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DA:O recommended mods

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#1 Daulmakan


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Posted 22 March 2011 - 08:06 AM

EDIT: After another replay, I've updated the list and included some of the mods I liked mentioned below the original post and the new ones I've tried. I've also updated the links to the mods, as the Dragon Age Nexus has grown into Nexus Mods nowadays.



Been replaying DA:O with a few mods lately, and figured we could use a recommended mods topic. These are the ones I've liked so far.



A Year with Sten - Different Morphs for Sten incorporating the changes to Qunari looks made in DA2.


Adopted - lets you combine any origin with any class and race. Needs a small bit of manual confiuration before starting a new game.

Advanced Quickbar - Makes more quickbars available with easy access.

CharGenMorph Compiler - Automates the process of merging chargenmorphcfg.xml files, enabling simultaneous multiple cosmetic modifications.

DAO-Modmanager - great tool that helps you manage your mods, has the option of creating .Overrides files for easy installing (I don't think any of the other managers offer this).
DLC in Awakening - Get your DLC items to work in Awakening.
Dragon Age Redesigned - Retexture pack. I really didn't like several of the default skins for your companions, so this mod is a must for me. Changes for the better several minor characters as well. Some components require Tucked Hair.


Expanded Inventory - Automatically changes inventory capacity to the max 125 right from the beginning of the game.

Extra Dog Slot - Makes Dog able to tag along with the party as a summoned creature, but with all dialogue, special abilities, and banters involving him working as if he was a full party member. Probably my fave mod of the bunch, this really should've been a vanilla feature. Be aware that you'll have to deactivate this mod if you want to play 'Captured!' after rescuing Anora.


FtG UI Mod - More Readable Fonts and UI: rescales UI, makes fonts bigger, adds clickable Codex table of contents.

Gift Guide - Awakening - Adds a small (<COMPANION>) text to each gift so you can know ingame who it's supposed to be given to in the Awakenings expansion. Combine it with the Madd Gift Guide for full easy gift identification.

Madd Gift Guide - Same as above, but for the main DA:O campaign.


Less Tedious Fade - For a first playthorugh, the Fade is a mandatory experience, for your own benefit. However, on the Nth playthrough, all the back and forth required makes it TEDIOUS, and since you already know it all from before, its impact doesn't make up for it any longer. This mod places a "Mysterious Tome" near the start of the Fade portion of the "Broken Circle" quest, after the Sloth demon puts the player to sleep. Reading it grants all four shapeshifting forms immediately, so you don't have to backtrack every time you learn a new form. A much, much better solution than the Skip the Fade mod, this is a must for me now. Mod was actually hosted in the BSN and didn't make it to Nexus and I didn't find it anywhere on the net, so I'm mirroring it in case you don't have it.


Level 50 - Increases the level cap to 50 and modifies attribute/specialization maximums to make use of it (it also adds 25 Tactics slots to everyone, making the skill redundant).

Lock Bash - Enables bashing of chests and doors. No longer a "have a rogue or ELSE" situation (although I found that there are a few chests that you actually can't lock/bash, mainly the ones dealing with the Love Letters quest).

Make CONSOLE commands visible - Self-explanatory.


Misha The Hoarder - Similar to other storage mods, but with the benefit of item-sorting that merchants have.


More Detailed Tooltips - Modifies existing abilities, potions, traps, grenades and inspiration bonus tooltips to give more detailed information about what the various effects are. Compatible with Gift Guide & Madd Gift Guide.


No Helmet Hack - Adds an inventory item that allows toggling for helmets showing/not showing on character models. Make sure to remove headgear from your character before importing to another module to avoid issues.

Steal Cooldown Reduced - Reduces said cooldown to 1,5 seconds (I wouldn't bother with the skill otherwise, despite Slim Couldry's quests).

UDK (Universal Dye Kit) - Change the colour of armor and weapons to your liking (can operate as a portable rune enchanter as well).

The Winter Forge - Allows you to change the appearance and magic properties of your items.



Dain's Fixes - Fixes, Tweaks, and QoL changes. Compatible with these other mods: Qwinn's, Law & Order, Silverite Mines, No Helmet Hack, More Detailed Tooltips, Joining Ritual, Dog Gift, Blackblade Drop, and Baroness Reward. Conditionally compatible with Lock/Bash if you don't install autoloot containers or party skill lockpick QoLs (or the extra counterpart).

Qwinn's Fixpack - Deprecates most of the others non-Awakening dialogue/quest fixes around.


Armor Rune Drop Fixes - Fixes some treasure tables.


Awakening Blackblade Armor Dragon Drop Fix - Fixes a bug with the Blackblade Gloves and Boots not appearing.


Awakening Endgame Cutscene Fixes - Resolves several outstanding issues with the cutscene at the end of Awakening.


Joining Ritual Fix for Awakening - Sigrun or Velanna can now undergo the Joining ritual if they are recruited as part of the third (and last) main quest.


Baroness' Reward Fix - Didn't work at all before if you sided with her.

Sigrun's Roguish Past & Law and Order fix - Fixes Mischa disappearing after accepting the Law and Order quest.


