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#381 hook71

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Posted 31 March 2012 - 01:51 AM

I vote for B. Wait until she gets level 7, then dual-class her.

#382 William Imm

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Posted 31 March 2012 - 06:25 AM

A. This the the recommended time to do so - according to Harveron's BG FAQ/Walkthrough that I use on GameFaqs.
At this point, I'm not really doing much Baldur's Gate related. More focused on Skyrim modding and the Born of Legend tabletop roleplaying game. Don't expect much activity here.

#383 Daxs

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Posted 31 March 2012 - 11:21 AM

The guide you reference in the goonies lists Minsc with 15 dex as a prefered Archer role, and Khalid with 16 and the ability to get Mastery with bows as not capable of the Archer Role and instead a fighter despite not having exceptional strength... conversely, it thinks Minsc who has the game's highest strength should not be considered for a fighter role in a game where Grandmastery is impossible anyway.

It claims Xan is bad even though the only Evocation spells that are truly bad to miss are Web and Shield... wands can replicate the ones that matter!

It fails to bring up Tiax and Yeslick's best aspects: their innate abilities.

I wouldn't trust that guide!

Besides which, you'll be going into BG2, I'd almost say shoot for 8 to get another weapon proficiency!

This guide also doesn't consider how souped up on mods you are!

#384 William Imm

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Posted 31 March 2012 - 12:06 PM

From personal experience:

* Khalid serves as a nice tank - even with his coward AI hardcoding. Minsc is the second best tank in the game (seconded to Kagain) if he has the Berseker or Barbarian kits. Jaheria should be a nice tank as well
* Kivan is the BEST archer in the game - no competition, especially with the Archer kit. Seriously! Look at him in this LP!!!!
At this point, I'm not really doing much Baldur's Gate related. More focused on Skyrim modding and the Born of Legend tabletop roleplaying game. Don't expect much activity here.

#385 Daxs

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Posted 31 March 2012 - 12:36 PM

The point is, that guide is for an unmodded BG1, why should it be applied to a modded BGTutu?

And Khalid shoulda been Fightermage... Indira will have fun with that at least.

#386 Lurker of the north

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Posted 31 March 2012 - 01:28 PM

F. (Multi-Class +/- the kit)

Multi-Class her, perhaps keeping the kit even.

-Sure, it's a bit cheaty, but the whole point of the kit is that it's just Imoen beeing "original", so i can't really see that as beeing a huge problem... Even less so since you might not even get to drag her along all the time; definitely not during most of SoA anyways. And in ToB, IF she joins the party, it wont make that much of a difference anymore, other than simply adding some flavor... which it's (the CR-kit's) supposed to do anyway. ...right?

#387 William Imm

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Posted 31 March 2012 - 03:52 PM

My new opinion: F (S&S Adventurer Imoen, dual at 6 to Conjuror)

This is how I would play the game. Give Imoen the Song & Silence Adventurer kit (gives her +5% to Open Locks and Find/Remove Traps every other level, +1 bonus to saves at 1, 8, 14, but no backstab), then at level 6, dual her to the Conjuror. This does requrire some save-file hacking and stuff, but it's worth it.
At this point, I'm not really doing much Baldur's Gate related. More focused on Skyrim modding and the Born of Legend tabletop roleplaying game. Don't expect much activity here.

#388 Usurper

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Posted 31 March 2012 - 07:40 PM

Ok, so going by the voting trend,

How should we level up Imoen?

A. Dual-class now	.........
B. Dual-class lvl 7	.......................
C. Dont dual-class	.
D. Dual-class lvl 10	
E. Dual-class lvl 14	
F. Miscellaneous	.... 
			(kill Imoen and absorb her bhaalspawn essence ASAP; 
			wait until level 8 to get another weapon proficiency; 
			wait until level 9; 
			wait until level 10)
I can deduce that the thread is saying "not now". So I'll just keep going for now and then ask again when Imoen reaches level 7.

I've got some high-quality free time today so I'm going to play another update now :).

Edited by Usurper, 31 March 2012 - 07:41 PM.

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#389 Daxs

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Posted 31 March 2012 - 09:06 PM

My new opinion: F (S&S Adventurer Imoen, dual at 6 to Conjuror)

This is how I would play the game. Give Imoen the Song & Silence Adventurer kit (gives her +5% to Open Locks and Find/Remove Traps every other level, +1 bonus to saves at 1, 8, 14, but no backstab), then at level 6, dual her to the Conjuror. This does requrire some save-file hacking and stuff, but it's worth it.

If the class were adventurer, I would definitely wait for 8 +1 Saves is really good!

#390 Usurper

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Posted 31 March 2012 - 11:07 PM

I think it might be a little late to change Imoen's kit.
The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#391 Usurper

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Posted 01 April 2012 - 02:29 AM

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12 Marpenoth, 1369

We rest the night and wake up in the early morning hours, before even the sun has come up. We talk with each other for a while, and decide that since there are so many bandits and monsters in these woods, Kivan should scout around to see if there's anything interesting. That way we won't have to stumble around blindly killing everything in our path. So the ranger takes off on his own, going north, to see what there is to see.

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He eventually finds a strange inscription on the ground, and a wolfwere.

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What's a wolfwere? Past that wolfwere, he finds a man named Martin standing in the middle of what may some day be a henge. Kivan decides to approach him.

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Posted Image Yes, Almax sent us.

Posted Image Almax? Good, then you have come from Restenford. I haven't heard anything from Almax in weeks. I am sorry for my behavior, I am getting jumpy, I guess. I have never been secluded this long before. The peace was nice the first week but afterwards, I really needed to talk to someone.

Posted Image Almax mentioned that he lost communications with you. He assumed it was because the gnolls have been attacking the town and probably killed any messengers.

Posted Image Humm, quite possible. We still need someone to find a solution to this problem.

Posted Image We have already taken care of the gnolls. They shouldn't bother the town or your messengers any more.

Posted Image That is good news. I need someone to take this message back to Almax.

Posted Image Sure, no problem. We'll handle it.

Posted Image I thank you friend.

Martin gives Kivan a scroll of a message.

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Kivan reports back to us and tells us everything, so then we decide to go take out the wolfweres for Martin. I'm sure he will sleep easier knowing they are gone.

I start out by trying to cast a Fireball through Nahal's. Instead, I receive a surge of vitality.

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Obviously the Weave thinks this is staff work. I obey and get to it. A few seconds later, though, I am bleeding out of too many slashes to count and must heal myself quickly.

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Branwen also heals me, and on instinct I wrap myself in Mirror Images.

