But she seems to never have enough. We really need to go searching around to see if we can find all the books we need to find.

Gameplay note: We should have all the books now, but apparently I missed some spots. So I'm going to retrace some steps to get the books I missed.
The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#724 Usurper

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Posted 16 September 2012 - 12:37 AM

In the Peldvale we meet a nasty flind.

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And some mean wolves.

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But we also find a barrel we had not seen before.

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And in it, a book!

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Also a scroll of Globe of Invulnerability. Strangely enough, Imoen and I both know that spell already.

We go back to Gullykin and are attacked by a horde of ogres!

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I throw the Oil of Fiery Burning we got from that crazy gnome at the Shipwreck Coast. I feel it is appropriate.

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And I follow that up with a fireball from my wand of fire.

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We beat on them for a while, but it is taking too long. So I do another wand trick.

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Finally Yeslick chunks the last ogre, and the night is quiet once again.

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Kivan calmly announces that he will be better at such things in the future.

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Gameplay note: Maxxing out pips for Long Bow means this: "Grand Mastery: At this level the character receives +2 to hit and +3 to damage with the selected weapon. He gains a -1 to speed factor with the selected weapon." So Kivan is going to kick ass faster.

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There are more ogres within the town limits! Is this some kind of invasion?

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More ogres appear slightly further in! It is an invasion!

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Several other people get hit by the ogres.

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It's really great when your entire front line is clerics. They can heal themselves or each other if something bad happens to them.

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But in the end we loot them just as we have looted thousands of bodies before them.

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That doesn't stop more from showing up deeper into the town, though.

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We drop some, but some still remain. Yeslick is completely surrounded.

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In the center of the village is some kind of ogre mage with escorts. Ugh! Can't these monsters just leave us alone already? geez!

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Yeslick casts Hold Person at the ogre mage. It looks like it works.

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It's so hard to tell, though, when Kivan blows his whole head up with an arrow.

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Finch becomes seriously injured, so I have to pull her back from the front lines.

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We are tired, worn out, and almost out of spells. Can we please just sleep now? We duck into a nearby house. But we are followed.

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Oh for the love of the Weave can we PLEASE get some rest!

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Ahhh, sweet sweet rest.

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Then we cast our buffs and teleport back into the battle.

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The last ogres fall just as easily as the first. Then we decide to check downstairs... you know, for more ogres.

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Posted Image It sort of smells like kobold in your little hole. I wonder why that is? I thought halflings hated kobolds.

Posted Image Oh no. You've found me out. Yes, I'm the one who has been letting the kobolds into our quaint little town. It's just too bad that you won't be alive to tell anyone about it.

We really don't have time for this.

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Then the guy disappears. Huh.

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Finch finds History of the Red Ravens in his bookshelf. That's cool. We also find History of the North - The Spread of Humankind, and a history of Nashkel. Finch is quite excited about that.

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Down in this basement we also find a Protection from Poison scroll, some gems, and a Purple Potion Case!

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We'll have to come back sometime and finish exploring Gullykin. But for now we're on a mission to set up a library! We travel down to Nashkel, where we follow rumors and find one more book in a chest by a wagon.

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Posted Image No matter. This is just the kind of thing the people of Nashkel would find interesting, and relevant to their economy. We should keep it safe for their library!

I smile at her. We're doing pretty good with this book-collecting thing. I wonder what she needs next? Turns out its nothing!

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Then she shows me the complete collection.

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So we hop on over to Nashkel, and Finch instructs us to go to the manor and speak with Trask.

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We find him near the bookshelves, obviously.

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Posted Image Yes, sir! It will be official now! Here. I have included an index of the most precious works.

Posted Image Deneir's blessings upon us, I thought I'd never see the day. 'Tis a wonder you managed before the master and missus had second thoughts about opening their home and put their slippered feet down!

And that's that! Finch has successfully started her library in Nashkel!

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We look over the bookshelves, of course. Finch finds History of the Bell in the Depths. Hey, that's the book Firebead is always telling us to read!

