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Syvishtar's Journal

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#601 Usurper

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Posted 01 July 2012 - 08:38 AM

Hmmm, so Haiass, the pack mule, golden pantaloons, Rhialto, Rhialto's spellbook, possible character deaths and a few possible romances showing up are a significant amount of factors. I think maybe it is just better to keep things as they are.

Speaking of the pack mule, I think I read somewhere that keeping it installed interferes with the Vecna mod. I installed it anyway, but I wonder if that will actually come up. I can probably work around it if it does.

Edited by Usurper, 01 July 2012 - 08:41 AM.

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#602 Argumentative

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Posted 04 July 2012 - 05:55 AM

I have searched for this in SA thread, but I couldn't find it, or I might have missed it, but do you mind posting your Weidu log? I would like to try out some of the stuff you are playing with but would rather play it using Tutu and not BWP as I want to know exactly what I am getting into and am not patient enough to get BWP working. Thanks a lot, if you do. :)

#603 Usurper

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Posted 07 July 2012 - 10:51 AM

Sure, here is my weidu.log. Although I very strongly suggest that if you want to play with all these mods together that you use the Big World Project installer, because trying to install them together without using it is more painful, if not impossible. Here it is:


Edited by Usurper, 29 July 2012 - 05:15 PM.

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#604 Usurper

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Posted 07 July 2012 - 07:37 PM

I'm back from vacation, and here are the final votes. There was an anomaly in this chapter's voting because Finch and Kagain have the same number of positive and negative votes and the same level as well. I actually had to just up an choose who would be the 5th party member, and so I chose Kagain because I want to see him and Yeslick go at it. Finch is first up to replace a dead party member, however. And then after her is ... Xzar?!

Place     Name      Positive  Negative        Total        Last Time 
 1        Imoen     78        - 7                 71         5
 2        Yeslick   57                            57        (in Cloakwood Mines jail)
 3        Kivan     43                            43         2
 4        Edwin     41                            41        18
 5        Kagain    37                            37         8
 6        Finch     37                            37        15
 7        Xzar      24                            24        13
 8        Shar-Teel 57        -34                 23         4
 9        Coran     26        - 5                 21        (hunting wyverns solo)
10        Safana    21                            21        14
11        Dynaheir  11                            11        11
12        Minsc     10                            10         7
13        Viconia   9                              9         3
14        Rose      8         - 1                  7        16
15        Jaheira   5                              5        12
16        Faldorn   9         - 5                  4        (running with the wolves)
17        Branwen   4                              4        19
18        Tiax      4                              4        21
19        Mur'Neth  4                              4        22
20        Xan       17        -15                  2         9
21        Garrick   2                              2        (singing in Jovial Juggler)
22        Gavin     2                              2        24
23        Keiria    1                              1         1
24        Thorfinn  1                              1        23
25        Khalid    1                              1        20
26        Will      1                              1        17
27        Bjornin   0                              0        25
28        Skeezer   0                              0        10
29        Bub       0         - 1                - 1         6

Where to go next?

A. Baldur's Gate ........
B. Faff about    ...................................................................................

Most popular award goes to: Imoen! Our spiritual little sister and apprentice magebro makes an amazing comeback from her all-time low of 5th place to 1st place again.
Steadiest maintainer award goes to: Kivan again! He was in 2nd place last vote and is in 3rd place this vote. When it rains, Kivan doesn't get wet. The rain gets Kivan.
Most meteoric rise award goes to: Edwin, proving that getting a robe with your name practically on it is a surefire path to fame and fortune.
The furthest fall award goes to: Keiria Silverstring! Going from 1st place last vote to 23rd this vote is a shock. I guess that's what happens when you've got the stats to be a superstar but no personality at all.
And finally, the love 'em and leave 'em award goes to: Xan. Banging people and leaving them in our dust is quickly becoming Syvishtara's style. He can take a seat next to Viconia, Branwen, and Shar-Teel.

Therefore, our A team is going to be Imoen, Yeslick, Kivan, Edwin, and Kagain. And our B team, should we need them, is going to be Finch, Xzar, Shar-Teel, Coran, and Safana.

I should have an update up within 24 hours.

Edited by Usurper, 07 July 2012 - 07:47 PM.

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#605 Usurper

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Posted 08 July 2012 - 02:50 PM

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12 Hammer, 1370

It is a new year, 1370, and I think I am going insane. I've been in this inn for weeks now. I don't want to go outside. Every time I think about going out there, I think it will be time for someone to die. I think it will be time for Xan to die. The guy does know his fate, after all. And now that I love him.... Well, you know. He's doomed. I'll never let him hear me say it, but I'm starting to believe it myself.

Imoen wants to explore again. She asks me if I remember when spiders were scary, like that time when we went into the cave to the east of the Song of the Morning Temple and were raped by an astral phase spider. I smile a bit. Yes, there was a time when spiders were scary. But I don't think I'd worry too much about a single astral phase spider now. I'm pretty sure a few arrows to the eye and a Magic Missile barrage or two would take care of them, astral phasing or no. Then Imoen drops a question in her most innocuous voice. She idly wonders what's in that cave, and then wanders off to leave me alone. I know she did it on purpose, but it doesn't matter. My mind keeps drifting back to that cave now, wondering what's in there.

Surely exploring just that cave and that cave only wouldn't be too bad, right? But I'm not taking Xan with me. I just can't risk him.

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In fact, I think it's time to get some new faces around here. I have harmed these people enough for now.

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Posted Image I have no need of your assistance at this time, though I may call upon you in the future.

Posted Image Very well. I'm sure I can hook up with another group.

I also say goodbye to Faldorn.

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I then turn to the dwarves, Yeslick and Kagain, but I can't actually say anything to them. They are extremely dependable allies and excellent warriors. Maybe I should keep them around. And, if I'm going to keep them around, I should buy Yeslick a warhammer. We stop by the Thunderhammer Smithy. I notice a new guy there, another dwarf. I introduce myself.

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Then I take a look at Taerom's selection of hammers. A Masterwork Warhammer costs over 2,600 gold, so I just get a normal one. I'll have to find more out in the wilds somewhere.

When we get back to the Jovial Juggler, I go and get Imoen. I tell her that we're going to check out that old cave behind the temple, and ONLY that cave. She is extremely happy.

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Posted Image Sorry to have kept you waiting. Lets get going.

Posted Image You bet! We'll nick ourselves a whole purse o' fun before the night is through!

