The Ring Quest
Posted 24 October 2012 - 04:11 PM
The fix I found - I tried rerunning the dialogue using different choices. The game froze whenever I used the "No names no packdrill" option. If I chose the option saying it was Oengus, then the game ran fine. Wierd but true ....
Posted 25 October 2012 - 07:28 AM
Posted 25 October 2012 - 02:04 PM
Ztartrax: check that ysepring.itm exists in the override file.
'Go for the optics, Chiktikka. GO FOR THE OPTICS!!' - Tali vas Neema
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Posted 10 September 2013 - 07:42 AM
I had similar problem, but I found an easy solution.
I simply used keybord and press "1". Thanks to that my main character said nothing but the dialogue was ended. Thief gave me ring, and so on.
Posted 12 September 2013 - 05:43 AM
Is it possible for you to attach the yslugh.dlg file to the topic please?
'Go for the optics, Chiktikka. GO FOR THE OPTICS!!' - Tali vas Neema
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Posted 13 September 2013 - 06:35 AM
Is it possible for you to attach the yslugh.dlg file to the topic please?
-Y- ...
I will try.
Hm... Interesting ... I thought that this file should be in "dialog" folder ... but i have there only *.d files... I found (in fishing for trouble folder only yslugh.d)
If this is it then :
BEGIN YSLUGH IF ~Global("ys_TalkedToLugh","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN BEGIN 0 SAY @2550 IF~~THEN REPLY @2551 GOTO 1 END //--------------------------------------------------------- IF ~Global("ys_TalkedToLugh","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN BEGIN 1 SAY @2552 IF~~THEN REPLY @2553 GOTO 2 IF~~THEN REPLY @2554 GOTO 3 END //--------------------------------------------------------- IF ~Global("ys_TalkedToLugh","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN BEGIN 2 SAY @2555 IF~CheckStatGT(LastTalkedToBy(Myself),9,CHR)~THEN REPLY @2556 GOTO 5 IF~CheckStatLT(LastTalkedToBy(Myself),10,CHR)~THEN REPLY @2556 GOTO 6 END //--------------------------------------------------------- IF ~Global("ys_TalkedToLugh","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN BEGIN 3 SAY @2557 IF~CheckStatGT(LastTalkedToBy(Myself),9,CHR)~THEN REPLY @2558 GOTO 5 IF~CheckStatLT(LastTalkedToBy(Myself),10,CHR)~THEN REPLY @2558 GOTO 6 END //--------------------------------------------------------- IF ~Global("ys_TalkedToLugh","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN BEGIN 5 SAY @2559 IF~~THEN REPLY ~~ DO~GiveItemCreate("ysepring",Player1,0,0,0) AddexperienceParty(1000) EraseJournalEntry(@152) SetGlobal("ys_TalkedToLugh","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("ys_LughOkay","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END //--------------------------------------------------------- IF ~Global("ys_TalkedToLugh","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN BEGIN 6 SAY @2561 IF~~THEN REPLY @2562 GOTO 7 END //--------------------------------------------------------- IF ~Global("ys_TalkedToLugh","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN BEGIN 7 SAY @2563 IF~~THEN REPLY ~~ DO~SetGlobal("ysLughFight","GLOBAL",1) EraseJournalEntry(@152)~ EXIT END //--------------------------------------------------------- //IF ~Global("ys_TalkedToLugh","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN BEGIN // SAY ~~ // IF~~THEN REPLY ~~ GOTO // IF~~THEN REPLY ~~ GOTO //END
If not - Can You tell me when i can find this file?
Posted 13 September 2013 - 03:02 PM
yslugh.dlg should be in your override folder. It's compiled by Weidu when the installer is run; I need it to see if it's been compiled correctly.
'Go for the optics, Chiktikka. GO FOR THE OPTICS!!' - Tali vas Neema
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