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BiG World Project (BWP) v10.3 released

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#41 Suslik



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Posted 21 January 2012 - 03:12 AM

Yep, it was the only major error during the installation. There were also a weird error:
Installing [Alternate NPC-Portraits for Region of Terror] [v2.1]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying 1 file ...
Copying 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying 1 file ...
Copying 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying 1 file ...
Copying 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying 1 file ...
Copying 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying 1 file ...
Copying 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying 1 file ...
Copying 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying 1 file ...
Copying 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying 1 file ...
Copying 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying 1 file ...
Copying 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying 1 file ...
Copying 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying 1 file ...
Copying 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying 1 file ...
Copying 1 file ...

ERROR: error loading [./override/.]
ERROR: error loading [.]
ERROR: error loading [./override/.]
ERROR: error loading [.]
What is this?

I will try and replace IR2 with IR3 then re-install the whole thing and report here.

#42 10th

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Posted 21 January 2012 - 06:17 AM

Yep, it was the only major error during the installation. There were also a weird error:

Afaik it's the nearest thing to an error code you'll get, when you opt to install everything at the first question. As it's showing two failed
error loading [./override/.]

I assume that you didn't install Tortured Souls v6.10 for BP.


Avast! You cannot defeat our titan-mounted submarine staffed by cannibal vikings! - Nodwick

"I grab his deceased spirit and piledrive it back into his body, duplicating raise dead." - Psyren Oots board

#43 Suslik



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Posted 21 January 2012 - 06:31 AM

I have tested the install for a bit. I have noticed that all spells from "the darkest day" such as "Mordenkainen's force missles", spwi440.spl are overriden with some weird ones like "Two handed sword". Yeah, an item instead of spell? Similar problem was discussed here: http://www.shsforums...19080-question/ but with no solution.
change log on spwi440:
[WeiDU.exe] Using scripting style "BG2"
override/SPWI440.spl //ok
override/SPWI440.SPL CtB/backup/0/SPWI440.SPL //ok 
override/spwi440.spl spell_rev\backup/0/spwi440.spl //ok
override/SPWI440.SPL BPv180/BACKUP/0/SPWI440.SPL //FAIL

Mods affecting SPWI440.SPL:
00000: /* from game biffs */ ~SETUP-TDD.TP2~ 0 0 // The Darkest Day,  v1.14: v1.14 //ok
00001: ~SETUP-CTB.TP2~ 0 0 // Check The Bodies: 1.13 //ok
00002: ~SPELL_REV/SETUP-SPELL_REV.TP2~ 0 0 // Spell Revisions: v3 //ok
00003: ~SETUP-BPV180.TP2~ 0 0 // Big Picture AI/Enhancement Mod, version 180: v180ba BWP Fix //FAIL
00004: /* acted upon in an indetectable manner */~GENERALIZED_BIFFING/GENERALIZED_BIFFING.TP2~ 0 0 // Generalized Biffing: v2.2
00005: /* acted upon in an indetectable manner */~GENERALIZED_BIFFING/GENERALIZED_BIFFING.TP2~ 0 0 // Generalized Biffing: v2.2
I have marked the backup versions of the spell with "ok"s and "FAIL"s to determine which mod is responsible for such behaviour. But I cannot figure out - is it Big Picture or Spell Revisions?
I have Big Picture v180 and Spell Revisions v3.0
Update: it seems that Spell Revisions v3.0 is responsible. Is the problem fixed in SR3.1?

I am currently going to reinstall the thing due to item revisions fail and I am thinking if I want to change anything else. Is it my fail or big picture's?

I assume that you didn't install Tortured Souls v6.10 for BP.

Nope, TS 6.10 was installed successfully. But the mod was reported to be installed successfully so i think i'll just ignore this error.

Edited by Suslik, 21 January 2012 - 08:01 AM.

#44 Suslik



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Posted 21 January 2012 - 02:30 PM

Sorry for lots of flood from me in this thread, just trying to clarify some things about current state of BWP 10.3:

All mods of "tactical" installation were installed successfully without major errors. So I am keeping this setup for a full walkthrough and will report any in-game issues in a separate thread.

Now about minor errors during installation:
Installing [Prestige Kit Pack Basic]
Copying 1 file ...
Extending game scripts ...