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Safana transforms herself into a werewolf as well, and joins the melee. But she doesn't seem to be able to hurt the wolfweres. Also, Kivan and Imoen's arrows just bounce off.

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Fabio's sword seems to be effective, but that only brings the wrath of the wolfweres to bear on him.

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Imoen throws him a potion and he drinks it immediately. It isn't a healing potion, though. It's a Potion of Invisibility. We're out of healing potions.

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He's smart enough to retreat and wait out the fight. The wolfweres turn on Safana next, ripping her lustrous coat to shreds.

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She also retreats, as Kivan uses his spear to kill the first wolfwere.

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Kivan and I continue to smash on the other wolfwere. Imoen goes invisible and tries to backstab him, but can't seem to connect. Finally, Kivan gets the killing blow with his Spear of Fire.

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Then Branwen heals us all up. As she does so, she begins to question Kivan.

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Posted Image You know my purpose, Branwen. You do not need to know my reasons.

Posted Image Come now, noble ranger. Lend me your sorrows that we might purge them together in the glory of battle. Would it help if I offered the solace of my bosom?

WHAT THE HELL BRANWEN!? I am shocked to the core of my being. What is she doing??

Posted Image Your offer is not unkind, but I must decline. Have I mistaken a priestess of Sune for a priestess of Tempus?

Posted Image *narrows her eyes* This priestess offers her humble apologies if she has offended you. She meant the remark only in jest.

Oh. Only in jest. Yes, jest best test. Jest. Only in jest.

Posted Image I am unfair to you, m'lady. I do not take jests on the subject lightly, and if you must know why... I seek to avenge my wife, Branwen. We were beset by bandits, and Deheriana was slaughtered.

Posted Image Say no more, elfling! I understand your meaning well enough, there is no need to recount a memory that obviously pains you so. In pain your beloved was struck down... and for my part, I swear to it that in pain those who struck her down shall pay an equal return.

Posted Image Tempus always grants his might to those who would seek to avenge the defenseless, and whatever your spear sees fit to pierce in righteousness, my hammers will likewise crash down upon with the fury of all the slain who cry for justice.

Posted Image Thank you, Branwen. I seek no sympathy, but thank you. There is a simple and unyielding demeanor about you, but your heart is gentler than your looks.

Posted Image Mayhap you think my heart is as hard as the stone I once was? You yourself are cloaked in less than charitable expressions, Kivan. Let us recognize that all that is without is not all that is within, and be good to one another.

I think I need to talk more about getting revenge on Gorion's killer if I'm going to win back Branwen's affections. I try to talk to her to see if there is some way to bring it up, but it is as if she knows what I am thinking before I even open my mouth.

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Posted Image I see.

Gameplay note: I did some research and we are at the end of normal lovetalks. Branwen's next lovetalk is scheduled to trigger in Chapter 7. She'll also pipe up in Candlekeep, in the Undercity, and again for the "poison quest," whatever that is. But other than those major plot points we aren't gettin' any more blonde warrior woman nookie. I'm getting flashbacks to college :(.

We send Kivan off to scout again. He comes across a lone gibberling, and decides to end its life.

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He later finds a pack of bandits and sword spiders together. What kind of unholy alliance do these bandits hold?

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Later, Kivan runs across a pack of war dogs.

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In his next encounter, Kivan gets sloppy. The bandits see him and attack.

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Kivan decides to school them on the art of archery.

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Then one...

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...two (and the bandits shoot back)...

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...four (and the bandits shoot back)...

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...five (and the bandits shoot back)...

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...arrows later, and Kivan is done with his lesson. I think we are ready to take out the bandit camp back home now. Kivan goes back to scouting.

Edited by Usurper, 01 April 2012 - 03:40 AM.

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#392 Usurper

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Posted 01 April 2012 - 02:30 AM

Around the middle of the area, he sees a man resting in the forest.

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Posted Image Greetings, I am Kivan. We are adventurers.

Posted Image Ah, adventurers. Out and about, doing tedious quests, saving people too stupid to save themselves. That sort of thing?

Posted Image There have been days like that, yes.

Posted Image Well if you want a quest, how about heading southwest of here and clearing out that old ruin.

Posted Image You mean Bone Hill?

Posted Image Yes, there is an abandoned castle there, except it isn't abandoned anymore. I passed by and thought I might look around but there are hobgoblins all over the place.

Posted Image Hmm, I wonder what hobgoblins are doing there?

Posted Image Exactly my point. They aren't the smartest of creatures, and normally they live in caves and small huts. So why are they housed in a castle?

Posted Image Interesting. Maybe we will look into it.

Posted Image You do that.

Kivan has a few more run-ins with bandits that he just basically ignores, and eventually finds another wanderer within the woods. He approaches him cautiously, and the wanderer introduces himself.

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Posted Image I'm a complete failure. Please leave me to my self pity.

But that's when the bandits attack. Kivan begins doing his best to defend the poor lonely mage and calls out for backup.

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The battle goes bad for Kivan fast. Can he win against so many, injured as he is?

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He shoots and retreats, shoots and retreats. Branwen is the first to find him.

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And I am the second. Branwen closes in to heal him, and I smash the head in of a bandit chasing him.

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Then I turn around and realize that he has a whole lot of friends.

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Gameplay note: Kivan wandering all over the map spawned a ton of bandits, and I guess they call to each other or something? We have a big problem on our hands now.

I open myself to the Weave, hoping for some arcane backup against so many enemies. But backup is not forthcoming.

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Arrows from all directions slam into me, and I stagger back. I can't breathe well. What do I do? With no other choices, I reach for my Wand of Fire. "Don't hit the mage!" Kivan shouts at me. I adjust my aim.

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Gameplay note: 11 bandits down.

I notice Branwen standing there in the middle of the clearing, hands raised to cast a spell, her crystal blue platemail glittering in the sunlight. When she is done, a strange, intricate rune floats in the air near her.

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It floats in the air as insurance, but not something we need to actually cash in on. Fabio's and Imoen's Magic Missiles take care of the half-roasted.

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Kivan tells me about Tolvar the depressed mage, and then goes about cleaning up the bandits. He seems to enjoy doing that way too much. I go and talk to the other mage.

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Posted Image Why are you worthless?

Posted Image What do you care?

Posted Image I don't know if I do care, yet.

Posted Image Look. I have been trying to hook up with anyone that needs a wizard. The last group left me here to die.

Posted Image Looks like they weren't successful. You're still here.

Posted Image Ha, ha. I'm not good with spells when being attacked. I freeze. No one wants someone like that in their group. I'm worthless.

