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#681 Yovaneth


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Posted 31 August 2012 - 09:24 AM

Least to most.


#682 hook71

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Posted 31 August 2012 - 11:31 AM

Yeah, B. Least popular to most popular.

#683 Usurper

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Posted 31 August 2012 - 08:43 PM

Thinking about it, there is another way we can order our party for replacements. We can order them by total XP. Here is the total XP of all our current party members, plus Kivan and Coran:

68,134 - Yeslick
63,124 - Imoen
47,050 - Coran
28,710 - Kivan
27,191 - Kagain
15,206 - Finch
4,095 - Xzar

So I can add 2 more voting options:

C. Most xp to least xp - this means replace Yeslick with Coran first, then replace Imoen with Kivan, Coran with Jet'laya, and after that Kivan, Kagain, Finch, and Xzar disappear in that order to make way for new party members.
D. Least xp to most xp - this means replace Xzar with Kivan first, then replace Finch with Coran, Kagain with Jet'laya, and after that Kivan, Coran, Imoen, and Yeslick disappear in that order to make way for new party members.

Please edit your posts if you want to change your votes.

Edited by Usurper, 31 August 2012 - 09:22 PM.

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#684 Crazee

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Posted 01 September 2012 - 04:53 AM

Most XP to Least. I want Xzar to have a chance to shine!

#685 Beleg33


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Posted 01 September 2012 - 05:37 AM

C. Most XP to least XP

Gives a chance to level up a bit for those falling behind and increases difficulty
Random spambot #8434678 said :

you should liquor multiplying great deal supplment your to office apparel predicated copy may possibly be an go through check out this behave as more busy den has an interest in pc

#686 Lurker of the north

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Posted 01 September 2012 - 01:41 PM


#687 Usurper

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Posted 03 September 2012 - 08:10 AM

The votes look pretty cut and dried:

A. Most popular to least popular ....
B. Least popular to most popular ...................
C. Most xp to least xp .......
D. Least xp to most xp .....

I'll post the next update soon.
The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#688 Usurper

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Posted 03 September 2012 - 08:23 AM

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7 Alturiak, 1370

From the Cloudpeaks, it is a very long trip back to civilization. I decide to stop by Nashkel on my way back north.

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I want to talk to Karaea and possibly buy some more boots. But when I get there, I can't find her anywhere!

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I ask around and some people say that she went to Baldur's Gate. The city must be open again. I'll have to catch up with her later, I guess.

Gameplay note: I wanted to see if I could afford the charisma-boosting boots in order to qualify for Coran's romance, but alas, Karaea really did go to Baldur's Gate. We'll have to get them later.

We gotta go back to the Jovial Juggler then. What else is there to do?

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When we get there, Coran greets us boisterously and cheerily. He tells us of a wonderful place he's heard of, a place of mystery and intrigue, and of fantastical loot. He says we should go to Firewine Bridge! He even offers to lead us there. I can't say no to Coran, so we let Xzar go and get ready for adventure.

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Posted Image Your company was missed by all. Welcome back to the group.

Posted Image Ah, old friends made new again. A pairing that cannot be beaten.

We give him the +3 Longbow Vibradeath. We also give him 3 long swords: Fire Biter, Varscona, and the Spiderbane. That will give him fire and ice damage should he require it, and the option for free action as well. He also gets the Cloak of the Assassin and an Amulet of Protection. Finally his armor is the Shadow Armor +3 from the Shadow Thieves of Amn. Coran is loaded for bear.

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The very next morning we set out for Firewine Bridge.

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It is a full 24 hours of traveling. When we arrive, we don't get to rest. Some strange, new monsters assault us just as we get within sight of the bridge.

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As I begin to cast a spell, Imoen is hit with a poison arrow!

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She drinks an antidote and is fine. I let loose my wild spell, which I hope to be Vile Word of Discord. It... isn't.

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I guess that means I should lay off these poor, unfortunate souls. I grasp my staff and prepare for melee. Two desert trolls join the fight against Kagain.

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Yeslick lets loose with a Chant, and the battle is truly on.

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The two dwarves hold off one set of trolls and Finch holds off the other. But she is hit for her trouble.

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Finch is hit again. She tries to heal herself.

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Finch successfully heals herself and the first troll drops. But it doesn't die.

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I know what to do, though. We studied trolls at Candlekeep, in Dungeoneering 210. They need to be hit with fire to fully be destroyed. I level my staff at it. I burn it and it drops. Then I rush in to help Finch on her front.

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My Elemental Staff of Fire is able to drop the second troll as well.

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A hobgoblin arrow poisons me. Damn those sniping bastards. I chug an antidote.

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A repeat poisoning and antidote chug a few seconds later forces me to cast Mirror Images to get away from the poison arrows. At the same time, Finch takes out her troll.

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Then we all turn to take out the last threat, before starting on the annoyances.

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The annoyances don't last long.

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Then Coran starts kinda freaking us all out.

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Posted Image I... I do not see anyone. Do you, Coran?

Posted Image Yes, I see... er... I saw her. To be more exact, I have seen her vanishing into the mists and heard her singing. She sounded sad. Perhaps she needs help. Let us go search for her - she went in that direction, eastwards.

Posted Image I see... A ghostly damsel in distress. Let me know if you spot her again.

Posted Image Wonderful! I wonder, what was her name?

We start to take a look around. We find a sign proclaiming this place to really be Firewine Bridge. It is a rather arid region.

