[GRAPHICS] Unicorns
Posted 15 July 2012 - 11:18 PM

Posted 16 July 2012 - 10:33 AM
I love all of them. The Black Unicorn reminds me a creature you can recruit in Heroes of Might and Magic IV: the Nightmare.
You are right !
I used the dds file of the Nightmare for the texture.
I am still working on a more conventional Black unicorn with the texture of a black horse and will use it as "minions" for the "nightmare-unicorn".
In progress : Menace sur le Royaume de Diamant Éternel there.
Posted 17 July 2012 - 11:25 AM

Posted 19 July 2012 - 12:38 AM
You are doing an amazing job. Hold on! I am looking forward to play this mod. I adore unicorns and horses (in game
Don't worry !
But you have to wait a while until I release my mod. Beside the horses, I am creating new monsters animations and I have not finished yet the 300 maps...
In progress : Menace sur le Royaume de Diamant Éternel there.
Posted 19 July 2012 - 01:16 AM
Posted 28 July 2012 - 11:26 PM
See it for youself if you doubt me. Klicky here for Solf's Lair.
If you are Solf, or got her approval on this mod, then please forgive me!
Although if you only got her approval you probably should have mentioned that these models/textures weren't done by you. However, if you are not or did not, I don't see why are you claiming something you didn't do as your own.
Posted 28 July 2012 - 11:38 PM
Or maybe your compare colors' horses?
Edited by Graoumf, 28 July 2012 - 11:40 PM.
Posted 29 July 2012 - 12:16 AM
Here is Solf's version
here is the unicorn pack version. - the middle one in the lower row.
Not to mention that Solf's horses have these huge rumps for some reason - while many different horse types are much thinner (It is her taste in these matters I guess) and these horses on these pictures do have the same thick back, legs and etc. Here, I think not only the textures are the same, but the meshes too.
Game engines doesn't have anything to do with the models. Models are made in modelling programs and then packed and converted to fit the engines desires. But models, unlike source codes can be turned back. The reason why there are so many Oblivion and Morrowind and Skyrim graphical mods is that it is very easy to unpack the TES models with the right nif tools, and turn them into obj files - that are well supported by every modelling program like Blender, or 3Ds Max. Once you imported the models in a program like that you can do anything you want with them, change them however you want.
Baldur's Gate may use a tiling graphical style due to certain resons, when it comes to the background, but those were rendered from 3D models. Also, the moving models, like the npc characters, or chickens or stags, dragons, whatever, are 3D models. And so yes, I claim you can place the Skyrim or oblivion models into BG with a little work. As these models don't even seem too dumbed down, I would say the meshes weren't even touched or modified much - if at all.
Now I have taken a better look, and actually this is the Oblivion horse pack with a black unicorn (Solf made one), and not the Skyrim one. And what a coincidence that here it is claimed that a black unicorn will be made too!
Posted 29 July 2012 - 01:14 AM
Posted 29 July 2012 - 01:44 AM
About the last one, you mean this kind of horses? It's a grullo., not an invention of someone.I have never, ever in my life had seen a gray horse with black strips. Like on the collected pictures last horse. That was Solf's invention. Also, while it is possible that you could make brown and white spotted horses, just like she did, but anyone with eyes can see that the here the brown-white spotted horse doesn't simply look similar, IT IS THE EXACTLY SAME TEXTURE!
Here is Solf's version
I have no time to look for a brown and white spotted horse, but I'm pretty sure it exists too.
Edited by Graoumf, 29 July 2012 - 01:46 AM.
Posted 30 July 2012 - 02:49 AM
I don't mind you using them, but do the right thing and ask first, and credit me for the original work at least. Don't claim it as your own. That's the lowest of the low thing to do.
A dream to some, a NIGHTMARE to others!
Blood is thicker than water... and much tastier!
There is no good, there is no evil, there is only FLESH.
Nil Carborundum Illegitimus.
Daedra have no word for 'fluffy'. ~ Slof's Mods ~
Posted 30 July 2012 - 03:34 PM
Gwendolyne never pretended that these textures wasn't inspired by Oblivion community - he exactly said the contrary. Besides, I thought you have authorize community to draw the inspiration by sharing your textures - tell me I'm wrong. If someone must get systematically your permission before using them, why sharing them?
I guess he will put all credits to anyone concerned in time, but for the moment his mod is on developpement, so I guess it's pretty too early to think about credits. BG community is well known to credit all people who deserve in ReadMes, so don't worry. If it's really important for you, I guess you should appeared on it.
You claim a lot, but did you already make a mod on BG? I mean a quest mod. I think you haven't, because you would think carefully before claiming if it was the case.And so yes, I claim you can place the Skyrim or oblivion models into BG with a little work.
Solf said he spent many hours on his textures - i guess it's rather many days, even weeks maybe. I can say that Gwendolyne spent several months on these textures. Yes, months : crazy, no? I think you don't measure the work he has done, and the difficulty to mod on BG.
