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Syvishtar's Journal

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#181 Usurper

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Posted 30 December 2011 - 04:58 AM

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23 Flamerule, 1369

Gameplay note: So i upgraded to BWP 10.2.1 and re-played everything up to this point as fast and cheaty as possible. I was also helped along by an unseen and unknown benefactor! Some of the character classes that I changed during my first run-through were already the default in this verison of BWP. I think someone on the BWP team might be reading this Let's Play! :blush:

Just as I get ready to open my mouth to speak to this new creature, I am hit with one more flash of one more metaphysical leaf. This time I feel it on my body as well as in my mind. I see myself standing on the path to the Song of the Morning Temple, and I am with Gavin and Haiass. And I am golden.

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Posted Image I am starting to dread these messages. *sigh* Anyway, what can I do for you?

Posted Image Mornmaster Kelddath Ormlyr wants you at the Song of the Morning Temple as soon as you can manage it. He has a job for you.

Posted Image Thank you for delivering the message. I must speak with my companion, but I can only hope they will accompany me to the temple, once again.

Posted Image Well, I did my bit. You're on your own.

Posted Image Syvishtar, I am sorry to have to beg your indulgence again, but I am reluctant to disobey the request of my superior. Might we go to the temple?

Posted Image If you wish, Gavin. I understand and appreciate your devotion.

Posted Image Once again, I am in your debt. Thank you for your compassion.

That couldn't have really happened though... Gavin only got one messenger while with us, right? We were instructed to kill the mad mage Mutamin and we did so. I don't remember a second messenger. Also, my clothes and skin were all completely golden in that dream, so it could not possibly have been real because

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I look around and find myself in a small featureless room with no discernable exits. Now I know I am losing my mind. My jaw drops open and I am frozen in place. My brain, my brain seems stuck on something. I don't know what to do. I don't know how to... where do... why...

My companions seem to not notice my condition.

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Posted Image I do not mean to cause offense, Minsc. I have seen rodents do terrible damage in libraries. It is the paper, you see. They chew it compulsively, shredding irreplaceable works into fibers for their nests!

Posted Image I worry that your hamster's primal instincts will overtake him, so I keep on the lookout, just in case his teeth start to look itchy.

Posted Image You need not worry over Boo's itchy teeth, little scribe. He keeps them honed sharp to chew holes in the nests of our foes, not nice books!

Posted Image Remember that Boo may be a tiny hamster, but he has a giant heart! Believe in him, good lady, for he believes in heroes and librarians!

Posted Image Then, to be fair, I promise I shall try harder to trust in heroes and hamsters!

Somehow their innocuous banter brings me back to reality. The tenuous, paper-thin facsimile that we call reality, anyway. I tap my staff tentatively on the ground. Nothing tears. I cough. I do not fall apart. I take a deep breath, and then gaze down at my glorious golden form. It might not be so bad to live in a fragile illusion which may be rent asunder at any moment if I can be so amazingly awesome. I mean, look at me!

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Yah baby, yeah!

Gameplay note: It was a random wild surge while re-bribing Finch to re-join the group. I'm pretty happy with it :).

I tell everybody to bed down for the night, and in the morning everything will be fine. They look at each other uncomfortably, and then Viconia tells me that we already slept. Like she is talking to a child, or perhaps a communicative mold. I make up some bullshit about me needing to re-memorize some spells, and then stare her down. My radiant visage wins over and she lowers her eyes. Yah, that's right. Syvishtar the Golden God has spoken! We sleep for 8 hours more.

Before I go to sleep, I suddenly realize that we are in Shaundakul's sanctuary, and I have the portal key. With an audible sigh of relief, I relax and lose consciousness. Sleep washes over me, a welcome relief.

The next morning, I make sure everyone is ready and touch the arch. I see my companions tense up and prepare for battle. Why are they...

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Oh. Kobolds. Right. That is where we currently are in the infinite shattered facets of the brittle, cracking cosmos. Yes. Right. Kill kobolds. I hope I don't break existence.

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Imoen takes most of them out with her bow. She's doing pretty good. After the fight I remember this slime creature we were talking to before, Mur'neth. I give him a good once-over, and then make a decision.

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Posted Image Our paths must run apart for a while. If I should need your help again, though, we should rendezvous at the Jovial Juggler in Beregost.

Posted Image I will do this, but not willingly. I am far from safe in these dwellings of surface folk.

Gameplay note: Kicking her out brings our rep to 11! Branwen can love us now!

Then I once again talk to the disgusting likeness of a man before me.

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Posted Image Well, I guess there's safety in numbers. You can join the party, for now.

Posted Image With the eye of Ghaunadaur on us, we shall surely succeed in our most holy task.

Then, I guess because his talky part is done, he immediately melts into a puddle on the floor and begins to ooze east.

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We all move east. Mur'neth lags behind us in his true, hideous form, and so he un-melts and becomes a man-shaped thing again. I put him on the front line with Minsc and I. I find that I'm not really concerned with whether or not he can handle being on the front line. We advance until we come to a tiny little bridge over something that is not quite water.

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I send Imoen out ahead to see what's going on. She reports kobolds ahead.

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I tell Minsc to charge in first. As he creates a skirmish line on the north side of the lake, I sneak around the south side. I see a magic user that needs my Ring of Energy. In fact, that kobold shaman casts Slow on the party.

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My bolt of energy lances out at the kobold shaman as he moves up closer. I try to maneuver so that it can catch other kobolds as well.

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Minsc seems to be taking a lot of arrows, but Finch casts Aid on him, so I guess that helps.

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I successfully hit another couple kobolds with my energy beam. One falls while another gets too scared to fight. But the kobold succeeds in what it set out to do - put Minsc to sleep!

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In addition to my energy beam, I also quickly suck some life out of the shaman.

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Imoen and Xzar also throw some Magic Missiles at him.

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He falls to Imoen's missiles. Now we just have to deal with all the fire arrow-shooting commandos, without Minsc. Xzar and I give it our best shot.

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Xzar is all out of everything but arrows, but I still have a few tricks up my sleeve...

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And seeing that my daggers didn't completely take care of the problem, I move in to let my Serpent Shaft handle it.

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Seeing as how there is only one kobold left, and he is retreating down the hallway, I order the ranged attackers to focus on him, while I go after the scared guy in the back. Minsc awakes, and joins me. But my plan seems to have a flaw...

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When will I stop underestimating these kobold commandos? He one-shot Xzar for Rhialto's sake!

Oh wait, it's a chieftain!

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I send Haiass in to take him out. Meanwhile, Minsc manages to finish what I started at the back of the cave.

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When I try to back up my wolf in the final fight, I realize why the chieftain had backed into the hallway. Traps!

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My wolf hadn't triggered them, probably because of his superior wolven instincts. I should just let him take care of the chieftain. But the chieftain doesn't want to be taken care of. He slips deeper into the hallway and just... disappears.

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Gameplay note: It looks like he retreated to the next map. I guess that's possible. Also, since we are almost to the final fight, and everyone just had a huge debate about keeping Xzar in the party to see what his quest is like down here, I will just go back to Nashkel, resurrect him, and complete the quest in this update.

I instruct Minsc to pick up Xzar's things and his body. Minsc doesn't seem to have any trouble with that at all. Xzar looks like nothing more than a pile of loose firewood wrapped in a green robe in Minsc's hands. Maybe that's what he is? I have to suppress an suddenly intense desire to cut him open and look for sticks. This reality isn't real, after all. Anything is possible! But without letting on what I'm thinking, I just lead the party back up to the surface, and back to Nashkel. We have to resurrect the bag of sticks.

Our trip to the surface was uneventful, as was the 8-hour journey to Nashkel proper.

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It is 200 gold to raise the necromancer. I wonder if necromancers enjoy their dead-time?

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We are all completely exhausted, and we sleep for a full day in the Temple's generous rooms. Then, feeling that we are almost to the end of the mystery, we go back.

Imoen finds us a safe path when we do.

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At the end of the long, dark passageway we find the kobold chieftain. We surround him and begin to eviscerate him.

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The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#182 Usurper

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Posted 30 December 2011 - 04:59 AM

But Mur'neth, in a mockery of common decency and human sense, decides that now is a good time to strike up a conversation.

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Posted Image Well, we're killing a lot of kobolds here. I was wondering: does it bother you that we are thereby eliminating the slimes' primary source of food?

Posted Image Bother? Sllllttttthhhhhh... Fewer kobolds mean more of other vertebrates to feed upon. The food chain may squirm and wriggle below but the blessed kindred remain secure at the top.

Posted Image By "other vertebrates," you mean human miners?

Posted Image In this instance, yes.

Posted Image Can you give me a good reason why I should permit your species to prey upon mine?

Posted Image Your fleshling kind are no less predatory toward the miners than are we! You consume their labour for your precious iron... We consume their flesh. It does not seem a large difference in attitude.

Posted Image Of course, they can't produce any iron if *you* have eaten them, now, can they?

Posted Image No, that is true...

Posted Image But since at present they produce neither iron nor sustenance, I suggest we put aside our theoretical differences in pursuit of a practical solution to the immediate difficulty.

And then, as if he were prescient, Mur'Neth provides us with the practical difficulty of getting poisoned by the kobold chieftain.

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Finch immediately heals the slime, and Imoen senses the urgency of the situation and kills the chieftain with some Magic Missiles. But there are just more kobolds to deal with.

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The chieftain was carrying a healing potion, so I give it to Mur'Neth. He'll probably need it in a few seconds. Imoen kills the next kobold too, with a quick arrow to the throat.

I ask Imoen to go scout ahead and see what the situation looks like. She can't seem to find anywhere to hide, though, so she uses her Potion of Invisibility to disappear and go scout. She finds a dangerous-looking ambush party waiting for us.

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She realizes that there is only one Kobold Commando, and the rest are regular kobolds. She comes back and lets us know the plan. We will stride up and draw their fire, and then Imoen will backstab the commando. Hopefully she can kill it. Then she will either melee the rest or cast Invisibility if she can't handle things. Hopefully we'll be able to take care of the rest. I designate Minsc as official arrow-magnet, and Finch casts a pre-emptive Aid on him.

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Then we head in. Everything seems to be going according to plan.

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Imoen annihilates the poor kobold commando.

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The rest of the kobolds simply cannot stand against our rain of arrows and blows. They all fall within seconds.

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Now, what we seem to have here is some sort of strange grotto, sitting in the middle of an underground lake, with only one passage, which we have just crossed.

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There is a doorway to this strange area, and we could enter. But we do not know what lies on the other side. Imoen can probably go check. We discuss it and decide that it's better if we all just go in together.

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I can see a kobold in the distance, but either it can't see me or doesn't want to. I whisper to Imoen that she should go scout, so she casts Invisibility and just waltzes into the cave.

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She sees a couple of dangerous-looking kobolds to the north...

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And to the south she passes a man walking straight towards us!!

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I scramble to get people into position for some kind of confrontation. But the ugly mug comes around the corner too early.

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Posted Image Uh... Yes... fool, Tazok is... is most displeased with thee! Reveal your treachery and mayhaps he will spare you!

Posted Image Tazok is unfair, I have no desire to cheat him, or thee! My letters will show, they are in that chest. Take them, take them and Tazok will see!

Posted Image Fools, you'll never have the chance to take anything! Minions, come forth and kill the intruders!

Things suddenly look quite dangerous.

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There are some last-minute shifts in front-line fighters. Mur'neth gets to the front and prepares to turn into a slime. Minsc slices the first kobold in half. Imoen is probably getting ready to backstab. And Finch casts Armor Melt at Mulahey.

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Wait, what? Armor melt?! When did Deneir give her that spell?

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Gameplay note: In the abbreviated tactics install I was using before, this spell was absent. Now it is here, and Mulahey is pretty much dead.