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... evil races. However, these creatures were not inclined towards sea actions, and Northkeep seemed safe until the day when (according to legend) 40,000 inhuman mages, shamans, witch doctors, and priests of all foul races gathered on the northern shore of the Moonsea and began to chant, bringing the vengeance of their gods down upon the human interlopers. The gods (at least some of them) came and destroyed their priests for disturbing them, but also sank Northkeep beneath the waves.

The upper reaches of Northkeep - its slender, now-broken spires - can be seen beneath the water by boats that sail nearby. This is not attempted often, however, as the region is said to be haunted by the original defenders of Northkeep, seeking company in their watch over the Cold Lands. On fog-ridden nights the bells of the tallest towers, despite being submerged, can be heard as far away as Hillsfar.

Why would Firebead be so obsessed with this book? It's creepy! I'll have to ask him next time I see him.

Gameplay note: Ok, we are almost done with faffing about in the countryside. This has been a humongous update and I've taken care of everything I can do without starting the Dark Side of the Sword Coast content. But now, we shall. Prepare for the wild and crazy ride of killing things men were not meant to see before level 15.
The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#725 Beleg33


    AKA Adanedhel on G3

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Posted 16 September 2012 - 02:16 AM

Free the halflings of Gullykin :crying: They're being assaulted by ogres because of you killing that ogre-mage in Firewine Ruins! :devil:
Random spambot #8434678 said :

you should liquor multiplying great deal supplment your to office apparel predicated copy may possibly be an go through check out this behave as more busy den has an interest in pc

#726 AmyAE

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Posted 16 September 2012 - 05:16 AM

Don't feel too bad about Samuel. I'm pretty sure that's the only (non-modded) quest where the timer actually means something.

#727 Usurper

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Posted 16 September 2012 - 07:42 AM

Over in the main thread there was a bit of mourning for Samuel, and RelentlessImp wrote up a short story about him:

Samuel raised his head, his vision blurry, alone in a pocket dimension that sent tingles across his flesh from its magically-created nature. It would have been pleasant, were it not for the fire in his belly and the rapidly dwindling sense of his life draining away. Each movement cost him a little more energy, a little more agony, destroying his will to live.

"H...hello?" Samuel didn't recognize his own voice; it had gone hoarse from lack of hydration, and the sound of it echoing back at him made him start. He looked around quickly before realizing who it was who had spoken; he would have laughed, had he not been on the verge of death.

The dying man fell onto his back, thinking back on the day he had been enticed to leave the Fist. He had thrown away security and income for love of a woman, and she had thrown him to the first people to come along after he had been injured. It stung his heart to think that his love had been so callously turned away, his fate placed in the hands of the indifferent and uncaring. Love had led him down this path; he regretted the decision, but ultimately, he had made it, and now he was paying the price. Such was life.

A shimmering light flickered at the edge of his vision. His sight was beginning to darken, the small cavern around him going dim, but the light maintained its intensity. With supreme effort, he turned his head towards the light, felt his final breath escaping him. A glowing eye greeted him, hovering in the air. As his spirit departed his body, it felt drawn towards the eye. His life was over, but his service continued. The last motion of his body was to draw a contented smile over his face and close his eyes. He surrendered himself to Helm's Watchful Gaze as the sounds of the wardstone's activation echoed through the sanctuary.

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#728 AmyAE

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Posted 16 September 2012 - 11:53 AM

Oh God, now I do feel bad. =/

#729 Usurper

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Posted 16 September 2012 - 05:02 PM

Free the halflings of Gullykin :crying: They're being assaulted by ogres because of you killing that ogre-mage in Firewine Ruins! :devil:

Man, there's just so much stuff to do! I really want to get started on the DSotSC but things just keep piling up. What do I have to do in order to free the halflings? There was another ogre mage in the center of town and I think I killed him while rushing through it. Do I have to kill some named NPC?

Edited by Usurper, 16 September 2012 - 05:54 PM.

