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Syvishtar's Journal

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#301 Usurper

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Posted 29 January 2012 - 08:45 AM

As we make camp, Kivan strikes up a conversation with Safana. Apparently she had been telling him stories out of earshot?

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Posted Image My windows opened up on the cliff wall, with a sheer drop of eighty feet. A waterfall was weeping at my fate, and I was nearly going mad, listening to its sorrow. There was a moment when I stood on the windowsill and thought of taking my own life.

Posted Image And in that crucial moment you had one of those brilliant ideas which saved your life and the life of your lovers on numerous occasions.

Posted Image That's exactly what happened! Know what I did?

Posted Image I suspect that you pulled a few strings of silk from your flatteringly revealing gown, braided them together and strangled the seven-foot-tall eunuch with it, when he came ot escort you to the Pasha.

Posted Image However did you know? Anyway, then I took the eunuch's sword and shield and fought my way through the guards, and finally it was only Pasha Uzef who stood in my way.

Posted Image And he was a fearsome swordsman, and his eyes shone as two coals.

Posted Image Oh yes. It's almost as though you were there. We had been inflicting blows on each other to no avail for a long time, and then he dropped his sword at my feet and knelt. "Lady Safana," he told me, "my love for you is too strong for me to live without your favor."

Posted Image "Where is your dagger, my lady? I beg you to pierce my heart and end my suffering!"

Posted Image Ed' i'ear ar'elenea! By the sea and stars! Safana, you waste your talents. Were you a bard, people would pay dearly to listen to your tales.

Wow, Kivan almost seems to not be sad. She really is good. We get everything ready and bed down for the night.

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In the morning,

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Posted Image Mmmph... what?

Posted Image Thank... thank Corellon... you... you are alive. I had a very disturbing vision last night, a... a vision about you. You were so close... and then you dissolved into dust before my very eyes. I woke to find you lying pale with your eyes closed, and I thought the worst.

Posted Image Sometimes my dreams are akin to yours. I hear a ghastly voice whispering "You will learn!" and wake up drenched in sweat.

Posted Image If your nightmares are indeed the source of your eerie powers, they might give you the key to who you are. However, this way is too drastic and damaging. I do not know which is worse, shrinking from this path or embracing it.

Posted Image But I can help, albeit a little. Erecting a mental shield against your nightmares is beyond my current skill, but you may share my reverie from now on, if you want. Perhaps it will stop our dark visions. Or perhaps it will doom us together. Do you accept?

Posted Image Yes, I do. Thank you, Xan.

Posted Image Yes... I hope it will not happen again. My heart nearly stopped this morning... but enough of this. Let us go.

Share our reverie every night? Doesn't this mean we have to sleep together? Welll, if it will stop the nightmares... ok. I go to talk to the sirine.

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Posted Image Not yet, Sil. Give me time.

Posted Image Time is not mine to give. Make haste before the fickle sea winds change.

I realize that we didn't check the back room, or the cellar, or other places where pirates might hide out. I guess we can't just lie to her now can we? We make our way back to the lighthouse. When we enter, we find more pirates. Didn't we kill these guys already?

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The battle lines shift quickly, and the mage pirate looks like he's getting into position for something nasty. As he begins casting, Imoen shuts him down with some Magic Missles.

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Around the same time, the assassin pirate jumps out of the shadows and into Imoen's face, but misses her backstab. Kivan puts her down.

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Branwen gets hit twice mere seconds apart, and doesn't look so good.

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I throw her a healing potion. Kivan manages to kill another pirate.

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I kill the next one with my staff!

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Imoen takes out the last of them.

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Posted Image *Xan makes a motion to take your hand, but instead his fingers slowly slide along your wrist, leaving your skin to tingle and shiver.*

But going back into the back room only shows us a well-stocked pantry.

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A quick check of the lighthouse reveals nothing.

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With no more pirates left to fight, I have no choice but to return to Sil again. On the way over there, Branwen looks at me in one of THOSE ways.

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Posted Image *She smiles at you, a strangely shy smile for a loud and outspoken battle priestess.* I have come to enjoy your company. Thank you for letting me travel with you.

Then, of course, it is time to approach the sirine.

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Posted Image The pirates will trouble you no more. I was forced to kill them.

Posted Image We expected as much, and feel no loss at their deaths. Our waves are now free, and you shall be duly rewarded. Go north. There lies the cave the invaders were seeking. Take from it what you will, but beware the guardians.

Gameplay note: we get 750 xp from that. Nice.

Guardians? We will have to be careful, true. We do go north, and we do find a cave.

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We just go in. How tough could the guardians be, anyways?

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Kivan seems to be the best at sneaking around these days, so I send him in first. He comes back with a report of Flesh Golems.

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Those are the things Thalantyr uses to guard his tower! Can we really take them? Hmm, only one way to find out. Kivan chooses his best arrow, the Arrow +2, and fires it at the flesh golem from hiding.

Nothing happens. Uh oh.

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In a panic, we rush in to attack, and spring a trap!

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Nevertheless, we mob it. Xan, Imoen, and I all get in solid hits. And finally, it falls to my staff.

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Since this is her specialty, we send Safana in first, to check for traps. She doesn't really find any right away.

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Posted Image Between two evils I always choose the one I haven't tried.

She does actually find a trap after navigating the narrow walkways.

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She disarms the trap, and then lets us know.

Posted Image When I'm good I'm very very good, but when I'm bad I'm better.

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#302 Usurper

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Posted 29 January 2012 - 08:46 AM

She also comes running back, saying that she awoke another flesh golem.

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Xan takes out this one, with a little magical help from Branwen.

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Gameplay note: These suckers are 1000 xp a pop. I should kill them all!

Safana goes back and loots the treasure, which seems like a pretty big haul. Imoen follows her to help carry things and keep an eye on her. She asks Imoen a question then.

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Posted Image Sure you can work with us any time.

Posted Image You've made the right decision boys, but now we should talk about the leadership of this group, I think it needs overhauling.

Oh no she didn't! That bitch! I try to focus on the treasure, but I'm still seething in indignation. The treasure is pretty big, actually. First there are potions. 3 Antidotes, 1 Elixir of Health, and 1 Potion of Adsorption we have seen before. But the 1 potion of Infravision and 3 Potions of Major Healing we have not.

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Then there is the equipment. There is a normal Ninja-to and a mithril ring, but there are also magical items: two rings, two cloaks, 3 darts, and a book. We decide that killing the remaining flesh golems is the highest priority, then identifying the items.

We mob the next golem. Branwen springs a trap, but doesn't even care.

