I never used that... but I think that instead ofEdit: duh, INNER_PATCH_SAVE
How can i force evaluation of vars inside ~Mystring with vars~ before i concat it to the old string?
Edit 2:
Any reason the ^ concat would make this code fail? (uncommenting them makes it not compile)
SET backstab_res = (~GT#BKS~ ^ ~%backstab%~)
you should try
SPRINT bacstab_res ~GT#BKS~ ^ ~%backstab%~
Tho in your specific use doing
SPRINT bacstab_res ~GT#BKS%backstab%~
should have the same effect and is more commonly used.
SET is used for integers while SPRINT is used for strings.First error appears to be:
SET levelup_string = ""
"ERROR: cannot convert or %% to an integer"
How are we supposed to declare string vars?
example on presetting null variables using each
SET xyz = 0 SPRINT abc ~~
what question about TOKENS?bump for the question above (and the one about the TOKENS too).