Mulahey saves against the spell, and only half of his armor melts off. The rest remains. I decide to introduce another factor into this tightly-packed equation - fear.

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Our enemies spread in panic, except for a few. The skeletons are unaffected, as is Mulahey himself. Even Finch's Hold Person does not affect him.

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Xzar and I throw magic missiles at Mulahey at the same time. Xzar's are normal ones, while mine are Rhialto's Random Missiles.

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They are enough to make him yield.

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When it comes down to it, I really have no stomach for killing. Enemies surrendering to me is more than okay - it's the way I always want it!

Posted Image As well you should! Tell us what has been happening here, and you may yet leave alive!

Posted Image I thank thee for thy mercy! There in the chest are all my letters. Take them and leave me be. I will bother you no more.

Posted Image Fools, you'll never have the chance to take anything! Minions, come forth and kill the intruders!

What the hell? It's like I'm talking to two people!

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#183 Usurper

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Posted 30 December 2011 - 05:00 AM

And somehow he is able to produce more kobolds and skeletons. This whole situation is getting ugly.

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At least the puddle of Mur'neth seems to be doing okay. None of the enemy can seem to touch it.

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I must try to repeat what just happened. I reach for another Horror through Nahal's Reckless Dweomer. At the same time, I see Mulahey really lay the hurt on Haiass.

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But instead of the Horror being cast, a green goop materializes out of thin air to impede my movements. I barely dodge it. If it would have gotten me I wouldn't be able to walk around anymore!

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I reach for my Ring of Energy. It has never let me down. At the same time I hear a bellow of primal fury from Minsc. Surrounded, he loses control and enters a berserker frenzy!

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Finch manages to get a heal off on my wolf,

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while two Imoens battle one skeleton.

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I finally am able to use my Ring of Energy. But I do not point it at Mulahey. Oh no. I point it at the skeleton furthest away from me in the cave. The effect is spectacular!

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The pure energy even slices through walls to destroy its intended target. It is beautiful.

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But just when I think we can start mopping up the stragglers, one kobold commando shoots me straight in the chest.

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As a response, I whip open Rhialto's spellbook and throw ... oh, Haiass killed him. I throw missiles at the frightened kobold next to him instead.

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Then tragedy strikes, as it always seems to in this situation. Finch had decided that the best use of her talents was healing Minsc in his berserker fury. But Minsc, in his berserker fury, mistakes her for a kobold. It is just one slice of the sword, but it is deadly.

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I order everyone else into the other room. Minsc can rage alone. I will not risk anyone else near him, not even Mur'neth.

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Gameplay note: Whoever predicted Mur'neth would be a good tank because slimes are hard to kill, you were a freakin' genius. The dude has been tanking everything and paralyzing all the kobolds next to him during the fight. He's like some kind of mobile wall.

We listen to Minsc's fight from the safety of around the corner. We dare not approach him. He had cut down our sweetest member in his murderous frenzy! He had destroyed her with one blow! We wait for destiny to take its course.

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Minsc is surrounded, one enemy on each side of him, boxing him in. But then there are only 3, then 2, and then 1.

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And then there are none.

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And then the archers are scattered.

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Gameplay note: 60 damage. SIXTY DAMAGE.

And then every enemy is dead.

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Mur'neth hadn't used that healing potion we gave him earlier. He gloops it over to Minsc, who is partially in control of himself now. Minsc drinks it quickly, yelling for evil to show itself the entire time. But it may not be enough.

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Gameplay note: The healing potion only brought Minsc to 15 hit points. When his berserker state ends he will die, and he has already killed our only healer. It's inevitable that Minsc bites it, for we have no more healing potions. Unless... on Mulahey or in a chest! I should go check!

Imoen quickly runs over to Mulahey's body and finds three Elixirs of Health. She throws one to Minsc and backs away.

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He seems better now. More healthy. More relaxed. More right in the head - for Minsc, anyway. Imoen risks looting around him. When his berserk state ends, we can all tell. He immediately begins talking about his hamster again.

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We all look at each other, but none of us have the heart to tell him what exactly happened. And he did kill around 20 or so of the enemy all by himself. We can rez Finch. Besides, there is one guy here who hasn't attacked us. We need to talk to him.

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Posted Image How did you come to be trapped in such a place?

Posted Image Alas, I was sent to investigate the strange goings-on about this area and I landed caged for seemingly hopeless weeks on end. I have not seen the sun almost as long as I have not seen my home.

Posted Image Certainly you are welcome to join with me. Another pair of hands can only help, especially when they wield powerful magics...

Posted Image I thank you. However ineffective our actions be, I shall not rest until I have made payment to you. If you have searched through Mulahey's treasure you may have found a sword among his documents. The sword is a moonblade and it is my most valued possession.

Gameplay note: Ok, lets take a look at Xan! But before we do, we have to fix a little bit of a problem. You may have just noticed, the problem is that I'm already Xan. At least, I'm using his portrait. And he doesn't have an alternative. So I have to hunt down one on the Internet. Lets see... yes, ok, perfect.

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Wait, no maybe we need to go with the WoW look.

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Or the portrait look...

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Or the anime look...

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I guess we should put it to a vote. Which portrait should we use for Xan?

A. Chibi Xan.
B. WoW Xan.
C: Portrait Xan.
D: Anime Xan.
E: This other piece of artwork that I have submitted in my post.

Anyways, lets take a look at his character sheet. Xan is a Bladesinger, which gets awesome around level 8.

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So we have a second vote. What should we do with Xan?

1. Put him in Minsc's spot.
Bladesingers are better than rangers at fighting!
2. Put him in Mur'neth's spot.
At least Xan isn't a human predator.
3. Put him in Finch's spot.
We resign poor Finch to the everlasting grave of the Nashkel mines.
4. Put him in Imoen's spot.
I think we just found our new best friend!
5. Put him in Xzar's spot.
Xan, Xzar, both weird magic users. Interchangeable really.
6. Pack him off to the Jovial Juggler.
Bladesingers are cool but not THAT cool.
The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#184 Usurper

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Posted 30 December 2011 - 05:02 AM

The thread voted instead to change MY portrait to a golden version. Xan and I were almost twins!
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The thread also voted to give Minsc a timeout for killing Finch, and to replace him with Xan.

Edited by Usurper, 30 December 2011 - 05:02 AM.

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#185 Usurper

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Posted 30 December 2011 - 05:05 AM

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25 Flamerule, 1369

The first thing Xan does is go over to Mulahey's chest and pull out his moonblade.

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It is a beautiful, elegant weapon, wreathed in blue flames and steeped in the traditions of my people, traditions that I don't even really know. I am, quite frankly, in awe. I ask if I can touch it. Xan simply says no. I accept his decision. He is a wielder of a Moonblade, after all. He knows what's appropriate.

I then decide that if I'm going to have a difficult talk, I might as well have it right away. I approach Minsc and tell him that he fought well. I suggest that he share some equipment with Xan, who has nothing. Then I suggest he share a little more. Then I suggest he share all of it. He seems to take everything in stride, never worrying for a moment about his safety. He says something about the tiny elf-man needing protection more than he, which is definitely true. I then tell him that he's fought hard, and needs rest, and he should head back to the Jovial Juggler. He agrees, cheery as always. It is hard to believe that he nearly severed Finch's spine with one blow not five minutes ago. When all is said and done, Xan looks better prepared for battle than Minsc ever did.

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Gameplay note: There's been a slight change to armor with the upgrade. Armor now incurs dex penalties and spellcasting time increases, along with penalties to stealth. You can see that the Chain Mail +1 stats have changed below.

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So when Xan puts on the chainmail he stops qualifying for his own moonblade. I have to equip the moonblade first and the chainmail second. I could edit the moonblade to delete the dexterity requirement but this works fine too.

Then I go speak to Minsc one more time for the day.

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I tell him to meet us back at the Jovial Juggler. He'll know the way back. After that Imoen and I start to loot everything. We find that a lot of the kobolds were using a magical dagger called "Nome Stikka".

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That must be what poisoned Mur'neth in an earlier combat. These daggers look pretty valuable, perhaps we can sell them for some good cash. Imoen goes to the chest and opens it, picking up 800 gold, a lot of scrolls, a magical helmet, some healing potions, a Potion of Absorbtion, and some letters.

Gameplay note: Picking up the letters catapults us into Chapter 4!

Three of the scrolls are of spells I have already seen: Identify, True Strike, and Armor. But three are new: Charm Person, Web, and Sleep.

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Charm Person is what Imoen's been doing all this time without even knowing how. I already know Dire Charm but more spells can't hurt, right?

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The Web spell is extremely important for crowd control. I hear that most giant spiders can actually cast this spell innately. Along with Entangle, Stinking Cloud, and Grease, it can be great for making sure thay don't come after you all at once. Not spiders, other things. If you see this cast in the vicinity of spiders then you'll probably see the spiders coming at you all at once in a second. Creepy.

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And Sleep. They told me about this in Candlekeep. They said it was a poor-man's fireball. You can make entire crowds of monsters just fall down. You still have to kill each one of them manually, but it's a lot better than killing them while they're awake. We could have really used this against the xvart village.

I give Identify and True Strike to Xzar, who hastily copies them down in his spellbook. He's got a grand total of 6 spells now. Good for him!

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I have... a few more than that.

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The potion Imoen picked up from the chest is interesting. It will definitely be useful in certain situations.

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But the best part of the loot is the helmet in the chest.

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Xan is going to wear this. I turn and give it to him, and he strikes up a conversation with me.

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Posted Image You are right. It is an illusion. No place is secure, Xan. I grew up in the library locked away from the world, and even there the assassin found me. Castle walls, the blades of loyal soldiers, the mighty protection spells - all that can be overcome if someone wants to take you down.

Posted Image You are a wise person for someone so young and adventurous. I would consider you a sensible person, even, if only you tried harder to avoid endangering our lives unnecessarily. Many of those quests you engage us in are but a gate to the afterlife.

Posted Image Do not take me for a distraught roamer of the wilds, Xan. Yes, I shoot blindly sometimes, or take a pity on someone who needs help, but I am focused on my main task. I am doing what I can to find the one who sent assassins after me.

Posted Image Your efforts are admirable, if vain. He is surely a powerful man, and persistent.

Imoen wanders over to Mulahey's body. She picks up a Sling +1 from him, 7 gold, and his holy symbol.

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Another worshipper of Cyric! These guys sure do get around. We then distribute Finch's things throughout the group so that everyone can help carry them. I ask Imoen to give me the letters she found, and pause to read them.

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So... things weren't going according to plan here, which is where I come in. If the miners hadn't been talking about demons in the mines, I wouldn't have shown up, and then Mulahey would still be poisoning the iron. Too bad I don't know why he's poisoning the iron, but at least he'll stop now. And Tazok is the guy who killed Kivan's wife! His contact is in the Feldpost Inn. We're going to have to check that out soon.

Oh, and the Chill! I remember one of those many hobgoblins I killed along the Coast Way bragging that they were part of the Chill. So basically this mercenary band has been acting the bandit for pay from Tazok. Oh, I am going to love meeting his contact.

We pack everything up and head back outside. Mur'neth seems to really enjoy it.

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Xan doesn't really seem to notice.

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Posted Image Are we waiting for more of Mulahey's cronies to come along? Let us be away from these gruesome caves...

The responsibilities of the truly great must weigh upon Xan's shoulders. But now he has us, and I know we can be of great help to him! Imoen told us that there was something behind the back of this makeshift fort of Mulahey's, so we go to investigate. It is just a ghoul.

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Imoen takes it out. She probably could have killed it all by herself.

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We go back across the tiny bridge and try to make our way along the edge of the cavern. Along the way we run into some of Mur'neth's people. We send him ahead to talk some sense into them but they don't seem to care that he's there. Hmm.

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It's ok though, because Imoen seem to be on a roll today.

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Not only do the oozes not listen to Mur'neth, they seem to attack him first. Strange. Is there something he's not telling us?