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I manage to heal her, and then let my staff get the killing blow.

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Then we hunker down in one of the caverns and get ready to seriously study this treasure. The first cloak we identify is Morridin's Cloak.

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This would be good for Rose, if we had her in the party. We'll have to keep it on the mule for her.

The second cloak is a Cloak of the Wolf. Wow, this looks like real fun!

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Werewolves are supposed to be incredibly powerful and dangerous to anyone. Since Safana is completely useless in combat, I think I'll give this to her. Then she can finally take off her sheep's clothing.

The third thing we find, is a book. A manual actually. A Manual of Bodily Health.

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Out of all the party that needs this, Xan, with his 7 constitution, could benefit from it the most.

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I give it to him and tell him to read it cover to cover.

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Then we try to sleep for the night, so that we can identify more items in the morning. But in the night, we are awakened by a thudding of heavy footfalls.

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The heavy footfalls do some damage to Xan.

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Xan moves back out of melee, and Branwen turns to heal him. Imoen saves the day with the final deathblow.

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We emerge out into a bright, clean, bird-singing day, and Xan asks a question.

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Posted Image We will go to Arvandor, I suppose. I know little about it, however.

Posted Image Arvandor... We carry a piece of paradise within our souls, always. But will it be heaven for me, when I bring my turmoil into this sacred place? Ah, but I will not. While you may find yourself entering your afterlife unhindered, I will linger behind for centuries to come.

Posted Image Why is that?

Posted Image That's my pride and my curse. Are you familiar with the history of the moonblades? No, I do not suppose you are.

Posted Image The sword I wield has a cruel tale to tell. It has originally been forged to choose a royal family, but now it is only a symbol, albeit an important one. The blade is thousands of years old, and it has passed through many hands, eventually ending up in mine. The previous owners are not simply dead, but their spirits are trapped within the moonblade, a terrible price to pay for using its abilities. Only when the blade's magic is no more are they allowed to travel to Arvandor. A similar fate awaits me in the end.

Posted Image That's terrible! I am sorry, Xan.

Posted Image As am I. There is no point on musing over it, however. What will come will come.

Posted Image Sometimes I wonder what would have become of me, if I had never come by the blade. Perhaps my miseries started on the day I had acquired it. But that is a story for another time. Let us continue, Syvishtara, while we still can.

We sleep another 8 hours, and then Finch's glasses work again. The first ring is a Ring of Fire Resistance. That goes to Xan.

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The second ring is a Traveler's Ring.

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If we had a bard, perhaps we could figure out what the ring did. I'm guessing it is something related to speed, though. It must be.

You know what? I like this beach. I want to stay here for a bit longer. The sirines definitely know their beaches.

Gameplay note: Hey, does anybody know the difference between Arvanaith and Arvandor? Earlier Xan was moaning about his uncle Erevain dying in Kuldahar and not being able to enter Arvanaith, but later on he talks about himself being unable to enter Arvandor because his soul will be trapped in the moonblade. Can anyone clarify?

Edited by Usurper, 12 February 2012 - 05:13 PM.

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#303 berelinde



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Posted 29 January 2012 - 08:53 AM

"Gameplay note: Hey, does anybody know the difference between Arvanaith and Arvandor? Earlier Xan was moaning about his uncle Erevain dying in Kuldahar and not being able to enter Arvanaith, but later on he talks about himself being unable to enter Arvandor because his soul will be trapped in the moonblade. Can anyone clarify?"

-- Xan had two different authors. A few inconsistencies remain.

"Imagination is given to man to console him for what he is not; a sense of humor, for what he is." - Oscar Wilde

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#304 Beleg33


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Posted 29 January 2012 - 12:25 PM

I'm shocked you haven't encountered any stray sirine :o I had a pack of 3 on the beach leading to Sil & Co. and 2 or 3 lonely ones and I spent a LOT of time in this area :lol2:

About the talk of a city in the north, I think that's a reference to NWN rather than IWD. Edit : That's what I always thought but reading it again, IWD2 makes more sense but I never finished that one.

I remember in an old BWP install (or vanilla? but that's a while back) a neutral sirine that would initiate dialogue with closest male char and you had the choice to kiss her for instant death fun :devil: or did I dream that?

Edited by Beleg33, 29 January 2012 - 12:32 PM.

Random spambot #8434678 said :

you should liquor multiplying great deal supplment your to office apparel predicated copy may possibly be an go through check out this behave as more busy den has an interest in pc

#305 Justify

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Posted 29 January 2012 - 04:38 PM

I'm really starting to wonder if your romances are bugged. Unless you are playing much more slowly than your writing lets on, the talks are going by blindingly fast. From what I remember, the default is one LT every hour.

This might be something the big world did of course, I've only played the TuTu version of BG1NPC.

Edited by Justify, 29 January 2012 - 04:40 PM.

#306 Usurper

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Posted 29 January 2012 - 07:59 PM

Yeah, I was convinced that I read it wrong and it is a reference to neverwinter. My bad.

I'm not sure why the lovetalks fly by so swiftly. It happened like that with everyone, pretty much. Gavin wouldn't shut up back in the day, and neither would Shar-Teel. Of course, it does take up a lot of time to make this Let's Play. This last one took me 6 hours, I checked. So from a real-time perspective it makes sense to have so many lovetalks I guess?
The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#307 Usurper

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Posted 06 February 2012 - 10:34 AM

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19 Eleint, 1369

Just as I decide to relax with the sirens on this beach for a while, it begins to rain. Great.

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Well, Safana's treasure is found, our quest is done. The tops of the cliffs here are still unexplored, so we make a quick pass across them. We don't find anything to threaten us. We follow the faint trail south of here, and when we pass the lighthouse again we know no one will harm us. We declare this Lighthouse area to be cleared of all threats!

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Now it is sime to go after something I heard Minsc mention way back in the day when we were going after Dynaheir - the Caves of Kozah. He talked about them as if they were dangerous, but wouldn't say why. I think it is time to find out.

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We travel the full 8 hours without seeing anything or anyone. The trip was rather eerie, actually. Where are the hordes out for blood? Where are the assassins that should be stalking us? Maybe they're there, and we just don't see them, whem, phlem?

It doesn't matter. We must forge on ahead. There is nothing else to do. Don't look back. Don't even think of it. Just go straight. Straight forward.

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Ok, so sometimes forging straight ahead is not an option. Just keep moving. Go left. Spiders!

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Kivan shouts out that there is one huge spider and one giant spider. I yell out in return, asking what the difference is. Kivan responds by asking me if I'm retarded. Our first volley hits the giant spider as it fires off some sticky threads at Imoen. They work.