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#730 -RelentlessImp-

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Posted 17 September 2012 - 12:47 AM

Oh God, now I do feel bad. =/

Well, that was the point of writing it. ;)

#731 Beleg33


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Posted 17 September 2012 - 02:33 AM

Usurper :
Yes a named Ogre-mage in the canyon. But it's ok if you skip it :) If Gandolar Luckyfoot is gone you won't get any reward/closure.
Random spambot #8434678 said :

you should liquor multiplying great deal supplment your to office apparel predicated copy may possibly be an go through check out this behave as more busy den has an interest in pc

#732 Usurper

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Posted 17 September 2012 - 03:22 PM

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30 Alturiak, 1370

We decide to stay in Nashkel for a few days. Finch wants to see about the reception of her library, and I want to be in a place where people aren't trying to kill me. I really like this pastoral village, actually.

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We head to the Inn, where we relax for a while.

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Finch reads us another one of her stories.

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Over the centuries Dambrath has attacked and raided Halruaa's ports and borders multiple times. Once, led by a magic resistant barbarian, the Dambraii occupied all of the country south of Lake Halruaa. They were defeated in battle by the great archmage Mycontil, who slew their barbarian leader. Forty-thousand Dambraii attacked, and were stopped by 500 Halruans. More than 200 Halruan wizards, including Mycontil, died in the battle.

The last attack upon Halruaa was less than 100 years ago, through the Telath Pass by the power hungry king of Lapaliiya. He had allied with bandits from the wastes, though this time the Halruans were able to field a larger force, including fighting men as well as wizards in their skyships. The attackers were easily routed.

Halruaa also suffered through a civil war about five centuries ago, when a number of mages advocated beginning new experiments in magic, ones which even the Netheril didn't approve of. The renegades were driven from the region, but went on to found the land of Thay, or so it is said in Halruaa.

Since then, Halruaa has been at peace (they have had no declared wars), though it still suffers raids from Dambraii pirates, bandits of the wastes, savages from the Mhair Jungles, and any other pirate, raider, or hungry wizard who thinks that magic and wealth grow on trees in Halruaa.

This constant raiding has made the Halruans very defensive, warlike and traditional. The people say that since wizards have always led them, wizards always will.

I wonder what it would be like to live in a land where wizards rule. I probably wouldn't have to be running all about the place, mucking around in dank dungeons and dodging assassins. I'd probably have decent meals every day.
Then we sleep, and wake, and have breakfast, and sleep some more. It is a great time to relax. I begin to take up the habit of early morning walks. While wandering around the fields for a stroll one day, I see something that looks a little out of place.

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I go to take a closer look, and find some sort of buried stash of treasure! A few coins, a Star Diopside Gem, a Studded Leather +2, and a Faded Cloak.

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Oh my god! Noober was a wizard?! I wonder who would like to be faded most, and I decide to give the cloak to Kivan. Then we go back across the bridge to the east side of town. As we are going by, we see a Mrs. Blackwood standing nearby. She looks upset, so I approach her.

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Posted Image You look as if something is troubling you. Can I help you in any way?

Posted Image Ah, don't you worry. I... Sarah! Leave Tom alone! No, I already said you can't have it! ...well, it's children, you know. They always... Tom! Don't *you* start it now. For heaven's sake! *sigh* Thank you very much, but I don't want to waste your time.

She turns away, and I feel like the conversation is over. But I persist.

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Posted Image I couldn't help but overhear your sighing. It seems you need someone who would babysit your children, don't you?

Posted Image Well, yes. That is actually true. You see, I have a very important appointment where I most surely can't take any children along... You aren't asking because you know someone appropriate, by any chance?

Posted Image I am a stranger, but seeing you in such a need, maybe I could take care of your children?

Posted Image You would? I... I mean, it wouldn't take longer than half an hour... They are really lovely, only a bit... well, they keep you busy. Oh, I think I would love to accept your offer. You seem like such a decent person... I've heard a lot of good about you lately. Tell me when you are ready, and I will leave the kids in your care. It won't take longer than half an hour, I promise. Just be prepared... well, you won't have much time to do anything else during that time.

Posted Image I will be ready right away. Sarah, Tom, would you stay with me for a moment while your mommy is away?

Posted Image You have no idea how much your kindness is helping me. Ah, before I forget: here is Tom's bottle, and his toy. Just give it to him if he feels sad. Here is Sarah's bottle, and her doll. Here is her coat. She refused to wear it. *sigh* Maybe you can talk some sense into her. Ah, and some sweets, usually I don't give them that much, but... well, it'll keep them busy, for a while at least. Children, you better behave yourselves! Mommy will be back soon. Bye, my darlings! Thank you so much indeed. I"ll expect you to stay in this area, just, you know, to be sure.

