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CD1 folder disappeared?

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#1 Oedipus

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Posted 04 August 2011 - 08:29 PM

I don't even know whether it is the right place to ask.

Last night I was playing with my BGT, installing/uninstalling mods, and testing them.
Suddenly I got such an error:

Baldur's Gate Error:Media Removed from Drive
Please Insert Baldur's Gate CD-1 Into CD-ROM Drive

whenever I started a new game or tried to load one. The game crashed then. I've checked my BGT directory. Now it contains truely no CD1 folder. I'm sure I'd never deleted it manually.

Anyone could tell me what's the problem here?

#2 Jarno Mikkola

Jarno Mikkola

    The Imp in his pink raincoat.

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Posted 05 August 2011 - 09:47 AM

I've checked my BGT directory. Now it contains truely no CD1 folder. I'm sure I'd never deleted it manually.

Anyone could tell me what's the problem here?

The BG2 "CD1" -folder doesn't actually exist, the files are moved to the data folder... at least in the 4+1 edition of the BGII:SoA + ToB game.
The probable reason you got the request to insert the CD1 into the drive is that the game was unable to read one of the packages the CD1 would hold... or you were installing a mod and you had a CD in the drive, which you should never have... in any drive, even in an image drive. And when you play the game, you should only have the play CD(the ToB -cd/CD5) in the drive.

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