[ppk/script/xbaldur25.baf] PARSE ERROR at line 3 column 1-23
Near Text: )
	[Kit] argument [TEMPPRST] not found in [KIT.IDS]

[ppk/script/xbaldur25.baf] PARSE ERROR at line 13 column 1-23
Near Text: )
	[Kit] argument [TEMPPRST] not found in [KIT.IDS]

[ppk/script/xbaldur25.baf] PARSE ERROR at line 23 column 1-23
//and so on, about a dozen of similar errors
Installing [NM-Relationship: Expansion of original game scripts]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying 1 file ...
Extending game scripts ...
Copying 1 file ...
Extending game scripts ...

[NMR/4/baf/Original/m_shout.baf] PARSE ERROR at line 105 column 1-26
Near Text: )
	[Heard] argument [HELP57] not found in [SHOUTIDS.IDS]
Installing [NM-Relationship: Relationship System Scripts of Former Companions (Compatible with SCSI&II)]
Compiling 21 scripts ...

[NMR/CORE/RFL/1/M_RFLFM.baf] PARSE ERROR at line 902 column 1-41
Near Text: )
	[HaveSpell] argument [WIZARD_KHELBENS_WARDING_WHIP] not found in [Spell.IDS]

[NMR/CORE/RFL/1/M_RFLFM.baf] PARSE ERROR at line 917 column 1-58
Near Text: )
	[Spell] argument [WIZARD_KHELBENS_WARDING_WHIP] not found in [Spell.IDS]
//skipped about a dozen of similar errors
and a few more of similar ones:

Installing [Compatible with SCSI&II]
Compiling 21 scripts ...

[NMRF-PC\bs-scs/M_RF_FM.baf] PARSE ERROR at line 1373 column 1-41
Near Text: )
	[HaveSpell] argument [WIZARD_KHELBENS_WARDING_WHIP] not found in [Spell.IDS]

[NMRF-PC\bs-scs/M_RF_FM.baf] PARSE ERROR at line 1388 column 1-58
Near Text: )
	[Spell] argument [WIZARD_KHELBENS_WARDING_WHIP] not found in [Spell.IDS]

[NMRF-PC\bs-scs/M_RF_FMC.baf] PARSE ERROR at line 2155 column 1-41
Also the same error for RoT portraits:
ERROR: error loading [./override/.]
ERROR: error loading [.]
ERROR: error loading [./override/.]
ERROR: error loading [.]
Yep, that's about it. The Darkest Day spells(mordenkainen, cat's grace, etc) were fixed by updating Spell Revisions from 3.0 to 3.1, Item Revisions installed successfully by updating from 2.0 to 3.0b1. You can take a look at my Big World Debug.txt for more details:
http://dl.dropbox.co...World Debug.zip

#45 10th

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Posted 21 January 2012 - 03:07 PM

NMR fails because there's only WIZARD_WARDING_WHIP in Spell.ids.

Prestige Kitpack:
Just a hunch, but as xbaldur25.baf contains references to kits, which aren't yet present in the kit.ids, as they're added further down in the tp2, it's bound to fail to compile properly.

Avast! You cannot defeat our titan-mounted submarine staffed by cannibal vikings! - Nodwick

"I grab his deceased spirit and piledrive it back into his body, duplicating raise dead." - Psyren Oots board

#46 Beleg33


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Posted 21 January 2012 - 09:21 PM

Tried to install 2 different BWP with the latest BGT, BGT fails everytime probably due to incomptaibility with BW fixpack?

Attached Files

Random spambot #8434678 said :

you should liquor multiplying great deal supplment your to office apparel predicated copy may possibly be an go through check out this behave as more busy den has an interest in pc

#47 Suslik



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Posted 22 January 2012 - 04:58 AM

First of all, it seems you have installed BG to Program Files directory. Secondly, you have it in Baldur's Gate directory - " ' " sighn cannot be recognized by some programs (ToB patch for example) so I recommend to install to a more reliable folder like "d:\games\BGI" for Baldur's Gate 1 and "d:\games\BGII - SoA" for ToB.

And errors in fixpacks are often caused by the version of the component fix is applied to. So post your BGT version.

#48 -Beleg33-

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Posted 22 January 2012 - 05:32 AM

Tried to install 2 different BWP with the latest BGT, BGT fails everytime probably due to incomptaibility with BW fixpack?

Windows XP SP2 here, so no problem about directories or whatever, I'm on a roll of 1 install / day lately (just to pinpoint what was causing so much slowdown in my installs, because LStest never gets to install; looks like turambar fix about drow items desintegration, w/e not the issue here).

Latest BGT

Thought that was clear, BGT 1.13.