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Xan takes out the next one with a righteous slash of his moonblade.

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Just behind the dead oozes is the exit, and we climb up and up. We finally see the surface and exit the cramped dank into a warm, comforting night's air. Mur'neth declares his mission complete.

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Posted Image Wait a minute. There were oozes in there that attacked us, even though we were with you! Why?

Posted Image These are lesser creatures, not possessed of intellect. They saw us as food and tried to consume us. Although they too are Ghaunadaur's servants, they are largely mindless.

Posted Image And as we prevailed, clearly such was Ghaunadaur's will...

Posted Image Well, you'd have thought your deity would take more care. Anyway, let's move.

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Posted Image What isn't going to end well?

Posted Image An unexperienced young adventurer turns up, and I am offering him my services. At the time, it seemed natural, but... Seldarine, don't you see it? We are doomed.

Posted Image We're facing a war, and your crown achievement so far has been dispatching a pack of kobolds. I must have gone mad.

Posted Image Sometimes I think that so have I.

Posted Image (sigh) Exactly.

Posted Image You are still young, Syvishtar. Painfully so. Literally painfully so - my latest injuries are still sore. And you are going to stop the iron crisis - to stop the war?

Posted Image With the help of my companions. With your help.

Posted Image Very well. On your head be it.

This is not the valiant hero from shining Evereska I imagined. Here is much more dour and earthbound elf. He must have seen a lot of death in his many hundreds of years of life. Or perhaps thousands? I wonder how old he is, but I dare not ask. I don't want to seem like a complete child to him, after all!

Gameplay note: Funnily enough, with that helmet on, Xan's Charisma is 17. So he's pretty damn persuasive with his doom and gloom speeches. Imoen's is just as high, though, so I wonder if the modders took that into account. I wonder if she will be able to cheer him up?

We find ourselves in the middle of what looks to be a desert. We're not safe yet. There is not much to do but poke around and try to find out which way we should go to get out of here. Imoen does a quick circle around the cave mouth to scout the immediate area while invisible. She finds some interesting rock formations...

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She stops scouting when she finds a party of orcs.

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She comes back to report her findings and we agree to follow her to kill the monsters.

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#186 Usurper

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Posted 30 December 2011 - 05:06 AM

When we reach them, Xan immediately rushes into combat while Xzar and I cast Armor, something we should have done already. But while casting the spell, yet another horror befalls my eyes.

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Mur'neth, his hands glowing from some sort of spell, moves in to attack the orcs as well. But he is... unsuccessful.

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Posted Image Poor sod, takin' the dirt-nap so soon.

Imoen reveals herself standing next to the orcs, her hands held together at the wrist and spread wide in the manner that I remember Dynaheir taught her. She lets loose a brilliant sheet of flame!

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The orcs look unimpressed. I think we might be in over our heads here. It's time we left this place. I summon my Wild Horde to give us time to escape!

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I successfully make my way out of the crowd, and as we run away the explosions begin.

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As the Gatewarden taught us, we stop and prepare a volley some distance away at the first orc that comes into sight. An orderly retreat is a survivable retreat is what he always said. When we see the first orc, Xzar screams out a battle cry!

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When the orc's friends do not immediately show up, the single volley becomes a second stand. I'm even able to heal myself a bit.

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It's a good thing I did, because this orc hits like a Minsc!

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Xzar, Imoen, and I pull out all the stops. We all cast Magic Missiles. well, technically. All except for me. I cast Rhialto's Random Missiles, and zero missiles come out. Damn that Rhialto!

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As I try to fumble for my Ring of Energy, the orc takes out Haiass.

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Damnit, the ring is still drained! The orc turns towards Xzar, and all looks lost. But finally, Imoen takes him out.

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This is bad. This is real, real bad. We're 3 men down in the middle of the wilderness with no way to know even where we are. We probably won't be able to carry all the equipment of our fallen comrades, much less any of the loot that we were trying to get out of here. What are we going to do?

I try to count our assets. We are two mages and a thief against whatever comes. Imoen can carry 50 pounds, Xzar and I 120. No other orcs coming after us means that the bunnies probably killed the rest of them. Maybe we can salvage this.

Oh, no. That is not the case. They were just too far away to help their friend.

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My Wild Horde went up against them once, it can go up against them again!

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No, that's not quite what I wanted...

Gameplay note: Holy shit is that going to be permanent?!

I feel extremely tough all of a sudden. Ok, lets try this again.

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No, no, not like that! Who does the weave think I am, Edwin?

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Why... is... the... rain... suddenly... falling... so... fast...? And... what... is... this... in... my... pocket...?

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I... think... it... best... to... wait... for... the... meteoric... rain... to... stop...

Eventually the time slowing wears off, and I can think at a normal speed again. I am almost at my wit's end. Nahal's Reckless Dweomer, except for leaving me with a rare gem and feeling like I'm in the best shape of my life, has been entirely unhelpful. My ring is drained, Xzar's spells are too. Imoen can't even cast Invisibility. Rhialto's book is drained, and I can get no help from him. I beg Imoen to hide and get ready to backstab someone. It is our only move left. She says that it'll be easier if she isn't wearing the studded leather armor, and takes it off. Then, fingering her Ninja-to, she looks for a shadow to hide in.

Gameplay note: My 84 hit points weren't permanent. They have already worn off and I am down to 30 hit points, which is less than what I had before this fight. I guess the leaving magic took my old dead familiar's HP boost with it? The magic is fickle. It acted like some sort of temporary HP buff, then nerf, combined with a heal. My fully healed 30 hit point self is marginally better because of that, and we're doing semi-Ironman, so I will submit to the will of the Weave.

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Imoen goes scouting. She disappears from our sight, and feel a little pang of loss in my heart. Will I ever see her again? I give a worried glance towards Xzar but he seems unconcerned. I have no idea what he is thinking about. I let my mind wander. I begin to feel a sense of deja vu, as if I had done this before. But done what? Stood around and waited for something to happen?

Gameplay note: I'll post a fake update later showing how many times I died in this fight.

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Then Imoen screams for help, and on instinct I rush towards the orcs to aid her! When I see that she has a new friend, I immediately go into drawing-off mode. In case I get hit while these raging barbarian orcs are chasing after me, I draw the Flame of the North!

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Imoen's new friend does very well for himself.

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As does Imoen.

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The elemental arrows flying give me hope that we will win the fight this time.

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Wait, this time? Where did that thought come...

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Not again! This is the only now!

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Here is the only truth!

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This fight is all there is!

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And I

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will not

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be killed

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I am going to completely lose my mind. I have never died, not even once. Why am I acting like I die all the time? I don't!

The orcs have just a few gold on them each. With some juggling, we are able to barely balance the loads of our fallen comrades. Xzar, Imoen, and I slowly make our way to a vantage point, somewhere we can see the surrounding land.

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We need to know where we are. But as we try to leave, Imoen's archer friend decides that he's made a terrible mistake.

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And Imoen is unable to convince him otherwise.

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I scream at her to get out of there. I tell her to leave it be. Together, we run.

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The peace of Nashkel feels like a lie when we get back. How can these people exist so close to orcs, kobolds, goblins, and who knows what else? When will this place simply get wiped off the map? Wearily, we trudge to the Temple of Helm, our burdens slowing us to a mockery of a true trudge.

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The grave marker does not even amuse.

Raising Mur'neth and Finch is 400 gold each, and raising Xan is 600, leaving us with 1359 gold to our names. As soon as Xan is resurrected, he has as question.

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Posted Image Believe me, I know exactly what you're talking about.

Posted Image Not that I can't survive without comfort, but is a bath and a bed every night too much to ask?

Posted Image I so agree with you.

Posted Image They say that complaining about something brings people together much faster. Whether newly met allies, or close friends after a quarrel, or...

Posted Image But never mind. I see that I have failed miserably.

Posted Image *sighs* Go ahead, ask me why a mage carries a sword around.

Posted Image I grew up away from our kin, Xan, but I know our custom. I hail you, the defender of Elvendom and the wielder of the Moonblade.

Posted Image It is... it is almost reassuring to be recognized my... my brother.

Posted Image The Moonblade chooses heroes worthy to wield it, Xan. You are maybe a walking and talking collection of lamentations, but your heart must be noble and pure. I am honored to have you as my companion.

Posted Image You are a man of honor and some leadership skill. Be our circumstances not quite so grave, I would have forecasted that our fellowship is bound to survive for at least another fortnight.

If I had not just resurrected him after he died in one hit to an orcish war party and we almost were massacred to an elf, I might disagree with him. But as things stand, he's just... right. By Rhialto what am I even doing?

We pass out all the equipment, and that's when we realize that we didn't bring any of Mur'neth's. Well, he'll just have to turn into a puddle of slime and kill everything THAT way. See if I care. Then we decide that resting for half a day or so in this temple is the best course of action. We all go to sleep. That night, I dream another dream with a dagger of bone.

I wake first in the morning, and I know that if I so chose, I could use the spark of the cleric Mulahey within me to heal, myself or my companions. A part of his soul will always be with me. It is a strange, secret thrill. I contemplate it, mulling it over and over in my mind. I focus on the thing itself, rather than its implications. A portion of a soul, mine to keep. Mine to use. It gives me power.

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After we all awake again, I go to seek out the mayor of Nashkel. It is time for us to claim our reward.

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#187 Usurper

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Posted 30 December 2011 - 05:06 AM

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Posted Image A half-orc named Mulahey was corrupting the iron ore with a mineral poison. I have a sample of it here.

Posted Image What is this you say? You were wise in bringing back a sample. I fear that distrust of magic means we are ill-equipped to analyse the poison, however. Our isolation compounds the problem. It would be quicker to take the vial north to Thalantyr of Beregost than to journey south in search of an Amnish archmage.

Posted Image If you have any of the tainted ore you might consider taking it to Taerom Fuiruim while you are there. I don't doubt his ability to devise some way to work around its brittle properties.

Posted Image Best if you not mention this to anyone, however. Relations between Baldur's Gate and Amn are tense, to say the least, and I should perhaps not be sending something so valuable out of Amnish hands.

Posted Image Regardless, the town thanks you wholeheartedly, and is pleased to give you the proper reward. Please take this 450 gold for your efforts. It is a small fortune by anyone's standards. Thank you again.

Posted Image Allow me to introduce myself, Mayor. I would have done so earlier, but alas, I was rudely diverted from visiting your town by the kobolds. I am Xan of the Evereskan Greycloaks, sent by my people to investigate the iron shortage.

Posted Image We welcome Evereska's help, Xan. Thank you for lending Syvishtar a hand with the re-opening of the mines.

Gameplay note: We get 450 gold and 500 xp, and our reputation raises by one point to 12!

Posted Image Perhaps we will survive longer than I had originally thought.

Now is a great time to go to the store, so we head off for the Nashkel store. But then...

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Posted Image My death? You are late, then. I have been expecting our meeting every moment of every day since I have left my beautiful Evereska for these barbaric lands. But I suppose my expectations in this matter never counted...

Posted Image What? I'm not surrendering to anything!

Posted Image Struggle if you must, dead-one, I do not mind working for my money.

Posted Image Why NIMBUL has been hired to deal with the likes of you,I'll never know.

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What? What are all those things? Nimbul definitely starts off strong in a fight, but his second step is useless.

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Xan is immune to additional hopelessness. He counters by preparing to do some fancy swordwork on Nimbul with his Moonblade.

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Nimbul tries to neutralize my wolf.

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Then, using Rhialto's spellbook, I try to neutralize him!

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I should have waited half a second longer, because Nimbul's Slow hits us all just after my Dispel Magic hits us all. Ideally it would have been the other way around. Mur'neth tries to trap Nimbul next to the river by turning into gloop in front of him, but Nimbul skirts around him and runs away far enough to re-cast Mirror Image.

