Setup of Big World Project hangs at BGT install
Posted 16 August 2011 - 06:42 PM
For the second time, my Big World Project installation hangs when installing Baldur's Gate Trilogy (BGT). More precisely, it hangs when it displays:
##### Baldur's Gate Trilogy #####
### 0000: Baldur's Gate Trilogy - Core ###
Ready for installation
Setup-BGT.exe --noautoupdate --language 0 --skip-at-view --quick-log --args-list sp "C:\Program Files (x86)\Black Isle\Baldur's Gate" --force-install-list 0 --logapp
[Setup-BGT.exe] WeiDU version 22900
[Setup-BGT.exe] Using scripting style "BG2"
Using Language [English]
Installing [Baldur's Gate Trilogy - Core] [1.12 (12 Jun 2011)]
Creating 1 directory
Copying 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying 1 file ...
I'm using BWP v10 (at the moment it is the latest) on Windows 7 64. I've followed the setup guide thoroughly. Thus, performed the installation of BG and BG2 with the expansions and patches. Open up and started a sample game in each of them. Furthermore, the link written above for BG 1 is correct. Any help would be highly appreciated... can't wait to try this über-mod.
I was thinking in quitting the install and try to install only BGT manually and then resume the BWP installation. It that possible?
Posted 16 August 2011 - 07:27 PM
I really have a suspicion the --args-list sp "C:\Program Files (x86)\Black Isle\Baldur's Gate" part somehow fails. thebigg is needed to confirm or refute it.
Posted 16 August 2011 - 09:24 PM
Posted 18 August 2011 - 11:49 PM
Posted 19 August 2011 - 12:31 AM
Don't know why the message from BGT is kept away from you.
Posted 19 August 2011 - 09:50 PM
Posted 27 August 2011 - 05:48 PM
Got the same problem, and nobody is asking me for anything. No continue to click, just that freeze with copying file... help :/
Type in the directory for Baldur's Gate, for example, C:/Black Isle/Baldur's Gate and press enter, it'll work. I was sitting at this for ages thinking "What the Hell is wrong with this?" and LO AND BEHOLD!
Posted 28 August 2011 - 02:57 PM
Posted 28 August 2011 - 10:34 PM
Well, technically the BGT's install asks the BG1 directory... the trouble with the BWS is that it gives the order in a .bat, and if what I read is true, the BGTv112 version updated the insertion function, and thus it fails with the BWS... because the function detects the quote marks "..." and understands it as incorrect command line, and then the BWS tries to insert it, while BGT itself retries to insert the default install folder again, the;Yeah, you need to set the installation to pause before installing the BGT and install it manually. AFAIK it happens because the : in the input sent to the BGT gets parsed as condition of some sort, or otherwise ignored (in the BWS installation script). Thus the directory gets piped as C\whatever (insted of C:\). You can see this in the log if you try.
C:\Program Files\Black Isle\Baldur's Gate\
... as there's a command for that.
Like said, it's not the bigg you actually want to hang for this, but actually Ascension64. But I still vote that we don't hang anyone... as this line was added to the last version of Setup-BGT.tp2, line 135:I have encountered the same problem.
I really have a suspicion the --args-list sp "C:\Program Files (x86)\Black Isle\Baldur's Gate" part somehow fails. thebigg is needed to confirm or refute it.
//get angry at stupid people who put in stupid characters REPLACE_TEXTUALLY ~[*?"<>|:]~ ~~
Deactivated account. The user today is known as The Imp.
Posted 29 August 2011 - 04:49 AM
Yep, I've already checked that. I can also say the BG1 path does not work when being passed as a parameterLike said, it's not the bigg you actually want to hang for this, but actually Ascension64. But I still vote that we don't hang anyone... as this line was added to the last version of Setup-BGT.tp2, line 135
Setup-BGT.exe --force-install 0 --skip-at-view --language 0 --args-list sp "d:\bg1", but works if I pass it as input data.
type bgt.txt | setup-bgt.exe --skip-at-view --language 0 --force-install-list 0where bgt.txt contains
Edited by ScuD, 29 August 2011 - 04:51 AM.
Posted 29 August 2011 - 11:39 AM
Well, we have another choice : hang EVERYONE but Ascension64But I still vote that we don't hang anyone... as this line was added to the last version of Setup-BGT.tp2, line 135:
//get angry at stupid people who put in stupid characters REPLACE_TEXTUALLY ~[*?"<>|:]~ ~~