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1pp ~ high quality music for SoA/ToB || Tutu/ToSC || IWD || PS:T

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#61 Erephine


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Posted 22 August 2012 - 07:11 PM


Do you know if the audio levels (i.e. dB) of the music are the same as the vanilla game? I've found the restored music to be quite loud compared to other content, which is perhaps normal but since I haven't played it in a while I don't really know.

Should be more or less the same.

I made an effort to match volume, so any difference should be uniform (i.e. if you change your volume once it should be fine for all tracks).


#62 ScuD

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Posted 22 August 2012 - 07:15 PM

PST Music does not seem to install on 2CD version. I can send you the executable if you like.

#63 Erephine


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Posted 22 August 2012 - 07:18 PM

PST Music does not seem to install on 2CD version. I can send you the executable if you like.

Please do. :)


#64 ScuD

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Posted 22 August 2012 - 07:27 PM

Here you go.

#65 Erephine


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Posted 22 August 2012 - 07:52 PM

Let me know if this works (replace your installer with the one included):

Attached File  1pp_hq_music_PST_installer_2.7z   1.91K   453 downloads


#66 ScuD

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Posted 22 August 2012 - 08:05 PM

Installed flawlessly. And now I see dead people hear the music :) Thank you Erephine, you are awesome as always! :hug:

#67 Erephine


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Posted 22 August 2012 - 08:10 PM

Good :)

Will update the download, then. Just to be sure, this is an English install?


#68 ScuD

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Posted 22 August 2012 - 08:11 PM


#69 Erephine


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Posted 24 August 2012 - 10:49 AM

Okay, updates are on the way.

It will be the updated PST patch (2 disc / 4 disc version support) as well as an update for SoA/ToB and Tutu/ToSC, finally fixing the game choice/ToB title screen looping.

The reason looping was broken on those screens (but not SoA) is actually the result of a really bizarre engine bug/quirk I was hoping to fix, but for the life of me can't figure out. For posterity's sake (or in case anyone else ran into it) the issue is that any song index of 75+ fails to recognise any loop information UNLESS the song entry/file name is two letters and the relevant parts begin with an _underscore (I think), while anything works fine on entries below 75.

I've pored over the code but I can't find what's causing the inconsistent behaviour (thus far, anyway) so grudgingly I've just renamed the files.

Edited by Erephine, 24 August 2012 - 10:50 AM.


#70 Erephine


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Posted 28 August 2012 - 02:20 AM

Updates for SoA/ToB, Tutu/ToSC and PS:T are up :)


#71 -Guest-

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Posted 22 December 2012 - 01:31 AM

Hi, Erefine. I want to thank you for the wonderful mod. But there is a problem in the russian version of the mod works incorrectly, that is, when you try to attack the thugs in the quarter at Mortuary, the game crashes. I think the problem with the inclusion of music in the fight. In addition to your mod is installed:
Russian translation by Refile, Macbeth, wooder, Aldark, Prowler, Skaramush
Widescreen mod 3.05
GhostDog's-PST-UI 2.2
PST-Fix 4.13

Tried different installation procedure for mods, the effect is - game crashes
What some may find the solution.

#72 Wrubel

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Posted 22 December 2012 - 01:31 AM

Hi, Erefine. I want to thank you for the wonderful mod. But there is a problem in the russian version of the mod works incorrectly, that is, when you try to attack the thugs in the quarter at Mortuary, the game crashes. I think the problem with the inclusion of music in the fight. In addition to your mod is installed:
Russian translation by Refile, Macbeth, wooder, Aldark, Prowler, Skaramush
Widescreen mod 3.05
GhostDog's-PST-UI 2.2
PST-Fix 4.13

Tried different installation procedure for mods, the effect is - game crashes
What some may find the solution.

#73 Helborn

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Posted 04 February 2013 - 08:54 AM

Erephine, thanks for this.


I do have a problem though - all of the music works fine except for the GUI music which remains slow. Could you add two things: could you echo which file is being processed and add a log to the acm_upsample exec??


I know that most of the command windows flash by too fast to see, but some are slow enough that it would help keep track of the progress



#74 ZaxxerDog

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Posted 18 February 2013 - 08:05 PM

Sadly the mod is not working on the GOG version of Torment (vanilla music plays too fast due to the difference in sample rate and hq music simply won't install after manually overwriting the vanilla music files). Please make a fix for this if you have the time!

Edited by ZaxxerDog, 18 February 2013 - 08:18 PM.

