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Syvishtar's Journal

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#501 Lurker of the north

Lurker of the north

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Posted 17 May 2012 - 06:07 AM

1: No.
2: -NOOOOO000oooOO!!!11
3: Hmm? ...no?

#502 hook71

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Posted 17 May 2012 - 09:16 AM

1. No.
2. No.
3. Yes.

#503 Daxs

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Posted 17 May 2012 - 09:45 AM

1: Yes
2: Yes
3: I'm on the fence. If you promise to consider the NPC Kitpack to make Nalia an Adventurer/Specialist Mage combo as to prevent her from being completely overshadowed by Imoen, I'll say yes. Otherwise I'd almost say Keep Imoen theiving.
TLDR - If Nalia gets Adventurer and Specialist mage, then yes, otherwise forever a no!

Edited by Daxs, 17 May 2012 - 10:52 AM.

#504 William Imm

William Imm

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Posted 17 May 2012 - 10:27 AM

Daxs, I think Usurper was expecting you to answer in the opposite order.

EDIT: Thanks for doing that.

Edited by William Imm, 17 May 2012 - 10:58 AM.

At this point, I'm not really doing much Baldur's Gate related. More focused on Skyrim modding and the Born of Legend tabletop roleplaying game. Don't expect much activity here.

#505 Daxs

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Posted 17 May 2012 - 11:17 AM

Edit powers activated.

#506 William Imm

William Imm

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Posted 23 May 2012 - 06:01 PM

Any word on when the next update is comming out? Because I'm getting really impatient and I want to see which portraits got used (hope it's Santificer's edit of BG1 Vic)
At this point, I'm not really doing much Baldur's Gate related. More focused on Skyrim modding and the Born of Legend tabletop roleplaying game. Don't expect much activity here.

#507 Usurper

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Posted 29 May 2012 - 05:32 AM

sorry, I've been busy playing Diablo 3. But I'm working on the next update now! Looks like here are the final votes:

1. Change Viconia's portrait?

Yes     .......................
No      ...........................

2. Change Faldorn's portrait?

Yes     .......
No      .............................................

3. Dual-class Imoen now?

Yes     ..........................................
No      ..........

So I will dual-class Imoen now and leave everyone else as they are.
The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#508 Usurper

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Posted 30 May 2012 - 05:05 PM

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8 Nightal, 1369

My inner magpie is hungry.

After Faldorn said it, I did some research here in the Song of the Morning Temple library, and she's right. Magpies are cousins to crows. They are known for intelligence. They can recognize themselves in reflections, when most birds cannot. They are also known for stealing and hoarding shiny objects. I'm pretty smart, and I definitely like shiny objects! Faldorn obviously knows what she's talking about when it comes to inner spirit animals. In fact I'd like to hoard some shiny boots right about now, but I don't have enough of one type of shiny to get another type of shiny. My inner magpie seethes in frustration, and suggests food as an alternative.

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So, as I said before, my inner magpie is hungry. But that's not important. What is important is the real reason why I'm here in Song of the Morning Temple library. And that is because I'm teaching Imoen magic! I know, right? It's amazing! I never thought I'd be able to share the innermost of the innermost of my existence with her, but here she is sitting at my feet, learning from me! I have never felt closer to my best buddy. She's like the kid sister I never had.

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Gameplay note: Here is the full text on dual-classing:

Dual-classing is a significant change to your character. Please be sure that you have read and understand the following, as well as the description given in the manual.

Dual-classing is an ability that only humans have. It is the process by which you stop advancing in your current class and begin advancing in a second class. You will retain the benefits and abilities of the first class at its current level, but from then on you will only gain experience in the second.

In order to become dual-classed you must be of at least 2nd level in your current class. Your character must have scores of 15 or higher in the prime requisites of your current class, and scores of 17 or more in the prime requisites of the class you wish to change to. Some classes cannot be combined due to alignment conflicts or inherent restrictions. Within Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn, all resulting mixes must be viable multi-class combinations as well.

Dual-class characters have much the same requirements as multi-class characters. You must abide by the restrictions of the individual classes. For example: a Mage combination cannot cast spells while wearing armor, a Thief combination cannot use thieving skills wearing other than leather armors, and a Cleric or Druid combination cannot use weapons that their ethos does not allow.

When you gain a level, you will have the option to change to a second class, provided you have the prerequisites and do not have any alignment conflicts. Your first class becomes "inactive" and you begin again at 1st level with 0 experience points in your second class. From then on you progress as a single-classed character in your new class. ONCE YOU HAVE CHANGED TO A SECOND CLASS YOU CANNOT GO BACK TO THE FIRST. Your first class will forever remain at its current level.

You will be unable to use the abilities of your first class until you have attained ONE LEVEL HIGHER in your new class. For example: If you were a 10th level mage and switched to a fighter, you would not be able to use your mage abilities again until you reached 11th level as a fighter.

IMPORTANT: The experience cap in Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn is 8,000,000 points for a single character. Experience points from BOTH of a dual-clased character's classes count towards this total. Please be sure that there are sufficient points left available to allow you to progress high enough in your second class! IF YOU ARE LEVEL 14 IN YOUR CURRENT CLASS, IT IS VERY LIKELY YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO REACH LEVEL 15 IN A SECOND CLASS. The game will still allow you to dual if you wish, but you may not be able to access your previous class' abilities within Baldur's Gate II. This may result in difficulty later in the game. Possible future expansions may allow you to reach a higher level, and exporting your character in a sequel would also offer opportunity for advancement.

Of course, that silly cap of 8 million xp was removed by a mod. I think the current xp cap is 50 million.

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I first ask Imoen if she is really serious about this. I tell her that if she wants to become a mage, she must forsake all other pursuits. I insist that I will not mentor a part-time student of the arcane.

