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Not able to sell Wyvern Heads at Lathander

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#1 borg101

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Posted 04 September 2011 - 06:10 AM

At Keldath in the main temple and no matter what character has the wyvern heads or how many (dropped excess on the ground), they are unavailable/grayed out to sell.  Any ideas?  Coran is not in my party just so you know.

#2 -Hurricane-

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Posted 04 September 2011 - 08:54 AM

they are unavailable/grayed out to sell

Beware, the wyvern heads are not sold in the same way items are sold to a merchant. When "selling" the heads to Kelddath, you only talk to him, Kelddath automatically takes the heads from you and you instantly receive the money. This is all done within the dialogue alone, you never enter the temple's shopping screen. In order for this dialogue to occur, Coran must be in your party when you talk to Kelddath.