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The Ring Quest

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#21 kiwidoc_again

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Posted 24 October 2012 - 04:11 PM

When the problem happened - This problem happened for me in the Thieves Guild when my character went downstairs after speaking to Oengus and then spoke to Lughaidh. It happened when Lughaidh gave me the "it's worthless so you might as well have it" line. The game froze during the dialogue with that line onscreen, and no previous dialogue showing.

The fix I found - I tried rerunning the dialogue using different choices. The game froze whenever I used the "No names no packdrill" option. If I chose the option saying it was Oengus, then the game ran fine. Wierd but true ....

#22 Ztartrax

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Posted 25 October 2012 - 07:28 AM

For me the diaglogue freezes after "When it has no worth so I guess she can have it back" (or something like that). Then I have to Ctrl+Alt+Del ,,,,;(


#23 Yovaneth


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Posted 25 October 2012 - 02:04 PM

I've checked the dialog file and the .tra file and I really can't see anything wrong. I also can't get it to crash here.

Ztartrax: check that ysepring.itm exists in the override file.


#24 -MarcinB-

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Posted 10 September 2013 - 07:42 AM

I had similar problem, but I found an easy solution. :shifty: 

I simply used keybord and press "1". Thanks to that my main character said nothing but the dialogue was ended. Thief gave me ring, and so on. :)

#25 Yovaneth


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Posted 12 September 2013 - 05:43 AM

Is it possible for you to attach the yslugh.dlg file to the topic please?



#26 -MarcinB-

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Posted 13 September 2013 - 06:35 AM

Is it possible for you to attach the yslugh.dlg file to the topic please?


-Y- ...

I will try. :shifty: 
Hm... Interesting ... I thought that this file should be in "dialog" folder ... but i have there only *.d files...  I found (in fishing for trouble folder only  yslugh.d)

If this is it then :

BEGIN YSLUGH IF ~Global("ys_TalkedToLugh","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN BEGIN 0 SAY @2550 IF~~THEN REPLY @2551 GOTO 1 END //--------------------------------------------------------- IF ~Global("ys_TalkedToLugh","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN BEGIN 1 SAY @2552 IF~~THEN REPLY @2553 GOTO 2 IF~~THEN REPLY @2554 GOTO 3 END //--------------------------------------------------------- IF ~Global("ys_TalkedToLugh","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN BEGIN 2 SAY @2555 IF~CheckStatGT(LastTalkedToBy(Myself),9,CHR)~THEN REPLY @2556 GOTO 5 IF~CheckStatLT(LastTalkedToBy(Myself),10,CHR)~THEN REPLY @2556 GOTO 6 END //--------------------------------------------------------- IF ~Global("ys_TalkedToLugh","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN BEGIN 3 SAY @2557 IF~CheckStatGT(LastTalkedToBy(Myself),9,CHR)~THEN REPLY @2558 GOTO 5 IF~CheckStatLT(LastTalkedToBy(Myself),10,CHR)~THEN REPLY @2558 GOTO 6 END //--------------------------------------------------------- IF ~Global("ys_TalkedToLugh","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN BEGIN 5 SAY @2559 IF~~THEN REPLY ~~ DO~GiveItemCreate("ysepring",Player1,0,0,0) AddexperienceParty(1000) EraseJournalEntry(@152) SetGlobal("ys_TalkedToLugh","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("ys_LughOkay","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END //--------------------------------------------------------- IF ~Global("ys_TalkedToLugh","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN BEGIN 6 SAY @2561 IF~~THEN REPLY @2562 GOTO 7 END //--------------------------------------------------------- IF ~Global("ys_TalkedToLugh","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN BEGIN 7 SAY @2563 IF~~THEN REPLY ~~ DO~SetGlobal("ysLughFight","GLOBAL",1) EraseJournalEntry(@152)~ EXIT END //--------------------------------------------------------- //IF ~Global("ys_TalkedToLugh","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN BEGIN // SAY ~~ // IF~~THEN REPLY ~~ GOTO // IF~~THEN REPLY ~~ GOTO //END 

If not - Can You tell me when i can find this file?

#27 Yovaneth


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Posted 13 September 2013 - 03:02 PM

yslugh.dlg should be in your override folder. It's compiled by Weidu when the installer is run; I need it to see if it's been compiled correctly.