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Then I insist upon another thing right away. If she would become a mage, she must to learn to fight with a staff. All mages learn the staff, and for good reason. There are so many staffs of power in the world that not learning to fight with one would be crazy. Surprisingly, she agrees without argument.

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Then I sit her down to finally learn the very basics of magic. There are many false starts and unexpected consequences. And, strangest thing of all, she ends up learning and reliably casting a couple of spells that I have never even heard of before.

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I tell her that she is going to have to put away some of her former weapons and armor, and she again agrees.

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And finally, after much study, she masters it. She is able to cast her spells without messing up at all. She is finally ready!

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My childhood friend, my eternal companion; Imoen is finally a mage like me! I'm... I'm so proud. *sniff*

Now it is time to really teach her magic. I pull out Pelltar's Spellbook, packed with spells, and hand it to her. I tell her to get busy copying them all down into her own spellbook right away. Then I go away to get some much-needed munchies.

When I come back, she shows me her completed spellbook.

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Her level 1 spell repertoire includes:
    * Armor
    * Burning Hands
    * Charm Person
    * Chromatic Orb
    * Color Spray
    * Eagle's Splendor
    * Friends
    * Grease
    * Magic Missile
    * Physical Agility
    * Shield
    * Shocking Grasp
    * Sleep
    * Spook
    * True Strike
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For level 2, she has:
    * Agannazar's Scorcher
    * Glitterdust
    * Invisibility
    * Knock
    * Melf's Acid Arrow
    * Mirror Image
    * Ray of Enfeeblement
    * Resist Fear
    * Stinking Cloud
    * Web
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At level 3, she has copied down:
    * Detect Illusion
    * Dispel Magic
    * Fireball
    * Ghost Armor
    * Haste
    * Non-Detection
    * Protection from Normal Missiles
    * Remove Magic
    * Slow
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Finally, her highest level spells are at level 4:
    * Break Enchantment
    * Improved Invisibility
    * Polymorph Other

Quite a respectable spellbook to start out with. She can only cast a single level 1 spell now, but she is well-prepared for the future. We have no time to be cautious; we are surrounded by enemies on all sides. She must be prepared. We all must be prepared.

After she is done with it, I take Pelltar's Spellbook back and check out what is left. I noticed that she has refused to learn Blindness, Deafness, Summon Shadow, Chill Touch, or Horror. I take a moment and contemplate my beloved friend. I am fine with this. I don't want her summoning shadows or paralyzing people with a touch either. I'm sure her illusions and evocations will be good enough.

Her final step in preparation is to go outside and check the mule to see what she can wear. She pulls something out I had actually forgotten about and puts it on. She looks even more beautiful.

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She wears the Robe of the Good Archmagi, and may she never need remove it.

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Today is truly a good day. And even though she has only learned a fraction of what she needs to become more powerful, I am confident that she will be following faithfully in my footsteps as quickly as possible.
Gameplay note: I was hoping that having just her and me in a party, and having her memorize a lot of spells, would give her a level in xp. But I guess the spells we have access to are way too low, because she only got 241 xp out of the whole experience. She's just going to have to kill monsters like the rest of us did.

After these long days of training and study, we reunite with our comrades who have been spending time in the temple proper. As soon as we get back Coran lets us know what they have been speaking about.

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Posted Image I think the deal also included building a house.

Posted Image Well, what is so manly about being tied down? Planting, raising, building... it sounds like every man has to become a farmer!

Posted Image Yes, well, lots of people are farmers, and they probably invented the saying to use it in their own midst. It doesn't apply to adventurers like us!

Posted Image I hope so, my friend! No, no, I'd never want to be a farmer! No matter if it rains or shines they make it sound like a disaster for their entire livelihoods... I'd rather cut my throat than complain every day out of a year.

Posted Image Hmm... actually I did plant a garden once. Of sorts. Of stones.

Posted Image You see, a powerful sorceress once teleported me to the Great Waste.

Posted Image But why?

Posted Image I unwisely told her that I wished I was the last man on Toril just to see how many women were sincere... Generally, the ladies laugh at that, and when a lady laughs-- never mind. This sorceress instead decided to grant my incautious wish, and the Waste looked like a close enough fit for her.

Posted Image Oh, Coran, I'm sorry about laughing... but it's just... just too funny!

Posted Image Oh, it is funny! After all, all that ends well... and it did.

Posted Image I had no hopes of escaping on my own, but I reckoned that anyone who expended such a powerful spell would want to see the results. So I took on my best melancholic and resigned look - which required next to no acting under the circumstances - and started making the designs of stones on the sand... her name and flowers around it. Very, very pretty.

Posted Image Let's just say that when she teleported me back she wasn't unapproachable, unwavering, or untouchable at all.

After that little story, I announce that we are ready to go. And this time we are going straight to the secret Iron Throne mines in the Cloakwood. Everyone gathers up their things, reviews their tactics, and we are off!

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However, a day into our journey we are ambushed!

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The first thing that happens is that Coran trips a web trap. But he runs away and wields Spider's Bane, which lets him just stroll out of the trap after it is tripped far away from the main party.

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Back at the fight, Minsc is starting to clean up.

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And he continues to do so.

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Minsc gets poisoned by one of the ettercaps, but Viconia heals him as Coran, bow back in hand, murderizes yet another ettercap.

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But Minsc doesn't want to be outdone, so he kills the final one.

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We gather what little loot there is, stick it in the gem bag, and get going.

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But 18 hours later, we are ambushed again!

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#509 Usurper

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Posted 30 May 2012 - 05:06 PM

Wyverns and spiders attack us, with the spiders trying to web Coran.

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The whole Cloakwood is opposing us, body and soul, man and beast. I feel unwelcome. But I lead everyone to the west, so that at least all the bad guys will be to one side. Then we each cast one buff before combat begins.

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Faldorn is the first one to get injured. I and Viconia try to both heal her.