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There is also a cleric of Ilmater here.

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Posted Image No, none of us worship Ilmater.

Posted Image So none of you venerate Ilmater. Well then, we must rectify this at once. Listen closely while I tell you the wonders that will come once you have converted to Ilmater's faith.

Posted Image Now, as you've probably heard, Ilmater is the god of suffering. Most people immediately perceive this as the suffering one must endure themselves, but trust me, the stories you have heard are most likely wild and unrealistic. Suffering in the service of Ilmater does eventually come, but Lo! It is the most joyful of sensations, and opens your eyes to wisdom. Once you have suffered in the service of Ilmater, you will have your eyes opened to the evils of the world. Evils such as avarice, greed, lust, perversity, and most especially magic! By magic, I mean not the holy power granted by Ilmater, but rather the wicked powers wielded by sorcerers!


Posted Image Excuse us, but some of us are sorcerers.

Posted Image Some of you are sorcerers! By all that's good and holy, you must stop your evil ways. Magic only leads to pain and misery, it is a wicked art I tell you... a wicked art. Though I find it painful to stand in the presence of such vile necromancers, I will continue my sermon.


Posted Image All you have to do to become a faithful of Ilmater is to cast off your worldly possessions. You will wander the world, and suffer in the place of others. You will spread the word as I have spread it to you. Well, what think you? Will you cast off your possessions and become a faithful of Ilmater?

Posted Image Sorry old man, but we have better things to do.

Posted Image You are foolish in your decision; your minds obviously clouded by the numerous vices all of you must engage in. I pity the whole lot of you. Goodbye!

Give up my magic? The Weave is evil? The more I think about it the more upset I become. What the hell man? Why would he say such things!? I walk off in a bit of a huff, not caring where I'm going until I see vampiric wolf ahead of me.

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Oh, a vampiric wolf LORD. Crap!

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I do NOT want to deal with constant fear. I goop him.

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Then I try to follow it up with a Chromatic Orb.

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I try again, this time with Magic Missile.

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I don't think it was me turned to stone. Perhaps the jelly? I try again.

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My magic missiles slam into Yeslick!

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I do what I should have done first - Chaos Shield.

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My next cast the Weave flows through me and into all of our weapons, giving them a magical glow.

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We are just simply not able to damage the vampiric wolf lord enough through magical means, and the spell wears off. It immediately calls the dead to aid it.

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Shade wolves appear!

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One of them starts munching on my back, so I cast Gymlainac's Lightbend to compensate. At the same time, Finch kills the vampiric wolf lord.

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The shade wolves are actually pretty easy to kill.

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#689 Usurper

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Posted 03 September 2012 - 08:24 AM

Imoen is the only injury there.

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We continue our search for a ghost woman for Coran to woo. Why am I even doing this? Imoen spots another troll.

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The first one is down in a moment.

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The others in a moment more.

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Trolls are just not a threat to us who have plenty of fire-damage weapons. We succeed in exploring all of the outer lip of this area. It looks like it used to be a river, but is now just part of another arid region.

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We decide to explore the dried-out riverbed next. The sun goes down as we are descending into the area. Ominous. But the only thing we run into is a pack of kobolds. They are all bunched up and dying for a Fireball, so I try to give them one.

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Instead, the Weave turns me into a wolf. A wolf with fleas!

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Fine. Melee it is! The rest of us join in the attack on the kobolds. Their shaman confuses Kagain.

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Then, in the next spell, he confuses Coran. I rush towards him to take him out. I am a full-on wolf after all! But he is protected by two greater ghouls?!

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Finch takes time out from her busy schedule of pounding kobolds into mush to Silence the kobold scribe.

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The greater ghouls start hurting me, so I rush back to the group. But the group is in disarray! Three people seem to be missing. I am only taking the ghouls towards Imoen! I turn back to head them off and get a vicious swipe at my muzzle.

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I run south to try to distract the ghouls. Imoen reaches for her neck... her necklace!

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She summons a wyvern! One ghoul immediately attacks the wyvern but barely injures it.

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I can run pretty fast still as a wolf, so I loop back around and get the ghoul that is following me interested in the wyvern instead.

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I can't believe the kobold scribe is still alive and casting spells. I can't believe it keeps doing that while being completely protected under a Sanctuary. I grasp my Wand of Fire in my jaws and blast him real quick.

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Finch is retreating from her fight with her own greater ghoul, and rushes by the wyvern. The wyvern manages to twist around in the air and obliterate the greater ghoul in one blow.

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That's when I hear a shout of dismay from Imoen. She is ambushed by three trolls!

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The wyvern finishes with the greater ghoul and moves towards the trolls. I and Finch try to heal ourselves. The other party members are still confused and wandering these wastes. Well, all except for Coran. He's taking potshots at Imoen!

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An almost dead kobold captain comes limping up to me. At least this I can handle. I whack him over the head and he drops. But then I see the kobold scribe, apparently decked out in a red fire shield. Holy Weaveus what is going on here?!

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A chromatic orb flies at me from him and hits me. Ouch!

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Then Yeslick comes back to his senses and I think everything is going to be alright.

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Coran too!

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The Book of Rhialto is enough to dispel this jumped-up kobold's protections, and I move in for the kill. I will mash this bastard's head in.

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It casts Chromatic Orb at me again, but I don't even care.

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Yeslick begins making everything alright.

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The little bastard begins to run, but it doesn't save him.