With that Mrs. Blackwood shoves a ton of stuff into my hands and walks off. I look through everything to find just what she said.

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Sarah starts to wonder what's going on.

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Posted Image Mommy?

Posted Image I want my doll.

Posted Image Bear!

Posted Image That meant he wants to have his bear.

Posted Image Bear!

Posted Image And I want my doll.

Posted Image Here you go. A bear and a doll.

Posted Image I don't like this city.

Posted Image 'eets.

Posted Image Yes, for me too!

Posted Image 'eets.

Posted Image Me too!

Posted Image 'eets.

Posted Image You don't get all of them! Mommy said they're for both of us!

Posted Image 'eets!!

Posted Image Are you talking about sweets?

Posted Image Mommy said the sweets are for us both!

Posted Image You want to have sweets? Here you go.

Posted Image Mommy said the sweets are for us both!!

Posted Image Don't worry, Sarah, it's all divided by two.

Posted Image Tom had more than me!

Posted Image You, see what Tom is doing with his sweets?

Posted Image Eeek!

Gameplay note: You can't tell what Tom is doing unless you look at all the conversation options.

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Posted Image Yuck, well, I guess it doesn't hurt.

Posted Image 'ss.

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#733 Usurper

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Posted 17 September 2012 - 03:22 PM

I think there's going to be a bit of quiet, but then...

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Posted Image Just leave me alone with your stuff, all right?

Then there is quiet, for about 30 seconds.

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Posted Image I...

Posted Image Mommy knitted the shoes herself. We bought the wool from Aunt Helena. Do you know Aunt Helena?

Posted Image Aunt Helena isn't really my aunt. I don't like her. She has a funny nose.

Posted Image Her nose looks like a red dragon's nose. Have you ever seen a red dragon?

Posted Image Actually, I...

Posted Image It's all red and... red. I don't like her nose. But the wool is nice. She gave me blue colored wool, as a gift. Mommy said she only did that so we'd come back again.

Posted Image Do you know what Mommy knitted out of the blue wool?

Posted Image Tell me.

Posted Image Out of the blue wool, she made a little pillow. But Oskar ate it! Do you know Oskar?

Posted Image I...

Posted Image Oskar is the old, fat dog from the other house. Mommy said he thought it was a cookie.

Posted Image No, Tom, you can't have one. We already *ate* all the sweets!

Posted Image Yes, and now you should drink something. Here are your bottles.

Posted Image Aw, no!

Posted Image Now put on your coat, Sarah.

Posted Image It's too warm!

Posted Image No, it's not. Put on the coat, Sarah!

Posted Image It's too warm!

Posted Image No, it's not. Put on the coat, Sarah!

Posted Image It's too warm!

Posted Image No, it's not. Put on the coat, Sarah!

Posted Image It's too warm!

Posted Image Drink something. Here are your bottles.

Posted Image Aw, no!

Posted Image Let us just be quiet and wait!

I've just about had it with this girl.

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Posted Image Then I would suggest you drink something. Here is your bottle. Tom, take yours, too.

Posted Image I don't like this! I want juice!

Posted Image Juice! Would you buy me juice?

Posted Image Too!

Posted Image I asked first!

Posted Image Sorry, but it will be your bottles for today. No juice.

Posted Image But I want juice!

Posted Image No, Sarah, there is no juice.

Posted Image Where did Mommy go?

Posted Image I am sure she will be back soon. It can't take much longer.

Posted Image Mommy! Where is mommy?

Posted Image Tom, your bottle!

Posted Image Mommy!

Posted Image Tom! Watch how you are holding your bottle! It's dripping!

Posted Image Will you buy me juice?

Posted Image Children... be quiet.

And finally, they are. I breathe a sigh of relief.

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#734 Usurper

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Posted 17 September 2012 - 03:23 PM

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Posted Image What do you want to see?

Posted Image What is this?

Posted Image That is a...

Posted Image What do you use that for?

Posted Image That is used to...

Posted Image What is that shiny thing there?

Posted Image Child, be quiet!