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It works, only just barely. A second later and she would have been dead. But since she's alive, she is able to deal the deathblow to the first wyvern!

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We need to get this over with as quickly as possible, so I cast a lightning bolt at the second wyvern.

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Viconia decides to give everyone the Chant to help us defeat this wildlife superfriend team.

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It definitely helps Minsc, because he decapitates the wyvern a second later.

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His eyes open wide and he realizes something, something important about fighting wyverns. He looks at me with the joy of a child who has received a new toy.

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We move to engage the spiders. An arrow from Imoen's bow takes out the first one.

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Man, that spell Physical Agility she figured out somehow really makes her an excellent bowswoman. Another arrow from her takes out the second spider.

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And then Coran takes out the last.

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There are too many ambushes going on, so I consult about our exact position with Faldorn. We both decide that the best thing to do is to stop by the Cloakwood Grove, rest, and keep going on in the morning. She takes us right to it, and it only takes 10 hours.

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But even sleeping in the Cloakwood Grove is not enough to keep us safe, for we are disturbed by the screaming of a tasloi raiding party only 5 hours into our rest!

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They are probably the stupidest raiding party we have ever encountered, because we tear through them like wet paper. Minsc gets the final killing blow.

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We decide to go to the actual druid's circle before trying to rest again. When we get there, we notice something that we did not seem to notice before. There is an actual house built into a tree right here in the middle of the forest!

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How did I not see this before? Curious, we go inside. It is quite cosy in here. Minsc decides to address Viconia for the first time when we get inside.

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Posted Image I request not additional protection from round-ear vermin... Begone, jaluk! I entrusted myself to Shar; she alone is my strength.

Posted Image ... and Syvishtara, of course... but I would not apply for help from a hamster!

Posted Image Aye, alone, that's just the thing. See, there are two of Minsc and Boo, and only one Dynaheir to defend against foes. We need to take others under our protective wings... erm, that sounds wrong... protective paws! Boo needs his dejemma task set to him...

Posted Image I assure you... protective paws? Are you mad? Oh, why am I even asking? The man holds a hamster in higher esteem than a jalil!

Posted Image Well, boots are for kicking and... well, hand and paws are what keep those in need of protection behind our heroic backs!

Posted Image So no harm will come to them.

Posted Image I do not trust your kind; I have recieved naught but misery and humiliation from humans. Why would you protect me?

Posted Image Because you are a nice gal, and cannot wield a sword if your life depended on it! Well, not a real sword like mine at any rate...

Posted Image Phew, I can wield a real enough flail, human, and I promise I shall use it to crush your little vermin, if you dare to place me behind him.

Posted Image Ah, such a spirited gal our Viconia is, right, Boo? She is a good gal, just does not know of it... we will make a ranger out of her yet!

Posted Image *squeak*

Posted Image Yes, Boo, you can guard her... from afar.

Imoen goes to look into the nearby shelves and chests... and then we realize that we have a problem. She can't do that anymore!

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And while she technically knows Knock, she can't cast it yet, since it is a level 2 spell. With a start, I realize that it will fall to me to open locked chests for the next few weeks, until Imoen learns to cast level 2 spells. I adjust my spellbook accordingly, but we will have to rest.

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Hoping to find some beds and a good place to sleep, we travel up the stairs of this wondrous house to the second floor. But we find someone already up there.

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Posted Image Archdruid Amarande, I will lead them into the mines.

Posted Image The intention is noble, but until I see the results of your expedition, I am wary of these folk. They reek of civilizations, and their weapons are of cured metal.

Posted Image Return to me, once you have destroyed the mines, and I might revise my opinion of you.

Ok, these druid people are pretty weird. What's wrong with cured metal? At least they let us sleep the night, and in real beds too!

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The next morning we go downstairs and prepare breakfast. I cast Knock on the chest and open it to find some useful potions and scrolls.

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I am about to pass the scroll of healing to Viconia when I realize that I can understand the writing upon it. I take a closer look at the scroll. It is Ettin's Healing!

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I can hardly believe it. An arcane-based healing spell! I gasp and thank the Weave for all of her mercy and generosity. I quickly copy it down into my spellbook before it blows away or something.

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Gameplay note: This is a spell from the Dark Side of the Sword Coast mod.

Imoen says that she also found a few odds and ends upstairs. She casually shows the loot she picked up.

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Gameplay note: Perfect for that druid that just needs a few extra spells.

I show the armor to Faldorn and she puts it on automatically. It will make her a little more vulnerable in melee, but she probably needs to cast more spells anyway.

Imoen shows me the cloak she picked up last night too.

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That is definitely something for Minsc. He puts it on and immediately looks for somewhere to hide. He is much more competent at it than before. Cool!

Then, finally, Imoen shows me the two-handed sword she picked up.

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Wow! I think we have finally found a rival for the Flame of the North! I sit down and try to work out which one is better for Minsc to wield.

Gameplay note: The Flame of the North is 2d6+2+1d6 cold damage. It also has a +2 to THAC0. Khazid's Death is 2d6+3, with a +3 to THAC0 and no bonus elemental damage. But it does raise Minsc's STR to 19, which increases the bonus damage that Minsc adds to melee hits from +5 to +7. So Khazid's Death is really 2d6+3+2. If you average out the 1d6 cold damage from the Flame of the North to +3, you can see that Khazid's Death is only one damage point less than the Flame of the North, with a higher THAC0 (to-hit). Looking at secondary effects, Khazid's Death gives Minsc 5 extra hit points by boosting his CON to 17, while the Flame of the North gives him a fire shield that damages anyone who hits him in melee for 5 hit points. He should probably keep both on him, and use the Flame of the North vs. crowds, and Khazid's Death vs. single-target heavily-protected enemies.

In the end I tell him to keep both and use whatever he deems best. He beams at that. I can plainly see that Minsc is of the opinion that two greatswords are better than one.
The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#510 Usurper

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Posted 30 May 2012 - 05:06 PM

The cozy atmosphere inspires Coran to a contemplative mood.