Oh Imoen...

I look around the crowd and wonder who else I can sucker into exploring this cave with me. My eyes rest upon the insufferable one - Edwin.

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Posted Image Though I do not enjoy your manner, I do have need of your talents. Welcome back.

Posted Image Save your pleasantries. (I will suffer their company merely because they are useful.)

He can be the sacrificial lamb. But if we're going to go up against spiders, we will need at least one person who knows what he's about.

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Posted Image I would tend to agree. Perhaps we should rejoin and continue on our way.

Posted Image A wise choice. Lead on.

Then, of course, it is time to equip everybody. I find that the Boots of Ensured Quickness are in fact not cursed at all, but work exactly the same as Boots of Speed do. That's nice.

I also check to see who knows the greatest about the world. Who knows the most lore. It turns out to be Edwin. At least, I think he knows more about the world than the rest of us. So I slip the Girdle of Cognizance on him. His reaction is hilarious.

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Now every mage in the party is a woman. Ha!

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I refuse to let him take it off. But in a gesture of reconciliation I do let him go through my spell scrolls and copy down the spells he does not yet know. After Imoen does, that is.

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Imoen learns the new spells of Icebolt, Protection from Evil, Dimension Door, Fire Shield (Red), Detect Invisibility, Protection from Petrification, Blur, Melf's Minute Meteors, Orb of Air, and Globe of Invulnerability.

Edwin is able to learn the spells of Spook, Chill Touch, Shield, Haste, Friends, Shocking Grasp, Charm Person, Deafness, Stinking Cloud, Dispel Magic, Improved Invisibility, Burning Hands, Remove Magic, Grease, and Melf's Acid Arrow. Overall he makes out like a bandit. He better be nice to me!

I check out the other members of the party. The dwarves look ready to kill just about anything.

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Gameplay note: Yeslick wears the Ankh of Acceptance, which boosts his wisdom and gives him one extra level 3 cleric spell.

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Kagain has chosen to go with the Heart of the Dragon shield, even though it is only a medium shield, because it gives him 10 extra hit points.

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Kivan is using the Strong Arm +2, the amazing bow that can kill anything. He is decked out in all the woodsy equipment we have run across and the Helm of Mind Warding with its True Sight. He is also using a new melee weapon, the Halberd +3 The Stunner, because it is technically a spear.

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Finally there is myself, with my Elemental Staff of Fire, my Flickering White Ioun Stone, and my Boots of Ensured Quickness. I am confident that I can kill a few spiders no problem.

I discuss spell selection with my magical colleagues and we end up with a straightforward selection of direct damage spells for the most part. It is enough. We rest to get ready for our tiny, little adventure. But Imoen just can't sleep.

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Posted Image Hey... gramps... um... can you tell me a story?

Posted Image A story? At bedbyes time? That's... kind o' an odd thing, aye? What do ye want one o' those fer?

Posted Image To get to sleep, dummy. *Imoen slaps Yeslick's shoulder playfully before she notices the confusion on his face.* Don't dwarven parents tell stories to their kids to get 'em to sleep?

Posted Image Me dad never told me nothin' o' the sort... he taught me the hymn o' Moradin, he did, when I was a wee foundling. Recited that three times a night afore I let my head touch pillow. 'Oh, lord Soulforger, may thee keep the rats away, may thee not let the roof fall down on me head as I sleep...', an' all that.

Posted Image Jeez! No wonder you guys always wear helmets. Sleepin' every night underground with a little piece of wood holdin' up the roof! I think I'd go insane worryin' if the roof was gonna collapse on me.

Posted Image Ah, ye'd git used ta it. Anyways, a story! I do know a few fables I used ta tell at the Feastin'. Always got a good rousin' cheer, those did. Will the tale o' the Doom o' Lord Fargrim do? 'Tis a tale o' woe an' blood an' war!

Posted Image Sure! Sounds like something ol' Puffguts would tell. Just give me a moment to get situated here.

Posted Image Aye, then, settle down, settle down. *clears throat* "It befell in the days of anvil's thundering, in the year of the Soulforger's wrath, when Lord Fargrim, King of the Mountain Gleaming, Master of the Clan Trollslayer, Smith of the Spear of Heaven, was ruler in the Dale of Shadows and so reigned about him. For there was a mighty troll warlord in the Dale of Shadows who did make war upon him... and..."

Posted Image "... and by so means Alric, Lord of the clan hosts, Hammer of Goblins, Steel-helmed, did send for him. And the troll's son was known by many names; Spear-toothed, Scale-hide, the Claw of the Mountain, but chiefly as Garglish, Chieftain of the Foul Moon tribe.

Posted Image And lo, Garglish, Spear-tooth, Scale-hide, Claw of the Mountain, Chieftain of the Foul Moon tribe did come to Alric, Lord of the clan hosts, Hammer of Goblins, Steel-helmed, as trusted envoy for his father, the foul Grargar, Fang-maw, Rending-claw. And alongside Alric, Lord of the clan hosts, Hammer of Goblins, Steel-helmed, stood Fargrim, Mountain-master, Troll-slayer, Spear-smith.

Posted Image And he did say unto him, "Thou hast come as I big, Garglish, Spear-tooth, Scale-hide, Claw of the Mountain, Chieftain of..." uhm... "Chieftain of the Foul Moon tribe..." erm...

Posted Image Imoen? Ay, Imoen? You listenin', lass?

Posted Image Zzzzzzzz...

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The next morning we set out to see what there is to see. But first we stop by Firebead Elvenhair's house.

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This time he seems interested in four more pieces of jewelry that we picked up. And after that, he is extremely happy and friendly towards us. The old man has definitely warmed up to us.

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Gameplay note: We could definitely recruit him now. But we just made a new party. I probably should have done this before the party vote, but too late now. I'll stop by later on and recruit him after maybe someone dies or we get ready for the next party vote.

We take our small walk, and it doesn't even take an hour. Shortly we are standing right in front of the cave.

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Yeslick gives us a Chant, and then we are ready to enter.

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We are met at the entrance by a Sword Spider.

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A vampiric wolf comes to join the fight, as Yeslick and Kagain engage in melee.

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The monsters fall too quick to make individual notes. My sword likes the way things are going.

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Kagain seems like it too.

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We go investigate a side passage and see the infamous Astral Phase Spider greet us there.

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Imoen is the one to kill it.

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It never even posed a threat. Damn we are good now!

