ANYWAY, good work deserves good praise so here we go.
Thing No. 1 I liked: His adorable VOICE! Good GOD, that boy's got an adorable voice (the voice actor) it makes me go 'squee' (and I'm NOT the squee type so there you go)
Thing No. 2: Personality. Faren is a really well-written, believable character. See, in my first playthrough I hooked him up with a nice, elven kensai girl. They hit it off and by the end of ToB Faren was head over heels in love with her and his attitude came out REALLY protective (I wasn't aiming for it, it just happened). Well, there they were, she'd just rejected godhood, happy-happy, yippy-yay and I catch myself thinking: "Hey, but she's an elf, he's human. He's gonna grow old and die while she lives for centuries, it's gonna be so sad..."
And then I'm like: O.O Holly shizz - I just thought about those characters as real people! Not many mods do that for me, let me tell you. o.0
Thing No. 3: The growth of you lovely ladies authoring the mod. I played Nathaniel back when he first came out ( pun intended, I suppose o.o). and...well...I mean, I'll be honest - I didn't HATE him, and I appreciated that he was one of the first (or THE first?) mods with an exclusively gay character. Still, I just couldn't get INTO the romance that well. There was something about him vaguely bothering me and I never figured out quite what it was. The dialogue just didn't...flow naturally (in lack of a better explanation, sorry I know it's vague but I still can't put my finger on it) and Nathaniel himself irritated me a little from time to time (but that's a matter of personal taste now, please don't take offense).
It is UNCANNY how much better you've both gotten since then. The dialogue is so natural, relaxed and enjoyable. The voice actor (I think he's the same guy who did Nathy, could be wrong) has also done a much better job. All around it is an AMAZING improvement - good job to everyone involved.

Thing No. 4: The fact that you guys are STILL making BG2 mods. I love you for that, I seriously do because I don't think I'll EVER stop playing this game and it's so refreshing to suddenly stumble upon a brand NEW mod - I literally jumped with joy when I did.

Well, that's what I got after my first playthrough. I'm starting a new game with a male PC and can't wait to see what Faren does there.