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Assertion error while starting BG

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#1 sebbelina

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Posted 25 July 2011 - 12:01 PM

I finally got Big picture installed thanks to jarno but now there is another hitch.
After creating a charcter in baldurs gate the game CTD and gives an assertion error: Assertion failed ctiledobject.cpp line number 179 sometimes a in infgame....
If I try to import a character made for baldurs gate it crashes immediately but if a choose one from say tob it lets me start but crashes nontheless.

The problem with the installtion was that I needed to install trilogy manually while it was paused beacause it got stuck.
After I manually installed trilogy the big picture installation crashed and so I just restarted and asked if I wanted to continue from where it left off.
Possible source of ctd?

Baldurs gate 2 works like a charm though.

Tried searching but the search function doesn`t work?

Edited by sebbelina, 25 July 2011 - 01:18 PM.

#2 Miloch



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Posted 26 July 2011 - 04:21 AM

A ctiledobject.cpp error usually means a tileset issue - sometimes you can solve it by clearing out your cache, temp and tempsave folders. If not, post the full error text from the baldur.err file.

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#3 sebbelina

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Posted 26 July 2011 - 06:51 AM

Doing a clean reinstalled version, going with the recommended version without adding anything and see if the error persists.

I will add the baldur.err file if it does!