Edited by Usurper, 08 July 2012 - 04:40 PM.

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#606 Usurper

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Posted 08 July 2012 - 02:51 PM

The sarcophagus seems to be locked tight. Not even Kivan with his exceptional strength can open it.

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I have to use my one prepared Knock spell to open it. Inside there is about 250 gold. We collect it and move on.

Next we see a zombie.

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Two of them, actually, which easily fall. We turn to the Wraith Spider next.

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Hot on the, um, legs of the wraith spider is an insubstantial bear with a name - Teddy the Doomsayer. What?

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Imoen, Edwin, and I give each other a glance and nod. Teddy the Doomsayer definitely qualifies for a Magic Missile barrage. We all let loose at the same time.

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I am also hit by another zombie then. Ouch! Edwin turns and takes it out with her bow. Nice one. Then we all pound on Teddy. He is pretty hard to hit.

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He hits hard too. Yeslick finds this out the difficult way.

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I throw an acid flask at him and manage to hurt him. So I try to do it again. It hurts again but doesn't kill him. So I use my ring on him. He dies.

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Imoen seems amazed at my tactics. I tell her to always remember that magic is the ultimate solution to every problem. She nods. She will remember.

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We backtrack a bit to look into another set of sarcophagi. One of them is empty. One contains a Star Sapphire. And one is locked. Kivan manages to open it though.

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It contains a pearl necklace.

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Then we investigate the hallway that Teddy was guarding, but there is nothing there. I guess it was his lair?

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We kill another zombie going down the hallway.

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And, at the end of the hallway, we see three ghost-like beings that all look the same.

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I cautiously approach them to speak with them. They don't seem hostile.

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Posted Image I am Syvishtara and your... as you call it... place is on the tongues of the whole town of Beregost. Why are you haunting here?

Posted Image I am one. But I am... Yeees three... Touch, hearing and smell. There are three of us. That is my punishment. Punishment for the death... punishment... But I wanted nothing more than to destroy the evil... But the evil is stronger... And now I am one of the evil... one of them...

Posted Image Can you be more specific?

Posted Image I am undead... a phantom... powerful but unfortunately unwilling to cause damage on the surface... I don't know if it's my wisdom that saved my mind or it is just another part of my punishment... revenge.

Posted Image Is there a way to ease your suffering?

Posted Image A way... Help... Is always. You were not terrified to enter this cave... you didn't run away in madness... My torturers have not foreseen this... There is a sword... A sword to the collection of vampire ideas for a revenge... Vampiric sword... If you could possess it and bring it here as well as some holy water... I will walk away... Walk away... At last...

Posted Image Just like that? Where can I find this sword? And do you have anything in exchange for me?

Posted Image I don't know... I don't even try to guess... But it exists... I've even wielded it... When was that...? And you'll find some useful items in my chamber...

Posted Image We'll see what we can do...

Posted Image Whatever you want... Help me or kill me...

I think it over a second. Then I glance at Imoen. The look on her face tells me that there is really only one option. I guess we're going to be looking for a vampiric sword somewhere along the Sword Coast.

We go back and stop by the Song of the Morning Temple to sell some of our cursed equipment.

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We get rid of the blinding amulet, and also a two-handed axe that does damage to the wielder, called Screaming Death. Nobody uses two-handed axes anyway. We end up with 7669 gold!

Then we look over the area map and ponder. Vampiric sword... vampiric sword... where could we find a vampiric sword?

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Imoen says she's always wanted to see Ulcaster. It is as good a place as any, and the closest. We go there. It takes 8 hours.

As soon as we get there, though, we are attacked by a ghast.

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Kivan kills it.

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Filled with confidence, we march boldly into the area. But we are accosted by a veritable army of skeletons, shadows, ghouls, and ghasts a few seconds into our walk!

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Thank the Weave for Fireball!

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We mow through the rest of the undead like so much grass.

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We explore a little more around the area and do find more undead. We attack them too with gusto.

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Kivan seems to be the one getting most of the kills, as usual.

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We walk a little more, and find a little gnome or halfling named Furret. He introduces himself to us.

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Posted Image Yes, we're adventurers, why should you care?

Posted Image That's good then! You see, I am an adventurer of sorts, of course I'm not very fond of battle. I like to pilfer objects from ruins and monstrous lairs, and try my best to avoid getting hurt. Anyway, I have something that might interest you. I have a gem in my possession, a magical gem. I have no use for it, and I can't get the price I'm looking for from anyone I've met. Would you perhaps be interested?

Posted Image Perhaps you could tell us what the gem does?

Posted Image Of course! It's a gem of True Seeing. It allows you to see the truth in all things. So do you want it? I'm selling it for 1,000 gold, no more, no less.

Posted Image How 'bout selling it for less than 1,000 gold?

Posted Image I can't sell such a gem for less than 1,000 gold!

I really want to get a quality magic item, and Kivan's helmet already does True Seeing.

Posted Image Can't afford it, I guess this is goodbye.

Posted Image It's too bad that you couldn't see the obvious value of this gem. I guess I'll be on my way.

That gem looked suspiciously like a turquoise gem anyways, and I didn't detect any magical auras coming off of it. I think there was no significant loss.

The next set of bad guys we encounter includes a Skeleton Warrior. Tough!

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I'm not sure if it is his axe or something the Skeleton Warrior does, but Kagain enters a berserker rage during the fight!

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Edited by Usurper, 08 July 2012 - 02:52 PM.

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#607 Usurper

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Posted 08 July 2012 - 02:51 PM

We make sure that he ends the fight alone and far away from the rest of us until he calms down.

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Our next encounter includes a bunch of hobgoblins. They are old hat.

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One of them is wearing a pair of magical boots, though.

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Imoen snatches them up. She doesn't put them on, and it looks as though she can't quite figure them out. But she keeps them, nevertheless.

Also, a man runs by our position and stops just long enough to talk rapidly.

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Then it is more skeleton warriors.

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When I see ghasts come up behind them, I know it is time for another Fireball.

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Kagain goes into berserker mode again. Yeslick backs him up with a few heals. Edwin lays about with Magic Missiles.

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Our enemies all seem to fall at once.

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Once again we try to make sure that Kagain ends the fight far ahead of the rest of the party.

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It works. He doesn't attack any of us. I notice that he looks diseased after the fight, though. I'm able to take care of it.