Posted Image Sounds like you need some better training.

Posted Image Training? Who would want me as an apprentice?

Gameplay note: We have the option to send him to Sir BillyBob or to Pelltar.

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I think I can divine the will of the thread in this matter.

Posted Image Down in Restenford there is an old wizard named Pelltar. He has several apprentices working for him. Maybe he has room for one more?

Posted Image Hmm, I haven't been there yet. Okay, I guess it can't hurt to go find him. Worse that can happen is he laughs at me. Thank you.

And the guy takes off. I wish him the best. I know what its like to be a fledgling mage in a cruel world. I hope none of his mentors get killed off anytime soon!

I consult with Kivan, who has been keeping a detailed map. After looking things over, it looks like we have completely explored this area.

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Unless we want to kill increasingly annoying groups of bandits or hobgoblins forever, there is nowhere left to go except for Bone Hill.

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So we head out on the journey. Kivan says it will take four hours, and he's right. When we arrive, since we are sore, and tired, and almost out of spells, I decide to camp for the rest of the day. We do, but we are interrupted. Ghouls!

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I lead with a random spell, but the Weave is against me. Branwen begins to pray to her god. Imoen and Fabio begin casting as soon as I'm done. Slowpokes.

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Imoen throws a Burning Hands, and Fabio throws magic missiles, and the first ghoul falls. I brace for the fight, standing next to my oldest friend.

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The ghoul's expression changes from aggression to stark fear, and it turns to run. Fabio stabs it in the back as it does so, and it falls to the ground.

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Branwen smiles in beatific purity. She turned a ghoul! Then we re-arrange our campsite to make it a little less obvious, and go back to sleep. This time we can rest the full eight hours, and awake refreshed. I wonder what this old castle looks like. Kivan does too. He goes scouting. But he isn't so great with the stealth and something sees him - a skeleton warrior!

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The skeleton warrior seems focused on Branwen, and gives her a nasty slice.

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I heal her so that she does not have to be distracted.

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But then she is hit again, and she must heal herself.

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She can't.

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In fury I throw some random missiles at the skeleton warrior. But they just hit, and then... nothing. What?

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I am still hurt and confused when Kivan takes it out.

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What is wrong with the Weave these days? Half the time it seems to take my enemies' side, and another quarter of the time just doesn't work. Have I done something to anger it? Where is our easy partnership that we have had? I tell everybody to pick up Branwen's stuff, we are going back to town.

When we get there, it costs 800 to resurrect Branwen. After selling what little we have, we end up with a net of 1142 gold. We decide to sleep in the temple for the night. We get comfortable, and then Imoen clears her throat and glances at me. She has found something.

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It is some kind of lever. Do we pull it or not? I should realize that the question is moot before even asking it. The girl disappears from sight and, then, the lever gets pulled.

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Theft? What? We notice that the altar in front of Almon has moved.

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We also notice that there is a stairway underneath it.

Edited by Usurper, 01 April 2012 - 06:05 PM.

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#393 Usurper

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Posted 01 April 2012 - 02:30 AM

In spite of a sputtering, protesting Almon, we rush down the stairs as fast as we can go.

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We find ourselves in a small but well-stocked study. This reminds me of Candlekeep!

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Safana goes to disarm and a trapped safe behind one of the bookshelves that only she can see. Then she shouts out in glee. Jackpot!

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She finds 3124 gold, 8 water opals, 4 diamonds, 1 king's tears, two emeralds, and a scroll of Dimension Door!

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Gameplay note: Dimension Door works for any place on the area map, I think. In conjunction with Farsight it can easily be used to teleport the mage to any spot on a map, explored or unexplored. We must use it with caution, as it has extreme plot-breaking potential. The spell was taken out of the original BG2 for this reason, although Irenicus and the Cowled Wizards still used it all the freaking time, leading to great player frustration. Now its back in. Suck it cowled fools!

So that is what the priest does with all the money we give him for resurrections! Of course, I immediately copy the spell into my spellbook.

In the next shelf, Imoen finds a scroll of Aganazzar's Scorcher, a bloodstone ring, and a greenstone ring.

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Yet another spell that I don't yet have. I copy it into my spellbook as well.

In the third bookcase, Imoen finds a gold necklace, an iol gem, a fire opal ring, and two scrolls of Identify.

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I wonder if Sir BillBob would be interested in either of these?

There seems to be only one way out, so we take it. We end up outside of the cliff the temple is on, near the city wall.

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I don't think we'll be able to go back to that temple. Good thing we still have Almax!

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Imoen and Safana act like they're on some kindof spree, so they run down the path and burst into the only house there is in this area of town.

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We find an old man with a shield and a mace or something at the ready. Probably not the best guy to rob. I instead try to go talk to him.

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Posted Image Hello Yalta. We are the party of Syvishtara. We are helping Pelltar with some problems plaguing Restenford.

Posted Image Ah, yes. We have our share of those. Is there something in particular you are interested in? Perhaps I can help.

Posted Image I assume you are a priest?

Posted Image Yes, I am the spiritual advisor of the Baroness, Lady Fairwind.

Posted Image Advisor?

Posted Image Have you not met Lady Fairwind yet? She is a priest as well.

Posted Image Of course, with the duties of being a baroness, she is not always able to continue her spiritual learning. I am her tutor, although lately more of a listener to her troubles.

Posted Image The baroness is in trouble?

Posted Image No, no, nothing like that. She feels that the problems of this land are hers (and her husband of course). They do not want their people to suffer.

Posted Image It is a shame other rulers do not feel the same way.

Posted Image Hmm? Yes, yes, too true unfortunately. So where was I?

Posted Image You were going to tell us about some of the problems in the area?

Posted Image Ah, yes. We have our share of those. Is there something in particular you are interested in? Perhaps I can help.

Posted Image I understand that bands of gnolls have been attacking the town?

Posted Image *Sigh.* Yes, this has been an ongoing problem for Restenford. Throughout the hills and wilderness around here, there are several clans of gnolls, orcs, goblins, and so forth.

Posted Image Most of the time they leave us alone. Only during really cold winters do they make any attempt at attacking the town. It is always because of food shortages during winter. The winters usually reduce their numbers, but they seem to breed like rabbits.

Posted Image The latest attacks don't follow their normal pattern. It isn't winter, there should be plenty of food out there. So why are they bothering us? I think something or someone is organizing them.

Posted Image What makes you think that?