It is the only way.

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Oh for the love of...

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Posted Image I hope you accomplished what you had in mind.

Posted Image Well, yes, in a way... See, I don't have any money. I had to go and talk to their dad... in private. He will pay for our transfer to my family in Amn, and that's all. Bastard! Oops, I am sorry. Children, that is a bad word, don't you ever use it!

Posted Image Well, I guess we have to go now. It might be hard to understand why I can't take them along to their dad... Thank you again so much for your help! I'll tell everyone of your kind generosity.

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Posted Image We do good! 'Tis as my clan was, long ago.

Maybe being on the run from a nameless evil that hunts you at every turn isn't so bad after all. The alternative could be... children!

Later on I find myself in the graveyard in front of the Temple of Helm. I read some of the gravestones.

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Gameplay note: These gravestones are supposed to have been inside jokes about developers of the Baldur's Gate game.

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When reading the gravestones on the east side of the walkway, however, I awaken someone!

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Gameplay note: This mage has three high-level spells that he's developed that we can learn some day. One of them is extremely potent. Remember his name, and some day you will be able to know how he was able to cast Summon Phoenix Guards and then immediately cast Dimension Door after.

I'm not really intimidated by other mages anymore. Not after Ulcaster. And this bastard just threatened me! I call forth all of my protective magics - Mirror Image, Gymlianic's Lightbend, Fire Shield Red, and Minor Globe of Invulnerability, just like it's supposed to be done.

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Then I touch his tombstone again.

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He comes back and teleports in a ton of bad guys. Wow!

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But I have my own horde to counter his! HA!

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I retreat while my bunnies are keeping them busy, and then drop a spellbomb on them. I ask the Weave what I should cast, and it answers. Chaos.

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So much for thinking of Nashkel as a place where people aren't trying to kill me. I retreat to where I had carefully hidden the rest of my party. It is time for the real ambush!

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Kivan starts out by giving us encouragement.

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But then it all goes to hell. The first Phoenix Guard explodes when he dies, engulfing us all in flames.

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The Phoenix Guard are like a more powerful version of my own bunnies! Crap! I call for a general retreat to heal. We are followed by only one Phoenix Guard, as the others have all fallen in to fighting with themselves in the Chaos.

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But one Phoenix Guard is scary enough. Imoen hits him with some magic missiles, and he dies... but then he doesn't. He seems back to normal. And another one shows up too. I am the protected one - I have to lead them away from my allies.

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Since I am a little more immune to fire than the rest of the party, I try to lead them around while they shoot from a safe distance.

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I am hit, and I think they knocked my magic right off me too!

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But I drink a healing potion and I'm alright, for now. I run west, and one phoenix guard explodes and dies harmlessly.

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The other one chasing me dies, but too close to us!

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We manage to get away before the fireball goes off.

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We still hear the sounds of fighting from the south.

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I send Kivan to investigate, since he is invisible. He finds a pile of dead rabbit corpses and a single Phoenix Guard, alone and injured.

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He strikes.

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The shot strikes true! The Phoenix guard dies! But then he is resurrected in a gout of flame and comes for Kivan.

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Kivan strikes him a second time, but by then he is too close.

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The ranger runs back our way, until he thinks he is far enough away for another shot. He gets the shot, but also gets the aftermath.

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We all wince as we see it. Then, with no other options, we advance in a firing line, hoping to find no stragglers.

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#735 Usurper

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Posted 17 September 2012 - 03:24 PM

But we do find stragglers.

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We retreat before him, throwing bullets and shooting arrows, until it looks as though he is about to die.

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Then we try to kill him quick, and he dies. Too close to us!!

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But he just resurrects again. Whew. I was worried it would be a fireball. All three clerics begin to cast the same spell at the same time, then. It is Hold Person. One of them sticks!

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Then we reposition ourselves, and I throw a few of my blade showers at him. He falls, and the fireball explodes harmlessly.

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But we are not finished! Another phoenix guard is near the water tower.

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He is also at the first stage, as we find out when I throw more chaos blades at him.

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He is quickly beaten down and looks Near Death, so I scream for a retreat.

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The little bastard applies an oil of speed as he runs after us. Then I cast my spell.