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I get impatient, and since Kagain and I run the fastest in the group, we find ourselves way ahead of the rest of them, up a cliff-side, and on top of this little escarpment. Unfortunately we also come face to face with 4 ghouls/ghasts. I don't even have time to think, just whip out with the wildness of the Weave and try to throw something at them that will take them all out instantly.

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SUCCESS! Cone of Cold, bitches! Kagain is able to take out the last one.

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I survey the land from my vantage point. Something about it seems quite familiar...

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Gameplay note: This is the same map as the area north of Sir BillyBob's farm in Restenford.

There is a huge butte to the north, and we find the trail to scale it easily. On top of it all is another ghast. It is dead before we can blink.

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It is here that we find the sign we are looking for - we are finally at the Ulcaster School.

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Gameplay note: I had some problems with the game crashing on multiple reloads of the next encounter, so I thought I'd cut it off here and continue later. It is already a respectable-sized update.

Edited by Usurper, 08 July 2012 - 04:47 PM.

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#608 Beleg33


    AKA Adanedhel on G3

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Posted 08 July 2012 - 03:51 PM

I'm so voting Firebead Elvenhair next time!
You uploaded the same pic twice, Yeslick inventory screen, second one should be Kagain.
Chant is short-lived and not so good to use before entering an area where you now will be monsters. I rather use it when a battle just started if the enemy group contains some melee-hitters. So I wait for them to close in and cast Chant so I get the benefits and they get the negative effects.
Random spambot #8434678 said :

you should liquor multiplying great deal supplment your to office apparel predicated copy may possibly be an go through check out this behave as more busy den has an interest in pc

#609 Usurper

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Posted 08 July 2012 - 04:48 PM

Thanks, I changed it. And that's good advice for Chant. I forgot that it also negatively affects enemies.
The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#610 AmyAE

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Posted 09 July 2012 - 01:33 AM

Do you know what's causing your crashes? Just wondering, because I've been playing BWP and although I've encountered lots of various bugs, the only crashes I've had were due to animation issues.

#611 Argumentative

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Posted 09 July 2012 - 02:12 AM

Crashing could be due to scripting clashes. I am pretty sure Ulcaster has a bunch of undead that a whole lot of mods tweak and some add new creatures to the game that don't seem to play nice with global tweak mods. I hope you can get through it without too much frustration. Nice job, Vorgen/Usurper :)

Speaking of mod scripts, about that dragon.

Edit: Thank you for posting the weidu log. I am looking at some of the mods you installed and apparently modders usually operate on either 'Horribly Imbalanced' or 'Hate the player, his dog, his whole family and relish in seeing them reduced to tears of blood' mode. Throw all the Items, Quests, Tweaks, Upgrades, Spells and what have you in the BWP blender and you get a horribly mishmashed, bi-polar game that apparently can't make up its mind on whether it hates you today or loves you. :WTF:

Edited by Argumentative, 09 July 2012 - 03:13 AM.

#612 Usurper

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Posted 09 July 2012 - 04:18 PM

Yep! It's just like real life! And I really have no idea about the dragon. I'm not sure if I can even take it out.

Edited by Usurper, 09 July 2012 - 04:19 PM.

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#613 Usurper

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Posted 09 July 2012 - 06:52 PM

We've gotten some new poetry in the main thread:

The Goons
by Seuss of Soubar

One night, under the moon
In the plains of Faerun
Came an Up-Voting Goon
And a Down-Voting Goon.
And it happened that both of them came to a vote
Where they bumped. There they groused.
Thread to thread. Mouse to mouse.

"Look here now" the Up-Voting Goon said, "I say!
You frustrate my fun and you're right in my way.
I'm an Up-Voting Goon and I'll vote Shar-Teel up.
So just stand aside and improve Vorgen's luck."

"Who's in whose way?" snapped the Down-Voting Goon.
"I always vote the same and sing the same tune.
So you're in MY way! And I ask you to stop!
This Shar-Teel romance is just so much rot."

Then the Up-Voting Goon puffed on his inhaler a few.
"I'll never" he said "change my ways just for you.
And I'll prove to you that Shar-Teel will be great given time!
However many votes it takes! If it's fifty-eight or fifty-nine!

"And I'll prove to YOU" wheezed the Down-Voting Goon,
"That I can whine on right here on the plains of Faerun
For fifty-nine years, for I live by a system
That I learned as a boy browsing Chosen of Mystra
No more shit! That's my rule! Never budge in the least!
Not a hope for Saerileth, no more overpowered priests!
I've had it with these crap mods and I'll tell you for free
I'll vote down until we both get banned! Yes, you and me!

Of course the thread moved right on and it left them behind
And the LP finally ended in its own good sweet time
And it rumbled right past those two stubborn Goons
Just a footnote in history; their accounts banned too soon.

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#614 AmyAE

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Posted 25 July 2012 - 02:23 PM

...is this still alive?

#615 Usurper

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Posted 26 July 2012 - 06:16 PM

Yes. I'm still here. Just some things keep coming up.
The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#616 Usurper

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Posted 29 July 2012 - 04:13 AM

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14 Hammer, 1370

I sit and try to make out some ruins in the darkness, but I cannot really. The place is just too gloomy. Ulcaster School is infamous, and in fact we've been hearing rumors about it for over 8 months now. Nobody really knows what's here, but then again the reason nobody knows is because people usually stay away. It is best we be cautious.

Too bad we don't have anyone who can sneak, or any invisibility spells. Being cautious amounts to walking slower than usual and being alert. That's how we are able to spot the glowing red skeleton warrior before it spots us. HA! That'll show 'em!

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Posted Image Halt, wraith, and reveal thy nature!

Posted Image ... I am Icharyd... greatest of warriors... I wish to live and... taste blood, once more... Yours shall be the first... in a hundred years...

Oh great.

Thankfully, nobody in the party responds well to a creaky old bastard wanting to taste my blood. Missiles and arrows go flying.

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We have two melee fighters, two ranged fighters, and two magical guys. Our party is perfectly balanced, and one glowy skeleton cannot harm us.

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Yeslick does get hit once.

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And strangely enough his healing spell fails.

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But I just move in to heal him and we continue the fight.

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The next time Yeslick gets hit, he pops a healing potion.

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But it feels like perhaps it was not enough. The stoic dwarf seems quite injured.

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I tell him to pull back, but as soon as I do Icharyd speaks again.

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Posted Image But I have not walked Faerun this long without learning much... Not yet am I defeated...

