Big World Installer problem
Posted 17 September 2011 - 04:50 PM
Posted 17 September 2011 - 11:48 PM
But then again I don't know the exact facts about the newest install.bat if that's used.
Edited by Jarno Mikkola, 17 September 2011 - 11:51 PM.
Deactivated account. The user today is known as The Imp.
Posted 18 September 2011 - 05:17 AM
What Operation System do you have ? I am thinking this... you either have new computer, or the old once OS was updated to SP3 or to Vista or 7.
But then again I don't know the exact facts about the newest install.bat if that's used.
Unfortunately that is not the case :l I'm still running the same old Win7 without the service pack, I've been too lazy to update although I certainly shall very soon in the future. I guess I'll have to try to use an older version of BWP or maybe just update to SP1 and hope it magically works afterwards

Posted 18 September 2011 - 10:27 AM
Start the batch and post the last 20-50 lines of output after you selected to use a BGT-install.
Posted 18 September 2011 - 12:49 PM
Replace the @echo off at the top of the BiG World Installpack\Get_path.bat with a @echo on.
Start the batch and post the last 20-50 lines of output after you selected to use a BGT-install.
.\BiG World Installpack\English\@A .\BiG World Installpack\English\@B .\BiG World Installpack\English\@C .\BiG World Installpack\English\tra.txt 145 file(s) copied. G A M E - S E L E C T I O N ═══════════════════════════ What type do you want to install? (B)GT - BG2 (O)nly . . .b D:\BGT\BGII - SoA>IF EXIST "..\Baldur's Gate" ( SET BG1="..\Baldur's Gate\ pushd "..\Baldur's Gate" cd 1>"D:\BGT\BGII - SoA\BWP_BGT_input.txt" popd for /F "delims=" %a in ('type BWP_BGT_input.txt') do @set X=%a ) Else ( SETLOCAL ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION echo. type "D:\BGT\BGII - SoA\BiG World Installpack\temp\"@9 echo. set /P X= IF NOT EXIST "!X!" ( type "D:\BGT\BGII - SoA\BiG World Installpack\temp\"@138 GOTO :BG1CHECK ) ECHO !X! 1>BWP_BGT_input.txt ECHO "!X!\ 1>BWP_BGI_input.txt ENDLOCAL for /F "delims=" %a in ('type BWP_BGI_input.txt') do @set BG1=%a ) D:\BGT\BGII - SoA>IF EXIST "..\Baldur's Gate" ECHO "D:\BGT\Baldur's Gate" 1>BWP_ BGT_input.txt D:\BGT\BGII - SoA>SET BGD="..\Baldur's Gate\data\ D:\BGT\BGII - SoA>SET BGM="..\Baldur's Gate\movies\ D:\BGT\BGII - SoA>SET BGO="..\Baldur's Gate\Override\ D:\BGT\BGII - SoA>IF NOT EXIST ReadMe_addon_patch.txt IF EXIST BWP_French IF EXI ST "..\Baldur's Gate\readme_patch.txt" IF EXIST "..\Baldur's Gate\SETUP-CORRECFR .DEBUG" GOTO :BG1CHCK2 D:\BGT\BGII - SoA>IF EXIST ReadMe_addon_patch.txt IF EXIST BWP_French IF EXIST " ..\Baldur's Gate\SETUP-CORRECFR.DEBUG" GOTO :BG1CHCK2 D:\BGT\BGII - SoA>IF NOT EXIST ReadMe_addon_patch.txt IF EXIST BWP_German IF EXI ST "..\Baldur's Gate\readme_patch.txt" IF EXIST "..\Baldur's Gate\SETUP-BG1TP.DE BUG" GOTO :BG1CHCK2 D:\BGT\BGII - SoA>IF EXIST ReadMe_addon_patch.txt IF EXIST BWP_German IF EXIST " ..\Baldur's Gate\SETUP-BG1TP.DEBUG" GOTO :BG1CHCK2 D:\BGT\BGII - SoA>IF NOT EXIST ReadMe_addon_patch.txt IF EXIST BWP_Spanish IF EX IST "..