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Syvishtar's Journal

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#861 Justify

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Posted 14 October 2012 - 05:24 PM

I'll mirror the rest of the thread,

B. Monk
1. Beguiler
Yes rep is for scrubs.

#862 Usurper

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Posted 14 October 2012 - 05:27 PM

Yes -- I told you! *shakes fist* But yeah, once you do some quests in Baldur's Gate you gain like seventy billion reputation anyway. Maintaining it around 15 will keep everyone reasonably happy, I think.

I just wanted to show it happening rather than just tell it. I like intended and unintended consequences...
The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#863 AmyAE

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Posted 14 October 2012 - 05:29 PM

I just wanted to show it happening rather than just tell it. I like intended and unintended consequences...

Yeah, I know. Your LP is always more interesting this way. And getting rid of Shar-Teel was just a bonus, I'm sure =P

#864 Lurker of the north

Lurker of the north

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Posted 14 October 2012 - 06:25 PM


Edited by Lurker of the north, 14 October 2012 - 06:25 PM.


#865 Beleg33


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Posted 15 October 2012 - 01:25 AM

I'll be original and say... B 1 Yes
The mod with section elites is Dark Horizons, same stuff that brought you underneath the Ulcaster school.
Random spambot #8434678 said :

you should liquor multiplying great deal supplment your to office apparel predicated copy may possibly be an go through check out this behave as more busy den has an interest in pc

#866 Fred The Archer

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Posted 15 October 2012 - 07:08 AM

I'll say Monk class for Bear and archer for Sirine. Leave the Rep as is, you are a HERO.

Edited by Fred The Archer, 15 October 2012 - 07:09 AM.

#867 Usurper

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Posted 15 October 2012 - 09:46 PM

Wow, that's a lot of potential cash. Have you tried to outfit all availaible characters and see if there's anything left that we can safely sell, knowing it won't be needed in the final battle? Seems to me like we could afford another item or two by selling some of the superfluous stuff. And while I'm on the topic of availaible characters and gold, any progress on recruiting a high-lvl cleric for resurrections? These might have been adressed in the main thread but the forums are currently inaccessible to us lesser, accountless folk.

I didn't really address your other questions before, sorry. There's a poster in the main thread who tried to match all characters to all items. He said that we can really only afford to get rid of four items: an Adventurer's Robe, Traveller's Robe, Small Shield +1, and Medium Shield +1. Pretty crazy, heh. I did end up making a lot of cash by selling all the Section loot.

I think that a high-level cleric might be the last NPC that we recruit. I should probably find one. I'm thinking I'll make a story out of it. There's Nalin in the Temple of Helm, Keldath Ormlyr in the song of the Morning Temple, and Gellana Mirrorshade in the Friendly Arm Inn. Out of those three, I have used Gellana least. So from a game mechanics standpoint I could recruit her and not be missing much. From a buying stuff standpoint, Keldath Ormlyr has some sweet paladin equipment in his shop, so I wouldn't want to recruit him and lose access to that. But from a story standpoint, Nalin has already helped Brage, a man who went mad and killed his family. Syvishtar is always feeling guilty about the deaths of his party members, so maybe Nalin can give him the peace of mind that he gives Brage. And then maybe he can agree to join up with him. That might work out best. And I don't think there's anything left to do in the southern part of the map, so we probably wouldn't be missing out on him.

Edited by Usurper, 16 October 2012 - 12:43 AM.

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#868 Usurper

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Posted 16 October 2012 - 12:44 AM

Here are the votes:

Which class should Black Bear be?

A. Berserker	........
B. Monk		.............................................
C. BarBEARian   ..

Which class should Seafoam Wonderbounce be?

1. Beguiler	.........................................
2. Sorceress	.....
3. Archer	.......

Should we lower our reputation?

Yes		............................................
No		...

When the vast majority of the voices agree, that's what we do.

Edited by Usurper, 16 October 2012 - 12:45 AM.

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#869 Usurper

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Posted 17 October 2012 - 11:26 AM

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27 Tarsakh, 1370

I can't sleep.

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I couldn't eat at dinner, either. The rest of the group had a hearty meal like always. But not me. I just sat and stared at some soup. I even made sure to order soup so I could stare at it.

So that's why I'm out here. I'm walking.

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I can't think either. How long have I even been out of Candlekeep? Months, years? I try to look into this journal, to go over older entries, but they are puerile crap. I can't bear to look at them. I don't want to count the days.

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And this whole time I've been hounded. I've been attacked, my friends killed. I ran in fear for my life. Group after group of mercenaries has found me again and again. On the steps of the Friendly Arm Inn. In the Valley of the Tombs. In Nashkel. Even at the Song of the Morning Temple.

And the whole time they were being directed by an organization RIGHT HERE IN BEREGOST!

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Now Black Bear is dead.

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Imoen is dead.

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They'll all be dead eventually.

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Except the smart ones.

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The smart ones get the hell out before I kill them.

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Like Bardo.

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He refuses to even sit at the same table as me now.

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He's also one of my few traveling companions who has never died.

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The halfling isn't the sharpest sword on the wall but at least he's alive now.

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How many times has, oh, Shar-Teel died?

