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#1 The Mighty Boot Of Justice

The Mighty Boot Of Justice
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  • 19 posts

Posted 28 September 2011 - 12:52 PM

Just wanted to say that thanks to this forum I've successfully installed and am enjoying my new Baldurs Gate experience. I can't believe just how big the gameworld is now , and everything seems to have been intergrated so seemlessly I'm struggling to to see which bits are from the original game and which are additions.

It's like playing BG3 in many ways , but with all the best bits from the first two games - and this is only my first playthrugh. I get the feeling that I've got a LOT of gaming in front of me!

Thanks once again to the guys on the forum and of course to all those who have made this possible. Boo says that you all have a special place in his heart.