(I'm not sure which version of the BWS I've used... and I'm not sure where I can download the latest one anymore )
Except for the fact that when I started a "New BG2 Game" (wanted to test out how SoA looks), my character was level 1.
I got a message in the message/log window that I should open my character record and level him up before Irenicus arrives, and indeed the character levelled up.
Now the problem is... I made a bard, and since he was only level 1 when I created him, he had no spells at all. I tried again with a mage, and he had only level 1 spells (the one I picked during the character creation).
So my question is... is this normal? Have I done something wrong, can this be overcome? I remember the previous time I made a similar installation, my SoA started normally at level 7 (played a mage).
I've put my selection INI file in the pastebin, you can view it here.
Bottom line is, it seems that my mage (or bard) is pretty useless when I start SoA, because they have no spells to cast (since spells are learnt from scrolls, which are not really common in Irenicus' Dungeon). Any idea or advice about how to correct or work around this issue would be appreciated.
Edited by Wintershade, 23 October 2011 - 03:22 PM.