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Or maybe that was the huge spider? Whatever. I prepare a spell. Everyone is keeping away from the spider except for Xan. He looks visibly poisoned, but he pops an antidote and all is well.

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I cast my spell, a patented Azragan's Channeling prepared through Nahal's Reckless Dweomer, and suddenly I... know things.

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We should go east. Our destiny lies first there. And then north. It is so clear to me now.

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But first we must kill these spiders of unusual size. One of the spiders hisses out some more webs, angled at Safana.

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The webs hit, and then Xan manages to both kill a spider and knock it unconscious at the same time. He lets out a little "Oh."

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It doesn't improve his mood though. The other spider takes his cue from that, and turns away from fighting Xan and I. He goes towards Safana. But Kivan sees to that.

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We have successfully survived a spider attack. This is good. Now, we must go to the caravan. I intone these truths to my party in my best oracle impression. They do seem impressed.

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Posted Image Yes, I'd like to hear this story.

Posted Image I rarely return to this memory, Syvishtara. In both the waking wod and the reverie, I am trying to avoid it. But all things must be brought to the light sooner of later, however painful it is, or they will be forgotten. *sigh* I was very young then, perhaps even younger than you are now. The death of my sire was a terrible shock on its own, and the subsequent death of my sibling, who found his doom in Icewind Dale, added to it. After these events, I lost the will to live. Nothing was important, so when I realized that someone from my House had to step forward and claim the blade, I volunteered without thinking. Nevertheless, it was a terrifying experience, standing in a ray of blue fire and waiting for the uncertain death. You see, drawing the blade can easily result in the claimant's death, if the sword finds him unworthy. I have survived, but the reflection of this day haunts me still.

Posted Image Why were you found worthy, I wonder?

Posted Image I was already well versed in magic lore, and ready to protect Evereska to the last, with my life, if need be. I was also too young to commit any dark deeds to my name. Probably that affected the sword's decision. After all, a moonblade is only a semi-intelligent being, and I suppose a small child of a prominent House would claim it without any great risk to his health. But these are just my guesses; I will never know the true reason. *sigh* We should be moving, Syvishtara.

Yes, we should. We must go to the caravan. A solemn doom awaits us there.

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Posted Image *At precisely that moment, a strong gust of wind uncovers your head and sends your hair flying. Before you can do anything to push it back, Xan catches the whole mass in his palm. He stares at it for a long moment, forgetting himself completely, as he gently twists your tresses between his fingers. Then he grimaces briefly, and tucks the locks under your cloak*

What was he grimacing for? Was he remembering when I was a man? You know, I hardly do anymore, myself. We head towards the caravan, and the growing sound of ... flies.

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Posted Image Who is this Brage you speak of?

Posted Image Before this curse befell him, he was Captain of the Guard in Nashkel. I am his cousin, Laryssa. For all the bonds of love and blood, save him from his present agony if there be a way to do so.

Posted Image There. Don't worry, lady. We'll try and save Brage for you, 'kay?

Posted Image Please! I'd be most grateful for any help you can give him!

She leaves then, and hot on her heels is Brage himself!

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For some reason I feel a strange kinship with this man, and his words resonate within my mind. I know what it is. I know of what he speaks. It is my new friend, my dearest companion, my heart-mate. It is the shadow I cast behind me. It is my tool, my salvation, and my secret joy. It am become it, and it becomes me.

Posted Image Death.

Posted Image The end of night, where the light shines unto mine eyes and I can see clearly once again! What hath I wrought?! 'Tis horrible, HORRIBLE!! I will welcome the block that must await me at Nashkel! How could I live with what I've done! Please, thy must guide me to the town that I might pay for my crimes! I fear I can keep my senses for only so long, and I must not be allowed to do this again! Too many good people have lost their lives to me! Please...

Posted Image The mention of it gave him back his reason; immediately he demanded it to be dealt out to him in a lawful fashion, for the reason that he had caused it... This man is almost as entangled with death as we are, Syvishtara.

Posted Image We'll see you back safe as we can, though I don't see how killing you will help those that have died. We shall take you to the temple of Helm in hopes that you may be healed.

Posted Image I fear I can do nothing for those I've wronged whether I live or die, and I still know not what led me to this. It's like a foul presence in my mind! I can only imagine that I have finally succumbed to battle fatigue. Take my weapon, that I might not harm another! Use it if thy wish, though I'd rather it be destroyed. Innocent blood on everything! I'd only just acquired the sword. Such a waste this has been. Take me to Nashkel, I can bear this no longer.

There is nothing else to do but to do as he says. Off to Nashkel we go.

Gameplay note: Literally. It skips to this cutscene.

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Posted Image Calm yourself Brage. Helm sees all that he wishes, and knows much of what you do not. It was your hands indeed that did many a foul deed, but it was not your will alone. Intent is vital, and yours was influenced without your knowledge. Justice will be done, but with atonement, not punishment.

Posted Image But my crimes... my family... I don't want to go on!

Posted Image If you are returned to the garrison, yours will be the only willful killing that has occurred about this matter. It would be a waste of your life which, fractured though it is, can still contribute much. Helm will see you through. As for our intrepid friends here, I shall exceed he reward offered by Oublek. After all, it was the same task of bringing Brage to justice. The Temple is in your debt for the return of its lost son.

Posted Image See, aren't you glad you listened to my idea to bring him here, instead of turning him in for the bounty? Now we've gotten double the reward money!

Posted Image Heh. Yeah, you're right, Imoen. Glad I took *your* advice.

Posted Image I don't think I like the way ya said that...

Posted Image Thank you again for your help.

Gameplay note: We get 500 gold and +1 reputation! Yay! We also get the attentions of Branwen....

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Posted Image Your traveling garb could do with a good measure of cleaning, comrade. Should we come by a good inn with hot water abounding, I shall arrange it for you.

I try to give some last words to Brage.

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We sleep there overnight, and in the morning Brage is mopping the floors like it is the difference between life and death. Perhaps, for him, it is. Imoen identifies the sword he gave us, and the truth is revealed.

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The sword is cursed, I'm sure of it. No sane person, eh? There is nothing to do but sell the bloody thing. It is a good thing we do - it doubles our cash!

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We leave the Temple of Helm, even though it is night, and set off into the tiny town. The graveyard in front of the temple seems to always have an interesting inscription for us.

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We go to the general store and unload the mule. It gives us another 500-odd gold. We still need to go back to the Caves of Kozah for the other destiny I saw for us, but since we are already on the central road, there is something else we should do first...