Posted Image Myrkul, honour our pact... remember the blood I spilled for thee. Aid me!

Then I feel the touch of what must be a god, because suddenly we are all in different positions. Icharyd is about 30 feet away from us, bathed in divine light, uninjured. And we are all standing in formation, slightly displaced from our previous locations. It is disorienting.

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But we beat this guy down fast enough once, how much worse can it get?

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Oh. That much worse. We need to take him out immediately!

Gameplay note: The game crashed every single time I tried to continue the fight at this point. I did not know what to do. I just could not figure out how to fix it. It seemed to crashing during one of the lightning strikes. Maybe that had something to do with it. The only way I could continue the game was to use CTRL-Y. So I did. What I have here next are the bits and pieces of what I was able to capture before crashing several times. It did not all really happen in this way, but it's too cool to pass up showing.

Following my own advice, I throw my last remaining Potion of Explosions at him. He shrugs it off.

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Yeslick realizes that we need to get that Divine Might off of him, so he throws his special Dispel Magic at the creature. He's not sure if it works, though.

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Also, some strange-looking wolves are entering the fight. I don't know what spell exactly I need to cast, but I know I need to pull it off without a problem. So I use Rhialto's Spellbook to give myself a Chaos Shield.

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I don't know if I'm going to be in time, though. Kagain is looking pretty bad. And I know he has some traumatic experiences with lightning.

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I call out for the Weave and carelessly draw raw power into myself. I'll decide what to do with it in a minute. But the Weave already has other ideas. I feel an indescribable agony, then nothing.

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Gameplay note: I am under a stun effect, presumably until someone turns me back to flesh.

I can do nothing but watch as lightning strikes down again and again.

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At least the dwarves seem like they've got things under control.

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Well, maybe.

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Kagain's berserker fury turns to fear, and he begins running around the battlefield in a blind panic.

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I coolly think that this might be best for him, since he managed to drink a potion of regeneration just before that, and he already has natural regeneration. He should be able to heal himself a little running around like that. Of course the lightning might hit him again...

Nope, it hits Yeslick this time. Kinda good, that.

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But then Kivan gets in one lucky shot, and Icharyd screams and falls and dies. And suddenly, I am not petrified anymore.

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Gameplay note: I have no earthly idea how I would have fixed myself from petrification. I actually breathed a sigh of relief when the game crashed that time. Maybe I need to start carting around a scroll of Stone to Flesh? But then again I had dropped all my equipment and was stunned and could not move, so that scroll would have been inaccessible to the rest of the party. So someone else should carry it, like Imoen. Something to think about when we have money to do such things. But anyway, this is the first time I've been forced to use CTRL-Y on anything. I'm disappointed I wasn't able to get the fight to work. CTRL-Y dropped Icharyd to Near Death, but didn't kill him, and Kivan did actually hit him once and finally deal the scripted deathblow. Oh well, we have to move on.

Icharyd has an Excellent Flail, a necklace, two pearls, and a Rod of Refuge.

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Is this thing serious? I have to try it out! I activate the Rod and strange, swirly white stuff flows around all of us.

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The next thing we see is that we are in a comfortable room, which could perhaps be at any inn on the coast.

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Posted Image -Yawn- I'm gettin' a little sleepy.

This is amazing! There is a chest here and a wardrobe too! The door doesn't open, though, no matter how hard we push against it. There's no telling where this room is, in this world or another. But who cares? There's a basket of fresh apples!

Kivan apparently thinks it is safe enough to bring up a sore subject.

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Posted Image You should keep your views to yourself, Kivan. Maybe then people will start taking you seriously instead of pitying you.

Posted Image I loathe your company, wizard... and my eyes are too sensitive to stand your presence. Was it in a crow's nest that you acquired your taste for bright colors and glimmering golden trinkets?

Posted Image Fool elf, my look and style are perfect. I am sure that you have no clue. Just look at those colors you are wearing! Mud with dust. And you are suggest an imbalance in my ensemble?

Posted Image Imbalance? Have you been befriending druids, perchance, Edwin?

Posted Image You do not suggest seriously that I might pay attention to anything the tree-hugging rabble has to say?

Posted Image Oh, forgive me, Edwin. Indeed, you are the sort who listens to his own voice exclusively. Then you must have come up with a concept of the world's balance on your own.

Posted Image I have an intelligent concept of the world's balance. (Do I even dare to hope that someone can understand a scheme so perfectly devised?)

Posted Image With yourself as the Supreme Ruler of the World?

Posted Image Well, this simple yet insightful supposition from your part leads me to believe you are not as hopelessly foolish as I originally thought.

Posted Image Shall we continue this conversation another day, perhaps? I am in no mood for jokes right now.

With that, I go over everyone's spell selection before we end up bedding down for the night. I and Imoen snuggle together in one bed. Kivan takes the other. Yeslick and Kagain apparently prefer sleeping on the floor, and camp out in two of the corners. Edwin looks just about ready to burst from unhappiness, but dare not bring up the bedding subject with a pissed-off Kivan. He ends up sleeping on the floor in the center of the room, muttering to himself the whole time. I think Kivan might have started the whole argument just to get a good place to sleep. Clever!

The next morning I call my pack mule, and tell him to wait in the corner. He does. I think I'll keep him here permanently from now on. He's always so annoying with his braying and his wandering into combat. He can eat the apples in the basket. I also do a little organizing. Armor goes in the wardrobe, weapons go in the weapons locker. Miscellaneous little things stay on the mule. I feel pretty good about my new digs!

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#617 Usurper

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Posted 29 July 2012 - 04:14 AM

Then Kagain decides to do a little digging into Edwin of his own.

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Posted Image Ach! Don't play deefened on me. I seen ye twich. If ye've no wish to answer, say as much like a man.

Posted Image (If I respond, this toad will croak again. If I do not, it will croak the louder to prove to itself that it truly exists.) *sighs* I was merely considering how best to express myself in terms comprehensible to you. That is *not* that work of an instant for one such as I.

Posted Image Ah, slow on the uptake is ye, then?

Posted Image Fortunately for you, I am very slow to 'uptake' umbrage at cruel impertinence. As for your original inquiry, the compass of the Red Wizards spans far beyond mere physical distance. More you are not entitled to know.

Posted Image Ah, I get you. Ye dunno yourself why ye're here. Could of been, they put ye so far off on account of your cheery manner.

