Screenshots :

To install this mod, simply extract everything into your main BG2 directory and run the Setup-BG2-Bigger-Fonts.exe. If you want to use the widescreen mod then the fonts should be installed AFTER the widescreen mod. To uninstall, run the executable again and choose uninstall.
Many thanks to haen for his Font Bam Generator. These fonts are made for the ENGLISH VERSION, they may work on other languages like French, German or Spanish, but it's not guaranteed. Don't ask me to support other language versions or provide different sizes, I won't bother with this mod again. I'm just offering it to you since I had it for a long time in my hard drive.

Some nice people have provided fonts that fully support their Language versions. Just extract these into the override folder of your main BGII directory AFTER you have installed the Bigger Fonts Mod.
- Sephiroth 1311 has created an excellent ITALIAN font. Which can also be used for the FRENCH version and possibly other Latin languages.
- djc has provided a POLISH font, only for the dialog window. If you want the original fonts for the floating text and item descriptions, simply delete toolfont.bam and floattxt.bam from the override directory.
- DenimTornado has provided Russian fonts with Cyrillic support.

Attached Files
Edited by ghostdog, 03 April 2013 - 01:03 PM.