What is the difference between Leomar's BWS and Leonardo's BWS? And does it really matter?
Can I still use BWS to download most of the non-updated mods (from may I believe) onto my comp?
BWS is useful as it will give me a list of the mods it could not download or find. This may be due to Gibberlings3 being down or new versions of the mod being available. Super! So I can use the list, download these myself ( a link to the list of all the mods can be found on the BiGWorld Guide, yep, I've read it!) and then I just extract them into the BG-SoA folder, making sure I shut down any DOS boxes if they appear... Now I just need to use the BWinstallpack.
But aaargh! Doesn't BWS modify this so it matches your settings? i.e. Change the settings in Auroras boots mod to get more gold than the standard BW settings for instance. or maybe a better question should be... Do I now need to make all changes by changing the BWinstall batch files?
And can we add the packmule mod to the next version please. I know nothing to do with the rest of the thread but fit it in where I can

And if this has all been answered before... Don't slap me too hard Jarno!