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Back at the main battle, the last of the trolls are dead. Go team Syvishtara!

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Gameplay note: Despite all this power I supposedly have, just a few little things can really ruin my day. A well-placed Confusion spell and some incidental trolls and I'm fighting for Imoen's life!

We explore the rest of the dry riverbed, but don't find anything else.

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There is nothing left to do but explore the bridge itself.

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Imoen is in awe.

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Posted Image I'm still wondering how they built it.

Posted Image Um... yeah...

Posted Image *grumble* 'Tisn't so grand. We Dwarves've been buildin' grander bridges'n this centuries afore this were supposed ta be built. Why, I'd be none too surprised ta find that many a Dwarven mason were hired fer the job.

Posted Image Wow. So did your clan ever build something like this?

Posted Image O' course they did lass! Jus' cos our holds're underground don't mean we don't need bridges! Why, when our clan first settled, our minin' uncovered an open cavern, five thousand feet across, easy! And it be goin' down at least a thousand in the shallow parts. No way to cross it, either... no way to gets ta the ore that were surely beyond, nor bring it back. So we got our best stonemason ta build a bridge, an' glory below, what a bridge it was.

Posted Image Five thousand feet?? That's... wow. How'd he do it?

Posted Image 'Twas such a grand achievement, 'twas made into a short saga as part o' th' histories o' th' clan... but the tellin'd best wait till night, over th' campfire, where I can tell parts at a time.

Posted Image Why? How long is it?

Posted Image Oh, not long at all. If I leave out all the technical details, it'd take little less than a week...

As we cross the bridge, I notice two people standing about. One of them looks like a caster, and one like a fighter.

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#690 Usurper

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Posted 03 September 2012 - 08:24 AM

I approach the caster, cautiously.

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Posted Image Aye, it would be a fine time to hear your tale. Sing on, young bard.

Posted Image Wonderful! Stand relaxed and I shall relate it to you! It was a poetic treatise I should like to call "The Knights of Days Hence." Ehh... I know the title needs work, but the soul of the piece is right and true!

Posted Image I've a tale, a tale to tell
of Knights so bold and dungeon hell and slumber broke upon the shore
of nightmare's reef when dawn no more.

Posted Image A story true of courage lack,
and footing lost on virtue's track and trailing far but near to fear
a vengeance scream through night to ear.

Posted Image The swordsmen came by two and four
to take their fight to evil's core with confidence in might and right
went bravely forward spreading light.

Posted Image But light alone canst clear the path
when suffers all a hellish wrath from deep below whence fires came,
still none above dare speak the name.

Posted Image Together fought, together fell
'til good had won, though stories tell the cursed tale of treachery
when evil stole the victory.

Posted Image Heroes bold betrayed behind
from friend made foe with gold in mind to take and plunder riches won.
'Twas evil new, though old undone.

Posted Image In glory slept the hero knights
but knife to throat did snuff the lights behind their eyes, a simple deed.
'Twas honor dead as killed by greed.

Posted Image Strong enough to break a vow,
alone with gold he struggled now to leave his dungeon deed and hide.
Alone he fell; alone he died.

Posted Image Widows weep and orphans cry
and bards oft sing as maidens sigh for want of heroes lost below
that haunt in sleep with ghostly glow.

Posted Image On guard the guard eternal stand
though neither see nor sense the land before their eyes beyond their age
they wait with unbelieving rage.

Posted Image When one for all turns all for one
the injured souls take solace none in death's release so stand they will,
'til honor's need someone dost fill.

Posted Image Together enter, together fall.
'Tis as the vow agreed by all and all must stand and wait in time
for one that ran to face the crime.

Posted Image I have not been, but have been told
of Knights of days gone past so bold to warrant heartfelt prayers from thee,
that rogue's return might set them free.

Posted Image Bard, your ballad brought to my mind the story of Elf-King Echtellion and the Songstress Inga Highwing.

Posted Image I would fancy to hear this tale, Master Elf.

Posted Image There is a small settlement of Belgarden in Cormyr, on the lands that now are claimed by humans, but of old, they were Elven. One cruel battle was fought there thousands of years ago, ere the Crown Wars. And in it, the fairest and mightiest elf, King Echtellion, was slain - in some noble fashion, of course.

Posted Image To commemorate him, Alaundalion the artist carved a statue to put on his grave. He was said to be in love with Echtellion's sister, and therefore, to please her, he did her bidding and made the statue very lifelike, against the Elven tradition - for we all know that Elves have little talent for the exact depicting of the features, as they ever try to capture the spirit.

Posted Image The sister of the King, wise Ogneda, was enamored with Alaundalion's work, and she quite often came to honor her brother and lay flowers by the statue's feet. It is believed that Ogneda later became mad, convincing herself that the dead stone was her brother. The magic was strong in her, and aided by her insanity, she turned into a banshee.

Posted Image The centuries passed, and even Elves, with their long memories, now have little recollection of King Echtellion and his deeds. Yet the statue stood, as whole as it was on the day of its carving. Many a person came, throughout the years, to see the monument, and went away in wonder.

Posted Image Inga Highwing stayed.

Posted Image The image of the long-dead King captivated her so much that she wanted to know all there was to know about him. She pieced together what shreds of lore she could find, but that was an unsatisfactory harvest. In her love for the King, Inga wrote her own songs about him, and came to his statue every day, at sunrise, to sing to his stone image.