Posted Image The attacks are better planned. Now they are in groups and attack the wall at different spots during raids so our guards are spread out trying to protect several areas. In the past, the gnolls would just throw themselves at the walls. Now they work with wolves to attack travelers or to hit any guards on the outside of the wall. Also, they are attacking during all hours of the day. In the past it was only at night.

Gameplay note: And I see this bug has still not been fixed.

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The old man starts to ramble on and on, going into incoherency. I am reminded of Candlekeep lectures and just kinda zone out. Imoen turns to whisper to Safana.

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Posted Image Why, thank you. It's not always easy, but a woman must always think beyond the immediate heat of battle towards long-term gain.

Posted Image Are you starting to take an interest in such things, dear? It must have been dull and difficult growing up with just a bunch of bookish old men, without a positive female influence.

Posted Image Nah, it wasn't bad. They let us do whatever we wanted - well, mostly. And, when I was bored enough, there was some interestin' stuff about adventures in a few of those books. *sighs* Wouldn't let me in to see the ones with the good magical stuff, though.

Posted Image Well, magic can be a dangerous thing, especially for youngsters. But look at you now! You're having your own adventure. It's wonderful, darling, that you're living your dreams - I've seen many a woman who never even knew what it was to dream, let alone seizing a chance to fulfill them the way you have.

When we get outside, Safana slips me another scroll.

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We might need this at Bone Hill. And I think I know now why it is called such.

Our next stop is Almax, to deliver Martin's message.

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Posted Image We found Martin. He gave us this message for you.

Posted Image This is wonderful! Thank you for tracking him down. I will get the supplies ready and send Amos to deliver them. If you see him again, please let him know that Amos should be arriving in a few days.

Posted Image OK, but we may not get back out that way anytime soon.

We also stop by Sir BillyBob. Unfortunately,

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Hrmph. Well, maybe someone else does! I wonder if Tolvar made it back to town, so I check Pelltar's house.

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That's great. I'm glad for him. Now. Before the Weave takes it away from me, I'm going to go spend this gold!

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There are spells aplenty, and potions, and robes, boots, bracers, but the more I think about what to buy, the more I remember almost getting caught in my own fireballs. And that time the ogre mage cast Aganazzar's Scorcher at me. In the end, I decide to buy a Robe of Fire Resistance, since it costs only 4000 gold, and the Ring of Fire Resistance costs 18,000 gold.

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I put my Adventurer's Robe on the mule. No telling when we might need it.

Gameplay note: That's another reason why we are broke all the time. I don't usually sell magical equipment. Because we change party members so much I tend to keep anything magical we find on the mule. As of right now, on the mule, we have 2 Battle Axes +2, the Flame of the North, a Spear +3: Dragon Scepter, Elgenon's Bramble - The Branch of Many Things, 4 sets of Plate Mail, 2 Svirfneblin Pickaxes, a Short Bow +1, a Flail +2, Bracers of Defense, a Knave's Robe, a Cutlass +2: O-Tokne's Fang, Full Plate Armor +1: Ebon Plate, the Ebon Helm, the Helm of Ethical Insight, a Dwarven War Axe +2: Screaming Death, a Helm of Glory, Morridin's Cloak, a Large Shield +1, the Shield of the Falling Stars +1, 2 composite long bows, a heavy crossbow, 2 Short Swords +2, an Adventurer's Robe, Boo, and some quest items.

Then, of course, there's our gem bag in which we keep all the gems we find in case we need to bribe someone. It has a Tiger Cowrie Shell necklace, 9 Waterstar Gems, a Zircon Gem, 4 Iol Gems, 6 Tiger's Eye Gems, a Mithril Ring, 4 Agni Mani Necklaces, 3 Andar Gems, 3 Lynx Eye Gems, 5 Sunstone Gems, 4 Greenstone Rings, a Tchazar Gem, 12 Gold Rings, an Aquamarine Gem, 7 Jasper Gems, 12 Ruby Rings, a Black Opal, 2 Sphene Gems, 1 Star Sapphire, 4 Pearls, 3 Horned Coral Gems, 5 Silver Rings, 1 Moonstone Gem, 2 King's Tears, 12 Water Opals, 4 Moonbar Gems, 3 Topaz Gems, 2 Snowflake Obsidians, 5 Bloodstone Rings, 6 Fire Agate Gems, 4 Bluestone Necklaces, 1 Shandon Gem, 7 Bloodstone Gems, 1 Jade Ring, 1 Rainbow Obsidian Necklace, 2 Star Diopside Gems, 4 Diamonds, 2 Emeralds, 1 Gold Necklace, 1 Fire Opal Ring, and 9 Silver Necklaces. (Anything that is listed twice is not an error, it just doesn't stack for some reason.) The crazy thing is that Sir BillyBob doesn't want any of that!

So those two reasons are big reasons why we don't have cash on hand. In addition to the several wild surges that made us poor.

It seems as though the number of options we have available to us is limited. It is either go to Bone Hill, or go home. We discuss it together and choose to go to Bone Hill. We need to know what lies there.

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Gameplay note: And that's a good stopping place I do believe. Next time, the actual Bone Hill castle!

Edited by Usurper, 01 April 2012 - 03:26 AM.

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#394 Usurper

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Posted 03 April 2012 - 05:22 PM

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15 Marpenoth, 1369

We camp out on Bone Hill and are not interrupted. Now, today is the day when we can finally see what this place looks like. As we explore, we come across some skeletons. The are undoubtedly the remains of some ancient battle fought here.

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They are really easy to kill. But as we focus on them, a ghoul sneaks up behind us.

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The ghoul dies too.

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I don't know why I'm still afraid of them. I shouldn't be. I'm not the same woman I was in the Valley of the Tombs.

The ghoul had come out of a small palisade. We go in and investigate.

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In the center of the palisade is a small box. It is locked, but that is no obstacle to Safana. She opens it and inside is an old pair of boots, ten elixirs of health, and a strange horn. She gives the horn to Imoen, who looks at it with Finch's glasses. What she sees is pretty impressive.

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A warrior to come in our time of need? This is excellent! I know that Branwen will enjoy having a connection to Valhalla, so I give it to her. She smiles and says she can't wait to try it out.

We continue walking around and see a lot of rocks with vines and bushes growing on them. Except for one area, that is.

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We keep looking around. It turns out that we don't have to wait long to try the horn of Valhalla.

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Branwen brings the horn to her lips as she charges into battle. But it doesn't make a sound.

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Must need to recharge. We are going to have to do this the old-fashioned way.

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Except I get lucky and get the killshot in before Kivan. Wait... why am I poisoned?

