I wanted a Tactic game with a few Expert mods.
1) I used BiG World v9.10 english.pdf to make a list of mods and components I wanted. (At this time I am not interested in NPC mods.)
2) I used bws_9-20110501.exe to create the game. Just before the installation finishes, WeiDU lists the mods that are present but were not installed. Be sure to copy the list as it is not printed to the log file. Then I checked the WeiDU.log to see what was installed. This provided a lot of information about which mods and components were not compatible with each other. Two problems with using BWS. One was that it installed a few mods I did not want. The other was that it deleted other mods I did want for no apparent reason.
3) I used the BiG World Project files that came with bws_9-20110501.exe. I did not check all the files, but I know there are slight differences between the two versions of the BiG World Install.bat files. I prefer the version that came with bws_9-20110501.exe.
4) I deleted the BWS game and created A new game using BWS BiG World Install.bat. This time I did not make any modifications to BWS BiG World Install.bat. To my surprise, this version of BWS BiG World Install.bat installed more mods and components than the BiG World Install.bat in BiG World Installpack v9.10.1.7z. Again, I checked WeiDU.log to see what was installed and what caused problems.
5) I compared the information from both WeiDU.log files. Based on the information about which mods and components were installed, I modified the BWS BiG World Install.bat. This included deleting mods and components that caused problems, changing components to suit my needs, and changing the lines that installed only Expert mods to allow Expert mods that I wanted.
6) I made a new game and used the modified BWS BiG World Install.bat. I checked the WeiDU.log file and found a few typo mistakes. I edited the BWS BiG World Install.bat to correct the typos.
7) I made a new game. Checked the WeiDU.log file and found the game was as I wanted with no errors. Tried it out and it worked.
For those interested, the mods I installed are in the MyFiles.txt file which is attached. These are not the mod names, but the names of the download files.
NOTE: This is an early list. The BiG World files in the list are from BiG World Installpack v9.10.1.7z. They were replaced with files from bws_9-20110501.exe in the game.
Attached Files
Edited by tomkaz, 04 June 2011 - 08:23 AM.