Posted Image One night, when she was in the middle of a particularly moving ballad, oh, wonder! The statue stepped down from the column on which it stood and walked over to Inga. Echtellion lived again!

Posted Image The small crowd that gathered round went so quiet that a snowflake's fall would have broken the silence. Echtellion's voice had not grown hoarse with disuse, and the whole gathering hearkened to the words he said to Inga Highwing:

Posted Image "Seldarine, have mercy on me! You wail worse than my sister!"

Posted Image Wh-what?

I wince. Coran is such an ass sometimes.

Posted Image Do not despair, bard. Bad poetry has the power to turn stone to flesh and raise dead...

Posted Image Now, Syvishtara, were you going to say something?

Posted Image And it better be g-good.

I have pity on the poor bard. He just got emotionally eviscerated by Coran.

Posted Image A rousing tale! Please, take this 10 gold that I might finance your further travels.

Posted Image You are certainly too kind. A VERY good day to you on your travels!

I turn away from the bard, and look for the fighter. He seems to be pacing back and forth. I catch him mid-pace.

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Posted Image I-- I killed him. But he's out there, he's coming this way, I can f-- feel it.

Posted Image I was a paladin, once. I fought on the side of good but it all comes to naught... I-- I killed him, my brother in the faith... I was jealous, I was... foolish. When he comes, let him be. At least there will be justice then.

Are we talking vengeful ghosts here? I'm not sure how comfortable I am with letting ghosts get the upper hand on the living. They might get uppity - get ideas. They might start charging protection money. We'll have to see.

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#691 AmyAE

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Posted 03 September 2012 - 02:44 PM

I don't think it's actually possible to trigger Coran's romance at this point, without manually changing a few globals, because Xan's romance is committed. If you manage to up your charisma I can give you a hand.

#692 Usurper

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Posted 03 September 2012 - 06:32 PM

Don't they get into some kind of elven slapfight over me? I was hoping for a slapfight.
The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#693 AmyAE

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Posted 03 September 2012 - 06:50 PM

Don't they get into some kind of elven slapfight over me? I was hoping for a slapfight.

Actually it's pretty boring. If you string them both along for long enough, you eventually get this conversation when you rest at an inn:


Ajantis vs. Xan resolves pretty much identically. The good one is the conflict between Ajantis and Coran, which is basically


At least I hope I'm not misremembering it; I didn't dig through all the dialogue files to find exact quotes. It's pretty much the most fun romance conflict ever, though.

Speaking of interesting Coran romance conflicts, however, there's an Easter egg in the BG1 NPC project left over from an unfinished Kivan romance and, well, open up BCORAN.dlg in Infinity Explorer and search for the line beginning, "<CHARNAME>, I was just thinking - how about we... Ki-kivan?"

#694 Usurper

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Posted 08 September 2012 - 09:08 AM

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8 Alturiak, 1370

The night has grown ominous with all the tales of darkness, loss, and unquiet ghosts. I feel a little chill pass down my back. But I can't let a tiny bit of fear stop me. I have go keep on. Finding a vampiric sword is why I'm here, after all. It is probably going to be in these ruins.

But there seem to be an awful lot of undead as well.

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I try to lead with a Fireball...

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but the Weave prefers me to melee. Again.

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Oh. I guess because it was going to be as easy as pie. Ha! Among the bodies are scrolls of Resist Fear and Invisibility. Since Imoen and I both know them, I put them in the spellbook.

At the end and slightly to the left of the bridge, we find a ghost.

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Posted Image I hear you, beautiful... who are you? What are you? A spirit?

Posted Image Coran... Coran, I do not know what I am. Probably a ghost.

Posted Image All I know is that I was to give an answer to the man I was promised to. He went into those dungeons in search of his fortune... and never came back. I swore to give him a red rose on my sixteenth birthday if I rejected his love, and a white one if I accepted it... and the oath brought me here. I cannot enter the place; I cannot find him... cannot give him the flowers.

Posted Image I wander around with a basket of withered roses - O, cruel fate!

Posted Image Red or white roses?

Posted Image Red...

Posted Image I am sure we can help you... um, what did you say was your name?

Posted Image Amelia... my name is Amelia.

Posted Image Lady Amelia, there will be no trouble at all for us to cut you some fresh roses, exorcise the dungeon, lay that cavalier of yours to his grave, and free you from your oath. A smile, my Lady?

Posted Image Kind sir, I am delighted to meet a man of such exceptional gallantry and one so handsome... but your friend - she is frowning... I would not want you to...

Posted Image Why can't you enter the dungeon by yourself, Amelia?

Posted Image Would that I knew, my good Lady. Some ward guards it against me. Whenever I want to enter, I am transferred to some far-away corner of Faerun. The last time I ended in Turmish... so I do not dare to try again.

I must free this woman from her ghostly bondage!

Posted Image This is all quite wondrous and strange. We will help you, my dear woman, to the best of our abilities.

Posted Image Oh, you are the most noble company I have ever met! Coran, my brave elf, will you take these awful dead roses from me?

Posted Image 'Twill be my pleas- Ow! Auw! They certainly kept their thorns!

Posted Image Are you hurt, my poor hero? Ah, I'm so clumsy! I've scratched the most wonderful man I've ever met... you must think me so terrible. Now, allow me to bandage your wound with my handkerchief.

Posted Image Hmm... good thing that we are going to a temple! They will have a priest at the ready, in case Coran perishes from his grievous hurts.

Coran lets me look at the roses.