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#308 Usurper

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Posted 06 February 2012 - 10:34 AM


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Kivan kills the first bandit immediately, but more just show up. I panic and cast Mirror Image.

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Imoen kills the second bandit, to the northwest.

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Safana realizes that her piddly little throwing daggers are actually useless against the bandits, so she pulls the cloak around her that she claimed from the pirate treasure.

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Safana's sultry voice saying that she will do anything sounds much more menacing coming from a snout with fangs. She looks like she can indeed do anything to anyone.

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But before she has a chance to do so, Kivan schools another bandit in the art of archery.

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And Imoen does the same.

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In the midst of charging into the bandit lines, Safana takes a hit. It looks bad.

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I continue to panic, following up Mirror Images with a Wild Horde. Now I feel safe.

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As my bunnies warp in inside a dozen flashes of light, Kivan drops another bandit. I begin to hear a strange whispering in the back of my mind.

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The whisperings become louder chant-like music as Safana rips the throat out of her first victim.

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My bunnies were even getting in on the action!

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Three more bandits drop, each by an arrow from Kivan, by the time Safana rips the head off of her second victim.

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Up in the northeast, Xan finishes his own lone, deadly dance.

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Safana beats my bunnies in killing the last of the bandits.

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And as my bunnies begin to disappear in the same flashes of light in which they came, the music in my mind ends abruptly.

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Posted Image I don't think so. We have grown more skillful as of late, and both your magic and your blade protect me. Don't worry, things will work themselves out.

Posted Image Yes, things will be perfect when we are lying in our graves. Death brings everything into balance.

Posted Image We are trapped. No, I am. You will probably live through all this, while I will not. And if I do, what is the point? There will be the next mission, and others will follow, until my spirit finally finds itself where it belongs - confined in the moonblade I currently keep.

Posted Image Why do you bring the subject up now? You have known it all along, haven't you?

Posted Image I have, but much has changed. When I call to mind earlier days, I see myself calm and content with my fate. Duty was above all for me then; now it is different.

Posted Image All these years, I have traveled alone; now I have you as my companion and my friend. I am not sure if it is a right thing, however. I have grown attached to you; your safety is above everything for me, including my duty and my mission, and I fear it might be more than this. I am becoming more and more convinced I have committed a grave mistake. But I am rambling. Lead on, Syvishtara.

What he said is touching and yet sad. I do not want to rope anyone into following me that doesn't want to go, but then again I do enjoy his company. He fights well and his moonblade is quite powerful. And I do hope that I can win his heart. Yes, I admit it. I want to romance this morose elf, while I still can. I might not be a woman forever, but while I am I can work it!

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Posted Image Do you fear anything, Syvishtara?

Gameplay note: Ok, this is getting eerie. I swear I have never done the Xan romance before and didn't know what I was getting into, but I always seem to find appropriate responses to fit exactly into the character I'm trying to paint for Syvishtar/a. The writers of the Xan romance must have had similar ideas to me of what CHARNAME would be going through.

Posted Image I am scared that more of my companions will die.

Posted Image *There is a far-off expression on his face.* There is no better death than dying to save the one I...

Posted Image *Xan stops abruptly* Yes, you are right: it may happen. And probably will.

Kivan cleans up the place, and binds together the 14 scalps we collect. Then we keep going north. We are on an important mission, after all.

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Imoen is my best friend in all the world, and I support her in everything.

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Besides, hey, it might work!

Gameplay note: Ok, all those in favor of making Let The Bodies Hit The Floor Kivan's official theme song, say aye!
The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#309 William Imm

William Imm

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Posted 06 February 2012 - 06:54 PM

Aye. Kivan's awesome anyway - got him into grandmastery with bows in my game. Fun, that. I had him since visiting HIgh Hedge - he got grandmastery at level 6. Oh, and if you talk to Thalanthyr while he is in your party, he gets a +2 spear with entagaling - not that he'll use it very much, but it's nice to have.

Edited by William Imm, 07 February 2012 - 05:28 AM.

At this point, I'm not really doing much Baldur's Gate related. More focused on Skyrim modding and the Born of Legend tabletop roleplaying game. Don't expect much activity here.

#310 -Leokosta-

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Posted 07 February 2012 - 03:18 PM

Got some problems using the cloack with jaheira. When I turned her back from werewolf, her weapon slot became permanently claws. Had to reload.
Also, I agree with Kivans music. If I was to mod Kivan, I would make him go Berserk like 30% when fighting bandits and orcs.
And on another note, maybe we should vote on different portraits to some NPCs, while you take time to update the LP, just a thought.
If u have the time and patience, could u show us the AI yu are using to each NPC ?
Tx again for the effort

#311 Usurper

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Posted 12 February 2012 - 09:47 AM

Hey, if you've got some alternative portraits for some NPCs, by all means post them in the thread. we can vote to change them, no problem. I'll try to put some AI information in one of these posts some time. Its just so much to do that I forget easily.
The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#312 Usurper

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Posted 12 February 2012 - 09:48 AM

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21 Eleint, 1369

We stop by the gnome downstairs and unload our mule. We get a few hundred gold.

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With that money, I am able to buy a few new scrolls for myself from Ratava Artsym.

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Since there are no other mages in the party at the moment, I use the money to complete my level 1 collection of spells. I buy Friends, Protection from Petrification, Shield, Protection from Evil, and Shocking Grasp.

Friends is just like Imoen's spell that she casts before talking to shopkeepers.

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Protection from Petrification will be pretty handy when we go back to Mutamin's Garden. Its duration is about 5 minutes.

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Shield might be useful some day when we go up against a lot of mages.

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Protection from Evil is just the same as the cleric version, and usually I get someone else to cast it. There's no need to re-hash old spell knowledge. But Shocking Grasp is something that Dynaheir has, and now I do too. I should probably use it because I'm in melee a whole lot.

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After that, I'm down to 473 gold, so I cannot buy any level 2 spells, which cost 600 gold each. No matter, though. I'll get them eventually. I look at my new, jam-packed level 1 spellbook chapter with pride.

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I'm getting to be quite powerful. Soon, no one will be able to stand against me! As I imagine my enemies falling before me, I remember the premonition that I had in the Caves of Kozah. There is one more enemy for us to destroy. We should go back.

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We travel the entire 44 hour trip without incident, and arrive at night. We make camp to recover from the ordeal of travel. But, during the night...

