This is really another edition of 'should have been released a long time ago' but yes. This is pretty much a fixpack for IWD: TotLM allowing you to do any combination of three things:
» Fix character attack animation sounds in TotLM
I'm not sure if anyone else was annoyed by this or even noticed, but if you patched HoW to TotLM weapon-specific attack sounds went broken. No more clinks of swords and whirly slings and bows being drawn, but just this odd, washed out frglrgh.
Well, this is not a feature of TotLM but a bug in the game engine (turns out the noise is actually a wyvern attack sound) so this component fixes it. Sadly no previews here, but there are some in the readme *nudge nudge*
» Restore combat stance animations in Icewind Dale
Pretty self-explanatory. Icewind Dale doesn't render combat stance animations (always defaulting to the idle animations) which sometimes looks a bit off since the attack animations themselves are made to fit the unplayed sequences. If you install this component, animations render the way they do in Baldur's Gate.

As an optional choice during install, it also includes a few fixes for some of Icewind Dale's scripting issues, leading to characters being perpetually busy (which could actually be either a cause or an effect of the animations being disabled as it's a lot more obvious if they're not).
However, as this does replace the affected character scripts I highly recommend installing this part before anything else that might touch .bcs scripts.
I've made an attempt not to break your game (*crosses fingers*) but if I messed up in the (re)scripting somewhere, please let me know.
» Use IWD/BG1 (legacy) character animations in HoW/TotLM
Yes. I guess if you looked closely at the previous screenshot, I've already spoiled it for you, but you can now play HoW/TotLM with the original Icewind Dale/BG1 character animations if you like. It makes sense to have something like this, since IWD doesn't actually use any of the problematic new features such as dual wielding, etc.

You can find the download here