Her hair's looking really good, but I don't know, there's something looking wrong I think :/ (maybe it's too grey, uniformly grey, I did like it better when there were locks of hair greyer, whiter, and some were still brownish, if you see what I mean)
There seems to be a "pink veil" on the portrait, I'm not that fond o it

It looks blurry too, a little too much, maybe it's from the cropping.
I think that the typical
BG2 dimensions are important for the M- and S-size portraits you see in game (and you did it well !), but the big one can be a little different for the sake of quality ^^
Oh and her eyebrows look fake

Like those women shaving theirs and then drawing fake eyebrows with makeup...
I don't know, there's something on her face and eyes, like faded makeup, I thought Lava's wrinkles were looking better
I'll try to mess with it when I'll have time...
Edited by Sanctifer, 03 July 2011 - 02:04 AM.