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Refinement Shapeshifter level scaling question

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#1 NinjaRabbit

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Posted 19 September 2011 - 10:04 AM

Ehrm, HI!
I'm totally new to these forums so if i do something i shouldn't or if i do something i should but in the wrong place please correct me :D

OK, so I decided to replay BGII as a dualclassed Shapeshifter 14or15/fighter X and basically:

Without the Refinement Shapeshifter fix
* Crippled Claw damage

* Good THAC0 that scales with my lvl thanks
to the fighter levels

* 1 extra attack per round from the fighter
levels to help offset the poor dmg per hit

* Lack of the hp regen, normal weapon immunity,
non cumulative resistances, etc, etc.

WITH the Refinement Shapeshifter fix
* Better Claw damage, still pretty weak compared to
most of the many juicy weapons in the game though

* A Base THAC0 set to 6 bringing my THAC0 from -8 to
1 when I enter the Greater Warewolf form...

* 1 extra attack per round from the fighter levels
to help offset the (still kinda) poor dmg per hit

* Yay and hurray immunities and resistances that works!

So my question: is there any way of getting the warewolfs base THAC0 (or just THAC0) to scale with levels? I really don't think my THAC0 should DROP when I become a warewolf :S Any mods or easy ways to perhaps make the warewolf's base THAC0 mirror your own base THAC0 or something?

Oh also, can the 5 attacks per round cap (non magically/HLA hastened) somehow be removed?


Edited by NinjaRabbit, 19 September 2011 - 10:52 AM.

#2 the bigg

the bigg

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Posted 20 September 2011 - 11:30 AM

Thac0: I won't do in the official release*, but you can do that easily in Near Infinity / IEEP / DLTCEP by removing the 'Base THAC0 Bonus' effect from LI#WERE.ITM and LI#GWER.ITM (or dropping the contents of the attachment in the override, but patching the item in NI is safer).

*: it's a Shapeshifter ability, so I can't make it improve with your fighter levels ;)
Besides, most other solutions would make the Shapeshifter -> Fighter even better as a shapeshifter than a plain Shapeshifter, which is a bad idea (and no, I can't simply make it so that shapeshifting only improves your thac0).
Finally, knowing the original authors, they most likely debated over the issue for two weeks, and ended up deciding that this implementation better suited their vision of the mod (which, as a safekeeper, I don't want to ruin unless it causes problems).

5 attacks per round: it's hardcoded, so can't do.

Attached Files

Italian users: help test the Stivan NPC!

Author or Co-Author: WeiDU - Widescreen - Generalized Biffing - Refinements - TB#Tweaks - IWD2Tweaks - TB#Characters - Traify Tool - Some mods that I won't mention in public
Maintainer: Semi-Multi Clerics - Nalia Mod - Nvidia Fix
Code dumps: Detect custom secondary types - Stutter Investigator

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#3 NinjaRabbit

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Posted 25 September 2011 - 05:43 AM

Ah, thank you very much! I wan't really trying you make you change the mod, implementing what should originally be there is just fine, I was just asking for a way for ME to change this, and I got it, thanks.

On a side note, I don't think it's so odd to get better at fighting when taking fighter levels. The fighter levels wouldn't really improve my abilities to shapeshift at all (I'm still the same warewolf), just improve my skills in combat (and why would those dissapear when I shapeshift?). So no, a shifter->fighter wouldn't be a better shapeshifter then the plain one, just a better fighter..

But anyways, I'll check out the Near Infinity or one of the others.