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Posted Image *Get up, throw a cloak upon your shoulders and start looking for the elf.*

Posted Image *You find him lying spread-eagled near the camp, deep in reverie. His head is resting against the rough bark of a great tree, and his pose looks relaxed and natural. However, as you approach, you see that his breath is shallow and uneven, and tears are trickling down his face.*

Posted Image *Xan's eyes are wide open, but his glassy look suggests he does not see you. As you stare, his frame twitches, his hands scrabble the grass hopelessly, and he moans in his vision, calling your name.*

Posted Image *Wake him up.*

Posted Image *He starts thrashing more and more violently, locked in his nightmare. His normally handsome face is now distorted with fear and alarm, and his eyes are dark with whatever terror his vision provides. As you kneel and grasp his shoulders, a strangled sub escapes hs lips, and he tries to shield himself with his hands, pushing you away. His whole body trembles, his sobs turn into gasping cries, and you are barely able to hold him still.*

Posted Image *You redouble your efforts. Finally, Xan blinks, and the light of recognition slowly creeps into his eyes.* Syvishtara? Syvishtara... you are safe... you are alive...

Posted Image *He looks about to grasp you in his arms, but with a visible effort, he restrains himself, and simply reaches out to touch your face.* Thank... thank you. There were dark days when I screamed for release, when I wished to die in my sleep, but I never wanted to end like this, trapped in my own fears and leaving you here, alone, defenseless...

Posted Image *Suddenly Xan interrupts himself and looks at you with concern, his gaze travelling over your bare feet and hastily donned cloak.* Syvishtara, I have retreated here, away from the camp, so as not to disturb your rest. But I will not allow you to catch a cold because of me, not if there is the slimmest chance of risking your life!

Posted Image *Without further words, he picks you up, lifting you off the ground with surprising ease, and carries you all the way to your bedroll. As he puts you down, Xan whispers, sadly and bitterly, his voice as stinging as the salty softness of his cheeck against yours.* Ever since I met you, my dreams and reality have become a tangled blur of cause and effect. I do not know if I can bear it much longer.

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The next morning, we go straight to the Caves. We do not want to be late. There, we meet Charleston Nib.

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Posted Image Is that how humans seek knowledge? By digging up the burial mounds of their ancestors? I urge caution, my friend; curiosity of this nature oft nests in evil or greedy souls.

Posted Image You there! State your business, but don't move from where you stand! I don't want to have to sic the boys on you!

Posted Image Relax, we mean no harm to ye. Have ye had much trouble?

Posted Image Have we? Aye, and plenty of it. Nary an eve goes by without us losing another hand to the night. I swear, if we could just get a few moments of uninterrupted digging done... say, you wouldn't be willing to do a little service for me, would you? You could do alot worse than working for ol' Charleston Nib.

Posted Image I would like to know just what I would be protecting. What are you doing here? Looks to be glorified graverobbing in nothing but a decrepit tomb.

Posted Image You are partially right, though it's not a tomb, but an ancient settlement. It is also all that remains of a primitive race long since extinct, and we know little about their culture save that they seem to have destroyed themselves in war. Perhaps today we will learn something more. We are just about to break through into an inner chamber, perhaps the dwelling of the village shaman himself. Mayhaps you could be of assistance to us? We need but keep the camp secure a short while longer. Your very presence would probably dissuade anyone from attacking us, though I do not know the force behind our misfortune. They seem to take great pleasure in minor sabotage and kidnapping, though some of the missing men may have just run off from fear. Nothing is ever stolen, which is odd for bandits, but they must still be the cause. Will you help us?

For some reason this man reminds me of Gorion.

Posted Image It would be an honor to help you learned people in your quest for knowledge.

Posted Image Gracious we are! Now we stand a chance of completing the most exciting day of our dig! We're going to try for an entire new room today, possibly the shaman or chieftain quarters! We could find any number of relics within. Move amongst the men as you will, as your presence will no doubt reassure them.

As I finish the conversation, Branwen gives me a look.

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Posted Image *Branwen looks drawn, but as she stares at you, her face relaxes into a graceful smile.* I'm not tired as such, my friend. The day has been long and hard, but there are still battles ahead.

Xan seems to have something entirely different on his mind.

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Posted Image Xan, it's not coming to a close, how many times do I have to tell you?

Posted Image No, of course not. I am going to live a long, normal life, become a King of Evermeet and have twelve children.

Posted Image Ironic does not equal good. Our relationship will not lead anywhere, there's too much death around. And when it happens... I do not know what I would do if anything happens to you, and if I die... Perhaps it would be better if I left, and soon.

I am about to reply to Xan and tell him that he's not going anywhere, when we are interrupted by one of the workers at the caves.

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Posted Image First, my name is Gallor. Second, we never had this conversation. I'm the "partner" of that old mister Charleston you met, except I'm none too thrilled about the non-profit aspects of the whole thing. The old man seems to think we should donate all our findings to some museum, whereas I am ever so much more practical. I should think certain people would pay dearly for the magical treasure we are about to unearth, and if they would be so eager, who are we to stand in their way? I would like you to steal the item and "remove" Mr. Nib from my little equation. You up to the task?

Posted Image Magical treasure? I was under the impression that no one knows what is to be found there. Why are you so sure of its value?

Posted Image Old mister Nib would never admit it, but that is mainly because he doesn't wish to jinx the dig. From what I could decipher in the ancient writings, the final room contains "the plate that provides bounty, leading food unto god." Doesn't take a genius to figure out what that means. Obviously the item under all that dirt and rubble is enchanted such that it "provides bounty." Whether it's through increased crops or good hunting, I care not. Regardless, an object of that age and enchantment should command a hefty price and I intend to see that it does. You can be a part of it if you wish.

Posted Image It is a very sketchy description that you offer. I should think that different deities would require different "bounty" to be delivered. Do you know if this ancient one preferred "bounty" that we would find valuable?

Posted Image I care not whether the primitives who lived here worshiped chickens and the plate produces fodder! It does not matter! What DOES matter, is that we potentially have an item associated with a god long since lost to the mists of time. Its former enchantments may not even work, but it will still command an exorbitant price from a historian or collector. Do you wish a piece of the pie or don't ya?

Posted Image I would have to kill many of the working men if I attacked Charleston. It would be a veritable slaughter, and I want no part of it.

Posted Image Blast you! You are playing just as safe as the old man! So be it; I will find other means to acquire a fair measure of profit from this fiasco! Best you continue on whatever errand you be on.

Posted Image Huh, this man gave me the creeps. I mean, pickin' a pocket is one thing, but killin' a dozen workers to steal some stupid artifact is... horrible!

Posted Image Ah, get lost.

Posted Image I am afraid that he might succeed in finding help. We should visit with Charleston, to ward off the bloodshed.