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Gameplay note: It isn't really explicitly laid out in this conversation, but we are supposed to go to the Song of the Morning Temple and speak with Rashel the Sunray.

But we are interrupted by a troll attack.

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We take them out, but then a kobold commando team rushes out of the darkness!

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The Weave doesn't let me fireball THEM either!

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We have to take them out the hard way.

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After the battle, I check my pockets for a new weight. I can't believe what I find.

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I copy that down immediately. I might have to try this out myself soon! We try to find our way out of the area, but get ambushed by a few trolls.

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We also get ambushed by Meilum.

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Posted Image No, we haven't heard your name before. We'd just like to be on our way.

Posted Image You've never heard my name! Why, that's impossible. I'm famous. Think hard... you have heard of Meilum the masterful.

Posted Image Nope... can't say that we've heard of anyone known as Meilum the (heh heh) "Masterful."

Posted Image Are you insulting me?!?! You had better not dare to insult me, or I'll show you the metal of my blade. Once I've drawn my sword, I'm honor-bound to whet the blade.

Damn this guy is annoying.

Posted Image Well why don't you draw your sword then, so that we can see who the better swordsman is: you or our party.

Posted Image Now you've done it. You'll be sorry for doubting my skill... so very sorry.

Then the little bastard cheats!

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And cheats again!

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And again!

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But Imoen still puts him down.

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The idiot was only wearing studded leather armor and wielding a katana.

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We decide to head back to the Song of the Morning Temple, before we have to go there to resurrect someone. Wandering around this place at night freaks me out.

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On our trip we get waylaid by a bunch of gnolls and gibberlings.

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They are actually kinda fun to kill!

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We go the rest of the way to the temple without incident.

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#695 Usurper

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Posted 08 September 2012 - 09:08 AM

When we get there...

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Posted Image Why do you carry withered flowers into the House of the Morning Lord?

Posted Image It is a long story, holy sister, but a maiden's heart will know no happiness until these roses are restored to life.

Posted Image It's a very interesting tale, actually... We met a lady by the Firewine Bridge ruins, Amelia by name, and she is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Amelia's betrothed asked her to give him the final answer on her sixteenth birthday. If she agreed to their wedding she was to give him the white roses, and if she disagreed - the reds. Now, Amelia did not like the guy all that much, so she chose the red roses. Her louse of a fiance, however, found a way to avenge his pride - he hid himself in the ruins, and Amelia, bound by her vow, cannot leave without giving him the flowers. She cannot enter the ruins, either - sounds like that wretch warded the entrance against her. So, we decided to help Amelia, restore the red roses to life, and deliver them to Natan.

Posted Image You need to restore the flowers to life to commit a goodly deed, then? I... I think I can help you. The spell will be unusual, but I will not ask for money - I am glad to help in a charitable cause.

Posted Image Ow! My hand... it bleeds again...

Posted Image I feel a faint sense of evil on these roses... and on your companion. You, however, sound sincere and kind. Maybe I am mistaken.

Posted Image Well, we'll get soon enough to the bottom of this story. However, just in case... can you do anything to take away that evil presence from Coran and the roses?

Posted Image It is too faint and unusual, and I doubt that I can even sense it. But I can bless your companion, just in case. Unfortunately, I will have to do it for a price, as I am afraid my superiors would not agree that the spell is even necessary, let alone life-saving... I will need 100 gold pieces.

Posted Image The bureaucracy and corruption of priests are well known. Maybe *that's* the evil you are smelling? But one cannot be too careful. Cast the spell, acolyte Rashel.

Posted Image Doubt not, your money will be spent wisely.

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When we look at the basket of roses again, they look brand new.

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Actually they look kinda creepy, but still. We spend the night at the temple. In the morning, we take a look at the wares. I think prices may have gone down, because a Potion of Greater Healing is only 375 gold! I liquidate all of our gems and jewelry, and end up with 3,500 gold. I am about to buy as many potions as I can afford, but then I remember that there are some offers at the Thunderhammer Smithy and the High Hedge that I might better spend my money on. I decide to go check them out first. Actually having money to spend is making me a little giddy!

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9,000 gold?! Man, why can't anybody offer affordable magic around here? I stop by Feldpost's Inn, and the two exotic drums that he has available are still 18,000 gold each. The bastard!

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Maybe Thalantyr has something that I could use. I travel to High Hedge and take a look at his wares. He does have something that Yeslick is quite interested in.

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But it costs 6187 gold. I also find an exquisite and beautiful piece of elven make, but it costs 27,000 gold.

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I could wear it, though. But I'm most interested in what Thalantyr could do for me in the way of custom items.

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Posted Image Do I have anything you could alter?

Posted Image Show me what you have, and I'll tell you if it can be altered.

Posted Image Can you do anything with these Gauntlets?

Posted Image Let's look... Yes, if you bring me Gauntlets of Weapon Skill and Gauntlets of Weapon Expertise, you'll get an item which will not disappoint you. I'll also need Bracers of Defense AC7, a Potion of Defense, and 5000 gold as payment for my work. Should I make this item for you?

Posted Image Can you do anything with this Mage Robe?

Posted Image Yes, if you bring me a Mage Robe of Fire Resistance, a Mage Robe of Cold Resistance, a Mage Robe of Electrical Resistance, a Knave's Robe, a Traveler's Robe and an Adventurer's Robe, I can make you a very good item. I will also need a Potion of Invulnerability, a Potion of Defense, and 5,000 gold as payment for my work. Should I make this item for you?

