In BWP 9.2-9.10 sometimes spell turning spell and similar(minor spell turning, spell deflection, minor spell deflection and so on) start absorbing infinite amount of spells cast on them(without redirecting them back if this is turning- spell).
Easiest way to reproduce the glitch is following:
Two mage-partymembers cast "minor spell turning" on themselves. Then one mage casts "magic missle" on another one. Magic missle should bounce from one mage to another four times, then the limit of rebounded spells is reached, "spell turning" on both wizards wears off, and one of them gets harmed by magic missle.
Then if you load and try to do this again 1-2 times, one(or sometimes both) wizards start absorbing "magic missles" without rebounding them back, infinitely until "minor spell turning" duration is expired.
If you try to reproduce this bug with original BGII-SoA:
If you try and do the same thing in original SoA, sometimes "minor spell turning" can start behaving just like that: absorbing all spells(let's say, 3 fingers of death, though it should reflect only one and wear off). But after about 10 seconds(sometimes more, sometimes less) all those spells are reflected back at caster. This delay is quite random and I was unable to figure out when it happens, because spells are mostly reflected back as soon as they hit wizard.
Other cases when you can encounter this bug:
"Spell shield" is supposed to absorb one protection-penetrating spell(pierce magic, breach, spellstrike, secret word, etc), but if the glitch activates, it will absorb infinite amount of such spells, and it will be pretty impossible to dispel such protection at all.
Suggested reason:
Probably the reason is with a lot of mods, that delay before reflecting a spell back is prolonged so much, that spells will not be reflected during any reasonable period of time(protection duration expires earlier). Apparently no mod alone is guilty in such behavior, because it can be partially reproduced even in original SoA.
Question to the community:
Is it possible to find a workaround for this issue or at least to make it less frequent?
Edited by Suslik, 07 November 2011 - 12:28 AM.