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Yes, let's talk about her, shall we?

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She just couldn't wait to up and walk out that door.

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I can still see it now, playing over and over in my mind like some sort of horrible looping, moving image.

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How could she just walk away like that?

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If she wasn't happy she could have said something!

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We could have worked something out!

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But no. The more well-known I became, the more we drifted apart.

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She just didn't seem to understand that she wasn't the only one with a bad experience in life.

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So focused on her father, she never cared about MY father.

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Why didn't she talk to me if she was unhappy?

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She would just give me those looks.

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Tell me she was going to kill me some day.

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Tell me to stop staring at her.

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What did she expect me to do?

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Ignore every single thing she said?

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Not care about her?

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I guess I just cared too much.

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Maybe that's my problem.

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So, what, Shar-Teel left me because I cared too much?

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That sounds kinda stupid.

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But Shar-Teel IS kinda stupid.

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Gameplay note: That was my last Nahal's Reckless Dweomer that refreshed all my spells.

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Stupid for following me as long as she did.

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But if that's the yardstick for stupid, she's not the most stupid.

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No, the most stupid among my followers is the one who's been following me the longest.

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Why does she even stick around?

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No one should ever kill their friend that many times.

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And who sticks around after dying so very, very much?

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She's probably got some kind of psychological problem.

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Yeah, following me is a symptom of some deeper, darker issues.

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All I can do is kill things.

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The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#870 Usurper

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Posted 17 October 2012 - 11:26 AM

gold... again...

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Gameplay note: 65,000 gold gone into the Weave.

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Everything I touch turns to ash.

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Death is all I'm good for.

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Even my bunnies are only for dying.

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If I summon gnolls or ogres it is only so that they can fall in my service.

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But you know what the worst part of it all is?

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I always end up okay.

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I'm not a hero. To follow me is to follow death. To know me is to know the end of everything. So tell them. Tell them what I really am. Tell them the truth about Syvishtar.

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Posted Image That depends. Exactly what sort of services can you offer?

Posted Image Well, I can spread the word of your accomplishments, perhaps in a different light. For a small amount of coin, I can sing your praises to the countryside in a way that makes you appear more powerful, more intimidating, perhaps more worthy of fear.

Posted Image I have a wide variety of things I can offer a discerning customer. What say you?

Posted Image I think it is time people realized that I am a powerful force. Let the public know that I am not to be trifled with.

Posted Image A wise decision. How much more fearsome would you like to become? A little, a modest amount, or to a dramatic extent?

Posted Image Why do it by halves? Let us see a dramatic change.

Posted Image It will not be easy, for a man of your reputation, but I love a challenge. In this case, such a commission would cost 2500 gold pieces.

Posted Image Do it.

Posted Image You should see results very soon indeed. It was a pleasure doing business with you.

Gameplay note: Reputation drops by 3 points down to 16, which is still Popular. Eh. I do it once more just to be sure.

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When I get back, I say to the general room, "Alright, I have returned. Who wants to die on the way to Baldur's Gate today?"

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Oh. Well, okay then. Your lives are in your hands.

Then I go to the house right next to the Jovial Juggler to pick up Sirine. I had to rent this house for her after her presence started fights in the Jovial Juggler.

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Gameplay note: This is not a joke. When I kicked her out of the party inside the Jovial Juggler she exhibited some sort of aura that mind-controlled several characters standing next to her, making them red-circled and starting a brawl. She even turned me red-circled, ending the game! I'd like you to know that Gavin was the bravest among my companions, rushing over to smite me first out of everyone. I guess if I ever turn evil, Gavin will strike me down without hesitation.

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Posted Image Back to the party, I need your help.

Sirine has chosen to become a Beguiler. It was inevitable, really.

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With a few short lessons she has mastered the lute, which is great, because we have two of them. First is Fabio's lute.

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She can play it extremely well. It makes me dizzy to see. The second is a lute that I picked up uh... a few hours earlier.

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Gameplay note: In addition to that, she always has an extra spell of Dire Charm available in her spells menu. The girl is going to be charming everything. Finally, she STILL has 5 pips in bows. I think that and the extra Dire Charm is because her race is [ Succubus ]. I've got no problem with that.

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Since she is the first bard we've seen in a while, she picks up two rings that have just been collecting dust, the Traveler's Ring and the Bard's Ring. They give her more magic. Indira is kind enough to give her Indira's Chainmail. With that and the Bracers of Defense A.C. 3, she is protected well enough to survive melee. Finally, she fills her quiver with 450 Arrows +2 that we got off of Section Operatives. There's more where that came from, too.

Indira lends Sirine her chainmail because she's wearing Elven Chain Mail +3, which I also picked up just a few hours ago.

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Not only is it perfectly crafted to not restrict her spellcasting abilities, it also makes her golden. Kind of like me!

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She also has Mage's Bracers to increase her spellcasting speed, and the Helm of the Flame to boost her constitution. That and one Ring of Protection +2 will keep her well protected. In her hands she wields the swords Life and Death that we picked up before. She also holds the Long Sword +2 "Section 1" in her belt simply because I know it would piss of Section Operatives. Her Amulet of the Learned and Apprentice's Ring boost her spells, and the Cloak of Displacement, Boots of Ensured Quickness, and Girdle of Defense round out her protections. She is definitely good to go.