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Posted Image Coran, you don't sound like yourself.

Posted Image I can be deep and melancholy when the mood strikes me. It happens sometimes... rarely... well, almost never. But it does happen, and it can have something to do with a fair maiden, or not.

Posted Image At such times, I turn pale under all the tan, and play soulful music if I can get my hands on an instrument. Why, once I even stole a harp because at the moment life didn't seem to be worth living if I didn't play a particular ballade for a harp and an elven voice.

Posted Image Oh well. At least I know that the worst day of my life is behind me.

Gameplay note: Each time Coran goes off on one of his stories, you have the option in the dialogues to shut him up. I have never taken it because showing off content is what this Let's Play is all about! But it's there, if you're in a hurry or you have heard it all before and don't want to again.

Posted Image Do tell.

Posted Image It happened when I first ran away from home and... er... started looking after a remote hunting cabin. I then wrote to a few... three actually... female friends of mine to come and visit me, if they had a chance.

Posted Image How was I to know they would all choose the same day and come within an hour of one another? Oh, Hanali, three beautiful women in my rustic abode making polite conversation and knifing me with their eyes...

Posted Image You ran away from home?

Posted Image What? Ah, yes. My family has that aura about them... stern, yes they are all so very stern. I had to get away.

Posted Image And then there was that day when I almost got married... twice.

Posted Image Pray tell.

Posted Image Ah, no. The memories are too painful to stir. I wouldn't want it to come and haunt me in my next reverie.

I think about trying to shock Coran with the tale of my own worst day, but the idea of using Gorion's death as a one-upper in conversation is repellant to me. Let Coran have his horrible days of too many women and too many marriages. It is relaxing to hear of them! Instead, I sit down and tell everyone to gather around. We are going to assault the Iron Throne's mine, and we are going to do it today!

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#511 -Beleg33-

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Posted 30 May 2012 - 07:10 PM

In the end I tell him to keep both and use whatever he deems best. He beams at that. I can plainly see that Minsc is of the opinion that two greatswords are better than one.

I found this hilarious, Minsc is my favorite character ^^ I should really mix him up with various NPCs to see all the silly banters made for him

#512 Usurper

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Posted 01 June 2012 - 05:09 PM

Cythereal on the main thread posted up a death roll for the story so far:

Roll of the Dead

Deaths: 3
Slain by Ankheg in Ankheg Lair
Slain by Ankheg in Ankheg Lair (second visit)
Slain by Kobold Captain in Trade Way South

Deaths: 1
Slain by Elka in Valley of the Tombs

Deaths: 5
Slain by Ogre Berserker at Bear River
Slain by Elka in Valley of the Tombs
Slain by Bandit in Reddy Forest
Slain by Skeleton Warrior in Bone Hill
Slain by Syvishtara in Thief's Den

Bub Snikt
Deaths: 1
Slain by Baby Wyvern in Cloakwood Forest

Deaths: 2
Slain by diabolus ex machina Edwin at Dryad Falls
Slain by unknown enemy east of Beregost

Deaths: 2
Slain by Gnoll Slasher in Gnoll Stronghold
Slain by Maneira in Valley of the Tombs

Deaths: 1
Slain by Bandit in Coast Way

Deaths: 3
Slain by Orc in Bald Hill
Slain by Bandit in Reddy Forest
Slain by Gas Spore beneath Restenford

Deaths: 5
Slain by Ankheg in Ankheg Lair
Slain by Ankheg in Ankheg Lair (second visit)
Slain by Ankheg in Wyrm's Crossing
Slain by Rhialto the Marvelous at Candlekeep
Slain by berserk Minsc in Nashkel Mines

Deaths: 2
Slain by Bandit in Coast Way
Slain by Elka in Valley of the Tombs

Deaths: 3
Slain by Ogre in Beregost
Slain by Astral Phase Spider at Temple of the Morning Song
Slain by Elka in Valley of the Tombs

Deaths: 2
Slain by Wild Dog in Gnoll Stronghold
Slain by Giant Spider in Peldvale

Deaths: 2
Slain by Bandit in Coast Way
Slain by Giant Spider in Larswood

Deaths: 1
Slain by Hobgoblin Archer in Lion's Way

Deaths: 2
Slain by Orc in Valley of the Tombs
Slain by Bandit north of Nashkel

Deaths: 4
Slain by Dire Wolf in Red Canyons
Slain by Zargal (named hobgoblin) in Red Canyons
Slain by Bassilus in Red Canyons
Slain by Syvishtara in Cloakwood Forest

Thorfinn Hauskluniff
Deaths: 1
Slain by Tranzig in Beregost

Deaths: 2
Slain by Bandit south of Beregost
Slain by Syvishtara in Bandit Camp

Will Scarlet
Deaths: 1
Slain by Ogre in Beregost

Deaths: 2
Slain by Orc in Valley of the Tombs
Slain by Molkar at Song of the Morning Temple

Deaths: 3
Slain by Bandit south of Beregost
Slain by Kobold Chieftain in Nashkel Mines
Slain by Bandit north of Nashkel

Fuck it. I'm getting Gond to install a revolving door in the City of Judgment. -Kelemvor, Judge of the Damned, Lord of the Dead

Woohoo! Branwen ties Finch for number of glorious deaths in battle! Attagirl! - Tempus, Lord of Battles, Foehammer

Syvishtar[a]'s Conquests

Viconia (as a man)

Shar-Teel (as a man)
Branwen (as a woman)

*purr* You know, if Syvvie was a little more flexible s/he could boink Shar-Teel now and her father in the next game. -Sharess, the Lustful Mistress, the Dancing Lady

Edited by Usurper, 01 June 2012 - 05:10 PM.