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I just drink an Elixir of Health and shrug it off. Then we keep moving. Another lone hobgoblin dies before I can even get to him, thanks to Imoen and Kivan.

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Two other hobgoblins that might as well be alone die similar quick deaths.

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In our explorations we find a curious thing.

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We explore whatever we can, and then go back and check again. In the end, we realize what is going on and what we must do. First, this castle barely qualifies as a ruin.

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And second, there is nothing for us to do but assault the front gate!

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We make our way in...

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After the alarm has gone, I feel like speed is our only friend. So we rush in as quickly as we can and attack the hobgoblins in the courtyard. Two things happen at the same time - the hobgoblin on the right gets brutalized by Kivan, and the one on the left stands mesmerized by Fabio's lilting tune.

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Gameplay note: Because we found that super awesome sword for Fabio I've been having him melee, and not sing. This is because I'm stupid. I forgot about his Beguiler bard song that charms low-level enemies. But here we can see it in action.

Fabio orders the hobgoblin to attack the one behind it. It does. The strange thing is that even though it looks like it gets over Fabio's song quickly, it still keeps attacking the other hobgoblin. They must not have liked each other very much.

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I order everyone to stop attacking. We just watch the hobgoblins going at it - Elite vs. Captain. Surprisingly enough, the Captain wins.

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Then he makes a fatal mistake. He turns around and comes after us again. He dies while mesmerized by Fabio's song again.

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I want to make sure that the outer walls are secured before going into the interior of the castle, so we go upstairs. We find a hobgoblin there. I kill him all by myself!

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Three more hobgoblins show up in front of me, but instead of retreating I try to cast an impromptu Burning Hands. It doesn't go quite as expected.

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My magic doesn't affect the hobgoblins at all, but Fabio's works perfectly. They are all charmed.

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I tell Fabio that maybe he and his new friends should secure the rest of the wall themselves. He agrees. But they aren't quite as good friends as he first thought.

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Thankfully they're still slowed by my spell. Perhaps the Weave had anticipated this? What follows next is a graceful back-and-forth dance as Fabio and company meet more hobgoblins, and some of the ones he has under thrall temporarily break free.

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The ones under thrall kill the ones who break free, and the ones who break free try to hit Fabio. The crowd is constantly shifting back and forth. It's funny to watch for about a minute, but then things get frustrating. I tell everybody to just rush in and kill them all.

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We do the same thing with the next group of hobgoblins, and who cares if they're not fighting back?

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I now understand how Fabio should be used in a fight. Anyone who approaches us loses the will to oppose us, and then we just slaughter them all at our leisure.

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This bard is horrific. When we pass by the gatehouse, I realize that we can lift the drawbridge on this castle.

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Why hadn't the hobgoblins done that? They would have been impregnable!

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Posted Image Your eloquence is undeniably attractive, Branwen, but might I remind you that we are on the march? Please, say what you have to say, so we can be moving again.

Posted Image Would you... care for a ration? The jerky is... quite good.

Posted Image Thank you, Branwen. I've no need for food at the moment.

Posted Image Very well, more for me. *She starts gulping down various edibles moisily.*

Posted Image *smiles* It always fascinates me how such simple things give humans so much pleasure.

Posted Image Oh, I beg your pardon, Kivan. Do elvish stomachs not occasionally grumble for sustenance? *She tosses a strip of dried meat at him good-naturedly.* Eat, ranger. You need your strength for brooding.

Posted Image *returns the strip* I am not starving, Branwen. Elves do not require much to sustain themselves. *shrugs* Amin n'rangwa edanea... I do not understand those humans.

Is Branwen actually continuing to flirt with Kivan?! Why does she torment me so? I have half a mind to flounce off! But, no. Calm, stay calm. What is she to you anyway? You both agreed to break it off, right?

With the outer courtyard and the wall secured, our next step is to enter the fortress itself. We take one last look around for enemies. We see none.

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Time to go in!

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#395 Usurper

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Posted 03 April 2012 - 05:24 PM

We enter the castle and surprise a lone hobgoblin.

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Imoen and Kivan do not let him do, well, anything.

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We rush straight up one of the hallways and see another hobgoblin. The target is too tempting, so I let loose with some random missiles.

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Then there are some stairs, and a small balcony, and hobgoblins everywhere, and Kivan's on the balcony...

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It's chaos, simply chaos.

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Imoen keeps the hallway clear with her Burning Hands.

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While I laugh and laugh at the fruits of my handiwork.

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I try to sweep things up on my end...

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While Kivan steals Branwen's kills on her end.

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It is a slaughter.

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Kivan and Safana split up the looting duties. He cleans up the corpses while she goes for the chest.

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She finds 450 gold, an excellent short sword, and six antidotes! Kivan finds quite a lot of semi-precious stones. That's it for the center area of the keep. Now we go busting down doors along the sides.

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Branwen and I fight side-by-side, and when I'm hurting, she patches me up while I cast Mirror Image. We're the perfect team.

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The fight is a long one, and awkward. Fabio's singing always creates a sea of constantly-changing loyalties. But Kivan eventually does kill one of the hobgoblins.

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And, also, the other. Ranged or melee, Kivan is our guy.

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Safana ransacks the room and turns up some good loot. A ton of bullets, bolts, and darts, but also scrolls of Remove Curse, Shocking Grasp, Magic Circle Against Evil, and Cure Serious Wounds. The first two spells I know already, but the second two I can't even understand.

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Branwen looks over my shoulder at these, and takes them away from me. She says they're priest spells and thank you. Well, ok then! But whoever heard of priest spells written down on scrolls?

Safana says that there are also two secret doors in this room. She points them out to us.

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I choose to go left. It leads to some kind of storage room.

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In one of the barrels here we find six potions of extra healing! I'll bet the hobgoblins never even knew they were there. Connected to this room is some kinda ancient boiler room.

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And there is nothing in here but a musty closet.

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Time to go back and try the other secret door! This one opens up into an armory.

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There are a lot of mundane weapons here that are not much use to us, but we do find some Darts of Wounding and Arrows of Fire. Those go to Safana and Kivan, respectively.

Safana tries to open the next obvious door, but it doesn't work. She says it just won't open.

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And in fact, upon closer inspection, we realize that the stairs behind the door have collapsed.

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Safana tells us the secret door next to the real door is much more exciting, and takes us through there instead. What we find does not make sense.

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A cold, unused blacksmith's workplace is here. Why would someone put that behind a few secret doors inside a castle? Safana finds a scroll of Ray of Enfeeblement in the chest near the door, along with a few gems. I put the scroll in Pelltar's spellbook with the others, of course. Finally, she takes us through a couple more hidden doors and into some kind of hidden treasure room vault thing.