Posted Image Off with you!

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#313 Usurper

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Posted 12 February 2012 - 09:49 AM

Gallor rushes off, and then Xan resumes his conversation as if nothing had happened.

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Posted Image Do you fear anything, Syvishtara?

Posted Image Death.

Posted Image *Xan shudders, his hand instinctively grasping yours.* The way you've said it... Syvishtara, do not do that to me again.

I wonder whose death he thought I was talking about? I'm pretty much scared of them all, actually. Death follows me, and I am its fearsome servant. Oh, what am I saying? I'm becoming melodramatic. I go to talk to Charleston.

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Great! With that, we follow him into the tomb.

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The man likes shouting success a whole lot.

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Posted Image Hey bossman, I don't feel so good. How old is the air in this place?

Posted Image A good question young man. I would guess that we are the first people to walk this room in nearly five thousand years. The very gods of Netheril would have been young at that time.

Posted Image Is so... is so cold in here... I feel... strange.

Posted Image I hear... I hear a voice... in my head...

I should talk to this guy later. We should compare notes.

Posted Image I hear the hollow voice, but it is but a mumble! Speak up! Speak up and guide mine hands! RAAAAAAAGH!!

Posted Image You... I see what you are! There is power to be had from your death! Your blood will quiet the voice! BLOOD WILL QUIET!

Then they all attack... me. I'm the only one here. My companions are still threading their way through the caverns. What does he know about me?

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Wild Horde, save me this day! Over a dozen bunnies answer my call.

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Imoen and Kivan rush through the doors. Imoen gets first blood.

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One of my bunnies gets the second kill.

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And as my horde flashes off in blasts of light, I cast Mirror Image. I am ready now.

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I hold them off, and Imoen puts every single one of them down. She is a machine in her own right.

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When all his men are dead, I turn to Charleston and demand an explanation.

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Posted Image ... stone sarcophagus must be what has caused all of this bloodshed. Surely that artifact is cursed beyond belief! Please make sure it is within its proper place and we will seal the entrance. It's best that it never sees the light of day.

Posted Image Ugh! My head hurts just trying ta make sense of what you're sayin' about this... Kozah. But, um, I guess he was some evil god, and this place has something ta do with him, like a temple, right?

Posted Image Yes. Basically, you're right> What of it?

Posted Image SO those workers we just killed attacked us cuz of him or somethin' or another, right? Well then, how come none of us were affected, huh?

Posted Image I am unable to answer your question. We know little of this culture, and that is why I was doing research. I doubt that I would ever have an answer for you, Imoen.

Posted Image It's sad really. I had sought to bring a little life back to a long extinct people, and look what I wrought. Certainly some things are better off remaining dead. Here is your pay for the time you have spent here. Your services are no longer required. Everyone pack up! We are leaving this accursed place!

Gameplay note: We get 500 gold and +1 rep. Sweet!

As soon as we go outside, however, we are attacked by a shadowy figure!

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Branwen, taking a step back from getting hit with the magic missile, responds with gusto.

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We all move in to melee. I need some mirror images to do so.

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Xan puts in a good, solid hit.

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Safana, transformed into a werewolf again, also gets in some good damage.

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It causes the Doomsayer to teleport away. It only goes behind Kivan, though, so soon it is surrounded by us again. I cast some Magic Missiles at it, and it looks almost ready to die. Then, Safana gets in another good hit.

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The Doomsayer bursts apart in a cloud of whispery gore. I'm not sure if I should be disgusted or not.

Gameplay note: That was a good 2,000 xp!

Branwen rushes over to me after the battle.

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Posted Image Why, Branwen, do you care about my appearance?

Posted Image Yes, I do, and it puzzles me that you do not. Not in a feminine way, surely, but I would prefer that you resembled a spring ready to uncoil at your foes, rather than a stringy plant kept in a dark and damp cellar. Without proper caution, many a trained man ended up as the latter.

Posted Image For all your skill and aptitude, sometimes I see a rash, wild, and reckless youth in you.

Posted Image But whatever happens, you will heal me, won't you?

Posted Image Of course, Syvishtara. But injuries differ by nature. If a vampire gets hold of you, or a bunch of wyverns tears you in two, my skills will be vain and useless.

There is nothing else for us in this area, and so we make ready to leave. As we go, we travel near the carnage that Brage left behind him. It is still as repulsive as ever, but you've got to give the man credit - it is quite a large amount of carnage. I couldn't do that much.

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Posted Image *He draws the moonblade out of its sheath, looks at it for a long moment, then turns his gaze to you... but says nothing.*

Posted Image *Then a shadow passes over his face, and Xan turns away with a sigh.*

He's done that before, but I think I understand him better now. He feels like he has no choice but to serve the moonblade. But perhaps he'd rather serve me? I wonder...

With nothing else to do here, we declare the Caves of Kozah to be safe once again. All threats neutralized!

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As I consider our next move, though, I wonder aloud why the Doomsayer attacked us. After all, I had left the idol where it belonged, in the deepest chamber. Imoen kinda clears her throat then, and sheepishly raises her hand. She says she knows why.

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IMOEN!!! I try to think of some way to reprimand her, but I just stand there speechless. Then I just turn and tell everybody to go back to Beregost.

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The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#314 Usurper

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Posted 12 February 2012 - 09:50 AM

On the way back, we are ambushed by a pack of wild dogs led by some worgs. Thy attack Branwen first!

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I rush to heal her. I feel the magic almost getting away from my hands, but in the end it settles down and acts normal. Good.

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I then make my salvation complete by killing the worg that hit her. I'm awesome!

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Kivan takes out the second one.

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The wild dogs are not a threat. We kill them and then travel the remaining two hours to Beregost.

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When we get back to the Jovial Juggler, Kivan goes to see his best friend, Officer Vai.

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We get a good 300 gold from the 30-odd scalps we turn in. Not too shabby. Then we all go to our rooms, and get ready to relax, rejuvenate, and revive our tired bodies. Branwen motions me over to her. I get a few butterflies in my stomach.

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Posted Image Certainly, Branwen. What is it?

Posted Image 'Tis an illness that comes and goes as an uninvited guest. Loneliness, Syvishtara, and sadness.

Posted Image Our band is a jolly bunch, if a touch strange. Our mission is righteous and just, and I'll be the first to crush down a moaning weakling who dares to disparage our efforts. Yet at times I miss my kind, my comrades in arms, and the plain joy of true companionship.

Posted Image You have my support, my trust and my loyalty. Or do you want more than this?

