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Bigger Fonts mod for Baldur's Gate 2

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#1 ghostdog

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Posted 03 November 2011 - 12:19 PM

This mod offers bigger fonts for Baldur's Gate 2 SOA/TOB , tutu/BGT. The fonts will be used in the dialog window, floating text, item descriptions and Journal. Recommended for resolutions higher or equal to 1024x768.

Screenshots :

th_BF-dialog.jpg th_BF-descriptions.jpg

th_BF-journal.jpg th_BF-tooltips.jpg

To install this mod, simply extract everything into your main BG2 directory and run the Setup-BG2-Bigger-Fonts.exe. If you want to use the widescreen mod then the fonts should be installed AFTER the widescreen mod. To uninstall, run the executable again and choose uninstall.

Many thanks to haen for his Font Bam Generator. These fonts are made for the ENGLISH VERSION, they may work on other languages like French, German or Spanish, but it's not guaranteed. Don't ask me to support other language versions or provide different sizes, I won't bother with this mod again. I'm just offering it to you since I had it for a long time in my hard drive.


Some nice people have provided fonts that fully support their Language versions. Just extract these into the override folder of your main BGII directory AFTER you have installed the Bigger Fonts Mod.
  • Sephiroth 1311 has created an excellent ITALIAN font. Which can also be used for the FRENCH version and possibly other Latin languages.
  • djc has provided a POLISH font, only for the dialog window. If you want the original fonts for the floating text and item descriptions, simply delete toolfont.bam and floattxt.bam from the override directory.
  • DenimTornado has provided Russian fonts with Cyrillic support.
(If Winrar refuses to open the rar file, use 7zip. Alternatively you can download a zipped version from here)


Attached Files

Edited by ghostdog, 03 April 2013 - 01:03 PM.

#2 i30817

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Posted 03 November 2011 - 01:02 PM



Edited by i30817, 03 November 2011 - 01:22 PM.

#3 djc

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Posted 12 November 2011 - 05:39 AM

Polish version norma1.bam. Only this file, because I do not use toolfont.bam and floattxt.bam. I delete these files after installation from override.

Edit 13.11.2011:
Fix file norma1.bam, because DSotSC use ú, à (CúChoinneach, Madadh n'Sgàil).

Attached Files

Edited by djc, 13 November 2011 - 01:44 AM.

#4 Sephiroth 1311

Sephiroth 1311
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Posted 15 November 2011 - 05:52 AM

Thanks, but it seems like this doesn't work very well for my Italian version (special chars are not shown).
I've sent you a PM. Posted Image

EDIT: Thanks to ghostdog's help, I managed to make a bigger font compatible with the Italian version of Baldur's Gate 2. He'll probably add them to the main post in a matter of hours.

Edited by Sephiroth 1311, 08 July 2012 - 03:28 AM.

#5 ghostdog

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Posted 20 November 2011 - 09:18 AM

I've added Sephiroth's ITALIAN fonts and djc's POLISH fonts in the first post. Thanks guys.

#6 Zireael

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Posted 25 November 2011 - 06:27 AM

I've added Sephiroth's ITALIAN fonts and djc's POLISH fonts in the first post. Thanks guys.

Yay, yay, yay, I'm downloading it pronto!!! Brilliant job!

#7 -Aranthys-

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Posted 03 January 2012 - 02:09 AM

Just as an additional notice :

- The Italian fonts should be used for French version of the game, too (Accentuated characters like à/è/é/ê are absent from the english version of the fonts. The file should probably renamed to "Latin fonts" instead, or something like this ?
- These fonts might be a tad too big for a 1280x1024 display : See below screenshot.

Ghostdog, if you ever create another slightly less big version of these fonts, I'll shall offer you my hypothetic first born child. :P

Otherwise, GREAT JOB :cheers:

Posted Image

#8 Aranthys

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Posted 03 January 2012 - 02:12 AM

Oh, and if you can explain to me how to create a new version of these fonts, I'll be happy to do these by myself :)
I'm a former developer, so I should be able to handle this ^_^

Edit.: Nevermind, found out how to create fonts using the tool that was provided to you :cheers:

Edited by Aranthys, 03 January 2012 - 02:57 AM.