#49 Suslik



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Posted 22 January 2012 - 05:44 AM

Enter the full path to your Baldur's Gate installation then press Enter.
User answer: ""C:\Program Files\Black Isle\Baldur's Gate""

Do you want to biff all new resources? (recommended, except for mega-modification installations)
[Y]es or [N]o
Stopping installation because of error.
Personally I'm using BGT 1.12 and I do not have any of those lines in my setup-bgt.debug. maybe try and roll back to 1.12?

And you have your path in double " " " sign, which can be interpreted like "" bla bla "" - empty string, gibberish, empty string. If you have set that path manually, try removing one quote pair, and leave it like "%your path%" instead of ""%your path%"".

#50 Lollorian


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Posted 22 January 2012 - 06:20 AM

The overhauling of the install process in BGTv1.13 requires changes to the BWPInstallpack, BWPFixpack and BWPBorkpack so you might wanna wait a bit (or use BGTv1.12 :P)

Just in case the linkliste maintainers missed it btw, the updated BWPBorkpack is ready :D

"I am the smiley addict, yellow and round, this is my grin :D when I'm usually around :P.
When there's trouble brewing, see me post, cuz it's usually a wall o' yellow and your eyes are toast!!!"


GitHub Links : BWP Fixpack | Lolfixer | BWP Trimpack | RezMod

#51 Beleg33


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Posted 22 January 2012 - 07:44 AM

That's just what I expected, just reported so BWP maintainers can look at what goes wrong with the new version of BGT ^^
Also I think after looking a bit into the new tp2 that BGT fetches the BG1 install path directly from registry entries?

Edited by Beleg33, 22 January 2012 - 07:47 AM.

Random spambot #8434678 said :

you should liquor multiplying great deal supplment your to office apparel predicated copy may possibly be an go through check out this behave as more busy den has an interest in pc

#52 Bartimaeus


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Posted 22 January 2012 - 08:11 AM

Hi. Now that I've finally figured out my account password, I can finally report this:

Clean install. Version 10.3.3 of the BWP Installpack. Before I can even get started installing anything, every time I try and run the BiG World Install.bat, it says I'm missing these files from my BG1 install right after I select a BGT install vs. BG2 only:


(ignore the %BGO% - the lines were taken from some file called BG1_Check.bat that seemed to record my error or already knew the error beforehand)

Not sure what to do. BG1+TotSC+TotSC Patch 5512. BG2+ToB+ToB Patch 26498. No modifications. Overrides still exist and match patched versions, (had problems in the past where they would be randomly deleted sometime during the installation if I ever ran into an error - which is why I created backup overrides of the patched versions of the games). Characters folder exists, (though the actual files inside are deleted - if it doesn't exist, then you also get an error). Data/movies are in the default/right place in both installs, (as opposed to where I usually put them which breaks the installation). Cannot locate any of those files from the errors anywhere in either my BG1 or BG2 install. The DOS prompt tells me to locate them on the CD(s), but they're not there, and nor should they be unless they're in the default data files vs. an override, (why would the CDs/default install have an override?). I still even have the Baldur's Gate 2 directory named Baldurs Gate II, (vs. renaming it to Baldur's Gate II. For some reason, both sets of my Baldur's Gate 2 installation disks omit apostrophes when installing so I have to rename them - very annoying as when I rename it to Baldur's Gate II, it'll mess up stuff sometimes). I even have it on a separate partition from my operating system, (so no C:\Program Files (x86)\ or whatever problems).

Anyone know what's up? I've reinstalled both BG1 and BG2 twice after my original installation and I still get the error. I, of course, deleted any remnants of the game directories after uninstalling.

P.S. and Off-Topic: Anyone else running into problems viewing avatars? Can't see a single person's...and haven't been able to for the past few days.

(edit) And without doing anything and trying again, now it says I'm missing the TotSC 5512 patch, even though I'm absolutely one hundred percent certain I've installed it, especially since there's a file called readme_patch that says "Tales of the Sword Coast", and, "Release Version 1.3.5512". Have the original BG1 5CD + 1 CD TotSC, and the original 4 CD + 1 CD Throne of Bhaal disk sets.

Edited by Bartimaeus, 22 January 2012 - 08:26 AM.

#53 hook71

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Posted 22 January 2012 - 09:05 AM

Bartimaeus, I would suggest you read this: http://www.shsforums...wp-for-newbies/

The missing files for your BG1 installation can be downloaded here: http://www.shsforums...attach_id=15176

I think it's a bad idea to rename your BGII-directory after installation. I suggest you install into "BGII - SoA" as this will work with all mods.