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Xzar, Imoen, and I have honed instincts, because our next reactions are all identical. We call cast Magic Missiles. It interrupts Nimbul from casting something, which is excellent.

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The last thing Nimbul does before completely losing it is casting Sleep on us. It hits Xzar and Haiass alright, but the rest of us power through.

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His panic is his undoing. Imoen sees to that.

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We eagerly, perhaps too eagerly, rush over to his corpse to paw through his belongings. He's got a 30 gold, 20 throwing axes, a Black-Green gem bag, a scroll of Find Familiar, a Ring of Infravision, an Excellent Scimitar, and the Shield of Falling Stars +1.

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Kagain would love these axes!

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Imoen takes the ring, because she's always envied me my infravision.

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Perhaps Jaheira would prefer this? Or Viconia?

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Kagain would love this too! Either he or Khalid. Who else would it even work for?

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Oh. I see. That's... quite impressive. Hidden within Nimbul's tunic is one more piece of parchment that we had overlooked. It looks like a bounty notice. I wonder how much I'm up to?

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Oh, so it's personal now is it Tazok? I'm coming for you, you bastard. Xan doesn't seem convinced, though.

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Posted Image I want to solve the iron crisis. This is your task, too, I believe?

Posted Image Which is exactly my point.

Posted Image I am asking, because... can you tell me that by travelling with you, I accomplish the goals I have set out to do? Can you say what the result is going to be? When the results is going to be? Do you see it yourself?

Posted Image You are asking for much more than I can provide.

Posted Image Syvishtar... I am sorry. Look at me, asking a much younger person for reassurance and demanding to be told that everything is going to be all right.

Posted Image I have really started to look upon you as my leader, I suppose.

Posted Image That's all right. Just remember that I am not omniscient.

Posted Image And that, too. Thank you for listening.

Gameplay note: Incidentally, I just found that Mur'neth has a custom paperdoll when he's shapeshifted:

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Pretty neat!

We finally head over to the Nashkel store, and are disappointed to find out that the storekeeper will only pay 18 gold per Nome Stikka. We dump all the ones we have anyway, and build ourselves back up to 1955 gold. Then, with chores taken care of, we travel back to the Jovial Juggler to give some people some much-needed rest.

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But we cannot travel all the way without being ambushed!

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We try to start off with our quickest reaction spells.

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But despite me calling my Wild Horde to take the heat off of us, Xzar still dies.

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I order everyone to close to melee range, where these bandits are weak. Mur'neth, without any equipment, has problems with that.

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He retreats to the north, as Xan and Haiass clean up on their side.

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We take advantage of the opening the Xan's slaughter creates to retreat northeast, leaving the bunnies to cover our escape. This is becoming my preferred method of fighting, actually. When one bandit gets too close, Mur'neth paralyzes him.

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We take a quick breather for healing and watch the bunnies fight. They usually either die quickly and explode, or they actually win out against their enemies. It looks like this time they're killing dogs just fine.

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We hear a couple of explosions but do not see anything. When some bandits come after us, though, they are injured, and we rush into melee. It doesn't work out so great for Mur'neth.

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My Horror is what we need to win.

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We kill them all, then. We collect ten bandit scalps and continue on our way.

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#188 Usurper

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Posted 30 December 2011 - 05:07 AM

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A quick stop by the Song of the Morning Temple and our companions are back in fighting shape. Then it's off to the Jovial Juggler for some much-needed rest. It seems my fame has proceeded me to here, the most Jovial of all Jugglers.

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Posted Image I am honored to be found worthy of your notice, Officer. How may I be of assistance?

Posted Image My contingent and I are cut off from Baldur's Gate. We haven't received new orders for close to a week and, to be honest, I don't like the feel of this at all. The bandit raids have been getting worse since you returned from Nashkel. I used to think that they were just your usual brigands out to make a quick buck in troubled times but not anymore. They're working for someone... One way or another, I've got to get my troops back to the Gate. I'll pay 50 gold pieces for every bandit scalp you can bring me... and spread the news. I want this whole region cleared before winter comes.

Fifty gold per scalp! Awesome! I just earned myself 500 gold not 2 hours ago!

There also seems to be an argument going on in the Jovial Juggler.

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I try to ignore it.

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Oh, so when she said 50 gold per scalp, what she really meant was 25 per scalp. I see.

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Xan looks at the scalps with disgust, and then seems to connect them to another thought, which he shares with me.

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Posted Image Every time I enter a tavern, I pay special attention to every patron.

Posted Image You are careful, but you need to drink, eat, bathe, sleep. And they only need to get lucky once.

Posted Image I admit to being rather selfish in my inquiry: I am interested in my mission's success. But I am also worried for you.

Posted Image You know, we could turn the tables, so to speak: capture one of them and try to get his employer's whereabouts. But they have likely never seen him - whoever has hired them must be working through a contact, perhaps even more than one...

Posted Image So it becomes a question of who finds who first. If I were you, I'd keep up this pretense of a blundering youth. The lower the price, the more incompetent the hunters are.

Posted Image I don't know if I am able to hide my abilities that well.

Posted Image (sigh) To my greatest chagrin, you really do not have that much to hide.

The argument among the patrons continues. I continue to ignore it. They eventually start fighting. It's nothing to me. I am just glad to see my friends again. And to give my hard-pressed companions some rest.

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Posted Image Having a creature like you around makes me uneasy. I think it would be best if you left.

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I tell all of them to wait for me here, at the Jovial Juggler. The place is actually getting quite crowded.

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Gameplay note: Since everybody died at least once except for Imoen, everybody gets a break. Going by our last party vote, our next-most-popular people are Branwen, Dynaheir, Jaheria, and Edwin. So I'll pick them up, if I can find them in this crowd!

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Posted Image That is a fine idea. We simply could not do without your fighting spirit.

Posted Image A triumphant day, indeed! I welcome your company once again!

Before I can say or do anything else, Branwen asks me where I trained.

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Posted Image My foster father, Gorion, arranged my training in the secluded fortress, not far from here. I may show the place to you, if you wish.

Posted Image Tempus willing, we might see it together some day. I must confess that I am somewhat envious of you, Syvishtar. My own home is much farther than a day's march away, and memories of it grow paler and dimmer with every fortnight. But what of your training?

Posted Image It was good while it lasted. I learned much, but I lost much, as well, when my studies were rudely interrupted by my foster father's violent death.

Posted Image 'Tis better to perish from the hand of the worthy foe than to shrivel and wither in your own bed. Tempus does not have any respect for the latter.

Posted Image Do you wish to tell me how he died? Was it an honorable battle, or was it a coward's death?

Posted Image Aye, a battle it was. We were attacked by a group of five, not far from my former home. A woman nailed me with a fire spell, and two ogres leaped at Gorion. He saw clearly that we had no chance, and ordered me to run. I obeyed.

Posted Image You ran? You turned tail and ran? How could you! How could you forsake your elder in the hour of need?

Posted Image I always obeyed Gorion's command, and so I did on that day.

Posted Image Perhaps. You have displayed your valor in battle, and I have no reason to doubt your strength and courage. Still, it leaves me uneasy.

Posted Image Syvishtar, I am sorry that I yelled at you so. If your father fought gloriously, then he is content in whatever afterlife awaits him. And I... am content with your explanation.

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Posted Image We'd be grateful for your magic and your wisdom... but we don't have space for another warrior right now - even one with Minsc's... unique... talents. Would he be willing to remain behind?

Posted Image Minsc and Boo belong at Dynaheir's side! (Though Boo has to be carried as he has very short legs).

Posted Image Minsc, I am touched by thy loyalty. But I shall be safe under Syvishtar's protection. Do not fear, we will meet again before long.

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Posted Image Though I do not enjoy your manner, I do have need of your talents. Welcome back.

Posted Image Save your pleasantries. (I will suffer their company merely because they are useful.)

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Posted Image I have need of you, Jaheira, but I would ask you to travel without Khalid, at least for now. The group should not be too large, and we have others who are needed still more.

Posted Image Travel w-without me? Jaheira, are you sure this is w-w-wise?

Posted Image No, Khalid, it is *not* wise. But Syvishtar leads this group, and Gorion would wish us to help him. We will meet again soon.

But I notice someone new on the left side of the room, a gruff, towering man. I walk up to strike up a conversation.

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Posted Image Yes, you may join us. All help is welcome.

Posted Image I shall endeavor to help you any way I can.

Gameplay note: Ok, lets take a look at this guy who showed up in Chapter 4.
The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#189 Usurper

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Posted 30 December 2011 - 05:07 AM

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He is a strong, tough Frost Dweller. He has 3 stars in Two Weapon Fighting and two stars in Axes. Dude likes to dual-wield axes. Pretty boss.

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He also comes with magical equipment already.

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And he even has two of these:

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He's not the only potential party member, however. Remember, we've been sweetening up Bjornin for quite a while by sharing tons of treasure with him. He is close enough to us to be willing to join our party. Let's go make the gesture now.

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Bjornin is a Dragon Slayer, which explains the spear. And also explains why gnolls beat him up, maybe he's not so good with small-sized opponents.

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And if you were thinkng having a Dragon Slayer in the party will be completely useless until Shadows of Amn, think again. Most importantly, he's level 7!!

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So, what do you want to do with these guys?

First: What should we do with Thorfinn Hauskluniff?
1. Put him in Branwen's spot.
She got on our case for running away when Gorion died. Kick her to the curb! Jaheira can heal.
2. Put him in Dynaheir' spot.
Edwin is just going to poison her again, she's a walking target.
3. Put him in Jaheira's spot.
I never liked nature anyway.
4. Put him in Edwin's spot.
There will be only one supreme mage in the party, and it's Syvishtar.
5. Put him in Imoen's spot.
Imoen could definitely use a break. She hasn't had a vacation even once for 89 days of death and camping.
6. Leave him here for now.
I like the party the way it is.

And second: What should we do with Bjornin?

A. Put him in Branwen's spot.
We don't need two healers and he's a Dragonslayer!
B. Put him in Dynaheir's spot.
She has a very limited spell selection and he's a Dragonslayer!
C. Put him in Jaheira's spot.
She's only half a healer anyways, and he's a full Dragonslayer!
D. Put him in Edwin's spot.
He's an evil mage, and Bjornin's a Dragonslayer!
E. Put him in Imoen's spot.
Is Imoen ever going to get down off her adrenaline high? We're no good for her, and Bjornin's a Dragonslayer!

I realize that technically this vote could be crossed - you could vote for both guys to replace the same person, which would be impossible to do. If the votes turn out that way, though, I will look for the second-least-favored person and do a second round of voting, where Thorfinn and Bjornin will only have the opportunity to replace two people, or stay at the Jovial Juggler. If that doesn't work I'll just pick something myself. So let me hear your votes!
The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#190 Usurper

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Posted 30 December 2011 - 05:15 AM

After much discussion, the thread decided that voting for the new guys when we hadn't even seen a performance of our current party was a little unfair, and so we modified the vote to just whether or not we should stick them into the party popularity order at the top or not. In the end they got into the party, and we bumped out the two least-popular party members, Edwin and Jaheira, and kept them at the top of the list for replacing anyone if they died.

Edited by Usurper, 30 December 2011 - 05:15 AM.

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#191 Usurper

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Posted 30 December 2011 - 05:16 AM

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30 Flamerule, 1369

I welcome Bjornin and Thorfinn Hauskluniff into the party, and introduce them to everyone. They seem to get along fine. Branwen seems to be a little bit uncomfortable with Thorfinn Hauskluniff, but nevertheless they make polite conversation pretty well. For some reason I feel compelled to refer to Thorfinn Hauskluniff by his complete name at all times. It just feels right. I also need to have a little talk with Bjornin.

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Posted Image We are a party now, I hope you can forget the past, and do your best for the party.

Posted Image Alright, but I must remind you once more... Are you sure about this?