Posted Image I value your company, Syvishtara. Tempus forgive me, if I say that 'tis almost as important to me as my faith and my honor. We have fought, sweated and bled side by side.

Posted Image Do continue.

Posted Image Yet I find the true closeness lacking. 'Tis good to know that a trusted comrade stands by me as I plunge into battle, but, I confess, with my friends and kin here was no peril so great that it would frighten us, none at all.

Posted Image This is akin to what I feel, when I look into your eyes.

Posted Image Do... do you? Did you speak in jest, or did you mean it?

Posted Image I did. I meant it, I mean.

Posted Image I had not expected such of you, but, I confess, it warms and gladdens my heart.

Posted Image Sleep now, Syvishtara. I need to ponder your words, and send a prayer to Tempus for receiving them.

Well, the lady said that I should leave her alone, and so I do. I get up and walk the halls, until I come to Xan's room.

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Posted Image That was unexpected. Are you all right?

Posted Image All right? I have never felt better! I am going to die, my city will be lying in ruins within years, my spirit is going to be trapped in a lump of enchanted metal for nearly an eternity - everything is perfect!

Posted Image I want this torment to end, once and for all. You don't understand what I am talking about, do you? You have never been abducted and tortured; decades of aimless wandering do not wear you down; you have never loved anyone; you treat this life as an entertaining game. You don't even comprehend the notion of dying.

Posted Image I think I understand our situation perfectly, better than you do. You are afraid to live, afraid to feel joy or affection, aren't you? Why, "we are all doomed," so "what is the point"?

Posted Image Bravo, Syvishtara! I believe in a few months you will be able to enter Shar's priesthood; you sense hidden pains well enough to qualify.

Posted Image I've had enough of these illusions of safety and power. I am tired from this endless torture of guessing whether we will be alive in the morning, whether I will be able to... no. There is no point in further discussion. Just leave me be.

Ugh. Everybody's telling me to leave them alone. I feel sad. I go to Imoen's room and we have a slumber party. Pooh on all the haters!

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In the morning, during breakfast, Branwen makes a comment.

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Posted Image We are not far from the sea, now. If we have time, I'd like to inhale the sea air once more.

But the sea is not where we are going now. We are going to take back the Song of the Morning Temple. I coordinate spells with Branwen. We discuss for about 20 minutes. We know what we are going up against - evil divine casters. Our spell selection is designed to shut them down hard. I will cast Horror. Branwen will cast Silence. Together we should put them into enough disarray that Imoen's backstabs and Kivan's arrows can kill them all. If that fails, Safana can turn into a werewolf and rip heads off. And Branwen says she has a little bit of a surprise, too. She says that I'll see.

We make ready, buffing up near Thunderhammer Smithy.

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Then, we attack. Three of them are right there with us as soon as we show up.

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We all attack Drakar, who is standing almost in the middle of us. Halacan, to the south, begins casting a spell, and Imoen responds with magic missiles.

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And despite us all beating on him, Drakar gets off an Unholy Blight. We scatter.

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It only hits Kivan and Imoen, and then not for much. Everybody turns around and I shout out HALACAN! Kivan, Xan, and Branwen all hit him.

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He falls like a sucker. Hell yeah!

Imoen, standing right behind Drakar, sees him casting another spell. She hits him in the back of the head with some more magic missiles.

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Then I hit with a Horror. Molkar falls for it, although Drakar resists.

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Then a beam of white-hot sunlight streaks down from the sky and hits Drakar. That must have been Branwen's surprise!

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It was supposed to have blinded Drakar, but apparently his will is too strong, because it doesn't. In fact he is able to cast Resist Fear on Molkar! Eerily appropriate! Also, that little dwarf Morvin has finally made it to the fight.

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Safana does us all a favor and rips open Drakar's throat. He won't be casting Unholy Blight ever again.

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Drakar's spell still makes it to Molkar, and he is cured of his fear. Also, Morvin finds himself in the middle of an angry mob, alone. His cleric is dead. We all attack him.

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Safana gets a good hit in on Morvin, but Morvin gives as good as he gets.

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Xan and Kivan both strike Morvin at the same time, and things look good for us. But the little bastard pops a healing potion!

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Imoen tries to backstab the little bugger, but she misses, and he returns with a solid hit. She has to retreat and drink a healing potion.

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Then, horror of horrors, Molkar comes up behind Xan and strikes him down in one blow!

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I feel cold. I feel hot. Safana's werewolf transformation wears off.

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I lash out with my Ring of Energy, catching both of the bastards in its beam.

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I try to twist around them, to hurt them more, but then one of them gulps down another healing potion! The bastards!

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They both start following me around. I run this way and that way. Everyone keeps shooting at Morvin. Finally, Kivan takes him out.

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Well if Molkar is going to keep chasing me, I'm going to give him a merry chase. I run over to where Xan's body lies and take his boots. I quickly slip them on and begin to hoof it.

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Strangely enough, Molkar stops going after me and goes for... the mule? I cast Rhialto's Random Missiles at him then.

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The salvo doesn't kill him, but he is Near Death.

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#315 Usurper

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Posted 12 February 2012 - 09:50 AM

I rush in for the kill.

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But Kivan, Kivan takes it from me.

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Xan is dead. Oh my god, I let him die. After all that talk of how things are going well for us, he is the one to drop. I don't think I can ever forgive myself. What am I but a walking death dispenser? Ahhhhhgnghgh.

Kivan and Imoen are busy cleaning the battlefield. Of course they would be, that's what I tell them to do. Because we kill so many people, we loot them and move on. We are the true bandits here.

Imoen comes up to me and shows me something she found lying on the ground. It's the Teddy Bear of Protection.

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Xzar dropped this so long ago, in the original ambush. It's nice to see it back. I give a wan smile.

It only costs 600 gold to have Xan raised. But the true injuries are on the inside. I can hardly look at him in the face. Instead, I busy myself with all of the magical loot we've acquired. We are practically swimming in it. There are a ton of potions of various types, and I'm not even going to get into them. I just give them all to Branwen and tell her to sort them out. There are 11 magical, unidentified items in total. Imoen gets to work. But before she can get any results, Branwen begins to speak triumphantly.

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Posted Image You think so?

Posted Image I believe that it was Tempus who made me see you... as more than a friend.

Posted Image You have no more doubts, then? I thought you missed your kin too much to pay attention to me.

Posted Image It is rare for me to admit my wrongs, but I do, now. 'Twas bad and harmful of me to dwell on the past, and I was unjust when I compared you to my kin.