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#513 AmyAE

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Posted 01 June 2012 - 10:04 PM

You know, if Syvvie was a little more flexible s/he could boink Shar-Teel now and her father in the next game.

DO IT. (Unfortunately, though, you have to wait until
for that.)

#514 Usurper

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Posted 10 June 2012 - 07:17 AM

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11 Nightal, 1369

Well, there's nothing left to do but go to the Cloakwood Mines. I'm feeling a little nervous about the whole thing. These are the Iron Throne - the people who have sent so very many bounty hunters to track me down. They are the ones who were giving orders to the bandits. They must have a lot of bodies and resources, and magic. Do I just walk up there and bust down the front door?

I consult with Faldorn. She advises that our best shot is to charge in and bust down the front door. Ok then. Here goes!

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On the way we are ambushed by some damn wyverns! I'm beginning to hate these guys!

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Nobody in the group likes wyverns. I throw a lightning bolt and Coran fires a deadly arrow at the same time - different targets though.

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Minsc gets his chop on down south, and Faldorn smashes her clubs into things up north. With the help of Viconia, Minsc's wyvern goes down first.

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Faldorn has to beg off her wyvern and let Minsc tank it for her. Faldorn has some problems getting hit a lot in melee. But she comes back and adds some good damage in there.

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I talk with Faldorn, asking her if she's got some way to mitigate the damage she always seems to be suffering. She agrees to use Armor of Faith in the future. Her own Barkskin spell doesn't seem to do much for her that her armor cannot.

Minsc pockets the wyvern heads, and we continue on our way.

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We arrive at the Cloakwood Mines without incident. When we arrive, Faldorn growls out her rage.

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Posted Image All I can hear is the wind...

Posted Image Silence, townling! If you do not wish to hearken, LOOK!

Posted Image Look at these piles of gore seeping with acidic fluids! They were earth's own liver and stomach, before they were broken! The Great Mother made ore the color of bleeding flesh for a reason... And the tortureres will never stop! They will grind her whole body into a stinking mess without pity. They will burn her green children, only to produce cruel steel to continue killing!

Posted Image In a way, it feels like poetic justice that the buyer of an iron sword most often dies on the iron sword. Maybe... maybe there is balance to it?

Posted Image Balance can never be achieved by destruction alone, you dolt. Now, quit bandying words and attack the mines!

Posted Image Arguing with you is like rolling a boulder up to the top of the mountain: useless and can kill you for all your efforts. Let us just go.

Posted Image Grrr! Today we fight for Sylvanus and for the Great Mother! My pack, may your strength never fail you!

I do not want to take any chances, though, so I immediately teleport us to Shaundakul's sanctuary to rest. No telling what crazed forest spirits want to kill us and aren't on our team.

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Posted Image 'Tis akin to my home, but home does not welcome me.

Posted Image We have pleased Oak Father, I sense it.

Is Oak Father another name for Shaundakul? This Faldorn always makes more questions and never gives answers. We prepare, we sleep, we wake. We are ready to take on whatever the place has to throw at us. I teleport us back.

Immediately we get accosted by an Arch Druid. Oh, well, actually, it is The Arch Druid.

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Wait, I thought the arch druid was that other guy in the treehouse?

Posted Image Such as us? What are you talking about?

Posted Image Don't try to lie to me, only those of the Iron Throne traverse these woods now.

Then he begins casting a spell! I shout for everyone to attack him, hoping to interrupt his spell, and I begin to cast Lightning Bolt. But his bear companion swipes at me and my spell is lost!

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I move away to avoid dying, and Minsc takes my place. He makes the arch druid lose his spell too, at least.

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The arch druid doesn't seem to have been slowed down by losing his spell. He smacks Faldorn quite hard.

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Things start to get crazy as a bear that charged at me through the trees turns on Imoen. Faldorn and I heal ourselves and we try to deal wtih this new threat.

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The bear runs amok in our ranged attackers, injuring Coran severely. Coran doesn't back down though.

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He only backs down after he gets hit a second time. Damn! Viconia moves in to heal him.

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Imoen is the one who finally takes out the bothersome bear.

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And a few seconds later, she and Coran take out the other one too!

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After that, it's just a matter of pounding on the arch druid until he doesn't get up anymore.

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He doesn't damage us much, but he is incredibly tough as well. I dip into my reckless dweomers to try to hurt him.

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A red orb comes streaking at me too!

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Whew. I came out on top there. My sword even liked it. I switch to darts and try to hit the arch druid in that way. He goes after me for a second but turns back to hitting Faldorn. That's when I notice that Minsc isn't moving.

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I have no idea when the man got stunned, but it's not looking good for our side of the fight. I reach into my pockets searching for something else that will injure this bastard.

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Faldorn is the one to keep his attention, and she tanks the healer way.

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Viconia tries magic against him, but the manbeast simply won't go down.

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Then Minsc gets back into the fight, and I know everything is gonna be alright.

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But no, he is stunned again a few seconds later. The Arch Druid must have a really awesome weapon.

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Minsc is getting severely beat on, and both Viconia and Faldorn heal him at the same time.

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I am worried about the duration of this fight, so I recklessly call up some random missiles. It all works out normally.

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Based on what I just saw, I guess that the Arch Druid has unusually high magic resistance.

Then finally, after what seems like an eternity, after all our healing spells and offensive spells are spent, finally the arch druid beats himself to death on Minsc's fireshield.

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Then Coran gets to the real heart of the matter that concerns us all.

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Posted Image Coran, I don't mean to be rude, but perhaps it's for the best.

Posted Image Tacky, isn't it?

Posted Image Well, yes, but why -

Posted Image You must be asking yourself why I wear it if I'm aware that it's an insult to good taste and pastel colors?

Posted Image To be honest, yes, I do.

Posted Image You see, people remember it, so when I do the serious stealing - outside the dimly lit dungeons that is - I'm unrecognizable in non-descript clothes.

