Posted 22 September 2002 - 09:35 AM
This stuff is rough, intended to be no more than a guide for me, or a place to dump ideas. You may see all or none of this material in the mod, they may reflect paths you can take, or ones I later shut down...
A couple of bits are similar to stuff already in the game. As I said, this was a way to sketch out ideas, and also practice the writing of Imoen.... blah blah blah blah blah...
Take it as nothing more than a way to pass the time until this mod is out.
Imoen. Looks like we have quite a bit still to do, what with Irenicus on the loose and all.
Hey, don?t worry about me; you?ve already risked your neck to rescue me. We should be getting your soul!
Are you feeling all right? I felt so empty when my essence was gone. You getting something similar?
You?re?you?re CHARNAME, aren?t you? Yes, the part of me that is Imoen tells me this.
No?no I won?t look!!
Imoen: Aren't you having fun yet little brother? You always look like the wind changed on you at an unfortunate time. Don't you enjoy visiting all these new places, and, uh, borrowing new things?
Well I don't mean to, they just sort of... find their way into my hands... heh.
So we can kill things, but we can?t bend the rules? Whew, sometimes I think the age gap is a lot bigger than it is.
Imoen: What's the matter with you? You've been staring at me all day.
Ewwww, CHARNAME, don't joke about things like that. That's sick.
But...but I'm Imoen. Ya know, Imoen! Your sister! Irenicus must have *really* messed with your head.
Heh, you're a big mutton head, ya know that?
Eek! Now you?re just plain scaring me.
Imoen: CHARNAME, do you ever think about Candlekeep? About Gorion?
Yeah, all the time. I just wonder... what would have happened if Gorion hadn't died? Would we be on the road still?
Jaheira. You look like you have something to say to me, Imoen.
Imoen: Why do you always boss CHARNAME around Jaheira! That's all you've done since the Friendly Arm Inn. You're worse than Gorion and his constant chores!
Jaheira: Really, child? Well it would seem you didn't learn anything from them.
Imoen: Well, I always got CHARNAME to do mine. Heh heh.
Jaheira: I would suggest that you learn the lessons now. With your bloodline comes responsibility, which will replace your immaturity.
Imoen: Well excuse me for breathing!
Aerie: Y-you seem to be very close to CHARNAME, Imoen.
Imoen: Well we've been together since we were kids, so yeah; I guess I am.
Aerie: It must be... be nice to be that close to PRO_HIMHER.
Imoen: Well, I wish PRO_HESHE?d wash more often?
Aerie: Oh Imoen! Why do you never take anything seriously!
Imoen: Why do you take everything seriously?
Aerie: Oh? never mind!
Aerie: You never seem very concerned by your heritage, Imoen. Doesn't it... doesn't it scare you?
Imoen: Well I think CHARNAME does enough serious pouting for the both of us.
Aerie: But, with all that... all that evil inside you...
Imoen: Yep, it could leap out and devour you any second... wait... I can feel it emerging... I can't control it! Run, Aerie, run!
Aerie: Oh... I-Imoen! H-help! CHARNAME, help!
Imoen: RAGHHHH!!!
Aerie: Eek! H-he?h?
Imoen: Aerie? Aerie, calm down. I was just kidding! Yeesh!
Aerie: Th-that?s not very funny, Imoen!
Past: Ascension, Return to Windspear, Imoen Relationship, The Broken Hourglass
"Perfection has no deadline"
Posted 22 September 2002 - 09:44 AM
Hehe :)
You might want to use something like... [CHARNAME] instead, Quitchy :D Well... here, anyway :)

Posted 25 September 2002 - 04:03 AM
Nahhh, truth is, you've decided to kill me FOR REAL!!!!Take it as nothing more than a way to pass the time until this mod is out.