Edwin, now, is starting to look like a real mage.

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He wears a Red Wizard Robe for its extremely good melee protections. What do they DO over there in Thay that they need such good equipment? He complements that with a Ring of Protection +2 as well as a Cloak of Protection +1. The Girdle of Bluntness gives him a little extra in that department. His inherited amulet and the Ring of Archwizardry ensure that he will hang with the rest of us in spellcasting. And I give him the Elemental Staff of Fire and a Boomerang Dagger for weapons.

We are almost completely set. All I need to do now is get my spellcasting friends up to speed in spells. For that we turn to, of course, Firebead.

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Lady Seafoam Wonderbounce doesn't know ANY spells at all. Firebead spends a lot of time with her, though, teaching her the basics and making her practice casting spells over and over and over again. Eventually he is satisfied with her performance. And then after a few days of extensive scroll scribing, we get Edwin and Indira up to speed on the party spell library as well. Finally, we are ready to go.

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It is still dark when we walk along the road. Despite the fact that the last time we came along this way we were ambushed, I still want to be nostalgic.

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One of the first things I saw after I left Candlekeep.

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When I was running for my life, wondering where to go, I sought out the Friendly Arm Inn coming this way. Spell-less, low on arrows, Imoen and a crazed mage with me.

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I remember finally making it here. The island of sanity in a sea of bandits.

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It's still pretty cool. I'll have to visit again.

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When we get there, Jaheira pipes up.

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That would have been REALLY nice to know back when we came here the first time. It might have saved Ajantis' and Finch's lives.

We are ambushed by bandits. Err, I should say bandit. There's only one.

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And then there's another one.

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But other than a few ankhegs that we ignore, there's nothing else. I wonder how that guy is doing on his farm?

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We approach Wyrm's Crossing, and as I check my journal I realize it is exactly one year and one day since I left Candlekeep. I'm still looking down at my journal and don't realize the brightly shining people waiting for us.

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Edited by Usurper, 18 October 2012 - 07:07 PM.

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#871 Usurper

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Posted 17 October 2012 - 11:27 AM

Until they start talking.

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Posted Image I believe so judging by their appearance. They look worse than the beggars on the streets.

Posted Image Probably not much of a challenge either. I was so hoping to put my fighting skills to the test.

Posted Image Perhaps have your guards dispatch them? Even they could handle this riff raff.

Posted Image I suppose I could do that, but I would have to give them the reward money.

Posted Image As if you need more coin my dear. Being of royalty has its privileges like wealth and allowing others to get their hands dirty instead of you.

Posted Image Quite right about that my love. Men, kill this person of evil and take their head, you will need it as proof for the reward.

We all cast Army of One, except for Seafoam, who has to make do with Mirror Image.

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Then we unleash hell.

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Ygrainne Windstar falls last.

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Everything happens so fast I'm not quite sure what to say. But then when I look at the loot, I say "Cha-ching!"

Gameplay note: I've actually known about these guys for a really long time and been looking forward to their loot for a long time too.

The guards were all wearing Elven Chain Mail +1,

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wielding Elven Longswords +2,

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and using Elven Longbows +2.

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I think it must have been Ygrainne who was using the Light Crossbow +3 Firetooth.

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I give this to Jaheira. She will never need ammunition again. There is also another cutlass here, the Cutlass +2 Scorcher. If only we knew some pirates...

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The Elven Chain Mail +1 can be worn by anyone, even mages, while the Elven Chain Mail +3 can be worn by Yeslick. All of us, actually, can wear them, turning us into a golden, shining force!

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Gameplay note: There are five sets of armor, and while the Elven Chain Mail +3 is 3 AC less than what Yeslick was already wearing, everyone else actually gets an AC boost to wearing them. I'm thinking of making them the official uniform of Syvishtar's army, and calling us the Golden Company. Eh? EH? Also, this whole area is incredibly, incredibly laggy. I can barely walk across the bridge. It's a slideshow. Good thing I'm doing a screenshot-based Let's Play.

The drawbridge, it's down!

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The guards, they're letting people through!

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Well, I've been there for a year...

Posted Image Beregost.

Posted Image You'll have to wait here, my commander wishes to have a word with you.

A moment later and we are introduced.

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Posted Image Yes, that was us.

Posted Image Well I'll have to say, you've made quite the commotion up here in Baldur's Gate. I can't really put my finger on a single source, but there have been many strange happenings going on within the city. It's been getting harder and harder for me to put trust in someone. I need outsiders to do some investigations, people with no connections to anyone within the city; would you be interested in working for me in such a capacity?

Posted Image If it pays well, sure.

Posted Image All right then; what I'm about to tell you must be held in the strictest confidence, do you understand? I need you to begin an investigation of the Seven Suns trading coster. The Seven Suns leadership has been acting strangely of late. They've been selling off valuable assets and neglecting many of their more profitable trading ventures. Considering the importance that the trading coster holds over the economy of the city, the Grand Dukes are noticeably upset. I've gone to talk to the coster's head, Jhasso. He rudely rebuffed me, telling me to mind my own business. I've known Jhasso for many years, and this isn't his usual behavior. I can't start up an offical investigation, as there is no real reason for doing so, that's why I need you.

