Various alt NPC portraits
Posted 23 February 2012 - 07:50 AM

Working and playing on a Mac Pro 6,1 running Mac OS X 10.13.6 High Sierra, and a Mac Pro 3,1 running Mac OS X 10.11.6 El Capitan.
~Buion na 'ell! I serve with joy! Your eyes and ears I shall be. Let us hunt together!~
- Erysseril Gwaethorien: a joinable, romanceable NPC mod for BGII - SoA/ToB, in sporadic development.
A female elf warrior of nature and a Bhaalspawn cross paths during their quests, joining forces to share adventure and companionship. Will they find more?
Posted 23 February 2012 - 10:21 AM
I am happy to roll Daulmakan's pack into the scope of this mod, because he already did all the hard code work in his own mod. If I were to expand that to every NPC in this pack, I - or Turambar - would have to make the code for the NPCs not included in the DM pack. As it is, v2 is taking a "longer" time to release because we are working hard to make .cre file colour changes, bugfixes and other mod-added portrait shenanigans integrate as smoothly and bug free as possible. Making the pictures is easy. Making the code, well, that is a matter of debate. Bug testing the code? That is really a lot of time intensive work. And let's mot even touch on the Valen mod and drow portrait slowdown bugs, which would also have to be fixed.
I think if you want more drow portraits, the best way to go about it is to ask Daulmakan to expand his mod to include Mod NPC and all that would be involved in drowifying their default portraits. If he does, I'll expand my pack to include his mod scope. Conversely if Daulmarkan or Turambar want to make drow code for this pack they can volunteer. But I'm not going to ask them to do it myself, because I would not personally code and test that much on my own. I don't believe in asking other people to do what you wouldn't be willing to do by yourself. And I do eventually want to play BG again too, heh.
Posted 24 February 2012 - 04:13 AM

Hi, I'm the original creator of the portrait in question, which in turn is a combination of a Portrait Portal armor with a head I discovered in a big D&D collection somewhere. I uploaded the original on Sorcerors.net. You have my full permission and blessing, do whatever you want with it. Enjoy!
Posted 24 February 2012 - 07:33 AM
Working and playing on a Mac Pro 6,1 running Mac OS X 10.13.6 High Sierra, and a Mac Pro 3,1 running Mac OS X 10.11.6 El Capitan.
~Buion na 'ell! I serve with joy! Your eyes and ears I shall be. Let us hunt together!~
- Erysseril Gwaethorien: a joinable, romanceable NPC mod for BGII - SoA/ToB, in sporadic development.
A female elf warrior of nature and a Bhaalspawn cross paths during their quests, joining forces to share adventure and companionship. Will they find more?
Posted 24 February 2012 - 07:39 AM
well. the topic... drowifying existing portraits is not too hard, I think. I've been practicing and I still have files with all their layers intact, heh. However, adding them to the pack is a beast of a different nature.
I am happy to roll Daulmakan's pack into the scope of this mod, because he already did all the hard code work in his own mod. If I were to expand that to every NPC in this pack, I - or Turambar - would have to make the code for the NPCs not included in the DM pack. As it is, v2 is taking a "longer" time to release because we are working hard to make .cre file colour changes, bugfixes and other mod-added portrait shenanigans integrate as smoothly and bug free as possible. Making the pictures is easy. Making the code, well, that is a matter of debate. Bug testing the code? That is really a lot of time intensive work. And let's mot even touch on the Valen mod and drow portrait slowdown bugs, which would also have to be fixed.
I think if you want more drow portraits, the best way to go about it is to ask Daulmakan to expand his mod to include Mod NPC and all that would be involved in drowifying their default portraits. If he does, I'll expand my pack to include his mod scope. Conversely if Daulmarkan or Turambar want to make drow code for this pack they can volunteer. But I'm not going to ask them to do it myself, because I would not personally code and test that much on my own. I don't believe in asking other people to do what you wouldn't be willing to do by yourself. And I do eventually want to play BG again too, heh.
I can't help with the art side, but I'd be happy to lend a hand in setting color values in .cre files. I've done quite a bit of that, and enjoy the work

Yeah, I'd thought of digging into the "drows" mod and replacing the portraits with those that really resemble FR Drow, but before I could start that, I saw a mention on this board that you'd be tackling the project, so now I eagerly await the unveiling of some drowification!
Working and playing on a Mac Pro 6,1 running Mac OS X 10.13.6 High Sierra, and a Mac Pro 3,1 running Mac OS X 10.11.6 El Capitan.
~Buion na 'ell! I serve with joy! Your eyes and ears I shall be. Let us hunt together!~
- Erysseril Gwaethorien: a joinable, romanceable NPC mod for BGII - SoA/ToB, in sporadic development.
A female elf warrior of nature and a Bhaalspawn cross paths during their quests, joining forces to share adventure and companionship. Will they find more?
Posted 09 March 2012 - 05:50 PM
Posted 09 March 2012 - 05:50 PM
Posted 12 March 2012 - 01:33 AM