Posted Image Know then, O Ignorance, that where *I* stand, *there* is the center of the most arcane thaumaturgy of Thay.

Posted Image Must be, then, they's all hiding invisible under yer shadow. Clever fellers at disguising themselves, I'll allow.

Posted Image Objectively, I suppose you, personally, are not to blame. The fault lies with whomever taught you to speak without granting commensurate capacity for ideation. I must see to that one day.

I roll my eyes, and call everybody together. We're going back to the real world now. I use the rod, and the strange mist comes again.

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Then we are back, exactly where we left the other day! I think I'm going to love this rod.

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It is daytime now, so we explore further around the area. Instead of undead, during the day we find orcs!

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The priest begins to cast a spell, but I shut her down with a few Minute Meteors to the face.

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Then Kagain kills the elite and I know we've got this one in the bag.

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The orc priest tries to cast another spell - looks like Hold Person. Imoen shouts some unfamiliar words at it, and it disappears in a puff of air!

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She got it to work. Amazing!

Kagain takes out the last orc too.

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I idly wonder if the priest is ever going to come back, or if she is stuck like that forever. My question is answered in a moment.

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She falls, of course. Then we keep looking around the top of this butte. When I see an incorporeal being, I almost shout out the attack, but it doesn't move towards us. So instead, I cautiously approach it.

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Posted Image ... a storehouse of arcane knowledge...

Posted Image ... lost, all lost... a common dungeon, now...

Posted Image ... all for knowledge did we strive... nothing left... Hope would return with the retrieval of the simplest of tomes... beneath the rubble... on the lowest floors... return hope... history is so important...

Posted Image ... history is so important... the retrieval of long forgotten relics... a worn shell for the heart... and a buried icon of doom... must be returned...

Posted Image ... we all strived for knowledge... one more artifact of arcane lore... must be returned...

The ghost reaches out towards Imoen, and she backs away. But then she lets out a little yelp of indignation, and checks her backpack. She says her little Kozah-poo is gone!

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I hesitate to ask, but I have to anyways. I ask her what the hell a Kozah-poo is. She reminds me of a fight we had about four months ago, of an archeological dig gone wrong. And of the idol she kept as a memento.

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But now, she says, it's gone, and that damned ghost took it! She seems about ready to try something arcane, but I put a hand up to calm her. I tell her that the idol was evil and it is probably better in the hands of this well-meaning ghost. She still pouts, though.

So let's see. The ghost wants us to return the tomes from the lowest floors. But it also wants "a worn shell for the heart" and "a buried icon of doom." Oh hey, the buried icon of doom is probably Kozah. So we only need the tomes and the "worn shell for the heart," whatever that is. I explain it to Imoen and she seems a little mollified. She's giving hope to despairing ghosts, after all. She likes that sort of thing. And just to make sure, I speak to the ghost again. He does seem a little happier.

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Happy for him; creepy for me. We start to wander through the ancient ruins of the school, only to find more orcs. What are they even doing here, I wonder?

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I start everything off with a nice Potion of Explosions.

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Half of the orcs surround Kagain, and the other half surround Yeslick. Then we start the long-range pounding.

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One of the orc archers goes after Imoen, prompting her to cast Icebolt at him, her only level 2 spell.

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It is not enough to kill him, but Kivan takes time out of his busy day to drop the orc for Imoen.

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Yeslick takes out the last orc around him, and goes to help Kagain.

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It is pretty interesting from my perspective that Yeslick took out everyone around him before Kagain did anything. I'll have to remember that in the future.

With a hail of arrow fire to help them, Yeslick and Kagain drop one orc each, and then Yeslick takes out the last one.

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We continue to thread our way through the ruins. The place looks like it was a large compound indeed.

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We explore the whole map, and find ourselves near where we fought the orcs the last time. There is only one place to go - down into the basement of the Ulcaster School.

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But before we go, we look out over the general area one last time, to take the whole vista in.

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We go down inside and find ourselves in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike.

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Why me indeed, Kagain. Why any of us? I tell everyone that we're going to go through this single-file. Yeslick first, then Kagain, then Kivan, followed by Edwin, myself, and Imoen. Hopefully we will be able to stay alive that way.

We head left first. The first room is empty. The second holds a vampiric wolf. This is what Haiass could have been, but never was. I miss him.

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Kagain goes into a berserker rage and gets the first hit on the wolf.

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He also manages to get the deathblow. But then he turns on Kivan!

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He chases the elf into the next room before he regains his senses. That was a close one. Kivan does not look happy, either.

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Another twist of a passage reveals yet another vampiric wolf. I'm sensing a theme to this dungeon. Ulcaster is right to be ashamed.

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I am the one to get the killing blow on this wolf, and once again Kagain turns on us - on Yeslick to be precise.

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I realize that berserker furies are more dangerous in enclosed spaces. But the fight stops before it begins.

After that, we find two vampiric wolves in one room. Scary!

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Kagain gets the kill on the first wolf, and Kivan gets the kill on the second.

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Kagain attacks Kivan again, and this time Kivan gets a hit in before the fight is over.

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I think Kagain is really starting to upset my other melee fighters. But we continue on, nevertheless.

The next two rooms give us an ochre jelly and a mustard jelly. We wade into battle.

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Kivan deals the deathblow to the ochre jelly, and Kagain turns on him. Perhaps he doesn't like killstealing?

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No, because Kivan deals the deathblow to the mustard jelly and Kagain attacks Yeslick. I don't think there is a method behind this madness.

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There is some stuff laying on the ground here. A bastard sword, some armor, a Potion of Mirrored Eyes, a chrysoberyl gem, and an unidentified protection scroll.

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#618 Usurper

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Posted 29 July 2012 - 04:15 AM

I try to identify the protection scroll, but the results are less than appealing.

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Death by ugliness. Ugh. This seems to be a dead end, so we backtrack confidently towards the entrance. But we are ambushed by another vampiric wolf!

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We draw him into the room and beat him to death on the corpses of his bothers. No biggie.

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Then we go back to the entrance and start down the righthand path. I wonder what this place used to be, anyways. A test dungeon for new mages?

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We are interrupted by yet another vampiric wolf.

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Kivan gets this one. There is a dead body behind the wolf this time, though. It has a Potion of Genius and an Excellent Dagger. A dead apprentice, obviously. I wonder what killed this place. It couldn't have been a vampiric wolf swarm, surely. They aren't so tough.