Posted Image We're ready to go for it, but there's something you need to know first: we think that the Iron Throne may be behind recent events along the coast. At the mines in Nashkel and in Cloakwood we've learned much about the goals and methods of the Iron Throne, and it doesn't bode well for the future of this region.

Posted Image Well, that sheds new light on things. There's nothing I can really do about it now, but I'll make sure to look into it.

Posted Image I want you to break into the Seven Suns compound and find out what's wrong. Use stealth in your investigations; I don't want this operation to cause too much fuss. The most important person to watch for is Jhasso. Once you've found out as much as possible, report back to me at the Flaming Fist compound. I'll pay you 1,000 gold for this favor.

Posted Image The estate is located on the south-west side of town. I wish you all the best of luck. Remember, once you're done at the Seven Suns estate, it's imperative that you meet me at the Flaming Fist barracks, which are just west of the Seven Suns.

With that, he leaves, and we are free to set our feet upon new ground that has been cut off from us for such a long, long time.

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I just have to know who this lady standing near the entrance is, so I ask.

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I do see another short man next to us as we go into the city, but I don't want to stop to chat now. I need to sleep.

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We just walk right into the city.

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It is a sight to behold!

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No sooner is Yeslick done speaking when Elminster crosses my path again. Elminster the Chosen of Mystra!

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Posted Image This grand city is but a multitude of crooked alleys, where one can chance upon the most idiotic characters. But what are the chances of running into the very same idiot twice, and in such close timing? Syvishtar, you attract fools, like rotting flesh attracts flies.

Posted Image It is good to see you again. What brings you here?

Posted Image Oh, all citizens of the Sword Coast eventually pass through Baldur's Gate, and I knew thou wouldst as well. Forgive my continued meddling but I believe it is warranted, especially considering the pressures thou art no doubt confronting. My pestering of thee certainly pales in comparison to the influence thou've felt from others, including thine own self. Gorion raised thee as best he could, but 'tis hard indeed to overcome what is bred in the bone. Much more so in this case, I would imagine.

Posted Image What do you know of Gorion?

Posted Image He was long my friend and we talked often, though less after he settled down with thee. He was quite the traveler in his day, though he never regretted his new role as foster father. He felt a stable childhood would better prepare thee for... well... the problems that would eventually come. He cared deeply for thee. I hope this was not lost on you.

Posted Image He was a good man, though I would prefer to walk my own path.

Posted Image I was not suggesting that thou should do otherwise. Whatever the motives, independence is always a wise course to follow. My worry is that thy lineage is harder to escape than most. Thou've bad blood in thee, though Gorion did what he could to teach thee well and true. Thou've hungry blood within thee as well, and it will not let thee go without a fight. For better or worse, what's bred in the bone will be dealt with in time. I trust thou've the will to face what is within thee?

Posted Image I will conquer all, whether from within or afar!

Posted Image An attitude that will suffice, I suppose. Striving to be free or refusing to be dominated: six of one or a half dozen of another. This difference is unimportant for now, though sometime in the future such brash traits may prove to be a weakness. We shall see. For now, I offer basic advice and a few names. Scar of the Flaming Fist is a good man, and well worth trusting. His superior, Duke Eltan, is also a good sort. Both are to be believed when they speak. I take my leave, and wish thee well.

Ok, at least we have two friends in this city - Scar and Duke Eltan.

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#872 Usurper

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Posted 17 October 2012 - 11:27 AM

But before I get myself wrapped up in city politics I need to find a tavern. I'm freakin tired. Is it too much to...

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Posted Image That's it. We've just arrived in the city and a crowd of people are hunting for our autographs...

Posted Image I know that you probably have no interest in this, but where else can my wife and I seek help?

Posted Image I was traveling with my wife to Elthurel, when our caravan was attacked by a horde of orcs. We fled in panic with all the others. Unfortunately, our children - Falton and Vanessa - were traveling with us. It's a shame for us, but in th confusion of the attack we lost track of our children... We came back as soon as possible, but we have found no sign of the caravan or our children... One of the wounded guards, whom we found nearby, told us that as the orcs were carrying off the prisoners they had been talking about Fealn Datoon... That is an ancient name of a land located north of here... Fields of the Dead. We don't know how to get there, let alone how to defeat the orcs and get our children back.

Posted Image We have never been north of Baldur's Gate but your story has caught our attention. We'll take care of it as soon as we can.

Posted Image Thank you... I think that you should go to Ulgoth's Beard. Maybe there you'll find someone who knows how to get to the Fields of the Dead... These are very dangerous and rather rarely visited areas. Good luck. I'll be waiting for you here.

Didn't Gavin say he was from Ulgoth's Beard? Hrm. I'll have to ask him next time I see him. But for now, we need an Inn.

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Nope, not here. Oh, hey, that's a cool-looking building.

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Oh, hey, here we go. The Elfsong.

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Yeah, this is my kinda place!

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Posted Image We may not all be fighters and we may not all be mages but each of us has a monster's death throes to our name. Why do you ask?

