Looks like you have 4 copies of LEOPDISU.CRE in the summoned creatures section that don't exist in any area, but were never purged.
Here is an interesting find.
The bug that is causes the summon limit to go to 0 is related to that bug with increasing load/save times that BioWare attempted to fix in the 26499 beta patch (associated with requesting that a cre be moved to a different area multiple times). In that patch, they also attempt to fix the summon limit bug too, which is good news!
What I will try to do is to re-create the code changes that BioWare put into the 26499 beta patch, and we'll see how that goes. (not too difficult, only 2 procs got changed with meaningful results)
Update: summon limit bug fix should work. I have made a TobEx equivalent.
However, for people who want to fix the bug without using TobEx (
SCS, etc.), here is a taimon version...
OUTER_PATCH_SAVE orig_bytes_1 ~~ BEGIN
INSERT_BYTES 0x000 0x16
WRITE_LONG 0x000 0x4D8B2574
WRITE_LONG 0x004 0x8B118BF0
WRITE_LONG 0x008 0x52FFF04D
WRITE_LONG 0x00C 0xD8458910
WRITE_LONG 0x010 0x8AD8458B
WRITE_SHORT 0x014 0x1248
OUTER_PATCH_SAVE patch_bytes_1 ~~ BEGIN
INSERT_BYTES 0x000 0x16
WRITE_LONG 0x000 0xF8830574
WRITE_LONG 0x004 0x8B297509
WRITE_LONG 0x008 0x488BF045
WRITE_LONG 0x00C 0x00F98312
WRITE_LONG 0x010 0x13EB1E74
WRITE_SHORT 0x014 0x9090
COPY bgmain.exe bgmain.exe
READ_ASCII 0x2B93DB target_bytes_1 ELSE 0 (0x16)
PATCH_IF (~%target_bytes_1%~ STRING_EQUAL ~%orig_bytes_1%~) THEN BEGIN
WRITE_ASCIIE 0x2B93DB ~%patch_bytes_1%~ (0x16)
PATCH_IF (~%target_bytes_1%~ STRING_EQUAL ~%patch_bytes_1%~) THEN BEGIN
PATCH_PRINT ~Already patched. Skipping...~
END ELSE INNER_ACTION BEGIN FAIL ~Target bytes do not match.~ END
Edited by Ascension64, 08 January 2012 - 08:11 PM.