\Baldur's Gate\readme_patch.txt" IF EXIST "..\Baldur's Gate\SETUP-ABRA.DE BUG" GOTO :BG1CHCK2 D:\BGT\BGII - SoA>IF EXIST ReadMe_addon_patch.txt IF EXIST BWP_Spanish IF EXIST "..\Baldur's Gate\SETUP-ABRA.DEBUG" GOTO :BG1CHCK2 D:\BGT\BGII - SoA>IF NOT EXIST ReadMe_addon_patch.txt IF EXIST "..\Baldur's Gate \readme_patch.txt" GOTO :BG1CHCK2 D:\BGT\BGII - SoA>echo. D:\BGT\BGII - SoA>echo. D:\BGT\BGII - SoA>type "D:\BGT\BGII - SoA\BiG World Installpack\temp\"@8 B G 1 - P A T C H - C H E C K ═════════════════════════════ D:\BGT\BGII - SoA>echo. D:\BGT\BGII - SoA>IF NOT EXIST ReadMe_addon_patch.txt IF NOT EXIST "..\Baldur's Gate\readme_patch.txt" type "D:\BGT\BGII - SoA\BiG World Installpack\temp\"@12 D:\BGT\BGII - SoA>echo. D:\BGT\BGII - SoA>IF EXIST BWP_French IF NOT EXIST "..\Baldur's Gate\SETUP-CORRE CFR.DEBUG" type "D:\BGT\BGII - SoA\BiG World Installpack\temp\"@13 D:\BGT\BGII - SoA>IF EXIST BWP_German IF NOT EXIST "..\Baldur's Gate\SETUP-BG1TP .DEBUG" type "D:\BGT\BGII - SoA\BiG World Installpack\temp\"@13 D:\BGT\BGII - SoA>echo. D:\BGT\BGII - SoA>pause Press any key to continue . . . D:\BGT\BGII - SoA>GOTO :TP1CHECK D:\BGT\BGII - SoA>IF NOT EXIST ReadMe_addon_patch.txt IF EXIST BWP_French IF EXI ST "..\Baldur's Gate\readme_patch.txt" IF EXIST "..\Baldur's Gate\SETUP-CORRECFR .DEBUG" GOTO :BG1CHCK2 D:\BGT\BGII - SoA>IF EXIST ReadMe_addon_patch.txt IF EXIST BWP_French IF EXIST " ..\Baldur's Gate\SETUP-CORRECFR.DEBUG" GOTO :BG1CHCK2 D:\BGT\BGII - SoA>IF NOT EXIST ReadMe_addon_patch.txt IF EXIST BWP_German IF EXI ST "..\Baldur's Gate\readme_patch.txt" IF EXIST "..\Baldur's Gate\SETUP-BG1TP.DE BUG" GOTO :BG1CHCK2 D:\BGT\BGII - SoA>IF EXIST ReadMe_addon_patch.txt IF EXIST BWP_German IF EXIST " ..\Baldur's Gate\SETUP-BG1TP.DEBUG" GOTO :BG1CHCK2 D:\BGT\BGII - SoA>IF NOT EXIST ReadMe_addon_patch.txt IF EXIST BWP_Spanish IF EX IST "..\Baldur's Gate\readme_patch.txt" IF EXIST "..\Baldur's Gate\SETUP-ABRA.DE BUG" GOTO :BG1CHCK2 D:\BGT\BGII - SoA>IF EXIST ReadMe_addon_patch.txt IF EXIST BWP_Spanish IF EXIST "..\Baldur's Gate\SETUP-ABRA.DEBUG" GOTO :BG1CHCK2 D:\BGT\BGII - SoA>IF NOT EXIST ReadMe_addon_patch.txt IF EXIST "..\Baldur's Gate \readme_patch.txt" GOTO :BG1CHCK2 D:\BGT\BGII - SoA>echo. D:\BGT\BGII - SoA>echo. D:\BGT\BGII - SoA>type "D:\BGT\BGII - SoA\BiG World Installpack\temp\"@8 B G 1 - P A T C H - C H E C K ═════════════════════════════ D:\BGT\BGII - SoA>echo. D:\BGT\BGII - SoA>IF NOT EXIST ReadMe_addon_patch.txt IF NOT EXIST "..\Baldur's Gate\readme_patch.txt" type "D:\BGT\BGII - SoA\BiG World Installpack\temp\"@12 D:\BGT\BGII - SoA>echo. D:\BGT\BGII - SoA>echo. D:\BGT\BGII - SoA>IF EXIST BWP_French IF NOT EXIST "..\Baldur's Gate\SETUP-CORRE CFR.DEBUG" type "D:\BGT\BGII - SoA\BiG World Installpack\temp\"@13 D:\BGT\BGII - SoA>IF EXIST BWP_German IF NOT EXIST "..\Baldur's Gate\SETUP-BG1TP .DEBUG" type "D:\BGT\BGII - SoA\BiG World Installpack\temp\"@13 D:\BGT\BGII - SoA>echo. Press any key to continue . . .
I edited out some of the start information and some of the various echos. Hopefully you can make some sense of it

Edited by tapi, 18 September 2011 - 12:54 PM.