#54 Suslik



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Posted 22 January 2012 - 09:16 AM

I think it's a bad idea to rename your BGII-directory after installation. I suggest you install into "BGII - SoA" as this will work with all mods.

It is. But you can always copy/move/rename BG directory after the install script is done. Don't forget to modify paths in baldur.ini accordingly of course.

#55 Bartimaeus


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Posted 22 January 2012 - 12:57 PM

Bartimaeus, I would suggest you read this: http://www.shsforums...wp-for-newbies/

The missing files for your BG1 installation can be downloaded here: http://www.shsforums...attach_id=15176

I think it's a bad idea to rename your BGII-directory after installation. I suggest you install into "BGII - SoA" as this will work with all mods.

Aha! Thank you for the links. This should help things.

I didn't rename my "Baldurs Gate II" folder - not yet, anyways - well unless you count changing it during installation to something besides BGII - SoA - but that should be fine, right? I'll change it to include the apostrophe after I'm finished doing everything. I'm a rather OCD person...

@Suslik, but of course! Otherwise I'll get that pesky -1 error whenever I start the game up, (as it won't be able to locate any of the data files).

#56 Anduin Shadow Mantle

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Posted 24 January 2012 - 09:16 AM

I have encountered an error installing with SCSII while doing a repeat install to rid myself of the Askaria mod... (800000xp for a monster you just got to use Ctrl-R to survive against... And I'm still in Beregost at lvl3! No!)

I include the debugs and Weidu. will post on the G3 forum as well.

Basically the Ust Natha Upgraded defences did not install and the improved encounters (due to the what the BiG World debug says something to do with SCS?)

This is a tiny weeny itsy bitsy bug that is not gonna stop me playing this install. But I am doing my duty for the anti-orc effort!

Attached File  BiG+SCSII Debug plus WeiDU log.7z   900.52K   242 downloads

P.S. Who do I moan at to get the background to the messaging boards changed... We gnomes are sensitive to this bright white... It damages the ol' infravision!

#57 Dakk

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Posted 25 January 2012 - 11:11 AM

I have encountered an error installing with SCSII [...]

Resolved locally by DavidW, pending upload.

#58 Quester

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Posted 25 January 2012 - 01:27 PM

@Leonardo Watson

Having gone through the install.bat to edit it to my own liking, I found a few things you may wish to fix for the next edition of BWP. Mostly these are inconsistencies between what the pdf states and what is actually in the install.bat:

iepbanters: component 5 - installed according to pdf, but not in the install.bat

varshoon: component 1 - installed according to pdf, but not in the install.bat

zalnoya: component 1 - installed according to pdf, but not in the install.bat

yikari: component 4 and 5 are in the install.bat, but are not listed in the pdf (also, the install.bat doesn't have include any check for the kuroisan compatibility as the pdf seems to suggest)

atweaks: component 118 - installed according to pdf, but not in the install.bat

item revisions: component 15 installed according to pdf, but install.bat includes both 15 and 16 (which are mutually exclusive)

And also, a couple additional notes/questions: both bp-balancer's xp tweaks and atweak's xp tweaks are set to be installed. Is this really intentional?

And, is there any particular reason why "make Watcher's Keep accessible between SoA and ToB" from SCSII is marked as expert in the install.bat?

#59 Anduin Shadow Mantle

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Posted 26 January 2012 - 01:29 AM

Nice reasearch questor... Can I enquire what .pdf version you are using?

Looking at .pdf ver. 10.3.1 english, Yikari actually says move the file sdnpc.exe and only has 0 to 3 as possible components... what happened to 4 and 5? :(
On my install.bat I have all the numbers 0 to 5 to be installed... What am I installing? :ermm:

iepbanters... restoring a missing interjection in the underdark... is that not restored by another mod (not sure which...)

Varshoon paperdoll component... would that effect 1pp paperdolls?

Zalnoya standardised vampire encounters sorted by SCSII

Hmmmmm... At least someone has toned down the whiteness of the forum background... I do miss the mellow yellow.

#60 Anduin Shadow Mantle

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Posted 26 January 2012 - 03:49 AM

Small issue. The downloads say that 10.4.7 has been released... However you can still only download ver. 10.3.4.

I presume typo?

I get excited when a new install.bat comes out... And when a new fixpack comes out... or a new mod... ANYTHING Baldur's actually...