Posted Image The roads be lined with bandits of every ilk and description but the most fearsome be them monstrous hobgoblins! Do us all a favor and place a blade into their gut!

Posted Image I wonder if that fellow's ever even been out of the city. Hobgoblins fearsome? Heehee!

Ha! My thoughts exactly. You know, I think I'm going to like this place...

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Yes, I think I'm going to like this place just fine.

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#873 AmyAE

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Posted 17 October 2012 - 11:34 AM

I like Traumatized!Syvishtar way too much.

#874 Aumanor

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Posted 17 October 2012 - 02:22 PM

Goddammit, STOP. LUGGING. ALL. THIS. GOLD. AROUND. You've quite a sum on you already, there must be something nice you can buy before you go exposing yourself AND your sacks to the whims of the weave.

#875 Justify

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Posted 18 October 2012 - 05:44 PM

Hahahaha, that was the best post-breakup monolog I have read in a very, very long time. Bravo!

Also, unless some modder has changed this, you are the same level as the Grand Dukes. No idea how Syvishtar would react to this, but you might be able to do something fun with it.

#876 Usurper

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Posted 18 October 2012 - 07:59 PM

Hmmmm... interesting information. And thanks for the compliments :). I just got my first "critic" on the main thread so it's nice to know his isn't a majority opinion.

I wanted to outline something that happened last update that not many people caught, so I wrote up a little mini-update:

Tactical Mini-update aka Super Gameplay note

Such a crazy thing happened with wild surges last time that I wanted to explain exactly what was going on, because even I was surprised. I didn't know this was possible.

When I got to the Section 1 level that I had abandoned in the update before last, I was alone. I used Nahal's Reckless Dweomer to cast Project Image.

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Project Image is a level 7 illusion spell that copies the wizard. The wizard's actual body is concealed with Invisibility, and the illusory copy of the wizard is visible. The image has the same spells and hit points as the wizard, and can move around. The caster, on the other hand, is basicaly Held for the duration of the spell, since he must maintain concentration.

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Having one illusory copy of Syvishtar walking around is already dangerous enough, and normally the limit of the spell. But when I cast it, the wild surge "Caster also targeted" fired, which apparently means that two copies of Syvishtar were created.

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So two copies of Syvishtar, each with all the spells of the original Syvishtar, are now running rampant throughout the complex. Well, actually, I had one additional problem. The copies did not have line of sight, so if they walked beyond the range of the actual Syvishtar's sight range, they disappeared. Hence, I had to cast Wizard Eye to keep an eye on them.

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They managed to kill that one guy with Magic Missiles and stuff, and then moved on to the halway, where they Fireballed the shit out of everything.

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Then I had the great idea of having them both Summon Wild Hordes at the same time. So this is a double-dose of suicidal exploding bunny rabbits.

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Unfortunately immediately after they summoned a Lesser Fire Elemental and the double horde of bunnies, both Project Images' durations ran out, and they disappeared.

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I tried to Project another Image, but instead I got a random spell scroll.

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Plus, some Section Elites found my actual self and started attacking me.

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So I ended up summoning more bunnies to confuse them and another Lesser Fire Elemental to beat them up.

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Then I summoned some ogres and did the rest of the mod with them, only resting once, and sometimes resorting to using the level 7 spell Infernal Combustion Enigma through Nahal's Reckless Dweomer.

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What I did would not be possible with any other class, and I thought was not possible even with the Wild Mage. I look forward to the day we are much higher level and the duration of Project Image is not so short. Hopefully I can do another dual-Project Image smackdown some day against an important baddie, like Irenicus.
The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#877 Usurper

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Posted 20 October 2012 - 05:53 PM

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2 Mirtul, 1370

It has now been officially over a year since I left Candlekeep, and I have gained immeasurable power during that time.

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In fact, I now believe I am the equal of Firebead Elvenhair, or any other number of senior wizards in my old home. I have learned so very much about the Weave.

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I have experienced its work upon my very body.

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Gameplay note: With 374,488 xp to go to get to level 12, I'm pretty sure I'm done leveling for Baldur's Gate.

But it seems like there is always something more to learn.

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Posted Image Study the spellbook for a while, and see if you can learn something new.

Posted Image You spend some time, browsing through the book...

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Posted Image Try to learn the spell "Paithan's Lucky Streak".

Posted Image You succeed in learning the spell.

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Gameplay note: Damn! Talk about a great spell! It can potentially keep going forever?

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Posted Image Study the spellbook for a while, and see if you can learn something new.

Posted Image You spend some time, browsing through the book...

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Posted Image Try to learn the spell "Paithan's Fiasco".

Posted Image You succeed in learning the spell.

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Gameplay note: And something to curse my enemies with. Awesome!

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Posted Image Study the spellbook for a while, and see if you can learn something new.

Posted Image You spend some time, browsing through the book...

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Posted Image Try to learn the spell "Wildstrike".

Posted Image You try to learn the spell, but it's too difficult. You need more experience in the art before you can learn it.

I think I saw something else in there...

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Posted Image Study the spellbook for a while, and see if you can learn something new.