Posted Image Yes, I am.

Posted Image Then so be it.

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Gameplay note: This conversation is built into the Friendship mod and allows you to make characters drop their non-droppable items. Bjornin had a non-droppable fire agate gem and healing potion. I guess you could get those if you killed him? But now they are gone from his inventory. A small convenience, but important! Also you noticed that he dropped his armor and weapon onto the ground. This might help us fleece powerful people of their powerful weapons later on in the game.

Then we get everybody suited up.

Gameplay note: Because of the dex penalty to plate mail armor that is in the game now and Thorfinn's high dex, he has the same AC whether wearing plate mail armor or chain mail +1. This means that there can be more variety of armor worn by people, which is good! Also, Bjornin, with his plate mail armor on, doesn't have adequate dex to wield a flail or a long bow. He can only use those without armor. Makes the game a little more complex and a little more interesting.

After sorting through all the equipment we've got, Bjornin ends up with the Flame of the North, since he has training in 2-handed weapons, and of course the Excellent Spear he has been carrying around. He's got platemail and also the Helm of Glory, since Thorfinn Hauskluniff already has his own personal helm. Finally, Bjornin puts on the Gauntlets of Ogre Power, since he is a little less strong than Thorfinn Hauskluniff. He also gets the Girdle of Bluntness and the Ring of Protection since he is unable to use a shield. Finally, he gets to carry all the extra stuff we have to carry.

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Thorfinn Hauskluniff replaces his somewhat pungent hide armor with a Chainmail +1. He also uses the Shield of the Falling Stars, leaving his other axe in easy reach to switch them out.

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Dynaheir gets a mage robe and also she picks up the Teddy Bear of Protection. I need to buy her some darts and a dagger or something, she's weaponless.

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Imoen of course keeps all of the stuff she's got now.

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Branwen equips the Helm of Ethical Insight, some Chainmail +1, a Sling +1, lots of bullets, a Medium Shield +1, and the Boots of the Forgotten Ones. I don't have a warhammer for her. I remember hers broke in the wilderness. We'll have to stop by the store for both women.

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As we are getting everything finalized, Branwen strikes up a conversation.

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Posted Image Yes, I would like to learn more of you.

Posted Image Thank you, Syvishtar.

Posted Image Every youngling in our village learned to wield a club or a dagger early enough. The pirates of the Nelanther were not to be trifled with; they exhausted the land by their plunders more than once in my memory. I got my first lessons on the art of warfare and mastered my first mace before I even started to mature.

Posted Image ...

Posted Image Continue, Branwen. I am listening.

Posted Image 'Tis not fitting for a warrior to become limp and overwhelmed with memories. But if you truly wish it, I will continue.

Posted Image For as long as I remembered myself, I worshipped the Lord of Battles. The Norheim Isles harbored a temple of Tempus, but only men were allowed into the priesthood. A mistake, if was: oft good young men come to the temple with the most devout faith, but an immature character. Still, I bear them no grudge.

Posted Image The rumors of my desire to become a priestess had soon reached the Battleguard, and I was driven out from the village, much as a stray scavenger: With but a frail stick in my hands. I made a voyage to the mainland and offered my services to the local militia. Tempus' grace lingered on me, until I lost his favor by joining a band of brigands and pillagers. But 'tis over now.

Posted Image By Auril's knickers, you've listened to the end of my tale! An ale's on me, friend. 'Twould be a shame if I tired you out.

Posted Image Deal. But it better be a good brew.

Posted Image 'Twill be, if you choose a good inn. The mark of a decent tavern is its liquor, and, my Tempus, I'll not settle for a poor one!

Then it's off to the Thunderhammer Smithy! On the way, though, we are stopped by a familiar-looking old man.

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Posted Image I was not aware that my actions were common knowledge.

Posted Image Perhaps not common knowledge, but everything is plain for those that know where to look. As it is, I am aware of thine efforts and accomplishments. Thou art quite adept, as Gorion predicted. All that remains is to determine motive.

Posted Image Gorion? You knew him? But you said nothing before.

Posted Image 'Twas neither the place nor the time for such things. As painful as the circumstances may have been, it was time for thee to forge thine own path. One of the most valuable lessons that life has taught me, is when NOT to go sticking my pipe in other people's affairs. Such is the case now, as well.

Posted Image But you could tell me so much, about Gorion and myself alike. Please, stay a while.

Posted Image I fear I cannot. Self-discovery is best left to the self, and all thy questions will be answered in time. I will offer a small tidbit of information, though thou hast likely heard the same from another source already. The bandits that thou dost seek make a habit of traveling in the northeast. A search in that direction will no doubt yield fruitful results. With this, I shall take my leave.

But I can't go more than two steps before I am stopped by another person, this time a child. I must be getting popular indeed! Maybe he wants an autograph?

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Posted Image Slow down, breathless child! Who is tossing money about in hopes of finding me?

Posted Image Her name's Officer Vai and she's with the Flaming Fist. And you needn't worry: she's real nice!

Posted Image By the way, how did you know my name?

Posted Image Why, everyone here is talking about you. You're the ones who saved the Nashkel mines! My momma says that even though we don't like those folks from Amn, there's no reason anyone should have to suffer so...

Posted Image Wow, we are famous, Syvishtar!

Posted Image Thank you, child. You have earned your gold piece. I will go to the Jovial Juggler and meet with your benefactor as soon as I am able.

Posted Image Good! You folks are real nice. Momma says the Sword Coast needs some real heroes, these days... Tymora be with you, okay?

Wow, I guess I wasn't being conceited. Everybody really does know me! I stride into the Thunderhammer smithy with my head a little higher.

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Posted Image I have this piece of iron ore, which I believe is tainted. It is the cause of the iron crisis along the Sword Coast.

Posted Image Pass it here. Hmm. Strange indeed. The iron has certainly been tainted with some compound. I don't suppose you have any clue what that might have been?

Posted Image As a matter of fact, yes. I have this vial here which I found in the same mine as the ore.

Posted Image Ah, excellent. But it is beyond my abilities to examine this. Take it to Thalantyr; he should have no trouble in discerning its properties. In the meantime, I will see what I can do to counteract the properties of this ore. I should be able to reduce the effects of the compound.

Posted Image Can you show us what you have for sale?

I buy a warhammer for Branwen, and a dagger and some darts for Dynaheir. Just basic stuff. I don't want to spend all my money at once, you know. I also sell the Excellent Scimitar and the Excellent Short Sword I find in the inventory. I probably won't need those for a long time, if ever. Imoen already has that great Ninja-to and Jaheira will almost always be using a crossbow. That leaves me with about 2100 gold. There is another stop I need to make.

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Gameplay note: I realize that I have been bribing the wrong mage with phat lewts. If I were to succeed in getting Thalantyr to join our party, I'd lose access to his store! He's got some crazy crap in there, I can't do that. The original reason why I was trying to bribe him was to get him to teach me some of his spells. Any mage of 9th level or higher gets the ability to Scribe Scrolls, so they could create scrolls for me of all the spells they know, at cost. But that's not worth losing Thalantyr's store. I should be bribing this guy here. I know he's higher than 9th level and he's just sitting here, his quest finished, recommending me some foreshadowy book. So Firebead Elvenhair has just become qualified for the Syvishtar Honorary Candlekeep Veterans' Pension Fund.

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Ok, fine, you ungrateful bastard! See if I care!

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#192 Usurper

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Posted 30 December 2011 - 05:17 AM

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Posted Image To tell you the truth, Branwen, I do not need faith. Yes, I know that gods exist, but it's not enough reason for me to venerate them.

Posted Image That comes dangerously close to the worst sort of heresy, Syvishtar. Weigh and ponder your words carefully, for no deity tolerates such cool disdain and ignorance, and Tempus above all.

Our next stop is across the street from Firebead's house - the Feldpost Inn. As we step out, it is raining dramatically. We stare at the sign, pondering our next move.

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Just act natural. Go in and rent a room. You've done it a million times. We do. It works. We go upstairs and take a look around. We find what we're looking for, sooner than we had expected. Tranzig!

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Posted Image Stop yapping, dog. I have come to punish you for your treachery, for your sniveling ways! Tempus is with me!

Posted Image I hoped you'd smarten up some, big wench, before botherin' me again. But I see that ya didn't. Ya think I'd be afraid of you and these boors that freed ya from my spell?

Posted Image Stupid cow. If ya'll ain't outta my face in the next five seconds, I'll blast ya to kingdom come!

Posted Image Ya better be sorry, and ya better never bother me again! Wait! You're Syvishtar! Well isn't this a nice surprise! Time to die!

We all react at once. Dynaheir's hands begin to crackle with electricity.

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Tranzig suddenly has mirror images and is glowing.

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As I throw a random amount of missiles off into Tranzig's many faces, I feel slower somehow.

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Haiass for some reason bites Dynaheir in the leg! I call him off immediately.

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Branwen tries to Silence the mage, but it is ineffective.

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Suddenly a brilliant flash of light scorches Thorfinn Hauskluniff.

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I reach out to suck some of the life from him.

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Thorfinn Hauskluniff can't handle a second lightning bolt.

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Such is the fate of meatshields. Dynaheir's Burning Hands are what get Tranzig to finally give up.

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Posted Image You are disgusting, wretch... Kill him, Syvishtar. One who begs for his life has no honor. He will betray you to Tazok if you let him go.

Posted Image No, I won't, I won't... *under his breath* Harpy!

I remembered what happened when I agreed to Mulahey's surrender.

Posted Image No mercy for such as you!

Posted Image I'm not gonna go down without a fight!

Imoen fires a point blank Magic Missle into Tranzig's face. And for some reason I once again find Haiass chewing on Dynaheir! What's gotten into my dog? Dynaheir has panicked and is running scared.

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Just as I use Rhialto's spellbook for some more magic missiles, Bjornin saves the day.

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On Tranzig's corpse is some gold coins, a gold ring, a scroll of Glitterdust, a magical spear, and a letter.

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As I learned in Candlekeep, Glitterdust is important when defending against thieves. Not only does it make them visible, but it makes it harder for them to hit you. We haven't been attacked by any thieves yet, but if we do we will definitely be happy to have this handy. I immediately write it into my spellbook. Not for the first time I wonder why the monks of Candlekeep told me ABOUT so many spells without teaching the actual spells to me. It's like they didn't trust me or something!

The magical spear will be awesome for Bjornin.

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And of course, the letter is pretty important. It gives us good intel!

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Peldvale, or Larswood. The camp where we can find the infamous Tazok. I consider this information and then put the letter into my scroll case. We will go there, eventually. When the time is right. And I will take Kivan with me. I'm sure he will love to help out there.

Gameplay note: Does anybody recognize Branwen's theme? I really like this music, but I can't place it.

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Posted Image Tell me more of your life on the isles, Branwen. What was it like?

Posted Image I mostly remember the sea and marine affairs, rather than tarnished rocks and deepsie moors, Syvishtar. My people, Rauthymar, or Northlanders as outsiders call us, came to the isles over four centuries ago. Yet, our lands are mostly wild and untamed, for 'tis not fitting for men of battle to become peasants, even if the times of peace - and these were scarce. We are more seamen than farmlings, and would much rather explore the waves than till the fields. Thus, over the years the ship became as important to the warrior as his weapons, and my people even have a saying: 'the ship is the sword that cuts the waves'.

Posted Image How poetic. Your people are more expressive than I gave them credit for.

Posted Image We take the craft of storytelling very seriously, Syvishtar. Our minstrels are recognized masters of the art, and we treat them with a healthy level of praise and respect, but just about everyone is called upon to tell a tale now and then. Were I myself a scald, I would deliver a song or recite a poem, but as we say, Kazgaroth stepped on my ear when I was a babe.

Posted Image What else should I tell you of?

Posted Image Tell me more of your people.

