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Centering frames in a BAM animation correctly?

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#21 salomonkane

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Posted 01 March 2016 - 03:23 AM

Bam Offset Resizer/Adjuster in WYSIWYG :

Modding Tools of the Trade


- Thanks everyone for the replies .


@Ulb :

You could ask Gwendolyne (...) about resizing your bams


Sure, you're right, actually, we are talking about his WeiDu routine that's could fix this kind of issues in the french Topic ... .


@Sam :

I think BAM Resizer does everything you want


Thank you Sam, I think, I will use this command line tool in the next future, to speed up the animations conversion/creation in production step .


@Argent77 :

If you need some visual feedback beforehand you can use the BAM Converter from Near Infinity. You can easily resize BAMs or manually adjust frame center coordinates with it.


Thank you Argent77,

That's exactly what I'm looking for right now,

To be able to :

Improve my visual Design modding perception by creating/tuning Customs Sprites compared to Infinity Engine Render behavior (texture, size, coordinates, translucency, shadow, light, etc., etc.),

in Real Time, inside my Testing Workflow, before complete "Bamisation" ... .


In Game Test :


Here a little before/after quick test about (on LOH Spirit Character pre-render sprite) with BAM Converter help in my Conversion Pipeline :


931113rendu.gif , 735191fly.gif


It's time for more "experiments" (especially on the artistic path : Character Acting & Animation Rendering) ... .


Request Support :


@Galactygon :

Does NI support gif -> bam conversion?

Because .Gif, its my essential 2D animations modding format (with in some case .Avi), I support this request, twice  .


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Edited by salomonkane, 02 March 2016 - 12:57 AM.

Quo Vadis ?

#22 Argent77

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Posted 01 March 2016 - 02:57 PM

Good news! I have found a way to read animated GIFs. Expect official GIF support in the next Near Infinity release.

#23 Galactygon


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Posted 03 March 2016 - 03:40 PM

Really nice!

One question: is it possible to have a "Super paint bucket" tool that allows the user to click on one point in any of the frames and change the palette index of all similar pixels in all frames to whatever the user specifies? This could be useful in situations where imported animations have some sort of background color set and the user wishes to change the background to use another palette entry such as the first one. Or if the creature animations have shadows that are a different color the user can pick whatever palette entry that has rgb of 0,0,0. Thanks for your time.
Posted Image

#24 Argent77

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Posted 04 March 2016 - 04:58 AM

Difficult to say. It might be possible to implement something like this as a post-processing filter.