Posted Image Besides, it pleases Mask, the Lord of Thieves. He likes the bright colors and it's never a bad idea to get on his good side.

We go to loot the body of the arch druid. He has some regeneration potions, some potions of mirrored eyes, and some healing potions. He also has four pieces of magical equipment.

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#515 Usurper

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Posted 10 June 2012 - 07:18 AM

The first is some armor, what Viconia calls Stormcloud Kraken's Bane.

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It fits Faldorn perfectly, and given her injuries in our recent fights she prefers it to Nature's Divine, even though that gives extra spells. Kraken's Bane gives her -5 AC and that's what she needs. She can probably make up those spells with the next item anyways. it is the Crown of the Archdruid.

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Faldorn immediately puts it on. Maybe she's going to be gunning for archdruid when we get back. The next item we take off the archdruid's corpse is a ring, the Ring of Fire Shielding. I idly wonder if looting corpses is part of the natural order.

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Gameplay note: AC +4?! Resistance to non-magical weapons?! What does that even mean!

Faldorn slips the ring on as well. She looks much tougher now.

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Yes, definitely a lot tougher than before.

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The final thing we pull off of the arch druid's corpse is a scimitar called Yarrow's Tears.

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Gameplay note: A sword with an AC bonus on it! You don't really see that every day. It makes me sad to say that we don't know anybody who uses scimitars.

Of course, that's not the only thing that we got out of this fight. We also got a more powerful Imoen!

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She proudly reports that she's going to be able to do two spells at once come tomorrow. I smile wholeheartedly at my dear friend. She is progressing quickly!

With a short visit to the mule and a bit of equipment juggling, we are ready to explore the area here. I wonder if it will be hard to find the Iron Throne's mine. Then I remember that we basically threw all of our skills and abilities into killing the arch druid. I send Coran out alone, then, and tell him to not engage anyone.

He finds a group of hobgoblin elites.

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A sign that we are in the right place. Near them he sees a man named Lakadar. He is probably on patrol for the Iron Throne.

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Later, he finds a group of Black Talon archers hiding in the woods.

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And near them, what looks to be a palisade.

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After doing a circuit of most of the area, he finds a bridge guarded by Black Talon Elites and shield-toting guards.

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He finds even more Black Talon archers later on in the woods.

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Another strange thing that he finds is a crazy dryad just standing there, twitching.

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And the most interesting feature that Coran finds is a hanging bridge between two palisades.

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When he comes back, he hands over an annotated map of the area.

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Basically, we will be assaulting two islands. We have to go in the front entrance of the first to get to the second. The big buildings in the second are probably significant. It is a perfectly defensible area and we are going to have to go in hard and fast and dumb, because we simply don't have any other choice.

After discussing it, we decide to talk to Lakadar and the crazy dryad first, to see if they have anything to contribute. We will circle around on the north side, then go around east, and south. After we talk to those two notable persons, we will assault the front gate.

It might not be a great plan, but it is the only plan.

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#516 AmyAE

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Posted 11 June 2012 - 08:41 PM

Then finally, after what seems like an eternity, after all our healing spells and offensive spells are spent, finally the arch druid beats himself to death on Minsc's fireshield.

Well, that was anti-climactic.

Also, wow, I thought BWP had balanced/eliminated some of that ridiculous druid loot. Although, I usually switch Jaheira's profs to dual-wielding scimitars, and the loot from this encounter alone makes her an amazing beast of a tank.

#517 Beleg33


    AKA Adanedhel on G3

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Posted 13 June 2012 - 06:51 AM

I haven't followed thoroughly lately but if you do Jaheira's quest in cloakwood (from BG1 NPC Project) you may obtain a crazy staff (added by DSotSC) with damage : 1d8+3, additionnal 6d6 electrical damage (half if save vs. wands); AC+2; lightning bolt x3/day. With that, the ring or fire shielding and the druid armor of thorns, imagine how strong Jaheira becomes... 2 stars in quarterstaves and 2 stars in 2-handed weapon style.
Random spambot #8434678 said :

you should liquor multiplying great deal supplment your to office apparel predicated copy may possibly be an go through check out this behave as more busy den has an interest in pc

#518 Usurper

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Posted 13 June 2012 - 10:36 PM

I've never seen Jaheira's quest in the Cloakwood. That sounds interesting. Unfortunately she is not very popular in the Let's Play audience and never has been :(.
The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#519 Usurper

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Posted 14 June 2012 - 09:06 AM

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13 Nightal, 1369

I'm really nervous about this section of the woods, so I teleport everyone back to Shaundakul's sanctuary again to sleep. That arch druid really took a lot out of us.

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We now know what we're getting into, so we prepare for a frontal assault on a fortified position. Except, how prepared can you really be for something like that?

My brooding is interrupted by Imoen's chipper voice.

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Posted Image My tribe's lands were hit by drought and frost for a few years. The prey became scarce and the streams went dry. Tempus, Auril, and the spirits of the ancestors did not listen to my people's pleas. Then the tribe elders decided to give the first newborn to the druids.

Posted Image Wow! Did it stop the drought?

Posted Image Yes, it did. Silvanus was pleased that the Black Raven brought a vessel for the spirit of his true servant, and the forest became wet and bountiful again.

Posted Image Vessel? Hey, did they also give the grove one of those big cauldrons the druids use? You know, those big brassy ones? Very shiny?

Posted Image No, you stupid girl! The day I was given to the grove was the last time the Great Druid, Kador the Burner, was seen alive. I took his spirit into myself, that's unmistakable! All signs point to it. I only need to find his scimitar, the Emerald Ray, to prove it!

Uhhh, so Faldorn is a woman with the spirit of a man inside of her too. Huh. I would not have guessed. And this Kador the Burner sounds like a pretty cool dude. We might have to get to know each other better.