The next major room holds new horrors. A skeleton warrior and a regular skeleton bar the passage. We have to fight.

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I remember how much magic resistance skeleton warriors have. This fight is going to be won by the fighters. As long as they don't get too injured.

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Wait a second... why are wolfweres appearing in the corner?

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I don't have too many spells left after the orc fights, so I pull out a scroll and cast it. It doesn't really seem to help much.

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Edwin also goes for crowd control, but he uses Stinking Cloud. Ugh!

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One of the wolfweres might be affected, but it is hard to tell. Imoen is definitely affected, though. I can see it on her face.

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Edwin even affects himself!

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The fight drags on. I even mess up casting something from Rhialto's spellbook. Then Yeslick gets hit.

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I start to get a little worried, but then Kivan puts my fears to rest by chunking a wolfwere.

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Yeslick moves the battle line by retreating from the cloud to heal himself, then returning to battle.

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Kivan gets hit once in melee and looks pretty bad. But I manage to heal him within the cloud and he can soldier on.

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Kivan is the one to take out the skeleton warrior.

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I really want to move this fight into the next room but Kagain's berserker rage isn't moving. So we're going to have to tough it out here. Eventually, Edwin's useless Stinking Cloud disappears and Yeslick can heal Kagain without danger of choking to death.

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Kivan takes out the ranged skeleton that was a minor annoyance, and we all focus on the remaining wolfwere.

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Kivan deals the deathblow there too.

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In the corner of this room is a strength potion and a gem. I pick them up. Then I say we're all tired and sore, and could use some rest. I take us all to my Refuge.

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An uneventful night of rest and relaxation, and we are ready to take on the rest of the dungeon.

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The next room, though, has both a skeleton warrior and a mist horror in it. That can't be good, whatever it is.

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Yes, it is indeed not good. I tell everybody to run when it casts Chaos.

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We relocate to the previous room. There's no reason to not run when enemies cast Chaos at you. We form an orderly line, and watch as the Mist Horror advances on us. Then Imoen makes it disappear into a puff of air.

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She laughs out loud as she does it. She's really getting to love that spell. Yeslick finishes his Chant just as the skeleton warrior and the skeleton walk into the room, and we brace for a repeat of yesterday's fight.

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The skeleton makes ths mistake of shooting at Imoen. Both of us more powerful mages take that as an insult, and Minute Meteors fly from my hand as Magic Missiles fly from Edwin's. The skeleton goes down in an instant.

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Kivan, trying to match the dwarves in melee, gets hit good and hard for it.

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He retreats, but the enemy follows him.

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He just barely scrapes by the skeleton warrior along the wall before the dwarves can get its attention again.

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Soon after that, the Mist Horror becomes partially corporeal again. Imoen's spell must have worn off. It begins to drift dangerously about.

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I shoot my staff at it.

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Yeslick manages to take out the skeleton warrior just in time.

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Then we all turn to the Mist Horror. I honestly think everything is going to go okay. I don't think it has much melee capability. But my thoughts are all proven wrong when it rips Kivan's throat out in one swipe.

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I should have healed him. I should have asked Yeslick to heal him. I should have... we should have... damnit! I wasn't going to do this anymore! Why the hell am I even out here anyways! In rage and pain I swing my staff wildly. I don't even notice when I kill the Mist Horror myself. Imoen has to tell me.

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I eventually calm down. I look around. I ponder why the Mist Horror was here, what attracted it to this place. And I think about what exactly happened when I killed it. I realize something about magic that I have never known before.

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I look to the walls. I look to the floor. I even look to Imoen. It all makes sense now. I understand much of what I did not before. I immediately open Rhialto's Spellbook, certain that I can decipher more of it.

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Posted Image Close the book.

Posted Image You close the book.

I check the page that fell out, and realize it is the codified version of what I just realized. It is Chaos.

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I will use this spell well, for I know how it truly works. But there is more to learn. I open up Rhialto's Spellbook again.

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Posted Image Study the spellbook for a while, and see if you can learn something new.

Posted Image You spend some time, browsing through the book...

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Posted Image Try to learn the spell "Cellular Regeneration".

Posted Image You succeed in learning the spell.

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Gameplay note: So a maximum of 20 hit points of healing over 6 rounds, but the caster is unconscious the entire six rounds, fallen on the floor? I fear to imagine what kind of desperate scenario this spell would be useful in.
The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#619 Usurper

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Posted 29 July 2012 - 04:15 AM

Especially since, at the same level, I can now cast Ettin's Healing, a spell I bought from a mage in that tower in the Peldvale.

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Oh except I don't actually know what effect that spell will have on me. I should test it out.

I eagerly page through the book again. I must know more!

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Posted Image Study the spellbook for a while, and see if you can learn something new.

Posted Image You spend some time, browsing through the book...

Posted Image Try to learn the spell "Glyph of Wild Magic".

Posted Image You try to learn the spell, but it's too difficult. You need more experience in the art before you can learn it.

But there is something else that caught my eye.

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Posted Image Study the spellbook for a while, and see if you can learn something new.

Posted Image You spend some time, browsing through the book...

Posted Image Try to learn the spell "Corporeal Instability".

Posted Image You succeed in learning the spell.

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Gameplay note: It is the jelly-maker spell! I'm sure the victim of this spell takes about 10 damage and becomes a jelly for the duration. It is another neutralization spell like Imoen's new favorite, Puff of Air. Cast it at mages and then they can't back up their people anymore. I'm going to have some fun with this!

Now I remember why I do this. Now I remember why I work so hard to do so much. I do it for knowledge. I do it for power. These are the things I need to protect myself. And if that means a few people have to temporarily die now and then, well, that is the price.

That is always the price.

I shake my head to get rid of a vision of my spellbook dripping with blood, and get back to work. We stop by the Refuge real quick to pack away Kivan's equipment, and then go back out the way we came in here. Everybody knows the drill. I don't really even have to explain anything. We're on our way to the Song of the Morning Temple.

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A worg tries to prevent us from getting to the temple.

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I do not let it succeed.

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Raising Kivan is expensive, but we can afford it.

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We rest at the temple, and the next morning I see what Cellular Regeneration does - on Edwin. I cast it on him and he flops onto the ground.

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I look closely at him. He seems to be regenerating like a troll does.

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But he doesn't stay still on the ground. He keeps flopping around - trying to get up and then falling back down. The effect is quite funny. I can't help but giggle.

