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Problem with Traps of the living

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#1 JustMe

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Posted 03 July 2011 - 07:11 PM

I need to say, this is a great mod so far!

However, I have stumbled upon a few bugs, and now I am actually stuck (I am playing the non-updated 1.0 version, since updating required a reinstall which I can not do).

First, I...

But then...

Nothing works. I do want to play longer in this nice mod, so it would be great if there was some solution to this :)

#2 Shaitan

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Posted 03 July 2011 - 08:47 PM

You main char / protagonist drank the potion?

I don't clearly remembers anymore, so you'll have to wait for Yovaneth.

#3 Yovaneth


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Posted 04 July 2011 - 11:59 AM

You say that you can't re-install - are you running a BGT or BWP setup? If so, I have no idea what they may have done to the mod as a whole.

You seem to have recovered from the first problem okay; unfortunately I have no idea what went wrong with the area script as this is the first time anyone has reported this problem. The patch addressed the non-ghoul appearance problem but as Shaitan says, that should not affect the gameplay. The slow movement wearing off reasonably quickly is correct but the curse can only be cured by one of two actions. The first one I think you already know.

If you absolutely cannot get passed the Traps of the Living, you can do one of two things. You will need to have the CLUAConsole activated for both actions.



#4 JustMe

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Posted 05 July 2011 - 06:51 AM

You say that you can't re-install - are you running a BGT or BWP setup? If so, I have no idea what they may have done to the mod as a whole.

Yes, you are right. I do use the BWP project to install your mod. I already assumed it to be the culprit (I did read your sticky) but I figured that it would still be better if I asked in this forum for help :)

And thanks for the help! I will try your solution #1, as I do not want to lose any bit of this mod by simply spawning the item, unless I absolutely have to. And even if I was forced to do so, I would probably just reinstall the game without BWP involved to play your mod properly instead.

Fingers crossed.

#5 JustMe

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Posted 05 July 2011 - 11:15 AM

Well actually, sadly, this mod is not working very well at all with BWP (at least not in my install).

It clearly has nothing to do with your mod per se, and I will take a discussion on the BWP forum instead of pestering about it here :)

But for reporting's sake, I quickly post my findings here, in case you can work something out for a later version or something for us BGT/BWP junkies :)


And that was my cue to stop playing this mod and wait until I reinstall Baldur's Gate the next time with no megamod installation. Such a shame on this very fine mod. The little I saw was very good!

#6 Fouinto

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Posted 05 July 2011 - 11:50 AM


Here is what I did to "go around" this problem (BWP) :

Hope this helps.

#7 Yovaneth


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Posted 05 July 2011 - 01:21 PM

Here is what I did to "go around" this problem (BWP) :

That is exactly the way the Traps were initially tested. You can substitute Oil of Speed for Boots of Speed and get the same result. You can also wait for the Slow effect to wear off before trying to cross the Traps normally. All three methods were tested and checked working; I don't like forcing people into having to find just one method to solve a puzzle like this one.


Edited by Yovaneth, 05 July 2011 - 01:26 PM.

#8 -maximus2001-

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Posted 11 July 2011 - 09:41 PM

Hi Yovaneth

I did not find these two potions, so I gave it a shot by running around with boots of speed (all party members have them). After being teleported a lot, was able to get the key and return to the tanarri. Only lost Nalia this way, and didn't have to mess with the undead change mentioned above.

Is it ok to finish it like this (the tanarri was happy and gave me information to continue the quest) or will something funny happen with the globals.

If not could you spoiler where the potions are?


#9 Yovaneth


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Posted 12 July 2011 - 01:42 AM

If you're on version 1.1 then everything will work out without any funnies. If you're on v1.0 then late in the game you're going to hit a conversation that makes no sense because you won't have met the person being discussed. Using Boots of Speed (or Oil of Speed) is one way to pass the Traps of the Living but it means that you will bypass part of the mod; I don't consider this a problem as it adds to replay value.


#10 Ztartrax

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Posted 27 October 2012 - 11:55 AM

Where is "the trap of the living"?


#11 Yovaneth


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Posted 27 October 2012 - 12:27 PM

In the dwarf maze - turn left from the small cave.