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In the stone lion coffer she finds 910 gold and a Fire Opal Ring. Great! But there's nothing else here, so after admiring the furniture for a bit we decide to just leave. I'm sure the hobgoblins never even had a clue all this stuff was here.

Now we should explore the other side of the castle. We get to a closed door, and on impulse I just decide to bust in. I see some hobgoblins and throw a random spell at them. Anything. Save me Weaveus!

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I'm shocked as I see a cone of deadly cold flow from my fingertips, and three out of the four hobgoblins first turn to ice, and then shatter.

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The last one, of course, does not spontaneously shatter. Instead it only shatters when the gnoll elite that was summoned hits it with its halberd. Of course. Why not?

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It is perfection. Why doesn't the Weave do this every time? I tell my new pet gnolls to bust down the next door and kill everyone inside. They do so.

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Turns out its a privy. Disgusting! The last hobgoblin puts up a good fight, but without pants on, it can't last forever.

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I send my crack troops into the next room as well, but one falls to a deadly hobgoblin ambush.

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And the other one falls to a deadly burn from my Wand of Fire. Along with the hobgoblins, of course. So sad.

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That's also the last of my Wand of Fire. It crumbles into ash, its magic spent. It was an excellent holdover until I got the ability to cast those spells myself. But now that I can cast Aganazzar's Scorcher and Fireball on my own, there is no need for that crutch anymore.

I hear a squeal of disgust from the other room. Safana has found a truly ethical dilemma for herself - looting something that is almost too disgusting to touch.

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But before any of us can think of another way to do things, she closes her eyes and goes for it. It's a good thing she does, too, because what she finds is totally worth it!

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It's beautiful beyond imagining.

She also gives me a scroll of Protection from Normal Weapons. She swears it wasn't in the privy, though. I'm not sure if I believe her.

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Gameplay note: So as a mage, you have to choose - to be protected from all magical weapons, or to be protected from all normal weapons. It depends on if you're going up against cannon fodder or bosses, generally. Of course, eventually you'll not have to choose, because you get Mantle, and later Improved Mantle. We already have Improved Mantle, actually, which protects against all weapons of +3 enchantment or lower. But for now, even protection from ordinary weapons is beyond our meager abilities, since it is a level 5 spell.

With everything killed, ransacked, and opened on this level, there is nothing left to do but enter the final room. We do, and find a stairway up. Time to go up!

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We enter a room empty of enemies, and Safana and Imoen ransack the place in record time. Safana finds some poisoned daggers she can use, and Imoen finds a scroll of Invisible Stalker.

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Gameplay note: This is the 8 hour summons. Most summoned creatures, including elementals, only stay for a short amount of time by level. But the invisible stalker is here for the long haul. I remember in my first playthrough when I first realized how this spell worked - I cast it every single map and would rely on it all the time. It is a very reliable friend in times of need.

Since this is a relatively safe room to be in, I tell everyone to rest. We barricade the doors and take shifts, and it all seems to work out. Floor is kinda hard though. Then we choose to go north. Fabio takes out the first baddie we see.

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Safana tries to open the door we pass, but she can't seem to make it work.

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Kivan and Imoen take out an unlucky hobgoblin standing alone in the corridor.

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And then some more unlucky hobgoblins near the corner of the hallway.

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Things go on like this for quite some time.

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Safana backtracks to try another door, but it is warded or blocked too.

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The only door that does open, opens into a kind of indoor garden thing. It is actually very tasteful and I wouldn't mind spending some time in here.

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The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#396 Usurper

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Posted 03 April 2012 - 05:24 PM

But alas, we have to keep going and killing defenseless hobgoblins.

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Again I open myself to the will of the Weave, and again the Weave sends me through a door of shadow.

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I reposition myself and try again.

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This time the Weave works with me a little.

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And in a few seconds, they are all dead or running.

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Branwen finds a straggler shooting at her, so she summons her axe Battle Prowess and chops him to bits.

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Actually you know what? The number of locked doors on this second level of the keep is really disturbing.

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Does someone know we're here? Are we being herded somewhere?

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Safana gets a scroll of Detect Illusion from the bookcase by the bed.

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What does that mean, I wonder? Did someone sleep here every night afraid that illusions would show up? Seems scary.

If this door is locked, I will be very upset.

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Oh good, it isn't. Ooooh, castle library!

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I start to rustle through the books and manuscripts, while Branwen strikes up a conversation with Safana.

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Posted Image Why, Branwen, I didn't know you had it in you. Go on, by all means.

Posted Image Let us find some poor lonely male in the next town, and each of us give him a proper relaxation of his shoulder and back muscles and then inquire as to which of us was the better at the deed. Fifty gold to the winner, shall we say?

Posted Image Oh, I'm always up for a little sport. But what brought your train of thought to this idea in the first place, Branwen dear?

Posted Image Is it not obvious? Surely eyes as percepive as yours have noticed we are two mirror images in the sight of gods and men. I would like to see which of us is considered more attractive by the men... a frail, dainty slip of a girl who sweet talks all within reach, or a strong yet gentle woman who knows how to apply her strength of arm properly.

Posted Image What a delightful way to put it. I'm certain I'll enjoy... putting you in your place.

Girls... I'm RIGHT HERE! I can hear you!

Gameplay note: This is actually getting pretty funny. Coming to the end of the Branwen romance so quickly, all these flirtatious interjections take on the air of indirect snubbing of the protagonist. I'm pretty sure the authors didn't script it to be this way on purpose, but when was the last time you saw the star of an RPG get harshed on like this? It would actually be pretty cool to see this happen in more RPG romances. Like, say, for instance, Mass Effect. Come on to one of your squadmates and screw things up and see them snub you over and over again for the rest of the game.

I take longer than normal to finish going through the library, because I get distracted. But eventually I do find two important things. The first is a scroll of Minor Spell Turning.

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Gameplay note: Big thing to remember with this spell is that it doesn't get dispelled by a Dispel Magic. Also that it reflects spells cast upon the caster. Great in lower-level spell duels when it is just you against one mage. There is also a higher-level version of this spell as well.

The other important thing I find is the key to the keep!

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Who Nalia is I have no idea, but if this opens most of the doors in the fortress I'll be thankful to her forever for being such an absent-minded klutz as to leave her key in the library. Thanks Nalia!

Another room and some minor treasure later, and we are back to where we started.