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His death-splosion catches Yeslick and myself. It hurts, but we are still alive.

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We heal up and go to see if there are others still hanging around.

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We can't find any more. So we go back to Kivan's corpse and recover his items.

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And then it is to the Temple of Helm to resurrect our fallen ranger.

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After that, we have nothing to do but go back to the Jovial Juggler. It is a long trek down dusty roads, once again.

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Going down the road, we hear someone shouting for help.

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Posted Image Meat, shut up!

Posted Image Moma, let's kill meat now! And these ones, too... *points in your direction*

Posted Image Why, it is a great consolation that I will not die alone, but in the company of these oafs. I guess I will be served as a side-dish, now. What a relief! It's not that Jansens never ended up in the stomachs of various monsters, but they were all main courses... Aunt Marta will be tremendously proud of me, once she learns of this. You will carry a message to her, won't you? Oh! How silly of me! If you will be the *main* course, you won't be able to deliver a message. Oh, I know! Let me go, dear ogre-ladies, and I shall tell Aunt Marta all about how I nearly made it as a side-dish. Bet she'd still be proud. Aunt Marta is the sort of woman who'd be proud of anything.

Posted Image It reminds me of when Cousin Jan had just started smuggling monkeys and- *pauses to take in a breath*

Posted Image SHUT UP!

Posted Image SHUT UP!

Posted Image Please, do continue. This story is fascinating!

Posted Image So, Jan Jansen had only smuggled his first party of monkeys from Chult to Athkatla, and Aunty Marta decided to hold a monkey-themed party because she was so proud of Jan. But one cannot hold a monkey-themed party without a monkey, right? So she let herself into the secret place where Jan kept the monkeys, and put them in the cart to drive to Jan's home. Unfortunately, the guards happened along, and so Jan made it into prison for the very first time. Aunty Marta was very proud of it, too. Not every day your nephew is sent to prison for monkey-smuggling!

Posted Image They say it was then, in prison, that my dear cousin Jan invented his Bruiser Mates; thinking of Aunt Marta, no doubt. And - Wheeeee!

Posted Image Fast food is no good for ye anyway, Cru. These ones are bigger and less fatty. Chop-chop-chop!

Then David runs away and leaves us to kill the ogres.

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It's not that hard.

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David is nowhere to be found. A pity. I wanted to hear more of his cousin Jan. But the encounter does remind me that traveling roads at night is dangerous, so we teleport to the Refuge and sleep until morning.

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Sure enough, when we walk the road the next morning, we are ambushed by bandits!

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We fight them with sling and bow, and the die embarrassingly quickly.

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The next pack of bad guys we find is much more intimidating.

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Kobolds and stone golems and humans, working together? Must be Iron Throne. I decide to whisper to them the Word of Vile Discord.

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It delays them, but enough of them keep their wits about them to quickly swarm us.

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I try to control the situation with Sleep.

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Then we move back once again so only the non-sleepers will follow us. Turns out to be some Teldorn Messengers and a Stone Golem.

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The stone golem goes after Finch. She tries to retreat, but is badly hurt.

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Gavin takes it out.

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Slaughtering the other sleepers is not hard.

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I realize that there are some ways that I can cast my spells to more streamline their energies. I ponder this.

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Gameplay note: Woot! Level 8! I'm gettin' to be pretty powerful now! And due to the ring I'm wearing, one extra spell at levelup translates into two extra spells in the spellbook.

I think I may know what I've been missing in Rhialto's Spellbook.

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Posted Image Study the spellbook for a while, and see if you can learn something new.

Posted Image You spend some time, browsing through the book...

Posted Image You found something of interest.

Posted Image Try to learn the spell "Glyph of Wild Magic".

Posted Image You succeed in learning the spell.

Oh yeah, baby.

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Gameplay note: This is the spell that Rhialto used against me to such dramatic effect back at level 1. All hell breaks loose, and it is glorious.

The Weave will be able to work its will directly on the world, and all I have to do is inscribe a glyph onto the ground. I really cannot wait to try this out.

Then we go check out what the attackers have on them. We find standard kobold equipment, but we also find a scroll of Simbul's Spell Trigger, a book on the History of Amn, and also a letter.