Posted Image Can you do anything with this Girdle?

Posted Image Let's look... Yes, if you bring me a Golden Girdle, a Girdle of Bluntness, and a Girdle of Piercing, you'll get an item which will not disappoint you. I'll also need a Potion of Frost Giant Strength, a Potion of Cloud Giant Strength, a Potion of Regeneration, and 5000 gold as payment for my work. Should I make this item for you?

Posted Image I have Boots of Stealth. What can you do to improve them?

Posted Image Yes, I can make Boots of the Thief: 'Fast Legs' for you. I will need Boots of Speed, an Oil of Speed, white, and a Potion of Perception. As payment, I'll take only 5,000 gold. Should I make this item for you?

Posted Image Can you do anything with this Helm?

Posted Image Let's look... Yes, if you bring me a Helm of Glory and a Helm of Defense: 'Gift of Peace', you'll get an item which will not disappoint you. I will also need a Potion of Invulnerability, a Scroll of Protection from Fire, a Scroll of Protection from Cold, a Scroll of Protection from Electricity, and 5,000 gold as payment for my work. Should I make this item for you?

Posted Image It looks like I do not have anything else interesting. I'm leaving.

So all of his custom items cost 5,000 gold. And here I am with just 3,000. Hmmm, perhaps I could bump that up high enough to get that hammer for Yeslick? He's the only one without a magical weapon in my group. I teleport to my Refuge to see about expendable equipment. While there, Imoen speaks up.

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Posted Image I usually do not stay in one place for too long, so I am rarely forced to leave. I prefer to slip away unnoticed.

Posted Image Yeah, but there must've been some time you couldn't get away fast enough!

Posted Image I tend to forget about such inconveniences the next day. Life is too short for regrets and unpleasant memories.

I get all of the merely excellent weapons and armor again and sell them. That brings me up to 4,359. Then I dig into my spellbook and sell all the spare Lightning Bolt and Magic Missile scrolls I got from the Ulcaster School. That brings me up to 6,094. Then, finally, I sell a spare Traveler's Robe that I find in my Bag of Holding. It is enough. I buy the Maul +2: Tholin's Ogre Smasher for Yeslick!

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On the way out, Yeslick tries out the new hammer on a hapless skeleton.

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Then it's back to Firewine to fix all that ghost's problems.

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Unfortunately, we are ambushed on the way back! I laugh at all the cute gibberlings, but then I see something up north.

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Holy shit a basilisk! Instantly I rip his molecules apart. They are too dangerous to stay together.

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Then I shout at everybody to do all the magical damage they can to him. Imoen casts Magic Missile.

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Finch and Yeslick summon Spiritual Weapons, a new spell they are trying out. Hammers infused with divine magic show up in their hands and they hurl them at the basilisk goop. It works! I add in a few Magic Missiles as well.

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Yeslick manages to kill it just before Imoen's second magic missile volley hits. I breathe a sigh of relief.

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All the gibberlings are dead too. Kagain took care of those.

Posted Image I think we all deserve a pat on the back.

Damn straight Coran! We cautiously finish the 20 other hours of the journey, but meet no more basilisks. When we arrive, we rest and are ready to tackle the Firewine Bridge again.

We find a lone zombie on the bridge.

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We obliterate it. As we near the place where Amelia haunts, I pull Coran aside. I remind him of the taint that Rashel spoke of, and how the thorns on the roses keep pricking him. I tell him that I have a bad feeling about this. He doesn't really listen to what I have to say, but I keep insisting that he set up traps around the area just in case. He finally agrees. I think he just wanted me to be quiet.

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Then I am the one to approach Amelia.

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Posted Image *cough* Forgive me my hastiness, my good Lady.

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#696 Usurper

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Posted 08 September 2012 - 09:09 AM

Well, there's nothing else to do, so we go in.

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I feel a strong sense of deja vu. I send Coran ahead to scout. He finds Natan right away! Wait, isn't Natan supposed to be dead?

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Posted Image This woman... the demon... she tricked you! She will not leave, until she has the powders I gave you... I cannot say more now, but I swear that she is a being of pure evil. Please, please kill her and release me!

Posted Image I must run to the Mistress' call.

Posted Image I feel... I feel Amelia calling me to come and serve her. I am afraid that the priestess and Natan are right - there is evil in those roses, and this... woman. I... I can resist for now, but not for long. We need to find Amelia, Syvishtara.

I look at what Natan gives to me. They are strange, multicolored powders.

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We go back outside. I know what is to come next. We prepare.

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Then I send Kagain in to confront Amelia.

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Posted Image I want to know the truth, before I announce my decision.

Posted Image What is the truth, mortal? Look in the mirror, Syvishtara, and you will see yet another young elf... and that is the truth about you, of course. Yet the is another truth, the one that cannot be seen in the mirror - and it is a frightful one. Look at me as if you were a mirror - do not ask for the hidden truth. I am but a girl in need and I earned the item you hold.

Posted Image Give it to me, and I shall release the pathetic thieves...

Posted Image *sigh* I do not want to stand here all day and bandy words with you. Here are the powders and suit your words - release the thief, or I will cut you down!

Posted Image I doubt that you could, but I wish to be away from this plane.

Posted Image I have it! I have it! Here, take this necklace. What is a trinket, compared to freedom?

She throws something at me before taking off. What is this thing?

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Wow. Generous demon woman. I turn to Natan.

