Below are mod choosed,
Alternatives was found
Amber was found
Aurora was found
Baldur's Gate Trilogy was found
BG1 Mini Quests and Encounters was found
BG1 Unfinished Business was found
BG1NPC Music Pack was found
BG1NPC Project was found
BG2 Fixpack was found
BG2 Tweaks was found
BGT-NPCSound-WeiDU was found
BGT-WeiDU Tweakpack BGTTweak was found
BP_BGT_Worldmap was found
Dark Side of the Sword Coast was found
Ding0's Experience Fixer was found
Divine Remix was found
Gavin was found
Generalized Biffing was found
Item Pack by Daulmakan was found
Item Revisions was found
One Pixel Productions was found
One Pixel Productions Avatar Fixes was found
One Pixel Productions Female Dwarves was found
One Pixel Productions Thieves Galore was found
Refinements was found
Restored Prologue Textscreen Music was found
Rogue ReBalancing by aVENGER was found
Solaufein NPC was found
Song and Silence was found
Spell Revisions was found
Sword and Fist was found
Tales of Anegh was found
The Darkest Day was found
The Grey Clan Episode I: In Candlelight was found
The Lure of the Sirine's Call was found
The Stone of Askavar was found
Thrown Hammers was found
Unfinished Business for BGII was found
Unique Containers was found
after install, one mod install failed.
BGT-NPCSound-WeiDU was not installed
Improved Horns of Valhalla (not compatible with Item Revisions)
Spell-50 (conceptually not compatible with Spell Revisions;
may not be compatible with Improved Summons)
Attached is my WEIDU.log. Baldur.err has no error logged.