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Multiple Quest Rewards

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#1 junkmonger

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Posted 19 September 2011 - 06:55 PM

Completed the Lighthouse and killed the Bait Guy. Talked to Peltar and received quest experience reward multiple times.

#2 TDouglas


    Unwashed Wildling

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Posted 19 September 2011 - 08:11 PM

Completed the Lighthouse and killed the Bait Guy. Talked to Peltar and received quest experience reward multiple times.

Multiple times for which quest (you've listed several)?

#3 Jarno Mikkola

Jarno Mikkola

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Posted 20 September 2011 - 12:45 AM

...Multiple times for which quest (you've listed several)?

Or then he didn't.
See, the quest (probably, can't say I completed it)is to kill the "Bait Guy" in the lighthouse, and when junkmonger went to Peltar to say that he had to gain the reward, for him there was dialog option to report it (completed) multiple times, and so he got the reward multiple times. :)

Deactivated account. The user today is known as The Imp.

#4 TDouglas


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Posted 20 September 2011 - 01:35 AM

Or then he didn't.
See, the quest (probably, can't say I completed it)is to kill the "Bait Guy" in the lighthouse, and when junkmonger went to Peltar to say that he had to gain the reward, for him there was dialog option to report it (completed) multiple times, and so he got the reward multiple times. :)

The "bait guy" is a separate quest from the lighthouse (bait guy sends you to kill rats in the old barracks, the lighthouse is the last quest you do (in the first part of SoBH) to kill Sirius and bring back the black pearl).

There are several other quests he's likely to have done in between (the theives den, hand of glory, etc), thus I'm not sure exactly WHICH quest he's getting extra XP rewards for :)