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Posted Image I suppose you have cleaned this dungeon of treasure? *sighs* I'll go look for some other ruins. Thanks for rescuing me!

Posted Image Wait, how were the roses involved?

Posted Image Sorcery, that's how! I am but a thief... a good thief, ma'am, but unaccustomed to dealing with things... unnatural. I came to Firewine for the same reason everybody does - treasure... and I saw a beautiful maiden outside the dungeon, collecting white wild roses in a small basket. She could not get a flower from the very top of the bush, hanging just beyond her reach... so, naturally, I offered my help...

Posted Image When I grabbed for the flower, thorns sprung from the stem, and the rose turned scarlet with my blood. The terrible woman laughed and took it from me... I was enslaved. The enchantment was not perfect, and sometimes I could do things out of my free will - and that's how I came upon the notes of that mage, who summoned the succubus here in the first place, and found his magic powders. Among his other supplies, I found a potion he called Dead Water, and I sprayed it over the damned roses.

Posted Image The roses died, and my will was freed, but the demon was unrelenting. She said that she has time to wait... that I would either bring her the powders, or I would die in this dungeon. The rest you know... well, more or less.

Posted Image Fare thee well, Natan... and stay out of trouble, will you? I may not happen along next time...

Posted Image Oh, I will be very cautious... Now, where did I meet that beggar who was selling a treasure map for Maztica?

And with that he takes off. Well, that's that. I guess I could be known as Syvishtara the Freer of Succubi now, but I won't really try to spread it around.

Gameplay note: Navigating this conversation incorrectly could result in the evil succubus leaving the Prime Material Plane with both Natan and Coran in tow. Then Coran would be gone permanently. Ha!
The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#697 Usurper

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Posted 09 September 2012 - 02:57 PM

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12 Alturiak, 1370

I still have trouble believing that I was just in the presence of an actual succubus. She might have seduced us all! I think I had better take some time out before going into the Firewine Ruins. I will check out the last part of this area and make sure everything is okay. I need to kill some trolls just to relax.

We start walking around, covering the rest of the unexplored ground. Ahh, trolls!

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Yeslick and Finch take out the first one together.

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The great thing about trolls is that the battles are slow and dependable. Everybody just flails at each other for a long time and then the trolls drop. Or Finch heals.

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When we finally drop the last troll, we all get a feeling of simple satisfaction of a job well done.

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No demonic trickery here, nope! Just good, honest, troll-slaying. Lets do it again. Or, you know, a vampiric wolf lord is good too.

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But the Weave asks me to wait a moment.

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Kagain strikes down the vampiric wolf lord, but not before he howls for the dead to rise!

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Zombie wolves and fire-spitting hellhounds rise to attack my companions!

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Coran pulls out his sword and bravely attacks the beasts to save Imoen from certain doom!

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Our tiny tank patrol finishes slaughtering their enemies and turns to help Coran. He is engulfed in flames.

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A good thing they are coming to help him, too, because he is not a tank.

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Finch heals Coran and Yeslick puts the hell hound down.

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Eventually, the Weave releases its hold on me. I wonder why it did not let me participate in this fight. Why? I ponder for a long while, and then realize. My companions did fine without me. I might have thrown a fireball, or a lightning bolt when I didn't need to. I might have even killed one of my companions with a stray spell. It has happened before. What the Weave has been trying to tell me is that I need to conserve my power. I should only act if it is necessary. I should hold back.

It is a difficult lesson to learn, but I shall try. In order to follow this new directive, I give up my Boots of Ensured Quickness to Finch.

There's only one more area to search in this place, so we go.

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#698 Usurper

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Posted 09 September 2012 - 02:58 PM

We find a wild-eyed magician named Carsa.

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Posted Image What's wrong? What is driving you to madness. Lady, if you want to help, you're going to have to calm down.

Posted Image He... it's in my head. It won't be quiet, just keeps on whispering, and whispering. You see this jar. Do you SEE it?!!!

Posted Image We see the jar lady, now just calm down and tell us what's happening.

Posted Image My companions and I... we explored the Firewine ruins... and we found... we found, this jar. It... it drove them all mad. They hacked and they cut, and... the blood, so much blood. They're all dead now, and only I'm left. The voice.. it tells me to say the name. If I say the name, it promises great rewards. But... I won't... I won't.

Posted Image What do you want us to do lady. How can we help you?

Posted Image Poor Carsa cannot be helped. You can't help Carsa! You must run, and run fast. Soon Carsa will not be able to resist... soon Carsa will say its name. Then it will come... and there will be blood... my blood, your blood.

Posted Image Just give us the jar Carsa. We'll know what to do with it. Don't worry.

Posted Image NO! Carsa will not give the jar. The jar is Carsa's and hers alone. Get away... get away or Carsa will say the name... and we will all die.

Posted Image Give us the jar Carsa. Give it to us now!

Posted Image You not take the jar from Carsa. It's mine. MINE!! Stay away, or I say the name. Stay away.

Posted Image We're taking the jar from you, whether you like it or not.

Posted Image NOOOoooo...

Posted Image KAHRK!!

Posted Image OH MIGHTY KAHRK!!!

Posted Image Whoa! That's some really creepy magic there!

Posted Image OH MIGHTY KAHRK!!!

Then the poor woman is slain, and Kahrk appears.

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Oh, great! He said he was weak!

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Wait, that's not weak... Thankfully, Yeslick does the right thing right away.