We sleep, we wake, and I find Falorn awake before the others, and at the mule. She snaps at me when I ask her what she's doing, but then she explains that the scimitar is calling for her. She wants to wield Yarrow's Tears, no matter that she is not that good with it. Who am I to argue with Kador the Burner who is also Faldorn the Shadowdruid? I let her do what she wants.

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Gameplay note: She has -11 AC, and deals out confusion with the club and stuns with the scimitar. I think that makes her a pretty effective tank. We don't actually have any shields available for her to wield, which eliminates the shield+scimitar idea. Maybe when we reach town or get rich or loot something.

Faldorn obviously notices my tacit approval of her and seems to want to seek out a kindred spirit within me as well.

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I think about what I have been doing in these 7 long months since Gorion died. I have been leading packs of followers through the wilderness, killing and being killed in turn.

Posted Image Hmm... now that I think about it, it must be a wolf.

Posted Image Wolves! Now I know why I feel akin to you. I have a blood brother, a she-wolf. The smartest and wariest beast, a stealthy stalker and a dangerous foe. We can run as a pack one day, if you wish.

Posted Image That might be an interesting experience... perhaps, we'd even howl at the full moon together.

Posted Image Wooouh-ouuugh-ooooooooo!!!

Coran seems to want to one-up Faldorn's assessment of me, though.

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Posted Image Coran, in what possible way can I resemble a mountain?

Posted Image What I'm trying to say is that with you one adveture comes as soon as another ends, the same way that the mountain chains rise one after another.

Posted Image Yes, I seem to attract trouble.

Posted Image Cherish it, my friend, cherish it, for that will surely preserve you against the grey chimera of boredom!

Posted Image Not to mention keep me faithfully by your side!

Posted Image You, faithful? Why, that's novel. I might just be the first woman to whom you'll remain loyal. Alas, you are not my lover.

Posted Image My sweet Syvishtara, my marvelous Syvishtara, I've called dozens of fair maidens my lovers, but you alone I call a true friend.

Posted Image I don't want to lose a jewel to pluck a blossom.

I have to smile, and stifle a laugh. Coran is a pretty smooth operator. I look at Imoen and raise a questioning eyebrow. She knows what I'm talking about and gives the slightest of nods. She did memorize the spell we talked about. With a few flicks of her wrist, she casts it.

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Imoen gives me a quick once-over, a thumbs up, and a sly smile. I turn to Coran to see if he reacts to my ... enhanced appearance, but I am startled by some kind of ghost just floating by like nothing at all! He ignores me, though, and addresses Imoen.

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Posted Image Thou hath used incantations which I transposed. I know this to be truth.

Posted Image It hath always been my desire that the incantations be reserved for me and me alone. Giveth that to me, the knowledge thou hath taken without leave.

Posted Image I have no idea what you are talking about. Could you say that again, with fewer syllables?

Posted Image There shall be none who use my incantations, for there can be no rest for me while Faerun has knowledge of my work.

Posted Image I ask thou once more this day. Giveth to me all thy knowledge of my work and incantations.

Posted Image I worked hard at finding these arcane and unique spells. I shall not give up the knowledge.

Posted Image I shall ask thee but twice more. Do not fail to release the knowledge thy possesseth upon being called.

And with that, he floats away.

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I do not know what to say. I'm stunned. I turn to Imoen and ask her if she stole some forbidden knowledge from Candlekeep or something. She just shrugs and looks totally innocent. She says it must be the spell Eagle's Splendor, but she says she worked it out on her own.

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Gameplay note: Wow, that was a complete surpise to me too. I have never seen this before. I guess that a spellcasting ghost is going to attack us if we cast Eagle's Splendor 2 more times? And I have no idea what other spells would set him off. Pretty crazy! No way am I going to give up any magical knowledge, though.

Is nobody else bothered by what just happened? Does nobody care that we are deep in hostile territory about to assault a fortress? Apparently not, because Faldorn starts criticizing Coran like we are relaxing at an inn.

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Posted Image Every woman is beautiful, of course. One learns with time to see a particular smile, a shape of the earlobe, the wave of hair above the forehead - and enjoy the privilege of seeing it. It is a rare thing, however, when the whole of the woman is perfectly beautiful.

I find myself inexplicably playing with my hair.

Posted Image All things of nature are perfect. But civilization spoils it... I would be surprised if you could find an unblighted beautiful woman in a city!

Posted Image The answer is simple. Yes, I have seen such a woman.

Posted Image Ellesime, the elven Queen of Suldanessellar. There is no woman fairer than Her Grace. Her hair shines like gold, her face is fair as moonlight, her gown is the color of peacock feathers...

Posted Image Coran, you are drooling.

I roll my eyes and teleport us back to the Cloakwood before anybody else wants to start commenting on anybody else's character or life choices.

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Then I sweetly ask Coran to lead us to that Lakadaar guy he was talking about before. He takes us off into the woods, but we meet some hobgoblins first.

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I think it is going to be an easy fight, with chunks flying and everybody laughing. And it is. It's all fun and games until Vic and I get poisoned.

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The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#520 Usurper

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Posted 14 June 2012 - 09:06 AM

But then we drink two antidotes and the fight goes back to being fun and games again... until a voice shouts out of the trees at us.

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Oh what the hell. We are already going for a frontal assault, might as well do it while shouting our names for all to hear too.

Posted Image I am Syvishtara and this is my party of fellow adventurers.

Posted Image What is your purpose here?

Posted Image We hear there is an Iron Throne presence in these woods and are here to investigate it.

Posted Image Well, I'm afraid we don't welcome visitors. Men, set upon them at once!

Eh. More of the same. They're all going to die anyways, doesn't matter if it's now or later. Lakadaar charges in with some guards and the battle becomes larger and more fun!

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Lakadaar himself goes after Faldorn, who fiercely growls at him and charges into melee. All of the goons seem to head for Minsc.