Posted Image My people are tall and muscular, fair-skinned and fair-haired. 'Tis hard to become a Northlander's enemy, if you're not a wicked deceiver or a criminal on the run. If you behave properly, speak plainly, and offer a gift of thanks for proffered hospitality, then you will earn my kin's trust and respet. But 'tis unfitting for me to focus on them too much, as 'tis akin to speaking of myself.

Posted Image Tell me of the monsters and beasts that inhabit your land.

Posted Image True, the Norheim isles are not without monstrous threats. Trolls are common on all the islands, and while Tunnel Trolls, Kraghanargh, are just a hindranace, for Sea Trolls I harbor a special loathing, as they are fond of sinking boats. One of these boats bore my grandfather...

Posted Image Gnolls are making a comeback along the western coast, and Kobolds' kin, Draka, ambush travellers in the moors. Sahuagin attack coastal villages from time to time, and there is many a tale of the Restless Dead as well, but the settlements themselves are well protected. In other words, if you want trouble on the isles, you'll have to go looking for it.

Posted Image Tell me of the sea.

Posted Image Sea to us is a friend and a nurturing mother, yet a harsh and exacting mistress, and many boats have drowned at the swish of her fickle and unpredictable hand. She rules all, the climate, even: 'tis rarely possible to go to bed at night with any sort of certainty of what the weather will be like in the morning.

Posted Image My ancesors were no simple fishermen, Syvishtar. They followed the way of the sea in many a way, raiding as well as trading, and sometimes, I admit, becoming akin to the pirates of Nelanther. But make no mistake: the pirates are much more brutal and merciless in the way they go about their business. When my people raided, if you behaved bravely and with honor, you could be certain your family would be safe and left with enough stores to survive. The Nelanther dogs, on the other hand, demonstrated no such graciousness, and for that, we attack the pirates on sight, and offer no quarter to them.

Posted Image What else should I tell you of?

Posted Image I think that I've heard enough, Branwen. Thank you.

Posted Image Thank you, my friend and steady listener. 'Twas a rare pleasure.

Then we pick up Thorfinn Hauskluniff's equipment and make our way to the Song of the Morning Temple.

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#193 Usurper

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Posted 30 December 2011 - 05:17 AM

But when we get there...

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Posted Image I'm sure you'll be about as much trouble as the rest of the rabble we've killed.

Posted Image You'll be a fiesty kill, little one. When you die, know that it was Molkar who killed you.

Open area, powerful enemies, unprepared? It's time for the Wild Horde to appear! I tell everyone else to run...

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... back to Beregost, because Silence falls upon us. But Dynaheir doesn't make it.

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The Song of the Morning Temple is unavailable to us. In order to raise our companions we will have to travel to the Friendly Arm Inn.

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Twelve hours later, when we arrive...

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Posted Image *She smiles at you, a strangely shy smile for a loud and outspoken battle priestess.* I have come to enjoy your company. Thank you for letting me travel with you.

Then she heals me completely.

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Nothing wrong with that! When we get to the Temple of Wisdom, raising Thorfinn Hauskluniff is 600 gold, and Dynaheir is 200 gold. That leaves us with 1828. There's someone new here in the temple. Imoen of course goes over to say hi.

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She sells, she sells... she sells spells!

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I buy a Mirror Image from her and memorize it immediately. I've always wanted this spell!

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Things will be different now, I just know it. We take a stroll around the courtyard of the Friendly Arm and see more merchants here. Rich ones, judging by their bodyguards with flaming swords.

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Magical items, sorcerer robes, and more spells! I don't want to spend all my money, though, so I just browse for now. As I look around, one of the caravan guards looks very familiar.

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Posted Image Women get strange ideas in their heads sometimes.

True that, Thorfinn Hauskluniff, true that.

There are a couple more merchants with flaming-sword guards but they don't sell anything more than normal weapons and armor. How can they afford such extravagant guards? I don't know. I past them by and look at the rest of the courtyard. It is then that I see this magnificent animal, and the man who owns him. I send Imoen in to negotiate.

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Posted Image What seems to be the trouble?

Posted Image The name's Stedd. I've been working the hills north of here, panning the streams, doing a bit of mining when I came across an abandoned claim, but my luck's run out. Haven't found a thing in months.

Posted Image Now I've got this idea and I know I can make it work, if only I had the coin to make some... acquisitions.

Posted Image So here I am, standing next to this fine, strong mule that I won't be needing anymore and you walk up with gear and bits of things sticking out every which way, looking like you could really use a pack animal. It's a sign, I tell you.

Posted Image You just said that you won't be needing her anymore. Why don't you just give her to me?

Posted Image I'd like to help you out, but I need gold to start my new venture.

Posted Image I'll let her go for 3000 gold.

Posted Image You don't want much, do you? I'll give you 100.

Posted Image Alright, maybe that is a bit steep. How's 2500 gold strike you.

Posted Image That's still too high. Make it 400 gold and I'll take her.

Posted Image You've bought yourself a mule. Come on, Arveene, meet your new friend. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got some business to take care of.

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Gameplay note: The pack mule is extremely important for a BWP installation. This is because of the horrible bug known as game stutter. The more items you carry in bags, potion cases, scroll cases, and other containers, the slower the game goes. Finally, it becomes unplayable because you're stuttering about 1 second in between each tick of the game clock. It can be extremely frustrating, and there are tons of FAQ questions dedicated to how to eliminate game stutter. But for a game pack rat, it can be hard to know what to drop and what to keep. With this pack mule, we don't have to drop anything anymore, because it acts differently. Items in the pack mule won't be taken into account when the game checks for scripts, which is what causes lag. That means the game will run faster. It also means that quest items that NPCs are looking for will not be recognized, so be careful that you don't store this week's McGuffin in the pack mule and miss out on important quest content. But if you want to hoover up all of the arms and armor of all the people you kill and haul it back to make 5 gold then this mule is for you.

After buying my new mule and taking it for a walk, I see an angry woman under a tree.

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Actually, you know what? Just inside, Bentley makes a good ale.

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It only costs 1 gold too. I buy some and take it back to Pilar.

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Well, alrighty then! With 800 gold left to my name, I stop by one of the magic sellers and pick up one more scroll of Mirror Image. I know what is coming and I want to be prepared.

We arrive at the Jovial Juggler. I apologize to both Dynaheir and Thorfinn Hauskluniff for getting them killed so quickly. I tell them drinks and beds are on me. I tell them not to worry, I'll be back for them soon. I tell them next time we can dodge the lightning bolts.

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Yes, Thorfinn Hauskluniff, I'll always remember what you said about women.

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Branwen seems to have something else on her mind entirely.

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Posted Image 'A cat in heat'? Branwen, are you in love with me?

Posted Image Um, Syvishtar, I was jesting. I've no doubt that you will make an excellent romp between the sheets, but 'tis not the proper time.

Posted Image I mourn for your loss. Thankfully, all members of my own family are alive and well. NOrheim is a mysterious land, Syvishtar, mysterious and full of eldritch wonder. My kin are known for putting their trust in various beliefs and myths that are so widespread among us. One of these says that a mother feels whether her born children are alive. I believe that when I parted with my family, my lord Tempus graced me with the gift to feel my parents, brothers and sisters, while their souls still linger in this world.

Posted Image If only I was able to feel that death threatened Gorion! I would have warned him.

Posted Image 'Tis different, Syvishtar. No mortal man or woman is capable of seeing their future clearly, and even the prophets' visions are vague. We must make our fates with what we have, and what we are given.

Posted Image Now I have gone soft and girlish. Lead me to battle, Syvishtar, before I flop on the ground and whine piteously that I want to go home.

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Posted Image Though I do not enjoy your manner, I do have need of your talents. Welcome back.

Posted Image Save your pleasantries. (I will suffer their company merely because they are useful.)

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Posted Image I have need of you, Jaheira, but I would ask you to travel without Khalid, at least for now. The group should not be too large, and we have others who are needed still more.

Posted Image Travel w-without me? Jaheira, are you sure this is w-w-wise?

Posted Image No, Khalid, it is *not* wise. But Syvishtar leads this group, and Gorion would wish us to help him. We will meet again soon.

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#194 Usurper

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Posted 30 December 2011 - 05:18 AM

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Posted Image *An almost empty water-skin hangs on her side. Branwen shakes it energetically, and topples it over her generously open mouth. The contents pour between her eager lips, but a single drop traces a line down her jaw and stops, sparkling tantalizingly, at the nape of her neck.*

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Posted Image Branwen, you've got a water drop on your neck.

Posted Image Let it stay there, Syvishtar. 'Tis a hot tenday, and some cool water is a blessing indeed.

Gameplay note: Ok, who the hell were those guys at the Song of the Morning Temple? They killed me several times! They cast Unholy Blight, they had potions of extra healing and of cloud giant strength, and they even had armor that would hurt my guys every time I hurt them! Do we want to go try to take them out? Or do we want to try to explore southish around Nashkel, maybe finish the Valley of the Tombs, where we got our asses handed to us by orcs? Let me know your vote:

A. Lets go kick some ass at the Song of the Morning Temple!
B. Lets go kick some ass at the Valley of the Tombs!
C. Straight to Peldvale/Larswood, do not pass Go, do not collect 200 gold.
D. Can't we just relax at the Jovial Juggler for a while?
The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#195 Usurper

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Posted 30 December 2011 - 05:20 AM

I think the thread vote here was "whatever you wanna do man."
The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#196 Usurper

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Posted 30 December 2011 - 05:22 AM

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Midsummer, 1369

There was something I remember other monks saying back in Candlekeep. It was "May you live in interesting times." Then they'd laugh as if they had just made a huge joke. I just thought they were weird then, but now I think I'm starting to understand the joke. My life, as it currently stands, would probably make for a decent story to read about in a book. But living it is not so fun. I'm losing count of how many times people have died around me, whether fighting on my side or against me. Why do I, of all people, see so very much death?

Edwin asks me where the Adventurer's Robe is that he was wearing. I direct him to the mule. But then he says its not there. I look myself, and realize that Dynaheir was wearing it when she died. And we just left it there, along with the Teddy Bear of Protection! Man, that was days ago! Those mercs that jumped me undoubtedly looted that stuff. I don't have anything else to say, so I just shrug and give Edwin the scroll I bought for him. I act like it's nothing. Maybe he'll be secretly impressed.

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He better be. I've given him the only level 2 spell he knows.

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Gameplay note: I think getting Mirror Image is the point at which mages start to become better than fighters in every way. Multiple images that fake people out so that they couldn't hit you if they tried? It works every time. And Edwin can re-cast it 3 times so he's pretty much untouchable.

I give Jaheira the scimitar we've been saving for her. She just looks at me as if I'm crazy. She says she prefers the crossbow and can we please get her some more bolts. So we stop by Thunderhammer Smithy yet again. I sell the scimiar.

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Then as I'm standing there, trying to figure out what to do next, Imoen shows me a green ring on her palm. I look at it as if it was an alien artifact. Why is she showing this to me? She clears her throat, and I look at her. She tells me it's Joseph's. Oh. Right.

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We should probably return that. We pull Bjornin away from admiring the Sukien Holy Armor and start on our way to Nashkel yet again.

Gameplay note: The paladin-only EQ for sale here and at the Song of the Morning temple is one of the big reasons why I wanted to bribe Bjornin to join us. There are no other paladins until we get to Amn.

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Posted Image The city changes, but the fools within are always the same.

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On the way we are ambushed by a pack of wild dogs. Fearing the worse, both Edwin and I panic at the same moment and quickly flash in some Mirror Images.

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Branwen completes a desperate prayer to her god, and we feel the rhythm of the Chant course through us.

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But when all the dogs are dead, and our mule wanders back over to us from where it had been avoiding the fight, all is quiet.

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Some days must be good days, right? They can't all be ambushes of overwhelming numbers and ferocity. Can they? We keep on down the road.