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Gameplay note: This is the other part to the four-Project-Images plan that Firebead talked with us about so long ago. Now if we could just get to the place where we can cast level 8 spells...

And then I take a look at the letter.

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A fair in Nashkel? It seems as though this Cearwin wanted this letter delivered but Teldorn forces intercepted it. I wonder if he could use some help? I think about it for a second, and then decide to help him.

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#736 Usurper

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Posted 17 September 2012 - 03:24 PM

After all, he would have probably done the same for us.

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Another kobold ambush just north of the Nashkel carnival is surprising.

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I manage to get off another perfect Sleep spell!

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I look closely during the battle. I'm pretty sure that Gavin is freezing and then shattering kobolds! He never told me his mace could do that.

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There's always one kobold scribe in these strike groups, and they always have one really good spell scroll on them, seems like. This one has Sphere of Chaos.

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Another spell too high for Firebead to copy down, so I just write it down in my own spellbook. Then I loot the rest of the random kobold equipment. Just as I finish...

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Posted Image Your shirt... it's pink!

Posted Image Pink is beloved by Lathander, I will have you know.

Posted Image Really?

Posted Image Absolutely. It is the color of the dawn sky. I also happen to like it.

Posted Image Besides, I thought you liked the color. Is there something wrong with a pink shirt?

Posted Image Of course not, but how come I never see you wearing it, then?

Posted Image The shirt goes under the tunic and gambeson, Imoen. You wouldn't see it, ordinarily. I only pulled it out to see if I ripped it when I slipped yesterday.

Posted Image So how come you don't wear pink on the outside, where it would show?

Posted Image I don't have that much clothing. Maybe next time I need a new tunic, I'll let you pick it out, all right?

Posted Image Oooh, good!

Posted Image I'm probably going to regret that.

We go to the carnival and look around. We sell the kobold equipment that we picked up, and then look around for a bard. Sure enough, he happens to be the guy in the center looking for the most attention.

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Posted Image Sure go ahead and play!

Instead of spouting off some insufferable poetry, the bard actually plays a real tune.

Gameplay note: The conversation ends and the below music plays. I kinda get the feeling that it's an original composition by the mod author. Maybe?

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Posted Image An excellent tune, very melodic. You have a great talent. I'd be pleased to hear more of your work.

Posted Image I'm glad you liked it. If you wish to hear more than I'll be performing all around the fair. I charge for my performance so be sure to bring a little gold coin with you. Is there anything else I can do for you?

Posted Image I'm looking for the bard Cearwin. Are you him by any chance?

Posted Image I am known by that name. Why do you ask?

Posted Image Whilst traveling here I was besieged by a group of brigands who had just killed a halfling. After narrowly escaping with my life I retrieved a letter from one of them and a symbol I know to be that carried by worshipers of the Black Lord. Your signature is on the letter.

Posted Image This is bad news. I am glad you survived the attack, but the letter you found was meant to have reached Baldur's Gate over a week ago. Tell me, did you find any Talismans on the bodies?

Posted Image There were no Talismans, just a few gems, nothing of real value.

Posted Image Most unfortunate. It seems Beshaba has graced me today. I'll have to seek another messenger to deliver the letter. You seem to be of the adventuring type. Would you be interested in such a journey?

Posted Image Why don't you deliver the message yourself if it's that important.

Gameplay note: I have always, always wanted to ask this question to quest-givers in games.

Posted Image The road to Baldur's Gate has become treacherous. I dare not travel alone. Besides, I cannot leave this area if Bane's servants are abroad. They must be found and destroyed.

Posted Image I suppose I could go to Baldur's Gate, but what about the stone you mentioned in your letter?

Posted Image I am forbidden to talk about the stone. Zhentarim spies are everywhere and the fair is not the place for such a conversation. There is a man in Baldur's Gate called Aranor. He will tell you more about the stone. Accept and I will give you 125gp for your trouble.

Posted Image I accept your offer. Where in Baldur's Gate can I find the man you call Aranor?

Posted Image Excellent! Look for Aranor in the Taverns. The Blushing Mermaid is his favorite so start searching there. Whilst you are gone I will try to discover what happened to the Talismans. Be safe on your journey and may Tymora's luck go with you.