Silverite Mines Fix - This mod fixes the infamous Silverite Mines equipment glitch that causes your character to permanently lose some/all of the equipment on him/her. I almost went bonkers when this happened to me the first time. Note that this won't remedy your situation if your gear is already gone.

Uncapped Elemental Damage Bonus - Uncaps the +X% [Element] damage modifier (vanilla is set at 50% even though some items like the Soulbound ring provide more than that).




Beautiful Hair People (there's another mod with a chargenmorph file for this)


Bidelles Cosmetics


CC Extra Tints and Tones


Hairstyle Day


More Hairstyles


Pineappletree's Vibrant Colors


Tucked Hair (there's another mod in Nexus that adds the chargenmorph to this)



Add Any Item Deluxe - Adds a command console line for spawning items, with different commands for vanilla and modded items. Probably best if you run the configuration program after you're done installing all other mods, so it includes any item they added.


Advanced Party - Disallows automatic skill assigning for the Hero and companions.

Advanced Tactics - Enables new conditions and actions in the tactics system.


Alley of Murders - A new quest add-inn for the game. Decently done, fully voiced.

Armor of the Black Fox - New armor/weapons set for rogue characters.


Dog Gift Tweaks - Since Dog always has maximum approval, gifts for him are useless. This aims to rectify that by giving Dog permanent attribute bonus when receiving his preferred gifts.

Emissary - Short little romp where you play a darkspawn emissary, very nicely done.


Extended Dog Talents - Self-explanatory.

Extended Shale Talents - Self-explanatory.

Forced Deathblows - Changes the % of getting the special kill sequences (several options available).

Loincloth Fashion - Adds new robes and armors (need to use the console to spawn them).


Orator Vestments - New massive armor set.


Paladin Specialization - New specialization for Warriors.

Quick Shapeshifting - Shortens Shapeshifting delay to 1 second, though there's an instant version available as well (would be a MUST HAVE but I hardly ever bother with shapeshifting).


Shale Retextured - Self-explanatory.

The Chantry Wardrobe - Adds some nifty retextured chantry robes with different powers. Be aware that getting this to work is pretty wonky: first, you have to install the dazip, then disable it BEFORE creating a new Origins game, then enabling it. That's the only way to actually get the robes. 

The Phoenix Armory - Adds two new armor/weapons sets (light & heavy) for female characters.

Tombs of the Undead - A new quest/dungeon crawl add in. Very nicely done, with pretty challenging difficulty. You won't be cruising through this one.

Universal Voices - Removes the racial restrictions on player voice sets, making every set available to your character regardless of race.


White Teeth - This mod changes the rotten yellowish teeth of all characters to a white color.


Feel free to post yours.

Edited by Daulmakan, 04 April 2023 - 04:53 PM.

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#2 the bigg

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Posted 22 March 2011 - 08:23 AM

From my personal experiences:

Dragon Age Rules Fixpack - Though it does contain several fixes (like the Find Vitals skill or +X% to healing effects) it also provides a fully customizable tweakpack. Some components include Reapply Buffs on Explore, Disabling Visual Effects (covers skills left out by the PAR like Beyond the Veil), and No Deactivation on Weapon Swaps for Modal Abilities, among others.

Fix - No Stealth Drop on Friendly Spells makes Darkspawn Chronicles unwinnable
Tweak - No Helmet has a tendency of forgetting which helmet you were wearing
Tweak - Auto Loot - Kills breaks some quests
Tweak - Remove Modal VFX Ground AoE causes a couple of Sustained AoE abilities to actually do nothing.

Extra Dog Slot - Makes Dog able to tag along with the party as a summoned creature, but with all dialogue, special abilities, and banters involving him working as if he was a full party member. Probably my fave mod of the bunch, this should've been a vanilla feature.

Must be deactivated if you want to play 'Captured!' after rescuing Anora.

Skip the Fade - Allows you to skip the Fade segment of the Circle of Magi quest, but still getting all the attribute bonuses.

I see no mention of Qwinn's Fixpack or the Character Respec Mod.
I must be the only guy who liked the Fade a lot.

Italian users: help test the Stivan NPC!

Author or Co-Author: WeiDU - Widescreen - Generalized Biffing - Refinements - TB#Tweaks - IWD2Tweaks - TB#Characters - Traify Tool - Some mods that I won't mention in public
Maintainer: Semi-Multi Clerics - Nalia Mod - Nvidia Fix
Code dumps: Detect custom secondary types - Stutter Investigator

If possible, send diffs, translations and other contributions using Git.

#3 Kwiat_W

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Posted 22 March 2011 - 10:34 AM

Nice list.

Other mods I would recommend:

Advanced Tactics - fixes various bugs in tactics system, party members behaviors and AI, ads more options in tactics menu

Custom Number of Tactics Slots - self-explanatory

FtG UI Mod - More Readable Fonts and UI - rescales UI, makes fonts bigger, ads clickable Codex table of contents

BagOfHolding - who needs storage chests when you have this!