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Time to go around again and open all the doors that didn't open the first time. Of course, the first set of doors would be another privy. Oh, and a stairway up. This stairway must smell amazing.

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I don't remember this many privies in Candlekeep. Geez. The next room is a bedroom with a dead hobgoblin in it.

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I wonder how he got in here? Safana says there's something in the fireplace. She reaches in and almost gets immolated!

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She manages to pull out a book anyways, and hands it to me. It is another spellbook!

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I greedily flip it open and begin to look at the spells. They are, in order, Identify, Charm Person, Sleep, Magic Missile, Shield, Blindnes, Invisibility, Melf's Acid Arrow, Knock, Web, Stinking Cloud, Resist Fear, Deafness, Ray of Enfeeblement, Haste, Slow, Protection from Missiles, Remove Magic, Fireball, Dispel Magic, Polymorph Other, Improved Invisibility, and Summon Shadow. I am not impressed. I already know every single one of these spells! I transfer them all to Pelltar's Spellbook, though, just to keep them for a rainy day.

Safana, undaunted by her recent near-death experience, tells us that she has found another secret door.

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It leads to a secret passage, which in turn leads to another secret door. This castle is literally riddled with them.

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We go through and Imoen tries to get in position to cast Burning Hands. However, she gets hit pretty hard.

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She manages to get her revenge as we pile into the room.

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Safana tells everyone to stand back from the north door. She begins to perform some delicate maneuvers.

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She opens it, and we are greeted to a strange, eerie sight. Xan is standing there, yelling at us.

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Posted Image Dead. Who are you?

Posted Image I am the guardian of this keep.

Posted Image Guardian?

Posted Image Yes. Yes. I was sent here to look for an ancient magical item. Perhaps you have seen it? It looks like a bronze horn.

Posted Image Who sent you?

Posted Image Why, the overlords of course. Yes, this will be a new castle for them to help protect the area. But we need that horn.

For some reason I don't trust this guy.

Posted Image We don't have the horn.

Posted Image Well then, would you be a good sport and go look for it, please?

Posted Image Uh, sure. Any idea where to look?

Posted Image My servants have looked all over the castle. However, I can't get them to go where the undead are. So I would suggest that you start there.

It is only after the conversation is over that we can go inside and get a good look at this Telvar.

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I have an instant dislike for this guy. He can't even keep track of his own spellbook. And he orders people around like he owns the place. And who are the overseers he is talking about anyway? As I'm fuming, Imoen speaks up.

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Posted Image Lucky? I led her away from the safety of Shilmista, Imoen, overconfident young fool as I was then! I led her, mela en' coiamin... the love of my life, to her death. It was my love that gave her to the torturers alive, it was my love that doomed her...

Posted Image I'm still thinking that she feels that way. I mean I'd sure like it if I knew someone I cared about would go to any lengths to get whoever killed me.

Posted Image You know nothing, Imoen! Do not wish for anyone to prove his love for you in such a way, just wish for love itself - without obstacles, partings or doubts.

Posted Image Well, it's hard to know 'bout someone's feelings if there's no proof, ya know? I mean one can go like forever and never notice!

Posted Image Fear not, you will know when the time comes.

In a crate by the door Safana finds 6 more potions of extra healing, 2 potions of clarity, a potion of fire giant strength, a potion of agility, and a violet potion.

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Attached to this room is some kind of washing room thing. Totally useless.

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There is only one other door that is locked to us, and it is a long and tedious trek around the entire castle to get to it.

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The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#397 Usurper

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Posted 03 April 2012 - 05:25 PM

And it would be entirely unremarkable except for the secret door we find in it, that leads to two more secret doors.

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One that leads to a secret stairway,

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and the other that leads to some sort of statue room.

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The statues have some minor treasures on them, but nothing much to speak of. I cannot understand the purpose of this room.

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So now it seems as though we have a few choices. We can take the privy stairs up, the secret stairs down, and we can hand over the horn to the angry elf in there. Given these possibilities I choose to go up. The privy stairs up take us to the roof of the keep, at night.

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We begin our usual slaughter.

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The messy business is thankfully over quickly.

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There doesn't seem to be many more places we can go from here, so we go back down the stairs to the interior of the castle.

Imoen mentions that there were stairs up in the library. I hadn't even noticed. We try those next.

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We find more hobgoblins to assault. Yay.

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They are soon all gone.

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Another part of the roof reveals more hobgoblins lying in wait. Joy.

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They are not a threat.

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We also find a stairway going down that we did not come up. I wonder where it leads.

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The stairs just lead lower on the castle walls. Disappointing.

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We take one good look at the castle area from up top here before going back downstairs.

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We go back inside the castle, and I decide to take the stairs to the basement. I hope there is some way to get out of giving the horn to Telvar. I don't like him, I don't trust his story, and I want to try the horn out for myself.

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We descend the staircase and end up in a basement. Safana says one of the chests is trapped.

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The trapped chest contains 42, FORTY-TWO silver necklaces, some arrows of fire, and some masterwork bolts. Too bad we don't have anyone that uses a crossbow.

Then we open the door, braced for anything. We find the undead.

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Imoen gets the ghoul.

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Kivan gets one skeleton.

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And I get the other skeleton. Cool!

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Safana scrounges up a couple of healing potions. Then we move on.

The next room is also full of the undead, and one of the skeletons hits me with an extremely deadly magic-dispelling arrow.

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I get hit a second time, and feel the burn, but Branwen's healing and my own healing bring me back.

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That's when I realize that Fabio's music is even affecting these skeletons, who are usually immune to mind-affecting spells. That's pretty amazing.

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I don't let that keep me from killing the skeleton next to me, though.

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Soon, all the undead are back to being regular dead.

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In one of the crates in this room, Safana finds an amulet. Imoen identifies it as an Amulet of Protection +1.

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I give it to Branwen, who so often finds herself on the front lines.

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In another chest, we find 3 scrolls of Lesser Restoration.

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Also given to Branwen, because they are priest spells. We also find some Protection from Undead, which reminds me of the scrolls I picked up earlier. I put them together and realize that we have 4 Protection from Undead scrolls. If we meet some greater undead here, we may need to use these. I pass them out among the group. Then we continue exploring.

We find an area that must have been a dungeon. But the cell doors are open and the cells are empty.

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In one of the cells, there is a tunnel leading out. We decide to check it out later, but it checks us out instead. At least, the Fire Giant within does. What the hell!

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We all panic and Fabio, Imoen, and I immediately cast magic missiles at the beast.