Posted 19 September 2011 - 12:21 PM
:TP1CHECK IF NOT EXIST ReadMe_addon_patch.txt IF EXIST BWP_French IF EXIST %BG1%readme_patch.txt" IF EXIST %BG1%SETUP-CORRECFR.DEBUG" GOTO :BG1CHCK2 IF EXIST ReadMe_addon_patch.txt IF EXIST BWP_French IF EXIST %BG1%SETUP-CORRECFR.DEBUG" GOTO :BG1CHCK2 IF NOT EXIST ReadMe_addon_patch.txt IF EXIST BWP_German IF EXIST %BG1%readme_patch.txt" IF EXIST %BG1%SETUP-BG1TP.DEBUG" GOTO :BG1CHCK2 IF EXIST ReadMe_addon_patch.txt IF EXIST BWP_German IF EXIST %BG1%SETUP-BG1TP.DEBUG" GOTO :BG1CHCK2 IF NOT EXIST ReadMe_addon_patch.txt IF EXIST BWP_Spanish IF EXIST %BG1%readme_patch.txt" IF EXIST %BG1%SETUP-ABRA.DEBUG" GOTO :BG1CHCK2 IF EXIST ReadMe_addon_patch.txt IF EXIST BWP_Spanish IF EXIST %BG1%SETUP-ABRA.DEBUG" GOTO :BG1CHCK2 IF NOT EXIST ReadMe_addon_patch.txt IF EXIST %BG1%readme_patch.txt" GOTO :BG1CHCK2 echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. :: BG1 patch check type "%CD%\BiG World Installpack\temp\"@8 echo. echo. echo. :: missing BG1 patch 5512 IF NOT EXIST ReadMe_addon_patch.txt IF NOT EXIST %BG1%readme_patch.txt" type "%CD%\BiG World Installpack\temp\"@12 echo. echo. :: missing BG1 text patch IF EXIST BWP_French IF NOT EXIST %BG1%SETUP-CORRECFR.DEBUG" type "%CD%\BiG World Installpack\temp\"@13 IF EXIST BWP_German IF NOT EXIST %BG1%SETUP-BG1TP.DEBUG" type "%CD%\BiG World Installpack\temp\"@13 echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. pause GOTO :TP1CHECK
To bypass the loop, you can remove the GOTO - line at the bottom.
But to solve this, let's investigate a bit:
It is expected that this loop is left if the condition on top are met.
The bold parts don't match:
IF NOT EXIST ReadMe_addon_patch.txt IF EXIST BWP_French IF EXIST %BG1%readme_patch.txt" IF EXIST %BG1%SETUP-CORRECFR.DEBUG" GOTO :BG1CHCK2
IF NOT EXIST ReadMe_addon_patch.txt IF EXIST BWP_German IF EXIST %BG1%readme_patch.txt" IF EXIST %BG1%SETUP-BG1TP.DEBUG" GOTO :BG1CHCK2
IF NOT EXIST ReadMe_addon_patch.txt IF EXIST BWP_Spanish IF EXIST %BG1%readme_patch.txt" IF EXIST %BG1%SETUP-ABRA.DEBUG" GOTO :BG1CHCK2
So this leaves you with this:
IF NOT EXIST ReadMe_addon_patch.txt IF EXIST %BG1%readme_patch.txt" GOTO :BG1CHCK2
Which in your case is:
IF NOT EXIST ReadMe_addon_patch.txt IF EXIST "..\Baldur's Gate\readme_patch.txt" GOTO :BG1CHCK2
So you mustn't have ReadMe_addon_patch.txt in the BG2-folder and have to have the readme_patch.txt in BG1-dir. Since GOG seems to have the first one (SET GOG=%IF% ReadMe_addon_patch.txt associates that), GOG is not supported for an English selection out of the box.
So you could add the second line if the first file exists in BG2 and the second not in BG1:
%NGOG% %IF% %BG1%readme_patch.txt" GOTO :BG1CHCK2 %GOG% %IFN% %BG1%readme_patch.txt" GOTO :BG1CHCK2Since I don't have GOG, have a look at those files and edit this part to your needs.
Posted 19 September 2011 - 01:44 PM
Edited by tapi, 19 September 2011 - 01:48 PM.
Posted 19 September 2011 - 01:49 PM
Posted 20 September 2011 - 02:21 PM
Edited by Chuglug, 20 September 2011 - 02:24 PM.
Posted 20 September 2011 - 02:31 PM
To bypass the loop, you can remove the GOTO - line at the bottom.
Open BiG World Install.bat, search for that line (it's only in there once) , remove it, save and run it again.
Edited by dabus, 20 September 2011 - 02:33 PM.
Posted 20 September 2011 - 04:00 PM
Edited by Chuglug, 20 September 2011 - 04:01 PM.