The second picture does not look like a wedding at all! When I see it, I picture it more like this: With the carriage lying on it's side, every passenger's dead. Only two survivors are stuck away from civilization near some mountains, so they are forced to cook(those lighter lines make it look like fire!) crucified bodies in their armor. It's pretty weird 
The first one is okay though!
I finally got a response!
Not too sure if it is time to celebrate just yet though.
Perhaps I should post the backstory to the second picture...I have reservations in doing so but here it is.
Keldorn, what can you tell me of love, and children?
Perhaps I might tell you the tale of how I first met my wife?
It was many, many years ago. I had just become a Paladin of the order. Well, I was wrapped up in my duty as much then as I am now. But it was while on patrol we came across a caravan headed for amn that was under attack.
[Keldorn's eyes glaze over as he relives the memory] It was a band of undead led by a foul necromancer, we were outnumbered at least seven to one; my commander ordered all under his command to turn their efforts to turn the undead...except me.
Ah, your abilities as an inquisitor.
Indeed, I alone faced the Necromancer, he was formidable as he was Insaine....declaring that my voice sounded like ambrosia or something like that.
Well I struck him a severe blow with my shield to his head and he fell. I moved in the finish him, But not before the last of his servents took his still form and fled, I wonder to this day what happened to him. But when we were able to take account of the situation most of the Caravan had already died.
There she was, my soon to be wife; just a lass then weeping over her mortalily wounded parents with her younger sister. Her soulless uncle that was with the caravan declared his soon to be dead brothers' property; his.
Maria, knowing that this would mean a life of destitution for herself, and her sister; implored my commander to do something about this injustice.
[Keldorns face becomes a slight frown]
Alas, the Radiant heart do not meddle in the affairs of politics, and was powerless to do anything.
I never knew how I ended up so close to Maria's father but he grabbed my arm. He implored that I wed his daughter so that his estate would pass to me.
I saw the look in his eyes and I by all that was righteous I could not refuse. I received Maria's fathers' blessing; according to Amnish tradition at the time that was all that was required
....ah [Keldorn sniffs loudly]
I will never forget her face when I asked her that if she wished to marry me; not out of necessity, but out of the chance of true love. She told me that she had never seen anyone so gallant, and pure as she watched my duel with the foul necromancer, and would take the chance for the sake of true love.
And there we were; kneeling upon the blood stained ground, her parents fading away but holding on with all their might, Maria, and her sister weeping.
We were wed by my commander, just as the sun began to rise.
[Al'bah wipes several tears from her eyes, and takes a steadying breath]
Keldorn, that was the most beautiful thing I have ever heard. Thank you for telling me.
Aye, you are most welcome.
Now as before, I am certain that this "dialogue" is nowhere near cannon.
But I like it all the same.
The draft you see is incomplete. The final artwork is to show Maria's parenta, and her sister.
What you see there is the "battle field aftermath wedding scene"
Here's me hoping that you may want to see what I have got, and provide some feedback even if it is negative..
Edited by Darkcyeote, 19 November 2011 - 05:00 PM.