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I thought we would be dead for sure, but it seems to be unable to fit through the door. I decide to use this time to test out a random spell. But the Weave seems to have pity upon the poor trapped beast.

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Imoen tries Burning Hands on it. Not a good idea in retrospect.

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I hit it with another bout of missiles.

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The Fire Giant is immune to Kivan's normal arrows, so he begins to fire Arrows of Ice at it. Branwen casts Spiritual Hammer and begins to throw those as well. They are both effective.

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Of course, Kivan is the one to get the killing blow.

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As the fire giant dies, I feel an illusion spell fading. I'm not sure why. Was it not a real fire giant?

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It did drop some boulders...

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Kivan goes over to the mule. He opens the potion case and takes out potions of storm, cloud, fire, frost, stone, and hill giant strengths. He drinks the potion of storm giant strength and easily hefts the boulders. He says they are better than arrows. I believe him.

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Gameplay note: I'm having Kivan do this because he is the only one who can drink those strength potions. Also, the potions in the order I listed set strength to 24, 23, 22, 21, 20, and 19.

We loop around the dungeon area and go back to the previous room. There is only one more door to open, so we get to it.
The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#398 Usurper

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Posted 03 April 2012 - 05:26 PM

And walk inside a huge area. A shadowy figure addresses us in a whispering voice.

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Posted Image Sorry to disappoint you but we are not your "food."

Posted Image No matter, your warm blood will do just fine. Attack!

Fabio, Branwen, and I all take out the Protection from Undead scrolls and cast them on ourselves. Imoen casts hers on Kivan. Kivan throws a boulder. Imoen also has time to totally obliterate a ghoul's head with an arrow.

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Branwen begins to pray to her god, while Safana turns into a werewolf. I try to cast a random spell at the wraith.

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I receive an unlooked-for third-person view of the battle, and the mind of the wraith. For only a moment. Also, all of the ghouls turn to run, scared to death of Branwen's imposing figure.

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Safana lets out a shriek and tears into the wraith. The wraith tears into her as well. She looks visibly weakened.

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I reach to Rhialto's Holy Spellbook and open it to the correct page. The best page. The most important page. I cast Chaos Shield.

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Branwen notices that Safana is being drained of vitality, and she responds with the most appropriate spell available - a scroll of lesser restoration.

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Our sometimes sexy, sometimes fearsome treasure hunter/werewolf lady is back to full strength, and goes back to tearing into the wraith with renewed vigor.

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I, wrapped in my Chaos Shield, reach through Nahal's Reckless Dweomer to rip a fire elemental forcefully from its home plane and deposit it here, in opposition to this wraith. I reach forth and grab the Weave, forcing it to do my bidding this time.

It works.

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The wraith cries out in pain as a fire arrow sizzles through it. It turns to see the culprit - Imoen - and attacks her. It sucks some life out of her before she is able to get away. Also, I notice Kivan throwing those huge boulders to no effect. They just pass right through the wraith. I tell him to take out his spear.

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My elemental roars in flames and smoke, and rushes up to the wraith. In one huge swipe, it erases the abomination from existence.

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Branwen moves to restore Imoen to her normal vitality. She does so but then seems quite drained herself.

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The ghouls and ghasts return then, but without their master wraith they are nothing to us. We mop them up without incident.

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I and my elemental inspect the rest of the area, but it seems deserted. We have done it! We have killed a wraith!

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Gameplay note: I'd like to note that I didn't have to reload for this fight. I did everything right the first time :).

In the statue at the end of the hall, Safana finds 2126 gold, 6 Bloodstone Gems, a Moonbar Gem, a Bloodstone Amulet, and a Gold Necklace. Not too bad, all things considered.

Now what's this that the wraith said about Telvar sending more food?

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Posted Image Yes, it was right where you said it would be.

Posted Image Oh, goody goody. Be a good girl and bring it here please.

Posted Image Uhm, how about you telling me what is so important about this horn?

Posted Image Well if you must know. It will allow the overlords to call to other castles for support. Excellent idea, eh?

Posted Image Yes it is, but I am going to keep the horn instead.

Posted Image What?!! You nasty little pup. You shall all die for this!

I feel justified here. Good mages rarely fly off the handle so easily. He MUST be evil.

Since I am so close to Telvar, I bank on being able to hit him with my Drain Life before he is able to do anything. And Imoen also banks on the same idea, but with magic missile.

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What Telvar didn't count on was Fabio and his extremely alluring songs. They captivate both his hobgoblins and him as well!

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While Branwen heals me from a nasty case of poison arrows I have just contracted, I order Telvar to fireball his own minions. He does so immediately.

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And that's the last thing he is ever able to do before Safana rips his throat out.

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The man was not very well prepared. And his hobgoblins weren't either. In a few seconds, none of them are left alive.

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We of course loot his body, and find an Adventurer's Robe, a Wand of Fear, and his journal.

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His journal is quite enlightening.

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Ah ha! So the bastard really was lying to us all along! I knew it!

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Posted Image Why does it surprise you?

Posted Image 'Cuz you were doing it in front of Syvishtara! Ya wanted him to notice, didn't ya? Didn't ya? *giggle* You know, it was even kinda cute.

Posted Image *blushes* Yes, well... let's get going, shall we?

Posted Image Nah, I'm not letting ya go until you admit that you're really in love with him and want to stay with him forever and ever and ever!

Posted Image Imoen...

Posted Image Say it!

Posted Image Imoen, child, let me go!

Posted Image Not a chance! Aw, c'mon! He'd like to hear it, too, ya know.

Posted Image *sigh* All right. I do care for Syvishtara.

Posted Image She did it! Syvishtara, did you hear that? She did it!

Posted Image Whatever.

Branwen still cares for me? She does! Oh my god. And Imoen. This is why I love the girl. My eyes fill with tears. She is the best friend anyone could ever have. I have to turn away to hide my face, and begin to walk out of the castle. I assume the rest will follow me as they are able.

Gameplay note: And that seems like an excellent stopping place as well. This update was huge. Only one more to go until we are out of Bone Hill.
The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#399 William Imm

William Imm

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Posted 05 April 2012 - 04:46 PM

As for Kivan's portrait - I think that the work of Enkida would suit this game well - her portrait pack is at v2.0 and includes awesome portraits for the Bio NPCs and some mod ones as well. Do you want to consider it for this LP?
At this point, I'm not really doing much Baldur's Gate related. More focused on Skyrim modding and the Born of Legend tabletop roleplaying game. Don't expect much activity here.

#400 Usurper

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Posted 05 April 2012 - 11:52 PM

Yeah sure, I can check it out.
The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.