Posted Image You spend some time, browsing through the book...

Posted Image Try to learn the spell "Meece's Wild Armour".

Posted Image You succeed in learning the spell.

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Gameplay note: That sounds like a lot of fun. Making enemies trigger a wild surge by hitting me? I can't wait to try this out either.

I can understand it, but I can't cast it yet. This and Paithan's Fiasco are level 6 spells, which are out of my reach. My sword seems to be thinking of something else.

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After a good rest and good study, I decide to try to get to know the people in this bar. I hope I don't hate anyone. First that little halfling over there.

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Posted Image Ah yes, well, um... you... you ah... oh how do I approach this? You are... ah... for hire? I mean... ah... I need a... job done. Get my intent? A... JOB done. Strictly hush hush, I believe you would say.

Posted Image Speak your mind, sir, so I might know your meaning.

Posted Image I should like to procure your talents for a... ah... unique service, though it's not like you would have to do anything socially untoward. Well... perhaps a bit, though not so much untoward as... ah... illegal.

Heh, this little guy is so nervous it's cute.

Posted Image What's the score, my little friend?

Posted Image That's the spirit! A little larceny never hurt anyone! Well... it won't hurt ME anyway. And to be fair, I would prefer if no one else suffered any injury during this exploit. I mean, I want you to steal something, but I want you to do it in as nice a way possible. It's roguery on par with Danilo Thann of Waterdeep, and I'll pay you well. 250 gold for one night's work. It's better than you could hope for in a year on the docks!

It is? Damn.

Posted Image You can stop trying to sell me, I'm interested. Just tell me what the actual job is, and why you are willing to take such a risk.

Posted Image Oh, it's a marvelous trinket! A wondrously curious little toy from distant Lantan. What did they call it... OH yes... a 'telescope', of all things. It's a misleading name for such an interestingly crafted artifact. 'Golden Extra-Farseer' would have suited its craftsmanship so much better. There is not another like it this side of the Trackless Sea! The others I know of are as big as elephants, and you couldn't steal one without an elephant to haul it. Most gnomes have a fixation of sorts, but I don't share the love of gems that possesses my kin. I prefer the feel of metal, and the intricacies of the mechanical. Not that I necessarily understand the function, but it's not right for such an item to be locked away regardless It was meant to be used and to be held by loving ands, and if those hands just happen to be mine, more's the better. The tele-thingy is on display at the Hall of Wonders, and were it in the possession of anyone else it might be purchasable. No doubt you know that the Hall of Wonders is an extension of the High House, the temple to Gond. Being the god of artifice and invention his followers take to revering mechanical devices, and will not part with an original at any price. It's not as though they make proper use of such things! Keeping them behind locked doors where loving hands cannot explore their subtleties. The tele-whatzit was made to be USED, not worshipped! It must be in the hands of someone who can truly appreciate it! Not to be immodest, but that someone is me! I suppose I might buy a replica, but would you wish a copy of a diamond? It's just not the same.

Posted Image Ah, yes. We trudged all this way to Baldur's Gate in order to steal a... a tele-whatzit for this foolish little man. Or am I wrong, Syvishtar?

Posted Image 'Telescope', madam... is such a clumsy word... if you know what I mean... I apologize, if I offended...

Posted Image 250 gold for all that, eh? This is not a bad offer, though I think you could do better.

Posted Image It's a risky venture, I'll grant you that. Perhaps I can sweeten the prospect a little. I will add a magical item from my own personal collection. It will be difficult to part with one of my treasures, but definitely worth it. Will it suffice for you?

Posted Image It is certainly a difficult task you've set before me, you windy little man, but I will accept the challenge.

Posted Image Wonderful! Oh this is SO bad of me! Ahem... well, I shall leave you to your preparations. It will certainly be a test of your mettle entering the Hall. I imagine an experienced roustabout such as yourself will "case the join" thoroughly, eh? Get the guards schedule down and all that? Oh, if only I could be a part of it. It's thrilling, like the songs of legend. I'll meet you back here once the burglary is announced. Hee hee, it's too much fun.

Posted Image I'm not sure this is a good idea. I'm all for recovering lost magical treasures and being paid for it, but this "Golden Extra Farseer" isn't lost, and I'm no thief!

Posted Image Yes, suddenly becoming a common thief is indeed "too much fun." Having the Flaming Fist list us as wanted criminals for this burglary, while we are attempting to investigate the situation in the city, will be even more fun, will it not? How did I ever end up with one such as you, Syvishtar?

Posted Image You must lead an exciting life, madam.

Bah! Sticks-in-the-mud! I'm already intrigued by this diversion. No big huge evil here, just one telescope and one way-too-excited gnome. It's like I'm on vacation. I go talk to this next guy standing in the corner.

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Wood of Sharp Teeth, eh? I might have taken those guys out already.

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#878 Usurper

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Posted 20 October 2012 - 05:55 PM

I'll check up on it and get back to him though.

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Posted Image Thanks for the pointer.

Posted Image No problem, have yourself a good time now.

I guess I already know that.

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We've also got a jeweler here, hawking his wares.

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Posted Image Nice to meet you too. Show us what you have.