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When we arrive it is dark. The entire journey took 12 hours. I wish we had horses. Joseph's wife's house is locked. We will have to spend the night at the inn and try again in the morning.

Why is it that Imoen always seems to just disappear whenever we enter an Inn? Does she have to really go or something?

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Edwin suddenly yells out "Yes! I get it now!" We try not to look at him directly.

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Gameplay note: Edwin can re-cast Mirror Image 4 times now. Good luck hitting him, mercenailures! :smug:

The next day, we walk down the length of Nashkel's fine street to Joseph's wife's house. On the way, we see that fat guy Oublek again, and stop to chat.

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Posted Image What bounties are currently unclaimed?

Posted Image Our captain of the guard is still on the loose. Keep your blade ready if you get anywhere near him. Very dangerous, he is. There is also a bit of foolishness with a local artist named Prism. Stole a couple of emeralds, he did. We seek their return, though Prism's fate is of little concern.

I look at Imoen, by my face and cock of my eyebrow asking her if we still have Prism's emeralds. She shakes her head and shrugs her shoulders a bit. It must have totally slipped our minds to turn them in instead of selling them for cold, hard cash. This captain of the guard is worth looking into, though.

At Joseph's wife's house...

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Posted Image We found this Greenstone ring, but I'm afraid we think he's dead.

Posted Image He's... he's dead. My Joseph is dead.

Posted Image We're very sorry for your pain. Here, have this ring to remember him with.

Posted Image Thank... you. Thank you for bringing me the news.

As we all smile and make conciliatory noises, I realize that I have never seen this woman before in my life. I am insane.

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Posted Image You are a valient companion. Don't let these foolish thoughts deceive you.

Posted Image I thank you for your encouragement, but these cursed itches and irritations of doubt will not leave me alone.

Posted Image As we travel, I find my condition harshly and horribly reminding me of some weakling princess, born in an ivory tower: you have saved me, befriended me, and now my mind softens and oft wanders to the thoughts of hearth and family instead of my hammer and helmet. 'Tis disconcerting.

Posted Image Thinking of hearth and family is not a sign of weakness, Branwen. The most fearless of soldiers are those who fight for their hearth, and home, and the loved ones.

Posted Image Syvishtar, 'tis not an ordinary doubt. My future course and fortune depend on whether I am resolved to be stalwart or resigned to become soft. Will I recover my former self again, or will I fade and mellow, like a mountain does when it diminishes to a hill?

Posted Image *sigh* Um, nevermind.

I am completely baffled by this whole conversation. It is totally outside my experience growing up in Candlekeep. I do not know what else to do...

Posted Image *remain silent*

We walk out, and I decide that we should try to hunt down the former captain of the guard, Brage. But I do not know where to look for him. I decide that we should just explore the wilderness areas around Nashkel and we must eventually run into him. Besides, I feel like I don't know this area nearly as well as I should. I choose a direction mostly at random, and we set off!

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When we reach a significant-looking area, we stop. Something tells me that we will find important things in this part of the forest. Probably because it has a name - Fire Leaf Forest. Strangely enough, though, Haiass is nowhere to be seen. We wander through the trees for a while until we meet a man in yellow robes.

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Posted Image And who might you be, old man?

Posted Image Well... well, welcome. I am so happy to see anyone but the undead moving about in the area! I am Ordolath and I atke my sabbaticals here... You know, sometimes it's nice to get away from the hustle and bustle of Baldur's Gate...

Posted Image That's all really nice, but what in the nine hells do you want from me?

Posted Image Nothing special, friend, hehe. It was my poor fortune that made me forget my candle when preparing for this trip. Without my candle I am not able to write in my diary or read my books. The nights here are very dark... You just can't imagine what that means to such a book-lover like me!

Posted Image So I have an offer to make you. If you will spend a few days to help me and bring me my little wax treasure, I will reward you as best I can! And do not believe the reward will be a poor one! Apart from 1000 gp, I can offer you a precious item that I'm sure you will like... So? Would you help me?

Posted Image Sounds interesting, tell us where can we find your house so we bring you that... candle.

Posted Image Excellent! From the first time I saw you, you appeared to be trustworthy! My house, young friend, is in the northern part of the Gates, not far from Northern Ward. It is a white house behind the blue mage-tower. You can't miss it. Well, please hurry. I will be awaiting your return impatiently. See you soon!

This guy must have been out here for a long time if he doesn't know that Baldur's Gate is closed and nobody can get in or out. Oh well, I'll make a note of it and hope to remember his house by the time I finally get into that city, if I ever do! We continue to walk around, searching for anything out of the ordinary. A little kid is out of the ordinary, way out here!

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Posted Image 'Scuse me? I ever so sowwy to bother, but could you help me? I've lost my little dog and I can't find him. He's probably ever so scared right now.

Posted Image Certainly little one, I would be glad to aid you. How will I recognize him?

Posted Image You will? Oh thank you so vewy much! I just know he'll be alright now! Poor Rufie isn't used to strange places an' people. You're sure to know him when you see him, cuz he's just the cutest little thing. Here, take this as well. His favorite chew-toy it is. He'll know you're a friend if you have it in your hands. Thank you so much again!

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This looks strangely familiar...

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Wow, I wonder if the dogs will look the same, since the toys look the same! A few minutes later, we come across some kind of cliff face in the forest.

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We can't seem to find a way around, so we have to take another route.

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#197 Usurper

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Posted 30 December 2011 - 05:23 AM

And it's a good thing we do, because otherwise we wouldn't be able to meet the fastest dart thrower in the west!

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Posted Image I have no desire to fight a pair of idiots, nor am I going to give you any of our money. Get lost.

Posted Image HEAR THAT ZAL! Seems they don't take you seriously. Guess it's time to show what for, huh? Sorry guys, but you're in for a world of hurt.

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Edwin starts off with a very strong showing.

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But the fastest dart thrower in the west has a bead on me, and I begin to feel it!

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Bjornin makes sure the tide of battle is in our favor.

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Gameplay note: Every time Bjornin hits someone he gets 6 damage. I'm almost certain it is because of his spear Revenger. But since he has 50 hit points I consider it to be an acceptable trade-off.

Branwen's Chant takes effect just as Imoen hits Zal with some missiles of her own - magic ones!

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Edwin follows suit.

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And Branwen finishes him off.

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Finally, some bandits that were easy to kill! I'm so relieved.

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She likes 'em so much, she can carry 'em. We give her Vax's and Zal's scalps. Vax has some very interesting equipment on him.

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There are fifty of these poisoned daggers!

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Was Vax some kind of idiot-savant ninja? Zal was certainly trying to be the fastest dart in the west.

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And he had five of these...

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And one of these...

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Strangely enough he also had a really amazing spear.

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I feel like these guys should have put up more of a fight than they did. Oh well, no biggie. I give the spear to Bjornin and pack the rest of the stuff away on the mule. They will certainly be useful to some of our buddies back in the Jovial Juggler.

There is one more thing - a pair of boots. But Finch's glasses don't seem to be able to identify more than three things per day, so we'll have to wait until tomorrow before we can find out what those do.

With that in mind, and darkness falling around us, I realize that we should make camp. So we do. When it is time to hit the blankets, Branwen asks me something.

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Posted Image Yes, ever since Gorion died, and I was forced to fight for my dear life. I am used to nightmares, Branwen, do not worry.

Posted Image 'Tis awful. I see how these deaths twine into your dreams and wear you down.


Posted Image Mayhap a sleeping draught...

Posted Image No, Branwen, no sleeping draught will help. These are visions, not dreams.

Posted Image You sound so sure, Syvishtar. So be it. but you need only to ask for my help, should you change your mind.

If only I truly was sure. We sleep, and I do not dream. Not this night. The next morning, I am awakened by the sound of northwoman laughter.

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Imoen also has a chance to check out the boots in the morning, and yells in delight at what she finds.

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Hmmm, Branwen already moves fast with her Boots of the Forgotten Ones. Who else in our party needs to be speedy and swift? Imoen says she prefers her Spider's Boots of Stealth. I think I will take these. I need to be able to run out of danger and far enough away to cast a spell. I put them on, and then Branwen and I run ahead of the rest of the party, scouting everything faster than I have ever moved before!

Posted Image I am proud to stand among such strong warriors.

We begin our day's patrol yet again. What we find this day defies all explanation.

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Posted Image Why would an xvart, a kobold, and a tasloi be wandering around calling themselves Larry, Darryl, and Darryl?

Posted Image See Darryl, I told you these guys were the wrong generation!

And then they walk off. And so do we. Later, there are some abandoned huts, overridden with wolves. Perhaps Larry, Darryl, and Darryl used to live here but were driven out by the ferocious beasts?

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We all started off by casting varying amounts of Magic Missiles at them.

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But I don't feel like I can help out in melee until I cast Mirror Image.

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Not that I need to...

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The last one is taken out by a barrage of missiles.

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There is nothing else to do, since none of us have a skinning knife. We keep patrolling. Later, to my eternal torment, we find more hobgoblin archers.

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Since they all decide to attack me, I decide to attak all of them in return.

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The key is in the sweeping motion. We mop up the survivors.

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That was a lot eaiser than I remember it being before. We might be actually learning from our mistakes here.

Posted Image I find the 'great outdoors' to be chaotic and dirty. It needs a shaping will to slap the beasts into proper order.

Posted Image I wish I could spend more time in the forest. It feels so alive.

Posted Image I don't like the way this group is turning out. Better leadership might help.

Maybe if we had more fighting and less wandering around I wouldn't have to hear so much useless crap from people. We do more wandering and find more wolves.

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Again, Bjornin is the man to take care of business.

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They are not a threat.

We eventually make our way over the stream and into some more forested areas. It is there that we find Rufie. He attacks Edwin for some reason, but calms down when he sees me carrying his chew toy.

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He follows us as we walk around, so we take him towards Albert.

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The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#198 Usurper

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Posted 30 December 2011 - 05:24 AM

We are interrupted by a strange woman, though.

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Posted Image Who are you, and what do you want?

Posted Image I am Sendai, of the noble merchant house of Argrims, foremost family in Amn. Delgod, Alexander and I have come out here to hunt game. Though perhaps you would make for better sport. I assume you would have no problem with this?

Oh no, not again. More mecenaries?

Posted Image What kind of monster would hunt his fellow human like a wild animal?

Posted Image Of course I was not serious. What I said, I did in jest. You with your barbarian mentality would of course misconstrue my meaning.

Posted Image Sure lady. We'll be going now.

Posted Image Goodbye peasants. I wish you luck on your journeys, you'll probably need it.

Oooookaayyyyy. Moving on, we finally get Rufie back to Albert. The reunion is heartwarming.

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Awww, the little boy has his dog back...

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What in the...

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nine hells? Literally!? I have no earthly idea what that just was. But it gave us a Black Opal.

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Not too bad for a demon's fetch quest. I think we've got this area pretty much figured out, but before we go there's something that was tickling the back of my mind. There was some kind of hole near that old guy, wasn't there? We go back to check.

Yes there is!

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And in it we find the scrolls that Vax and Xal were talking about!

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The scrolls are of Chromatic Orb and Cloudkill. Cloudkill is quite interesting!

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As a level 5 spell, I won't be able to cast it for quite a while, unless I get really lucky with Nahal's Reckless Dweomer. But of course I will try.

The Chromatic Orb I give to Edwin. Look at him, with almost as many level 1 spells as Xzar! These little magelings that follow me around are so cute.

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With everything patrolled and everyone spoken to or killed, I can officially declare the Fire Leaf Forest to be safe from bandits!

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The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#199 Usurper

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Posted 30 December 2011 - 05:26 AM

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3 Eleasias, 1369

We did not find officer Brage here, and so we must needs explore more areas around Nashkel. I do not want to go back, but I think it is for the best that we head back to the Valley of the Tombs where we were attacked by those orcs the last time. I didn't see any of the tombs there, and I want to. It is going to be a 36 hour journey, though.