I know how dangerous the road can be, so I am careful on the way back. It takes us 12 hours to get to Beregost, but we arrive safely.

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It is here that I say goodbye to Kivan again. I apologize for getting him killed yet again. All that follows me is death.

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Gameplay note: The original plan was to lose Finch first, and then Kivan, but Kivan died. So I am letting him go and picking up the first of the DSotSC characters in his place instead of Finch's place. I also have Gavin, which was also not part of the plan, but necessary to finish his quest. Since he is most unpopular he will leave the group next. So the order is now Gavin, Finch, Yeslick, and Imoen disappearing to make way for new party members.

I look around at everyone talking, eating, drinking, and laughing at the Jovial Juggler. I simply can't bring myself to ask any of them to come with me. They have all done too much, and I will only give them death in return. Better to not talk to them. Better to just leave. I turn and exit the inn, and we make our way towards Baldur's Gate, via the Friendly Arm Inn.

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When we get there, we begin to walk to the massive gatehouse of the Friendly Arm Inn, when we see a beautiful bright-haired maiden standing by the road. I must speak to her, so I do.

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Posted Image Well met, my name is Syvishtara and these are my traveling companions. Can you tell us more about your need?

Posted Image Well, ye see... I'm lookin' fer my sister who's been missing now fer near half a year, an' I mean tae find her. I fear for what might have happen'd tae her. Ye see she went mad after her lover left her for another lass. She was in a frightful state and ran deep into the forest between here and Cormanthor tae the east. I've tracked her tae a forested area tae the east of Peldvale. I would be ever so grateful fer any assistance you could give me.

Posted Image It sounds to be an honorable quest, and we would be glad to help you in your time of need.

Posted Image Very well then, our destination lies tae the east. My uncle is waiting at the Jovial Juggler in Beregost. Once we find my sister, Ferium, we should go to him there.

Gameplay note: And thus begins the Dark Side of the Sword Coast. dun Dun DUNNNNNNH!

Ok, Jet'laya is with us now, and she is a pretty strong cleric. What kind of cleric? Let's take a look.

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Level 7! And, oh hey, she is a Morninglord of Lathander, just like Gavin. That's good, I guess. But she doesn't have to be. If we change her alignment from Chaotic Good to Lawful Good, she could become a Healer. But she is from Cormanthor, which is a former elven empire and basically a gigantic forest. She wouldn't have to change alignments to become a Silverstar of Selune, wielding the Moon's Mace, and protected by a magically-resistant Moon Shield. Then again, she's already wearing blue robes, which are the favored garments of Feywardens of Corellon, so she might be favoring the elven aspect of her heritage. She's also quite the hottie, so I don't think Sune would object to her being a Heartwarder of Sune, making her a hedonist and aesthete. Or we could just keep her as a Morninglord of Lathander and have two.

What class should Jet'laya be?

A. Healer - Just look at the compassion on her face. She's only interested in our well-being. She's not into fighting.
B. Silverstar of Selune - She is in touch with the moon, and wields the weapons of the moon. She is also the philosophical and spiritual polar opposite of Viconia.
C. Feywarden of Corellon - She wears blue, she's favoring her elven heritage, and she loathes the undead. She's definitely a Feywarden.
D. Heartwarder of Sune - Blondes have more fun, and Jet'laya has more than her share as a Heartwarder of Sune. The little accent just means she's got extra skills.
E. Morninglord of Lathander - There's nothing wrong with having two Morninglords of Lathander, and Gavin will almost certainly enjoy having the company. She should stay as she is.
The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#737 SapphireIce101

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Posted 17 September 2012 - 04:31 PM

C. Jet'laya should be a Feywarden!

#738 Usurper

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Posted 17 September 2012 - 07:43 PM

Is there any mod-added Summon Phoenix Guard spell, or any way I can get in on that action? Because damn!
The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#739 AmyAE

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Posted 17 September 2012 - 07:54 PM

Don't you have enough hilariously overpowered spells already?

Also, C.

#740 Usurper

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Posted 17 September 2012 - 11:14 PM

Those guys are like grown-up versions of my bunnies though!
The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.