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Imoen tries to shake things up a bit with the last charge from her Wand of Fear, and Vic tries to cast Hold Person on Lakadaar.

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It works! That poor, poor bastard. Things aren't looking good for Lakadaar's lackeys going up against Minsc, either. The crazed ranger slices one into chunks.

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In the trees, Lakadaar meets his final doom under Faldorn's club.

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And chasing his scared lackeys around the forest only takes a minute longer. It is actually rather embarrassing. After we are done with it, Vic loots everything. Looks like the reason Lakadaar didn't put up much of a fight is because he only has a generic +2 spear. Geez. Poor bastard to the end he was.

As is our plan, we all circle around the palisade together, and meet the Black Talon archers that Coran told us about. It doesn't start off well for them.

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And it keeps on like that until the end.

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They have some really great arrows though. 70 arrows +1 and 20 Arrows of Ice. Imoen really appreciates replenishing her supplies.

We make it all the way around the palisade without meeting any more patrols. Coran shows us the way to the crazy dryad. Unfortunately, it would probably have been better if we didn't come.

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This again?

Posted Image What do you mean by that?

Posted Image Leave my wood!

Posted Image You're not a very socialable being are you?

Posted Image Do as I bid!

Posted Image I am afraid I cannot do that. We have to get to the mines and...

Posted Image Feel nature's fury as she lashes out at thee!

We all wince as we are forced into another battle with a beautiful spirit of the forest. Coran seems especially haunted when he becomes the one to put her down permanently.

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I sigh. It looks as though this circumnavigation of the fortress was a complete waste of time. We should have just headed straight for the gate to begin with. And, with no real option left, we do so now. I simply yell CHARGE!!! and we rush the gate guards as one pack.

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The first two guards drop like chumps.

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The third one does too. Coran, hidden amongst the trees, is like a Kivan machine out here today.

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But Faldorn is trying to match him kill for kill.

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We loot the bodies. More ice arrows. We split them up between Coran and Imoen and buff up for the main fight.

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Then we charge across the bridge into the... open, empty front entrance?

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Oh, no. We do have a greeter. Drasus.

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Posted Image You want to know what I always say? "Always kill the mouthy one," that's what I always say.

Posted Image HAW! A good saying! I will use your head for a puppet and make it say it over and over while we drink large amounts of mead! Life is pretty good, you know?

I do know. And I don't want to end it quite yet. As I'm thinking this, an absolute tidal wave of magical energy crashes into the area.

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It is that time. I prepare to cast a Fireball. While I am doing so, however, a hail of Ice Arrows erupt from the Black Talon Elites and their General behind, all aimed for Minsc. He never stood a chance. I launch my fireball in furious retaliation.

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Viconia also tries to cast a Glyph of Warding, but with its short range she finds herself in melee and loses her spell. She also finds herself in a Web that Coran laid down not two seconds before. I call for everyone to back up. We need to be cautious here!

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As we retreat, a spell flies from Rezdan the mage, wrapped in his defensive wards. It is targeted for Imoen and it strikes us as we cross the bridge.

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I become quite confused and I'm not sure what is happening. Suddenly, Drasus has made it across the bridge and is backed up by two ogres. What?

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A moment later, two dire wolves appear on the bridge and attack the ogres! Faldorn has called them!

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Then Rezdan and Kysus appear a second later, and things get even more confusing. Faldorn succeeds in calling a Woodland Ally, someone spooks one of the dire wolves, and another mage sets up a teleport field?!

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Kysus is throwing Melf's Minute Meteors at Imoen. She needs to pop a healing potion. The teleport field grows, and at the same time Faldorn's woodland being appears. Someone needs to dispel magic, quickly! If only things weren't so confusing...

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What happens next is I see Faldorn fall to the ground, her eyes closed. A sleep spell? I'm not sure.

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A moment later and Coran is dead, struck down in one moment by an ogre berserker.

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He looked extremely confused about the whole situation when he went down.

The next thing I can tell happening is that Faldorn's nymph casts Sphere of Chaos.

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I try to concentrate and realize that the Sphere of Chaos has incapacitated at least some of our enemies.

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I see Imoen, Vic, and the nymph disappear north. They are the only ones not dead, asleep, or confused for the moment. Vic even has a chance to heal Imoen.

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I notice that Drasus seems to be frozen in place. Something from the Sphere of Chaos? But then Rezdan stops being affected by the Sphere of Chaos and ... and... and ... and just takes over Imoen.

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The only person in control of themselves at this point is Vic. And the nymph is autonomous, but seems to be teleporting in and out of melee combat with something inside the Teleport Field/Sphere of Chaos clusterfuck. I don't even know.

Vic's greatest advantage is her speed, so she runs out of melee range and casts Silence in the direction of Rezdan. She can't cast damaging spells for fear of killing Imoen.

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IT WORKS! The fucking mage is silenced. I guess his little stupid magic bubble doesn't protect against that!

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Strangely enough Faldorn is up and about, although still frightened and running. She is running in the same direction as Vic, though, which is extremely fortunate. Vic tries to Command the ogre berserker following her to sleep, but it doesn't. And then, the goddamned mage Rezdan CASTS VOCALIZE!

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Gameplay note: Who in this thread was saying that buying vocalize was a waste of money and it woudn't even be a factor until BG2? Look at this! Look at this fight and feel shame.

Kysus, Rezdan, Drasus, and Imoen spend the next few moments fighting the nymph, who is quite wily and cunning, if almost completely uncontrollable.

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Vic finds herself running from an ogre berserker with no options left, save one. She takes it. She wraps the Cloak of the Wolf around her and turns into a werewolf!

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As Viconia begins to tear into the ogre berserker, the first good thing this fight happens. Faldorn comes out of her frightened frenzy and charges the back of the monster!

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Edited by Usurper, 14 June 2012 - 03:46 PM.

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.