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BG1 NPCs for SoA & ToB

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#101 Stormshadow

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Posted 12 March 2012 - 03:16 PM

What's up guys, Smiling Imp, back again to give a progress report on what is going on. I have done a few fixes including, fixing interjections where Shar-Teel and Kagain suddenly leave the party, and Ajantins' body 'item' using his old death variable to summon him. I have worked on the Eldoth encounter to make sure it runs properly, and have added Deekin to ToB and started working on dialogs and interjections on for him in for SoA.

Hello Smiling Imp,

Is the link in your signature updated to reflect the changes you mentioned in your last post?

#102 Smiling Imp

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Posted 12 March 2012 - 05:08 PM

It will be now.. Here is version 3.0, complete with playable Deekin in ToB!

Attached Files

Baldur's Gate 1 NPCs in SoA & ToB








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#103 Stormshadow

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Posted 13 March 2012 - 06:43 PM


#104 Quester

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Posted 15 March 2012 - 10:00 AM

Hi Smiling Imp,

Just a question: what is the 'Deekin in ToB' component number? As I was unable to install it automatically when I tried 23, and you don't mention component numbers in neither your readme or tp2 file.

#105 Smiling Imp

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Posted 15 March 2012 - 02:07 PM

Hi Smiling Imp,

Just a question: what is the 'Deekin in ToB' component number? As I was unable to install it automatically when I tried 23, and you don't mention component numbers in neither your readme or tp2 file.

It should be #24.. Right after Xan ToB. You'll have to install the SoA versions of Shar-Teel, Branwen, Garrick and Yeslick for it to work correctly though.

Baldur's Gate 1 NPCs in SoA & ToB








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#106 Quester

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Posted 15 March 2012 - 02:28 PM

Are you sure about that? Since the first component is #0, shouldn't the last one be #23?

#107 Smiling Imp

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Posted 15 March 2012 - 03:18 PM

Are you sure about that? Since the first component is #0, shouldn't the last one be #23?

In that case, it would be 23. But because of how his dialog files were set up, you still need component #0 installed for him to work properly. :ph34r:

Baldur's Gate 1 NPCs in SoA & ToB








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ZELINK (Zelda x Link) mod for Baldur's Gate 2 SOA



#108 Oracle


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Posted 15 March 2012 - 11:07 PM

Great work with Deekin , Iam really glad to see this mod is still going strong. Keep up the good work .

"Men cry not for themselves, but for their comrades."

#109 Quester

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Posted 17 March 2012 - 01:42 AM

Well I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but I get errors all over when trying to install the latest version. Whereas version 2.0 worked just fine.Attached File  SETUP-BG1NPCSOA.DEBUG   33.15K   466 downloads

Edited by Quester, 17 March 2012 - 01:42 AM.

#110 Smiling Imp

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Posted 17 March 2012 - 06:40 AM

Well I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but I get errors all over when trying to install the latest version. Whereas version 2.0 worked just fine.Attached File  SETUP-BG1NPCSOA.DEBUG   33.15K   466 downloads

Hmmm.. For modding purposes, I keep a setup with only BG1NPCSoA installed and it seems to be working. Having said that, from what I can make out from your debug file, try creating a creating folder inside the 'BG1NPCSoA' folder, name it 'backup' then inside that folder add another one that is named '0' (zero). Try that and let me know if it helps at all.

Edited by Smiling Imp, 17 March 2012 - 06:41 AM.

Baldur's Gate 1 NPCs in SoA & ToB








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ZELINK (Zelda x Link) mod for Baldur's Gate 2 SOA



#111 Miloch



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Posted 17 March 2012 - 12:29 PM

That won't help because there are a bunch of other subfolders for other components. Shouldn't have to do that anyway in WeiDU. It'd be wacky. Offhand, I'd say someone was installing the mod without uninstalling the previous version, or something messed-up like that.

Infinity Engine Contributions
Aurora * BG1 NPC * BG1 Fixpack * Haiass * Infinity Animations * Level 1 NPCs * P5Tweaks
PnP Free Action * Thrown Hammers * Unique Containers * BG:EE * BGII:EE * IWD:EE
Player & Modder Resources
BAM Batcher * Creature Lister * Creature Checker * Creature Fixer * Tutu/BGT Area Map & List * Tutu Mod List
"Infinity turns out to be the opposite of what people say it is. It is not 'that which has nothing beyond itself' that is infinite, but 'that which always has something beyond itself'." -Aristotle

#112 Oracle


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Posted 18 March 2012 - 02:41 AM

That's odd I didnt have any trouble loading Version3 myself.

Edited by Oracle, 18 March 2012 - 02:46 AM.

"Men cry not for themselves, but for their comrades."

#113 -iavasechui-

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Posted 06 April 2012 - 06:38 PM

Could you please text tell me how to override the portraits? I really liked the original ones and the normal method is failing me.

#114 Smiling Imp

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Posted 11 April 2012 - 02:35 AM

Could you please text tell me how to override the portraits? I really liked the original ones and the normal method is failing me.

If you have the old portraits saved somewhere, you could copy them to the override folder after you install the mod.