#9 ggallegher

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Posted 29 January 2012 - 07:32 AM

Winrar's giving me an "archive is in unknown format or damaged" error when I try to open the BG2-Bigger-Fonts.rar file attached to ghostdog's first post. This is regardless of whether I try downloading it first then opening it, or opening it straight from the page, and regardless of browser used. I've tried a few other .rar files, old ones on the local drive and new ones freshly downloaded, and Winrar has no problem opening those. I've tried some other .rar extraction utilities, and they've not been able to open it either.


#10 hook71

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Posted 29 January 2012 - 07:41 AM

I tried and had no problems downloading the file with IE9 and unpacking with 7-Zip 9.20.

#11 ggallegher

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Posted 29 January 2012 - 11:18 AM

Yep, confirming 7-Zip seems to do the trick. Thanks, hook71.

#12 ghostdog

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Posted 29 January 2012 - 11:22 AM

Yeah for some strange reason winrar shows an error (previously it opened fine, maybe it's because if the site's relocation). 7zip on the other hand opens it without problems. I'll re-upload it here in zip format :

Attached Files

Edited by ghostdog, 29 January 2012 - 11:26 AM.

#13 Quester

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Posted 06 February 2012 - 04:18 AM

Anyone interested in picking this up and tweaking it so the text is a little smaller (and perhaps a font more similar to the original, too)? I'd do it myself but I have no idea how. Ideally, the mod would allow the user to choose between 3-4 different font sizes.

#14 William Imm

William Imm

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Posted 06 February 2012 - 07:02 PM

How-bout do it in a similar way to your Planescape GUI mod? Even on a 1440x900 screen the fonts seem a little big...
At this point, I'm not really doing much Baldur's Gate related. More focused on Skyrim modding and the Born of Legend tabletop roleplaying game. Don't expect much activity here.

#15 William Imm

William Imm

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Posted 13 February 2012 - 07:01 PM

Also, you may want to add some accented glyphs to the English font - as even in the English version of the game, some mods use accented charcaters, and show up blank. Eg: CúChoinneach from DSotC shows up as C Choinneach, Kivan uses "näive" in one of his banters, etc.
At this point, I'm not really doing much Baldur's Gate related. More focused on Skyrim modding and the Born of Legend tabletop roleplaying game. Don't expect much activity here.

#16 Quester

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Posted 19 February 2012 - 03:19 AM

Well I tried using haen's fontbam generator in the linked thread to create a new font to put in the override after installing ghostdog's Bigger Fonts mod. But I can't make it work. What I wanted to try was to use the font Constantia (regular, at size 12) which comes with Windows 7. It looks somewhat similar to the original font used in BG, I think. But I can't make this work. Anyone?

#17 Quester

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Posted 22 February 2012 - 11:33 AM

I finally succeeded in making some new fonts. These are much smaller than the fonts included with this mod, yet still quite legible at 2560x1440 resolution which is what I use.

Posted Image

Sorry for the huge image. To use these, install the mod in the first post (after Widescreen mod) and then just put the files in your override, replacing what's currently there.

Try them out and tell me what you think. Also, let me know if you have any suggestions for better fonts to use. I did try to find the original BG text font but was unable to do so, so I chose some other nice looking fonts (IMO). Please tell me if you know the name of the original, though.

Attached Files

  • Attached File  fonts.7z   11.08K   1313 downloads

#18 -weirdboy-

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Posted 08 March 2012 - 12:23 PM

I am unable to extract any files from the original .rar file. WinRAR complains with the following error message:

! C:\download\games\baldurs_gate\BG2-Bigger-Fonts.rar: The archive is either in unknown format or damaged

#19 hook71

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Posted 08 March 2012 - 01:26 PM

It's a problem with the forum software at present. Unpack the file with 7-zip instead or remove the x0A at the beginning of the file with a hex editor.

#20 -Jan-

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Posted 27 March 2012 - 05:50 AM

I tried to install this MOD onto GemRB. Unfortunatelly it doesn`t work.
Good news is that GemRB allows to use any TTF font for dialogues etc. but I don`t want any other font (I would like to have original font but slightly bigger)

My question is - can anybody supply original BG2 dialogue font in TTF format (preferably PL)?