At first he only shows me gems and other things, but the rings and necklaces are amazing! He's got Rings of Wizardry, another Amulet of Wyvern Summoning, Rings of Protection +2, and other stuff. His most expensive stuff is 54,000 gold. I'll have to keep him in mind.

Next to him stands Jolun.

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Posted Image Fancy a drink?

Posted Image Only if you're buying.

Posted Image I would, but I fear that I am a little short. But for a pittance, I would paint some grand hero in your likeness in my fresco for the duchal palace.

Posted Image What say you?

Posted Image Why not? Here's to art!

Posted Image My muse arises, refreshed by your generosity! Thank you most kindly, sir.

It was only 5 gold. Nothing wrong with a drink now and then.

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I see those rumors are still flying around. I bet that's Iron Throne work.

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Posted Image Hey, don't I know you? We met north of Nashkel on the road.

Posted Image Indeed. yes, I remember you. I told you where I was going, didn't I?

Posted Image I was so confident on my way here. Nervous maybe, but more due to my happy expectations. Now I am here, sitting on a wood bench, instead of going to my beloved.

Posted Image Why's that?

Posted Image It is ridiculous, isn't it? I carry the heritage of a half-orc, I am big and strong. But I don't dare approach my beloved, because I'm frightened of her reaction.

Posted Image But you already met her, didn't you?

Posted Image We never met before. And that is exactly the problem. All communication took place via letters and other presents we sent. I... my ancestors are mainly human, but due to some freak of nature, my half-orc ancestry shows clearly in me. My fiance' knows about my heritage, but does she really know what it means? I fear nothing more than the moment the eyes of my correspondence partner turn all cold and dismissive upon realizing what I am.

Posted Image You will never find out if you stay seated here!

Posted Image It is true, what you said. Only I've already encountered far too many disappointments...

Posted Image I will stay a while longer and think about it.

Okay, well, if you want buddy. It's a free city. I guess. I turn to the bartender.

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Posted Image Yes.

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Amn and the Zhentarim? OMINOUS.

Posted Image I hear there's rumors of Shadow Thieves here in Baldur's Gate. I dunno if it's true, but if it is, I betcha they're here to scout out for an Amnish invasion.

Are the two sets of Shadow Armor in my pocket plane evidence of the truth of this? Hmmm...

Posted Image I heard that the Merchants' League is having a lot of trouble. Seems that the three owners are squabbling about how to run the place. The Iron Throne's been taking advantage of that situation. If things continue as they are, the Throne soon won't have any competition. Kinda strange considering they only moved into the city a couple of years back.

I really need to check out this Iron Throne sometime soon.

Posted Image I ain't gonna serve you another drop, you can barely stand as it is. Best you sleep it off before you go out lookin' for trouble.

Alri', alri', I goin'.

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The next day, I wake up to my spellbook on my chest. What... what the hell is this?

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Gameplay note: Random spells all the way baby!

Eh, what can it hurt? I stumble out of bed and look for the kitchen.

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Where can a guy get some food?

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Hey, screw you wench lady!

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Were those problems involving food? Ooh, look, stairs.

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Holy crap! Freakin' jackpot man!

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We're definitely going to be staying here long-term. As soon as we can take care of the riffraff.

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Posted Image I am sorry to disturb you 'friend', I'll just be on my way.

Yeah, okay, we have to go tell the others about this. Let the great migration begin!

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There are just... so many people!

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That they are, indeed. Disturbingly so. Anyways, we'd best be on our way.

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I could just let most of my companions make their own way to Baldur's Gate, but the roads are still dangerous and I don't want any of them to die needlessly. So I go back to escort them myself.

We run into a little trouble. Not much though.

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The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#879 Usurper

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Posted 20 October 2012 - 05:55 PM

During our trip I can't help but admire how awesome my companions look in matching elven chainmail.

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(photo not available)

all led by...

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Together they ARE...


By the time my reverie is done, we are here.

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And I begin the long, arduous process of personally escorting my personal army to the Elfsong Tavern.

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Gameplay note: I actually do have to manually drag these guys to the Elfsong. I think I can do it with dialog for some of the others though.

I take a good look at Black Bear. He seems unnaturally calm these days.

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Then we're off! We run into no trouble on the way. And I can't stop laughing at the looks on everyone's faces when I stroll into town, a bear and a squirrel at my side.

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When we get to the Elfsong, I drop them off on the second floor near the food. Then I notice a new woman hanging around, so I talk to her. It turns out to be the owner.

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Posted Image I have nothing to fear from this rabble. They will find themselves on MY edge for any threat posed.

Posted Image Your confidence is impressive, though it will prove a poor shield against the blows sure to come if you insist on continuing with that attitude. My Tavern is as much a place for self-reflection as it is for shady deals and the hiring of killers. You will find that most of the regulars are not to be taken lightly. Watch your back against the stares of strangers.

Good advice, actually. I'll keep it in mind. And I do, all the way back to the Jovial Juggler.

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And then 24 hours later...

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And then it's back again.

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Still? What do I have to do here man?

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Edited by Usurper, 22 October 2012 - 05:58 AM.

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#880 Usurper

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Posted 20 October 2012 - 05:57 PM

When I take this group with me, something happens when we get to Wyrm's Crossing.