Baldur's Gate 1 NPCs in SoA & ToB








Smiling Imp Cross Banter Mod




ZELINK (Zelda x Link) mod for Baldur's Gate 2 SOA



#115 -iavasechui-

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Posted 11 April 2012 - 01:08 PM

...thats what I was trying to due... taking them from bg1 but it didn't work... not sure what I did wrong...

#116 micbaldur


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Posted 20 April 2012 - 06:04 PM

Hi Smiling Imp.

I've been playing BWP 11 and i'm finally reach Waukeen's Promenade and i've been trying to locate Kagain and his store.

At AR0700.BCS:

I don't have cre-file 7XCRE71 (Kagain, i've checked cre with NI from BG1NPCSOA folder) in my game. I don't know what's the problem. Hopefully this is possible to repair without re-installing because that's not an option for me.

Looking forward to your other NPCs and their quests. :Tasty:

I have copied 7XCRE71 from BG1NPCSOA folder to override folder. I hope it works.

Update 2:
Well copying doesn't work. I also did some reseach and noticed that you have checks for NPCs in tp2-file. Because i have TDD Kagain no BG1NPCSoA Kagain for me. :crying: Checks for other NPCs are useless in BWP because they are installed after BG1NPCSoA (BWP checks them).

Does this mean that no Kagain Korner and no new items for me. :wall: Well that's takes lot fun out of the mod for me. :crying:

Edited by micbaldur, 21 April 2012 - 09:27 AM.

CHARNAMEs excellent adventures in the world of BWP expert-install here


Thanks to Leonardo Watson for making this possible

#117 Smiling Imp

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Posted 22 April 2012 - 11:50 AM

Hi Smiling Imp.

I've been playing BWP 11 and i'm finally reach Waukeen's Promenade and i've been trying to locate Kagain and his store.

I don't have cre-file 7XCRE71 (Kagain, i've checked cre with NI from BG1NPCSOA folder) in my game. I don't know what's the problem. Hopefully this is possible to repair without re-installing because that's not an option for me.

Looking forward to your other NPCs and their quests. :Tasty:

I have copied 7XCRE71 from BG1NPCSOA folder to override folder. I hope it works.

Update 2:
Well copying doesn't work. I also did some reseach and noticed that you have checks for NPCs in tp2-file. Because i have TDD Kagain no BG1NPCSoA Kagain for me. :crying: Checks for other NPCs are useless in BWP because they are installed after BG1NPCSoA (BWP checks them).

Does this mean that no Kagain Korner and no new items for me. :wall: Well that's takes lot fun out of the mod for me. :crying:

Hmmm.. Is only 7XCRE71 ("Kagain") not showing up or all the rest of the characters missing as well? Just for posterity, the enterance to Kagain's Korner is located right underneath the Dragon Restaurant in the promenade and Kagain will be in the top right corner there.

If all the other Kagain's Korner characters are there and only he is missing, perhaps you could CLUA Console him in. His dialogs, name and store should still be installed correctly.

Baldur's Gate 1 NPCs in SoA & ToB








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ZELINK (Zelda x Link) mod for Baldur's Gate 2 SOA



#118 micbaldur


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Posted 22 April 2012 - 01:21 PM

Yes only Kagain is missing, other Kagain's Korner characters are there.

I can't CLUAConsole him because he's not copied to override folder during the install (also i noticed that Xzar and Montaron are missing too all because i have TDD installed). If i copy Kagain cre-file from BG1NPCSoA folder to override folder and CLUAConsole him game CTD.

I changed TDD Kagain's dialogue-file to BG1NPCSoA Kagain dialogue-file i try that way.

Edited by micbaldur, 22 April 2012 - 01:22 PM.

CHARNAMEs excellent adventures in the world of BWP expert-install here


Thanks to Leonardo Watson for making this possible

#119 Smiling Imp

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Posted 22 April 2012 - 03:30 PM

Yes only Kagain is missing, other Kagain's Korner characters are there.

That's weird. Yeah.. my only guess is that another mod is somehow blocking him from entering the scene. Perhaps a more experienced modder who is good with code could offer their advice here because honestly, I don't know have an answer.

EDIT: Actually come to think of it, if you have another mod installed that introduces Kagain, that might block him from appearing because of some creature checks that added in later versions so that multiple copies of the same NPC would not appear.

Edited by Smiling Imp, 22 April 2012 - 03:43 PM.

Baldur's Gate 1 NPCs in SoA & ToB








Smiling Imp Cross Banter Mod




ZELINK (Zelda x Link) mod for Baldur's Gate 2 SOA



#120 micbaldur


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Posted 22 April 2012 - 03:58 PM

In BG1NPCSoA.tp2 you have:
COPY ~BG1NPCSoA\BG1NPCSoACRE\7XCRE71.cre~ ~override/7XCRE71.cre~

Because i have TDD Kagain11.cre already at override 7XCRE71.cre isn't copied to override. So no Kagain (7XCRE71.cre) to spawn at Waukeen's Promenade and nothing is blocking it. I think or maybe not. :blink:

Heh! These are common problems at BWP games i think. :lol:

Well i don't know anything about modding (i'm only hardcore BWP-expert player) so i can't help you. Sorry.

CHARNAMEs excellent adventures in the world of BWP expert-install here


Thanks to Leonardo Watson for making this possible