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Odd bug, perhaps dialogue related?

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#1 joshykins

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Posted 08 August 2011 - 10:26 AM

Well I've seem to have run into a bug that I can't find much information on at all. I've started another run through of the BG series using the Big World BGT mod. My installation was set to "recommended' in Big world, if that helps things to say. Now Im near the end of BG1 and I've killed Slythe and Krystin in the undercellar and I have picked up the invitation to Seravoks Coronation. However when talking to Bill, the guard outside the Duchal Palace, I get no dialogue option to say "hey here's the invites, let us in!" or somthing to the same effect.

Now I've tired to 'cheat' the invite in to my invantory again using debug mode ( invite item number is MISC78) however the console tells me that no such item can be found. I assume due to my modded install directory. Is anybody familiar with this bug or know a quick work around? Is there any way that I can cheat myself into the Palace?

#2 Miloch



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Posted 10 August 2011 - 05:58 AM

CLUAConsole:CreateItem("misc78") should work, if you've got cheats/debugging enabled in baldur.ini.

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