Posted Image I am not proclaiming my everlasting love for you, Syvishtara. I said this only because I believed you to be distraught after the other night when I picked at you, and likely challenged our friendship. 'Twas noble of you to handle my words in a kind and mature fashion, and I wish to repay you wish words gentle and true. I feel affection for you, Syvishtara, and attraction.

Posted Image I am honored, Branwen.

Posted Image *Branwen smiles and kisses you on the cheek.*

Then, as if that wasn't enough...

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Posted Image *She lays her palms upon your shoulders and starts to knead your tired muscles. Within moments, the warm, relaxing sensation creeps up to the back of your neck, releasing pains so old you're barely aware of them. At last, she kisses you on the cheek and walks away.*

Xan must have seen what was going on, because he approaches me and asks me a biting question.

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Posted Image Why do you ask? Do you want to leave the party?

Posted Image It is my intent, yes.

Posted Image But... I do not understand. Will you desert your friend in need?

Posted Image For the last few weeks, I was forcing myself to go on only because of you. It did not matter that you were probably doomed; nothing was important as long as you were alive. I will still defend you against anyone who wishes you harm, but I am not able to remain in your company any longer. I cannot stay, only to watch your death, or to have you witness mine, and to know that even in the afterlife, I am not likely to see you again for centuries on end. You are everything to me, but I shall leave, regardless. Forgive me.

Posted Image You will leave? Even if I say that I feel the same?

Posted Image Syvishtara, you probably do not. It would be too good to be true. But if there is a slim chance that you do...

Posted Image ...I shall stay. *sigh* I'll remain with you... if only to run my fingers through your hair once again. You have enchanted me stronger than any of my colleagues could. Syvishtara, if only you knew how it scares me...

I feel the love, truly I do. I call for a spontaneous group hug! Branwen is on my left, and Xan my right. Imoen squeezes in next to Xan before Safana can, and drags Kivan with her. Safana languidly insinuates herself next to Kivan, and then reluctantly joins arms with Branwen. Then I demand that we squeeze! We do. Even Keldath Ormlyr is smiling by the time we get done, and the Sirines burst into spontaneous song. It is a good day to be alive!

Then Imoen and I get to the loot with serious focus. The first thing we find, we can't really use.

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I'm not sure, but judging by the design of the weapon it may hurt the wielder too. Or it may hurt the victim even more? We'll have to get Kagain to try it out sometime.

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This is a pretty sweet helm. Nice resistances. The next helm makes the wearer immune to charm, but doesn't have so many resistances, so its not nearly as cool.

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This cutlass is pretty cool. People using it will attack more often. Too bad we don't have anybody who cares about cutlasses, though.

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Then there is the armor we found. First, there is the Ebon Plate.

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And the Crystal Plate.

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These both look excellent. As soon as we get someone who can wear them, we will stick them on!

There is also a pair of boots in the pile. Turns out that they are extremely useful.

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There is also an unidentified bottle of something in the loot, so we take a look at it.

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We might just have to go ask that deep gnome in Nashkel about this wine some day. She might know what it does. No way we're drinking it before then though! Also there are some Darts of Stunning and another Svirfneblin Pickaxe, just like the one we picked up earlier. They are rather unremarkable.

After Imoen and I are done going over the loot...

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Posted Image We met in strange times, don't you think? Bare years ago, the Time of Troubles left its bloody trail upon Toril. Now, the human Alaundo's prophecies are rumored to have started fulfilling. I wonder whether our meeting was foretold, as well?

Posted Image But no; I am probably giving myself too much credit.

It has been a long time since I've visited the Song of the Morning Temple, and I realize that there is a new face here. I go over to say hi.

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Posted Image Sure, why not?

Posted Image Thank you. I am the resident wizard of Restenford. It is a small town on the Isle of Lendore.

Posted Image Normally things are very quiet in our little fishing town. However, lately there seems to be problems that I have not been able to identify.

Posted Image Some caravans have not arrived. Also, the few travelers that have come to town have talked about hobgoblins, gnolls, and other assorted creatures harassing their travels.

Posted Image While I don't claim to think the isle is free of these beings, I am concerned about the growing problems they may be causing.

Posted Image WE do have some old ruins and caves in the area that they may be hiding in. Unfortunately, I don't have the itme to look into this matter. There seems to be some greater issues with the Baron's family that I must attend to.

Posted Image

Gameplay note: And that is where I should stop and ask you guys what to do next. We are going to take a detour from vengeance to go to Restenford. It should give us good xp and a nice rest from our extremely stressful existence along the Sword Coast. Restenford is going to have mystery, intrigue, and non-explicit quest completions. It is a quaint island town which will probably net us some great xp, some good spells, and a +1 INT tome. We need to do this before the bandit camp so that we can survive. But there are two factors to consider. First, there is an NPC waiting for us in Restenford, a local bard. I think he's only available during that section of the game, so it would be good for us to clear a spot for him in the party before we go. We can have his insights and fun interjections or whatever. The other factor to consider is that Xan just threatened to leave the party, and we just told him we might love him. If we kick him out now, he might leave for good. I'm not sure, but maybe it'll be like Ajantis. Should we risk it? Let me know what you think.

Should we go to Restenford with one party slot open?

1. Yes, kick out Safana and pick up that bard in Restenford. We can't bear to see Xan go, maybe!
2. Yes, kick out Xan and pick up that bard in Restenford. He died, he deserves some rest. Possibly forever.
3. No, nobody cares about the bard. Drop Xan off, pick up Finch, and lets head out. He died, no exceptions!
4. No, nobody cares about the bard. But I love Xan too much to let him go. Keep the party as it is and lets get to Restenford!
The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#316 Leokosta

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Posted 12 February 2012 - 10:43 AM

2 - Rules are rules

#317 Tempest


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Posted 12 February 2012 - 11:53 AM

2. Xan was interesting at first, but I for one am hitting Xan saturation.

"The righteous need not cower before the drumbeat of human progress. Though the song of yesterday fades into the challenge of tomorrow, God still watches and judges us. Evil lurks in the datalinks as it lurked in the streets of yesterday, but it was never the streets that were evil." - Sister Miriam Godwinson, Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri

#318 hook71

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Posted 12 February 2012 - 12:22 PM

2. I think Xan needs a little rest as well.

#319 Justify

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Posted 12 February 2012 - 01:59 PM

1 - Rules are meant to be broken, and it would be a shame to loose another romance interest.

Besides, you already have a very theif heavy party.

Edited by Justify, 12 February 2012 - 02:01 PM.

#320 Shaitan

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Posted 20 February 2012 - 01:00 PM

I'm with Justify here pick 1)