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Wrong version being hosted?

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#1 WereRat

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Posted 09 June 2011 - 03:26 PM

has the wrong version been uploaded or was the readme just not updated?

I'm asking because i'm getting a crash with it in some events..

EDIT- It seems it's the right version.
Anyway, i'm having a crash with the message "Assertion failed in CDerivedStats.cpp at line number 1397" while using the bard or mage (maybe it's both) scripts. The problem happens anytime an npc turns hostile.

Edited by WereRat, 09 June 2011 - 04:02 PM.

#2 Yovaneth


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Posted 12 June 2011 - 02:26 AM

You're right about the versions but - with apologies - I can't check to see what might be causing the error message as my IWD2 installation keeps crashing, even after three installs. The only thing that comes to mind with that error message is that an armour stat check is failing (CheckStatGT([...],[...],ARMORCLASS) but I've just checked both scripts and neither of them have an armour class check.


#3 WereRat

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Posted 12 June 2011 - 05:17 AM

You're right about the versions but - with apologies - I can't check to see what might be causing the error message as my IWD2 installation keeps crashing, even after three installs. The only thing that comes to mind with that error message is that an armour stat check is failing (CheckStatGT([...],[...],ARMORCLASS) but I've just checked both scripts and neither of them have an armour class check.


Weird because i uninstalled all mods (with weidu uninstaller) before checking.
I guess i should try it with a clean install... eventually..

#4 -Don-

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Posted 12 February 2012 - 01:01 AM


I have the same error message. Any chance to get the 0.9 Version scripts?

#5 -Ilwenray85-

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Posted 17 May 2012 - 02:40 AM

Same here, any character with magic crash... this message:
cderivedstats.cpp armor class not available -rjf
Is a pity :(

Sorry for my english, im spanish :(

#6 Yovaneth


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Posted 19 May 2012 - 12:46 PM

The problem is IWD2. I did take another look at this - three looks in fact - and found that IWD2 always crashes when you do an ARMORCLASS check. It didn't originally, so I can only assume that the problem was introduced with the latest patch. Removing all ARMORCLASS checks stops the crash, but it then makes a nonsense of some of the targeting checks.

I'm going to pull these scripts, but I'll post a notification first.