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I also try to cast Ettin's Healing on myself, but I can't tell what it does because I am not injured. So I ask Kivan to punch me a bit. He does so, but it is taking too long, so I ask Kagain to give me a few good chops. The first one he gives is quite enough, and I ask him to stop through clenched teeth.

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I cast Ettin's Healing on myself, and I feel much better immediately.

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But the spell is supposed to last for about a minute. I wonder what it does after that? I ask the guys to hit me a bit more. Kagain hits me another good one, this time right in the gut. Ouch!

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But a few seconds later I am feeling fine.

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I ask both Kagain and Yeslick to wail on me as much as they can. They come up to me and start both attacking me as fast and as hard as they would any enemy. But they simply can't harm me faster than I regenerate myself. This is uncanny! If I cast this spell before a fight, it will probably be impossible to kill me. Surely the weave loves a Wild Mage like me.

Posted Image You are so irritating.

Posted Image Watch what you say. Good-natured I am, but I swing a mean hammer where evil's concerned!

But there is one more spell I need to try. I rest until nightfall, then walk outside.

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Immediately I am on the other side of the map - travelling in an instant what it takes minutes to walk.

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I can't help but laugh in pleasure. I am truly a mage now! All of these Level 4 spells are available to me!

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But then I have to walk back to the party the long way, and I realize I have a lot yet to learn.

Eventually we get back to the Jovial Juggler, and we drop off Kivan.

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Then we stop by Firebead Elvenhair's house. I have a proposal for him.

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Posted Image We are a party now, I hope you can forget the past, and do your best for the party.

Posted Image Alright, but I must remind you once more... Are you sure about this?

Posted Image Yes, I am.

Posted Image Then so be it.

Gameplay note: That little conversation is what launches a script to get an NPC to drop its undroppable stuff and convert their inventory into something you can use. Firebead Elvenhair has dropped the book History of the Fateful Coin, which I gave to him when I was replaying the BWP, in order to finish his quest that Finch's presence messed up the first time I played it through. And, of course, he is now a playble NPC! But before we take a look at his character sheet, I need to make a large portrait for him, because he currently only has the small NPC portrait.

A quick Google Image search leads me to the site of the artist from which the BG1 NPC Project people took the artwork for Firebead's face. Then a quick crop later to get the dimensions of 110x170, saving as 24 bit bmp, and importing with Shadowkeeper, and we're ready to go with Big Pimpin' Firebead Elvenhair. Nice cane buddy!

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He is a level 11 Enchanter, which might be good news for people who were disappointed with Xan's class change from Enchanter to Bladesinger. But it will also be bad news for people who were hoping to see him lay the Fireball smack down on anything.

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His spellbook is... adequate.

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Level 1 has Charm Person, Chromatic Orb, Color Spray, and Spook.

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Level 2 spells include Horror, Melf's Acid Arrow, Mirror Image, Power Word Sleep, Ray of Enfeeblement, and Vocalize.

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Level 3 spells are Flame Arrow, Hold Person, Remove Magic, and Slow.

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Level 4 spells are Confusion, Emotion: Despair, Minor Globe of Invulnerability, and Stoneskin.

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And he also has level 5 spells, which are Chaos and Shadow Door.

I do not yet know Power Word Sleep, Confusion, Emotion: Despair, Minor Globe of Invulnerability, or Stoneskin.
The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#620 Usurper

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Posted 29 July 2012 - 04:16 AM

Thankfully, at level 9, mages in this modded game get the ability Scribe Scroll, which allows them to make scrolls of any spell they currently have memorized.

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Posted Image 2nd level spells (100 gp)

Posted Image (Choose which spell to scribe onto a scroll: )

Posted Image Power Word Sleep

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I'm not sure how useful this is going to be at our current level, but I am a magical completionist damnit!

I do the same thing for Confusion, Emotion: Despair, Minor Globe of Invulnerability, and Stoneskin. The total cost to learn all the spells is 1,100 gp.

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We have seen first-hand, invading the Cloakwood Mines, how useful Confusion can be. And now it can be used on our side. Good thing it only targets hostile creatures, too!

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-4 to everything. Ouch! This is a super-Doom, which itself was a super-Bane/Bless combo spell. Definitely a boss-killer.

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All of the mages I've been going up against recently throw this thing up before the fight. Now, finally, I can show off too.

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This is the definitive fighter/mage spell. Still useful defensively for myself, but I don't need it half as bad as a mage who is into melee.

I eagerly copy down all of these spells. Then it is Imoen's turn to sit at the feet of the master. It turns out that she doesn't know Power Word Sleep, Vocalize, Flame Arrow, Hold Person, Confusion, Emotion: Despair, Minor Globe of Invulnerability, Stoneskin, Chaos, or Shadow Door either. She also doesn't know Horror, but refuses to consider it. The total cost for her training is 2,500gp.

And, despite my worse judgement, I also let Edwin learn from Firebead. Edwin doesn't know Horror, Power Word Sleep, Ray of Enfeeblement, Vocalize, Flame Arrow, Hold Person, Slow, Confusion, Emotion: Despair, Minor Globe of Invulnerability, Stoneskin, or Shadow Door. Firebead creates scrolls to teach him, and uses up a total of 3,950 gp of materials. When we are done, we have 596 gp left. Time to earn some more! Momma needs some new spells!

Gameplay note: Ok, I think this is a big enough update to post. We are at a point where we should make a new vote too. We have just recruited Big Pimpin' Firebead Elvenhair, with the extremely useful Scribe Scroll ability. No matter what else we do with him, it makes the most sense for us to bring all new magical scrolls back to him so that he can memorize them first and then scribe out copies to all the mages in our company. But, since he is already here, we could also just take him with us right now. That would give us 4 mages and 2 fighters in the group. I'm sure we would devastate the countryside. And, he's level 11!

The other option, of course, is to stick to the party composition votes and pick up Finch next. We've got a book for her quest that we picked up in the Cloakwood Mines that I'm sure she's dying to see. We could stick Firebead in the Refuge to scribe scrolls for us and he could join us after the next party composition vote. So, the question becomes:

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What should we do with Firebead Elvenhair?

Stick him in the party order in front of Finch. He can join us in our magical rampage, and Finch can join up next time someone dies.

B. Stick him in the Refuge. He can read, keep the mule company, and scribe scrolls for us any time we get new ones. It will be like having our own private Candlekeep! He can join the party composition vote next round, whenever that will be.

Make your voices known!
The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.