Ever forward, my darling wind...
Posted 09 May 2003 - 01:53 AM

Posted 08 August 2003 - 09:17 AM
Imoen: Why do you always twirl your moustache Edwin?
Edwin: What?! I do no such thing (little fool... patience Edwin).
Imoen: Do you think that you're a terrifying villan? Oooo, the big scary Edwin is near! Oooo, save me CHARNAME, save me!
Edwin: (say nothing, the wench will be the first to die).
Imoen: Huh, nothing to say, Edwin? (she starts to poke Edwin)
Edwin: (Stay clam, ignore her)
Imoen: (poke, poke, poke)
Edwin: (ignore her... ignore her Eddie... WHAT?!)
Imoen: Hah! I heard you!
Edwin: Infernal child! Stay out of my way.
Imoen: You're so cute when you're angry. (a grin on her face, Imoen skips away).
Past: Ascension, Return to Windspear, Imoen Relationship, The Broken Hourglass
"Perfection has no deadline"
Posted 09 August 2003 - 06:24 AM
Imoen: Keldorn, don't you find your life... you know... a little dull?
Keldorn: There is no greater honour than serving Torm, and I would have spent my life no other way.
Imoen: So it's dull then?
Keldorn: A life dedicated to helping others is never dull. Every day I can make a difference to the lives of others.
1. Ignore the debate - A
2. Stop pestering Keldorn, Imoen. - B
3. Your voice is starting to wear on my nerves, Imoen. - C
4. Sounds pretty dull, Keldorn - D
Imoen: Sounds pretty dull.
Keldorn: (sigh) As you wish, Imoen. (Torm forgive me) It is entirely tiresome.
Imoen: Heh, I thought as much.
Keldorn: Yes, well, please leave me to my 'tiresome' prayer, Imoen.
Imoen: Gee, look who's become dull! I was about to make him admit it was boring!
Keldorn: There is no need to worry, CHARNAME. Service in the name of Torm has taught me great patience.
Imoen: No need to get so angry, CHARNAME. I was just having some fun. Gee, you're so serious these days.
Keldorn: I am quite capable of defending myself, CHARNAME. I do not think such a reaction is justified.
1. Of course, Keldorn. As you will. - End
2. I will deal with my sister as I see fit. - E
Imoen: See, Keldorn! Even old stuffy pants over there agrees with me!
Keldorn: Well, I am glad you have found things beside blood which bond you. However, I have chosen my path and feel no regret.
Keldorn: I am sure it is only the shock of recent events that makes you speak thus. Do not stray far though, CHARNAME. I would not wish to have to drag you back to Torm unwillingly.
Past: Ascension, Return to Windspear, Imoen Relationship, The Broken Hourglass
"Perfection has no deadline"
Posted 09 August 2003 - 06:28 AM
< jcompton > Suggested plugs include "Click here so Compton doesn't ban me. http://www.pocketplane.net/ub"
Posted 14 October 2003 - 12:44 PM
Imoen: Jaheira, do you ever miss Khalid?
Jaheira: What is this? Why do you ask, child?
Imoen: I... I just wondered what it was like to lose someone so close to you.
Jaheira: I hope you never know the feeling.
Imoen: (for a moment Imoen appears mournful) So do I, but please, tell me. I have something inside me, something I need to understand.
Jaheira: You can never know a feeling so cold or so lonesome as the death of one so close. A day does not pass where I do not mourn his passing. A gentle man, kind, giving... (a tear appears in her eye).
Jaheira: But times change, and we move on, as we must. He would not want me to spend my life in remeberance. It is not easy, however.
Jaheira: I have found new love in CHARNAME, but the memory of Khalid will always be in my heart, child. A place where he will never be forgotten, and his killer never forgiven.
Imoen: I'm sorry, Jaheira. I didn't mean to upset you.
Jaheira: Do not apologise. There is no shame in remembering the dead. (Wiping her eye, Jaheira appears to reflect for a moment) I would like to... to be alone for a little while.
Imoen: (silently, seemingly gazing in upon herself, Imoen moves away)
Past: Ascension, Return to Windspear, Imoen Relationship, The Broken Hourglass
"Perfection has no deadline"
Posted 26 February 2004 - 07:51 AM
Imoen: I'm pretty bored. Fancy taking on some kobolds, Aerie? Being a powerful arch-mage means I could cast summoning spells if I wanted. (she flings her hands around, casting invisible spells everywhere)
Aerie: I... I'm not s-sure that's a good idea, Imoen. (her hands fidget nervously with her robe)
Imoen: Oh come on, Aerie! It'll be fun!
Aerie: What if it went wrong? T-the kobolds might get out of hand.
Imoen: Don't you ever want to... oh, I don't know... just fight things.
Aerie: I don't think that's such a good idea, Imoen. Y-you saw what happened to CHARNAME.
Imoen: I guess if I can't fight kobolds I can always fight... hmmm... YOU! (she whips around, a mad grin on her face, wild eyes staring out at Aerie)
Aerie: Arghhhh! (crying in fear, Aerie covers her face)
Imoen: Aerie? I was only kidding... oops. (a guilty look on her face, Imoen moves quickly away)
Imoen: (she stares at Aerie with disbelief in her eyes, then starts laughing)
Aerie: I don't see what's s-so funny, Imoen!
Imoen: It's okay, Aerie. You're right, I won't summon anything.
Aerie (smiling with happiness that she has acted responsibly, Aerie nods at Imoen)
Past: Ascension, Return to Windspear, Imoen Relationship, The Broken Hourglass
"Perfection has no deadline"