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I move back, letting the battle take its course. Kahrk has a contingency planned.

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And a Minor Sequencer as well.

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Finch is able to see the truth of all things, however, with her helmet.

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Despite the fact that I am not taking part in this fight yet, Kahrk walks over to get into range, and casts Confusion on me. It also hits Coran and Imoen.

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Finch casts Hold Person on Kahrk, but it is resisted.

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Kahrk also resists Yeslick's Hold Person spell.

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The same thing happens to Finch's Silence. It looks like this is going to have to be a melee combat. But when Kagain manages to beat off Kahrk's Stoneskins, he just casts more.

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Both Yeslick and Finch draw upon the divine might of their deities. They are getting ready for a smackdown.

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Kahrk casts Chaos at Finch, but nothing seems to happen.

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Yeslick takes some time out to heal Kagain as Kahrk begins to cast another spell.

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The evil ogre magi tries to Dominate Kagain! Thankfully the old stubborn bastard resists it.

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Yeslick tries to cast Chant, but Kahrk interrupts him with Spook. It actually works, and Yeslick is frightened!

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Kagain, now the one and only tank fighting Kahrk, activates his Cloak of Displacement to make himself harder to hit.

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Back in the confused part of the fight, I accidentally hit Imoen with a dagger throw. Oops?

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Finch also finishes up a Chant and gives herself and Kagain a little extra help for the fight.

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As if Kahrk is protecting Imoen, he turns and casts Flame Arrow at me!

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I am seriously wounded.

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Finch rushes over to heal Imoen.

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The elemental damage on Kagain's axe is penetrating Kahrk's stoneskins.

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And the Potion of Magic Blocking that Kagain drank at the beginning of the fight helps him against Kahrk's Chromatic Orb.

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Finch finally makes it all the way over to me and heals me a bit as well.

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Coran snaps out of the Confusion he was in, notches an Arrow of Dispelling, and takes aim at Kahrk.

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Kagain weathers a Horror spell from Kahrk as well. The dwarf is unflappable!

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Imoen lets loose a few Magic Missiles at the evil bastard.

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Kahrk turns and begins to cast a spell to retaliate against Imoen, but Finch's divine hammer slams into him and disrupts his spell!

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With divine hammers, magic missiles, chaos shards from myself, and another dwarf incoming, it looks like Kahrk's days are over. Yeslick is back in action!

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But Kahrk is not dead yet, and he throws quite a few magic missiles at me in a desperate move!

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But they all impact harmlessly against the Protection from Magic shell I am able to bring into existence JUST in the nick of time.

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I never knew I could read a scroll so fast!

Gameplay note: At less than half hit points I was pretty sure I was going to die to that. Saved in the nick of time!

I may not be able to cast more spells now, but I can throw the chaos dagger shards that I already have! I do so.

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Coran runs out of arrows, and goes in to melee. But that isn't a good idea.

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The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#699 Usurper

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Posted 09 September 2012 - 03:05 PM

Just when we think we've got Kahrk down, he drinks a potion!

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Yeslick tries out a new spell - Flame Blade.

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Gameplay note: As a level 6 cleric, Yeslick will wield the Flame Blade as a 1d8+6 damage weapon. Pretty good, and better than the hammer I bought him.

Of course, he is then immediately forced to stop his fighting and heal Kagain, who has gotten hit even through the Cloak of Displacement effect.

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I am getting worried about this fight. Kahrk may outlast us! Imoen is too, because she uses the Ring of Energy on him.

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Finch runs out of divine hammers and rushes into melee. But Kahrk discourages her from that.

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We are almost out of healing, so Finch retreats and uses her sling while the dwarves continue the grand melee.

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I may not be able to do anything magical in my bubble of Magic Protection, but Imoen still can! I throw my Wand of Fire to her and she hits Kahrk with the single-target setting.

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Kahrk is still not deterred and bites hard into Yeslick.

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I am getting really worried. I tell Imoen to do it again! She shoots the Wand of Fire once more. It is enough.

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More than enough for Kagain! He laughs heartily and keeps talking about what he learned during the fight.

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Gameplay note: Note the additional weapon proficiency in Axe. That takes it up to High Mastery. From the help text: "At this level the character receives +2 to hit and +2 to damage with the selected weapon. He also gains an extra 1/2 attack per round with the selected weapon. He gains a -1 to speed factor with the selected weapon." Pretty sweet. Kagain, the axe-wielding Gladiator.

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The body of Kahrk has a Potion of Master Thievery, a scroll of Power Word Stun, and a +1 two-handed sword called Valiant.

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I did not save the scroll of Cacofiend to be learned and copied out by Firebead because I feel a little strange to be giving demon-summoning spells to my mentor. And also because I'm pretty sure Imoen wouldn't want anything to do with it. But Power Word Stun is a great addition to any mage's arsenal! I shall have to get him to copy things out for us at the first opportunity.

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And this sword! Wow! +10 hit points? This would be perfect for a primary tank two-handed sword wielder such as Shar-teel or Minsc! I will have to give it to them later.

Edited by Usurper, 09 September 2012 - 03:19 PM.

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#700 Usurper

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Posted 09 September 2012 - 03:05 PM

I'm getting a strange error today when I try to post the rest of this update. It says "You are not allowed to use that image extension on this community." I've never gotten this error before and I am not using new extensions. I'm just posting up jpg and jpegs. what gives?

Edited by Usurper, 09 September 2012 - 03:22 PM.

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.