#75 weewuh

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Posted 27 February 2013 - 08:27 PM

Question: BG1: Unfinished Business has a component called "playlist corrections for TOS. Since my version of bg1 is the GOG version, based off of the TOS rerelease, after I easytutu my install I always install this component of UB. Will doing so screw up my music files when I install your HQ Music mod? Should I install HQ Music after UB?

#76 Shardnax

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Posted 22 March 2013 - 01:39 PM

I was able to download this without any trouble, thought I should post since it's flagged as broken on the download page.


I apologize if I should've posted this somewhere else.

#77 Salk

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Posted 13 April 2013 - 09:58 PM

Thanks for your answer, Erephine.

I am rather thick though (and I guess it's no surprise) so I am not really sure I understood if I can use this modification with BGT, which was my intention. I thought Beholder meant to say that I should run this modification on the original TotSC game and hope that BGT would import the new music files.

But I guess it is not so? If instead it is possible, how do I do it since I can not really go down that road?


Naw. It's not really made all that clear in the description/installers so definitely not your fault if it is somewhat confusing with BGT installs.

What Beholder meant, and would probably work is to
  • place the included music/ folder for ToSC/BG1 in your BG1-ToSC directory (replacing the default one), and
  • place the included music/ folder for BGII-SoA/ToB in your BG2 directory
  • then installing BGT (which will import the changed files from BG1's music folder) and
  • finally install 1pp hq music (the WeiDU patch) on your finished BGT install, saying "no" to patching areas just to be safe.

I tried this today and it's not working.

BGT gives an error and halts the installation while trying to load the file bc1d1a.acm from the replaced music folder. This happens because that file is not present in the mod's music folder and I suspect that's not the only one missing.

Edited by Salk, 13 April 2013 - 10:04 PM.

#78 Arthandas

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Posted 31 August 2013 - 08:59 AM

During conversion of IWD music I had two ssrc_hp.exe errors, The culprit were the B2a1.acm and B6F3.acm files. This is not a problem since both files are going to be overwritten but I'm just curious why they had only 1kb in my installation and what actually are they?

#79 pro5

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Posted 22 February 2014 - 11:05 AM

I was interested to try this mod, but it needed some serious work to adapt to BGT properly. I've made it an automatic install that will use the resources from both TotSC and BGII music packages, and install them in BGT. Fixed a few minor problems along the way. Not fully tested, so please use at your own risk for now.

Copy-paste from the small readme included in the archive:

This package contains an automated BGT-compatible weidu installer for the 1PP: High Quality Music mods (TotSC/BGII). It will add audio from both BG1 and BG2 1PP packages into the game and optionally patch all areas to make full use of added music.

- Download the 1pp_hq_music_ToSC_110 audio package
- Download the 1pp_hq_music_II_130 audio package
- Extract both packages above into the BGT folder, but do NOT install them (you can safely delete their .exe installers)
- Extract the attached package into the same folder, and run setup-1pp_hq_music_BGT.exe to install

Note 1: For area patching, BGTMusic mod must installed - specifically the component "Full Baldur's Gate/Shadows of Amn/Throne of Bhaal Music"

Note 2: 1PP HQ music should be installed after all mods that add new ACM audio into the game, which means most NPC and quest mods (see the original readme in BGII package for more details on the conversion process and potential pitfalls)

Most notable changes from v1.30 of 1pp_hq_music_BGII (which was used as basis for making this package):
  • Full BGT support, including patching of BGT areas to enable new music tracks
  • New songs are added using ADD_MUSIC, instead of using fixed songlist.2da IDs (some of those are already occupied in BGT)
  • Existing song IDs for BGT areas are dynamically extracted from current songlist.2da, instead of using fixed values (this generally won't work with BGT very well)
  • Automated installation: the installer will patch the exe, back up the music folder, upsample any acm tracks in music folder that need upsampling to 44.1kHz, install all necessary files from appropriate 1PP HQ Music packages, and, optionally, patch the areas. Upon uninstallation, backed up music folder is restored, reversing the upscaling.
  • Split patch/don't patch areas choice into subcomponents for ease of automatic installs via BWP/BWS
  • Fixed various problems in several .mus files: CRED.MUS, BD1.mus, BL1.mus, DREAM2.MUS, BM2.MUS, BP1.MUS, MB.MUS, VB.MUS
  • Area patching is no longer done using fj_are_structure - it was setting every omitted parameter field in the songlist structure to default values, effectively removing ambients from patched areas
  • Added a tiny component to allow restoring BG2 main menu theme at/after BGT transition

Attached Files

#80 Salk

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Posted 22 February 2014 - 10:26 PM

Great job, pro5!

I've been hoping for something like that for years! :)