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Posted Image I am.

Posted Image Short and to the point.

Posted Image My name is Imanel Silversword.

Posted Image I am in the mood for a pleasant conversation, but Tazok mentioned that it was your wife who did all the talking, not you. *sigh*

Posted Image Tazok is a friend of mine, if you failed to understand the subtlety of my hint.

Posted Image You have my bow.

Posted Image Oh, yes, Tazok would not know what to do with your bow, being elven made and enchanted for only elves to use. So I have it now. It is a sweet weapon, Kivan.

Posted Image I like it.

Posted Image Deheriana gave me this bow for our wedding. If there is a drop of honor left in you, you will return it to me, oath-breaker.

Posted Image Oath-breaker? I can see that you have some sense of humor. I like it in men.

Posted Image At least I hope that's what it is. Or are you indeed one of those pathetic creatures who take the ranger's vows seriously?

Posted Image I pity those who foreswore, not those who kept to their word.

Posted Image No sense of humor, then?

Posted Image How disappointing! Well, let us talk business then, shall we? I have a generous heart, and I am in need of men. The blasted fools I traveled with got themselves killed when you sacked our camp. *shrugs* What do you expect of Na'N'Tel'Quess - barely persons? You are an Elf, at least.

Posted Image I am inclined to give you a chance - I will take you under my protective wing and teach you what life is all about, Kivan.

Posted Image I will not ally myself with your cause.

Posted Image Oh, do not you understand that your second option is a gravestone with your name on it? That slow, eh?

Posted Image I was paid for the task of returning your head to Tazok. I intend to *fulfill my vow*, if you do not give me a reason to spare you.

Posted Image Refuse my offer, and there would be no revenge for your pitiful Deheriana. If you take it... I'll help you to backstab Tazok. After all, he would be insisting that I cut that lovely throat of yours with all the brutal stubbornness of his lesser race.

Posted Image When the prospect of payback is equal, I ally myself with the cutest side, and you have that advantage over Tazok, Kivan.

Posted Image Hmmm... if you wash some.

Posted Image I will not ally myself with your cause.

Posted Image Oh, not the *same* words again! Do not make a mistake of taking me lightly, mellonamin.

Posted Image I dread a day when I call someone like you a friend, but I do not underestimate you. You look like quite an accomplished murderer, Imanel Silversword.

Posted Image Then you choose death.

Posted Image *sighs* And I was even going to offer you back that bow... after we would have found a better one.

Posted Image I cannot go around forever with a bow which has "mela en' coiamin Kivan" inscribed all over it. "My beloved Kivan..." - and that's not the worst of it.

Posted Image I wonder why your little wife did not use parchment to write all this nonsense down and give it to you? Ah, I know! She was sure that the bow would never leave your hands...

Posted Image How touching.

Posted Image Kinslaying is not something I wish to do, Imanel. Allow me to escort you to the Flaming Fist's quarters or to any other authorities you would wish to surrender to. There might be yet a chance for you to redeem yourself.

Posted Image Kivan, you are a fool, and you are soon to be a dead fool. Does anyone among you have a brain? Join me, and we shall have loads of gold and fun together.

Posted Image The imbecile ranger, of course, will have to be killed...

Posted Image You, elf, you seem to be in charge of this... band. What say you?

Posted Image What's with all these wolves?

Posted Image My wolves are my company. However, I'm involved in all sorts of assignments, and as often as not I require someone walking on two feet and speaking Common. Of course, I will not accept someone totally unknown to me into my service, so I will require you to pass a small test. Here, kill the ranger, let me see you in action.

Posted Image Silversword, you have taken enough of our time with your chatter. Kivan is my friend. I will fight at his side, no matter what. His enemy is my enemy.

Posted Image *chuckles* Rubbish sticks together. More spoils then. I repeat my question: does anyone cherish free lifestyle in your midst? Or any lifestyle for that matter?

Posted Image Syvishtar, goth en gothamin ar' mellon en mellonamin - foe of my foe and friend of my friend - by the first sapling that rose where Shilmista now stands and by the last shadow it will cast before all things will end, I swear to give my blood for you.

Posted Image Snowball, attack! Swiftclaw, FORWARD! Dread, gut them! Babe, be a good girl and KILL! Fang, stop drooling all over this good Lord and rip his throat, already!

Hasn't this bitch heard the latest from the Lake Poets?

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I'll freeze her and her pets too.

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Gameplay note: It's ironic because I'm pretty sure all these wolves are the source of the lag that makes this map almost unplayable. And now, instead, *I* will freze *them*. Ha.

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If this isn't enough, I have fire too.

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And chaos blades.

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Just before he dies, the vampiric wolf manages to Hold me. I'm actually in trouble now.

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But my party comes to save me! Kivan intervenes with his bow. Gavin heals me. Viconia uses her Chakram to kill wolves. And Rose puts it all to music.

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We finally take them all out.

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Then we skin the Winter Wolf, loot the body of Silversword, and get the hell out of here. Kivan is not impressed with Baldur's Gate.

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When we get to the Elfsong Tavern, I look over what Silversword had.

The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.