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We decide to rest before we leave. But we are awaken from our rest by a large war party of xvarts?

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Aren't these little blue bastards ever going to leave us alone? They attack our pack mule first, the little cowards!

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Imoen does like Dynaheir taught her, and xvarts go down.

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The rest of the little bastards fall without much fanfare.

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Bjornin takes all their short swords and loads them up on the pack mule, just out of general principles.

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Then we try to camp out once again before heading off, but this time the pungent smell of the grave disturbs our rest. Awakening, we find ourselves under attack by skeletons!

Branwen immediately calls out to Tempus to save us. The nearest skeletons immediately begin to run away. This woman is powerful!

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I don't have time to waste on the undead, so I unleash my ring once again.

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Bjornin and I take the skeletons out in a few seconds. Mission accomplished.

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I also load up all the skeletons' halberds and bows, also on general principles. And you know what? We're going back to Nashkel to rest. Screw this wilderness camping.

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We arrive without incident. We stop by the Nashkel Store to see how much we can sell all this crap for. Adding in Revenger, the magical ninja weapons, and some other stuff we didn't need, we end up with about 1200 gold more than we started. Not bad! Hopefully we can keep up this trend of making money instead of spending it.

Then we head to the Inn. Since we are going to the Valley of the Tombs, both Branwen and Jaheira memorize two Sunscorch spells each.

Gameplay note: Undead get hit 1d6 points of damage +2 per level of the caster. For Branwen that's 1d6 + 8, and for Jaheira its 1d6 + 4. Nice and powerful against the abominations.

It will take us two days of traveling to get back to the Valley of the Tombs. We might as well leave now.

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We travel without ambushes, because the ambushes are waiting for us when we arrive!

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Posted Image It has been my experience, that in the matters of life and death it is always beneficial to lie. But you can be truthful with these goons, if you wish - they have this particular look about them... how should I call it? Ah, 'pawns doomed to be slaughtered momentarily.'

Posted Image Yes, my name is Syvishtar. What of it?

Posted Image That is good. My companions and I have tracked you for many days and I am to give you a message. You and your friends are to die. Your interference with the Iron Throne may have caused some minor setbacks, but die knowing that your actions were mostly futile.

We are in a relatively good position, with a cliff face east of us. We run north in order to try to get some sort of choke point going.

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But one of Lamalha's companions is waiting for us up here! I order everybody to keep running. We can deal with her first, but not before we're in position.

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There are a lot of divine energies being released south of us. It prickles my skin.

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Out of nowhere comes an Unholy Blight, hitting Bjornin a little. He seems to be only angered more by it, though.

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We all begin to cast our first spells, in preparation for the fight to come. I try to summon my Wild Horde, but only one bunny answers my call. Oh no.

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Bjornin turns back to us to give us some Protection from Evil, but then we see a sword protrude from his abdomen. He has been backstabbed!

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Then, of all things, an orcish archer attacks our pack mule!

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As both Branwen and Jaheira rush to heal Bjornin before he dies, Edwin, Imoen, and I unleash our magic missiles at the cowardly assassin who stabbed him in the back.

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She doesn't look so good.

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I rush in with Bjornin and my single bunny to kill the cowardly assassin, and get a few fire arrows in the chest for it. They don't seem to hurt much, though.

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Edwin lets loose 3 more magic missiles at the assassin, and then a moment later complains of not feeling so good. An arrow is sticking out of his arm. I know this because I have retreated next to him to cast some protective spells.

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Imoen is trying to charm the Orc Archer, but he is not charmed. Maybe her reputation is getting out?

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Then, the first good thing that happens today, Bjornin finally kills the assassin who backstabbed him. She dies with a hideous cry.

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I manage to cast some Mirror Images, and then charge into battle against the fire-arrow shooting woman. Bjornin temporarily retreats in order to get some healing from Branwen. And Jaheira heals Edwin.

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But apparently there is a second assassin, and she makes herself known by killing Edwin. Wasted heals.

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I order everyone to move north. We need to stay away from these assassin's sisters down south.

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Over northeast of us, Imoen has decided to use another tactic on the orc archer.

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Then she goes for Magic Missiles to the face.

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At the same time, over with the main party, Bjornin gets hit twice with the unholy taint of both Zeela and Lamalha's evil gods.

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He responds stolidly, with a good solid hit on Telka. I tell Jaheira to heal him.

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Not quite sure what to do now, I reach for a Cloudkill in my reckless fashion.

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The magic twists in my hands, turning against me, and instead invades my whole body, trying to twist it. I resist, but I feel weak. Oh, so weak.

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And the world is large. Oh, so large. Where are my nuts?

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Branwen is under attack, but manages to heal herself despite that.

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Jaheira also heals Bjornin. He definitely needed it.

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After beating down the orc archer some more, Imoen tries to charm him again. This time it works!

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I reach for Rhialto's spellbook and cast out a Horror at our enemies. It scares at least one of the bitches. Imoen and her new friend come in to back us up with a concentrated assault on one of the spellcasters too.

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Jaheira is hit with yet another Unholy Blight. We can see that she can't really withstand it.

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Then Lamelha Silences me and Bjornin. I am a squrrel, I have no attacks, I can't even lift my staff anymore, and now I am silenced? What can a rodent do?

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Thankfully, Branwen is not silent. She prepares to respond with her own Silence. Bjornin is the only one doing anything of lasting significance on our side.

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Then Elka, coming late to the party, hits Branwen with a fire arrow and kills her.

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Imoen throws Burning Hands on one of the casters, but it doesn't seem to do much. At the same time, Jaheira panics and begins to run.

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Imoen throws one of her healing potions to Bjornin and enters melee with Zeela.

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The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#200 Usurper

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Posted 30 December 2011 - 05:27 AM

Elka takes out the frightened and running Jaheira next.

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I may be four inches tall right now, silenced, weakened, and out of spells, but there is one thing I still have, and as Lamalha comes into melee range of me I hold it in both of my paws and use it.

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In reponse, Zeela does what is probably the most effective thing she could do - she puts Bjornin to sleep.

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And then Elka kills him.

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Imoen loses heart and begins to run away.

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I panic and clamp down on something, anything, whatever can help me now. My tiny paws scratch a rock and I grab it, use it, do SOMETHING with it. Anything! I don't want to die! I feel myself being torn away, and then peace. Silence.

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Shaundakul's sanctuary? We made it? In combat? Imoen is still frightened, and runs around the confines of the small area. At least she tries ... but we are both slowed, so her movements are both comically lethargic and frantic at once.

The orc friend didn't make it. I guess the magic knew the charm was only temporary. It's probably for the best. The orc probably wanted to die gloriously in combat anyways.

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I want to say that all our friends are dead. I want to scream out. I want to ask the gods and the demons both why such people are hunting us... but I can't. Because I'm a squirrel. Instead, I chitter in pain and madness. But even then I chitter in silence, and slowly, for I am both Silenced and Slowed.

Eventually, Imoen stops running around in a mad attempt to find safety. Eventually, I return to my normal shape. Eventually, I feel the last grips of hostile magic leave me, and Imoen, and we are safe. Relatively. The corpses of four of our allies lie in the real world, though, and our enemies wait for us there. So this is really no safety at all, but a small rest from one danger. If only I knew enough magic to whisk us away to safety forever.

Haiass is not even here. That must mean he fell during the fight. I didn't see him fall, though. I wonder how that happened. My poor wolf has been throwing himself at mine enemies without a second thought for a long time now.

I check the pack mule's saddlebags. There are a few potions that we can use. The Potion of Magic Protection, 50% resistance to all magic, could help us. Also, the Potion of Mind Focusing which raises Imoen's dexterity and intelligence could work in our favor too. And then there is always the Flame of the North. I draw it and put it on my belt. We will rest here as long as we need to, in order to recharge my ring and spellbook. I will pick the right spells to go against our foes. We will teleport back in and kill them all. I discuss this quietly with Imoen. This sanctuary seems to make us always speak softly. Her normally cheerful face is grim. When I tell her things, she nods. She knows what she must do. And I know what I must do.

We sleep.

We prepare.

The tiny little bit of Mulahey's soul that I kept with me proves to be the best advantage we have. After sixteen hours of rest, we are both fully healed.

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Another 8 hours of rest and I can feel both Rhialto's spellbook and the ring are recharged. I wonder if I can get any insight from Rhialto. I open his spellbook.

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Posted Image Study the spellbook for a while, and see if you can learn something new.

Posted Image You spend some time, browsing through the book.

Posted Image You found something of interest.

Posted Image Try to learn the spell "Gymlainac's Lightbend."

Posted Image You try to learn the spell, but it's too difficult, you need more experience in the art before you can learn it.

I continue to study the spellbook for a while, but I do not find anything there. We will have to do it with what we have available to us now. We cast our spells, we drink our potions, and we get ready to return to the fight.

Zeela is there waiting for us as soon as we return. I summon my Wild Horde, and Imoen prepares to backstab. Just like the plan.

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Then we run north, just like the plan. Imoen gets hit with an Unholy Blight on her way over there, but she survives.

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North of us we find Telka, and Imoen does for her in two seconds.

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The bunny chain-explosion goes off, and my mule is caught in the blasts along with the enemy. He barely gets away.

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The enemy advances upon us and I give the bitches two more sets of bunnies to play with.

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Unfortunately, Imoen doesn't make it out.

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The horror wrought by the bunnies is quite entertaining.

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When they come for me, I take one of them out immediately.

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Telka takes another one out for me.

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I retreat once more, as far as I can go, and then cast a spell through Rhialto's Spellbook that I had never cast before - Gymlainac's Lightbend. I hope it is enough.

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Me and Telka go into melee against Elka.

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She runs away because she doesn't like to melee. Lamalha tries to Hold us, but only gets Telka, because of my heightened magic resistance.

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I have one more trick up my sleeve, and so I use it.

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And then it's down to running and gunning.

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Desperately I search through the dead bodies on the battlefield to find something helpful. I find some extra healing potions and a magical staff.

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I run to Imoen's body to get Finch's Glasses of Identification to find out what the quarterstaff does. I am not disappointed.

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With my Boots of Speed and this quarterstaff of slowing, I should be able to melee these fools to death.

Oh, but with this Composite Long Bow +2 I should be able to range them to death!

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I just need a few minutes to prepare.

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Actually, I just had another idea. I was inspired to it after I was unable to hit anyone with this awesome bow. I could just take all the stuff and make a run for it. Leave my mule in this place. It could work.

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Oh, yeah, it could work!

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Get hit with a couple of arrows, just drink a healing potion!

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And it doesn't matter that you've got a huge pack of worgs after you after you went too far to the east, you can just outrun them all!

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And then when you have run around and collected all the equipment from all the dead ones, and then put it on your mule, you can just relax in your pocket plane until you fully heal yourself!

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And then, when you're good and ready, you can go back to Nashkel and resurrect everybody no problem!

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Why didn't I ever think of this before?

Gameplay note: This was an extremely difficult fight. I died many times. But I didn't want to abandon all this loot to the ravages of time. So I finally managed to squeeze out a stalemate here, after many deaths.

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Don't forget to stop and sell equipment first! Gotta have money to resurrect the people who died for you!

Yay, the temple!

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Before resurrection, we have 2350 gold. Afterwards, we have 25 gold, and that is after selling the amazing darts we got from those bandits. I am a horrible leader, and a horrible person.

We rest for a full day and then some in order to heal everyone.

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Then it's back to the Jovial Juggler, to try to heal the pain and loss that everyone has experienced. Ha. As if.

We are even ambushed on the way! But I left all of our equipment in the mule, and do not want to take it out. We just run.

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We make it without incident.

I have never failed everyone I know as spectacularly as I just have. I have no hope, really, of winning now.

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.