Edited by Graoumf, 30 July 2012 - 04:05 PM.
Posted 30 July 2012 - 11:03 PM
Claim? Shame? Wahou. What an excitation.
Gwendolyne never pretended that these textures wasn't inspired by Oblivion community - he exactly said the contrary. Besides, I thought you have authorize community to draw the inspiration by sharing your textures - tell me I'm wrong. If someone must get systematically your permission before using them, why sharing them?
Yes, you are wrong. With sharing you allow people to use them without asking, in the game. To allow them to use them in their own mods without asking, you need to put a notice in the read me. And even then it is simply polite to ask if the original creator is ok with it. When you also want to change it, you usually required to ask!
You claim a lot, but did you already make a mod on BG? I mean a quest mod. I think you haven't, because you would think carefully before claiming if it was the case.
Solf said he spent many hours on his textures - i guess it's rather many days, even weeks maybe. I can say that Gwendolyne spent several months on these textures. Yes, months : crazy, no? I think you don't measure the work he has done, and the difficulty to mod on BG.
I think you still don't see what is our problem here. If I go in the Louvre and make a bunch of photoes of the Mona Lisa, and then re-paint it - even if I spend 3 times as much time on working on it than Leonardo did, if I dare to claim the picture I made as completely my own, then I am lying. All I could claim was that I was the one who smeared the paint on the canvas, but that won't turn that picture into my atrwork. Even if I add vaguely that it may have been portrayed after some picture in a museum by someone I don't care to name...
By the way she spent months on converting them, you mean. And no, I never made a quest mod, (but as I said before, the models and animations really have nothing to do with quests, so I don't understand why are you bringing it up again), I am however rather good with 3Ds Max, and I know what I am talking about. If she needed months to convert them... Well, then i really don't understand why didn't she make her own, instead!
After all, as even Solf claimed, it takes "merely a few days" to do them if you are good, and know what you are doing. However, to became that good you need to be talented and practice for YEARS. So you claim those textures have only a few days work in them? You are deadly wrong. They also have that time and energy the artist had put in learning the art first.
Also I don't understand your reasoning. Do you claim putting more work in it then what was in the original would automatically turn it into her own?Or are you just claiming I should respect the work she had put in it?
The first one is clearly wrong - no matter how much extra work you put into anything you don't own, it won't became yours. If this wasn't so, any cleaner who works for years in a hotel should have the right to claim ownership over half of the furniture after a few years, seeing how s/he had worked more on keeping them usefull for the guests than the hotel that merely bought it, or maybe the factory that had used machines to create it within mere minutes. No, this logic is absolutely crazy.
And should I respect the extra work she had put in? I certainly do. This is why I find this lack of crediting so very disturbing. After working so much on something herself, why can't she respect the work and energy other people put in this too? Would have crediting the original creator be so hard? She still would have gotten all these "Awww! This looks amazing! I can hardly wait for this!" kind of comments. :/
What i don't understand is why didn't she ask? Even Solf said she would have agreed to use it, and all she asked to be given some credit. A line where she is mentioned as the original creator of the textures. Is this so hard? Not asking for permission even knowing you would get it if you asked, leaves something to wonder about the modders intentions. And saying what you did, that you will put credits in it, ok, but that hardly changes anything.
Anyways, don't bother to answer this. You can. of course, but you won't see reason and you will only try to prove how right you are and wrong I am, but I won't keep on arguing with you. I have made my point clear.
Posted 31 July 2012 - 07:59 AM
You act like a child. This mod is not yet released and it might never be. If it is released, and you feel left out from credits, than react. All mods here put credits where it is due to put them, and I suppose Gwendolyne will do also. So cool down a bit.
BTW, Gwendolyne, great mod. Keep up good work.
Posted 31 July 2012 - 11:08 AM
I think you didn't carefully read what Slof said about the resources he worked on - Source:Yes, you are wrong. With sharing you allow people to use them without asking, in the game
And even on Spellhold Studios:Oblivion Mod Resources
Sometimes I make working files and models available as a reusable resource for other modders to add to their mods.
So when you put this on the net, it's obvious you don't wait a modder to ask systematically your permission to use resources you share mainly for... modders.Slof's Extra Horses Modder Pack - a selection of unusually coloured and marked horses made mainly as a resource for other modders to use
About the credits, as I said before, this mod is under developpement and so we'll see in time together if Gwendolyne put some credits or not in the ReadMe. But it's so obvious that I can't imagine there won't be credits for people who deserves. Let's have a look on any ReadMe of BG mods to convince yourself.
Edited by Graoumf, 31 July 2012 - 11:46 AM.
Posted 31 July 2012 - 11:42 AM
Posted 01 August 2012 - 02:39 AM
A dream to some, a NIGHTMARE to others!
Blood is thicker than water... and much tastier!
There is no good, there is no evil, there is only FLESH.
Nil Carborundum Illegitimus.
Daedra have no word for 'fluffy'. ~ Slof's Mods ~