Skip Ostagar - there is another mod on nexus that does the same thing, but this one is better

Adopted - lets you combine any origin with nay class and race

Ser Gilmore NPC - Fully Voiced - good quality joinable NPC by Immortality (of clan DLAN)

The Winter Forge - "The Winter Forge is an addon giving you the tools to modify the magical properties and exterior appearance of your items", this is the ultimate "item customization" mod

Quickbar Tweaks - Instantly swap your quickslot bar when you switch weapon set, I prefer this over the "Advanced Quickbar", doesn't work with "Dragon Age Rules Fixpack"

Auto Loot - "A "Simple" Auto Loot Mod - If you have enough inventory space all items will be added without opening the loot gui"

Visual changes:

Bow Replacer - makes bows thinner

Combat Animations - your character no longer moves like an ogre during combat

Circles Be Gone - removes circles under player's feet

Improved Atmosphere - I love this mod, but it's hard to describe what it does in just few words, it mostly makes visual changes that "improve atmosphere", makes cities more alive (ads more NPC and makes them do something, not just stand), nobles look like nobles, not like peasants, and much more (it's not a "faces replacement" mod)

Resized Shale- makes Shale bigger

morrigan sacred ashes trailer robes - it's a new robe model, not just reskin of old robe

Lelianas True Sacred Ashes Armor - self-explanatory

For mages:

Non-Circle Origin Mage Dialogue Fixes - install if you use "adopted" or other similar mod and play as a non-circe mage (daelish mage? noble human mage?), NPCs will no longer think that you were in the circle

Evocation - Summons of Mages - self-explanatory

Teleport - ads teleport spell

Allow Permanent Summons-Summons Persist Across Loadscrns - self-explanatory

Unarmed Staff Casting - Staff Casting Animation Change - this mod changes all mage spellcasting animations to become the unarmed versions. It will force the unarmed spellcasting animation even if a staff is equipped

Spell Shaping Skill - ads a skill for mages that allows shaping of area spells in a manner that does not hurt allies, but drains mages mana instead

Crescent Moon and Keeper of Eternal Flame - two nice looking staves

Wings Of Velvet nice looking robe

DAO-Modmanager - greate tool that helps you manage your mods, I use it all the time without any problems

And here's an advice how to try to make some tweak mods to work in Awakening

1. Make sure you have installed the addon, then open Documents/Bioware/Dragon Age/Settings/AddIns.xml (or wherever it is for you)

2. find the line for your mod. Duplicate the whole item / section / node that relates to the mod. (you are doing this so it will still work in DAO and not just in DAA).

3. in the duplicate, change the line
ExtendedModuleUID="Single Player" to ExtendedModuleUID="DAO_PRC_EP_1"

So basically you now have two identical entries in the xml file for the mod. The only difference is one has a line :
ExtendedModuleUID="Single Player"

while the other has a line :

icon11.gif W_GUI - a GUI replacement for Baldur's Gate 2/TUTU/BGT/CA
icon11.gif W_PackMule - Your own pack mule for Baldur's Gate 2/Tutu/BGT/CA, BGEE and BG2:EE

icon11.gif Psionics Unleashed - play as a Psion, mod for Baldur's Gate 2/Tutu/BGT/CA


#4 Enkida


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Posted 22 March 2012 - 10:20 AM

I just recently saw that patch 105 was released and while applying it, decided to look at my mods again.

Holy kumquats. Now I remember why I got fed up with DAO in the first place. Anyway, has anyone written a fairly up to date guide on simply bugfixing DAO and Awakenings post-105 patch? I know about the millions and millions of tiny fixes out there and in fact have most of them, but I still couldn't find any comprehensive up to date answers for plain old bugfixing.

Is Quinn's Fixpack still recommended post 104 patch? Most mods seem to have dire warnings against using it, but I also know for some unfathomable reason most modders don't seem to like Quinn too much.

Does anybody know what tiny fixes are made obselete by multiple mods, and if so which is the best mod to use? For example the ancient elven boot fix comes in at least three separate mods I know of, if not more. Nugbane xbow fix in at least two. Shaperate rewards, Morrigain fixes, etc, etc in more than I can remember. My head is spinning just trying to figure out what mod combos to use to get the best prettified vanilla game experience. If anyone has answers or suggestions, I really have no desire to rewade into the mess that is the DAO modscene just to bugfix the damn game.

Actually I would say the same for tweak mods, since there are so damn many with repeats. What's the best auto loot solution? No helmet solution? Weapon effect animation solution? Blerg, help!

#5 Archmage Silver

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Posted 22 March 2012 - 03:08 PM

I can list my installed fixes post-1.05, but this is just my personal setup and may not include everything. In my experience Qwinn's patch works fine with the official patches that were released after its release. Don't install this one, it conflicts with quite a few things. It's safe to use the "Item Set Bonus on Party Change" fix from it, but I wouldn't touch the other components.

Qwinn's Unofficial Fixpack
Nukenin's Dog Find Fix - I don't think this is necessary anymore for the fix, but I like the floating notifications it adds.
Nukenin's Stealing Fix - Same as the dog find fix, I use it for the floating notifications. It doesn't conflict with BioWare's fix.
Nukenin's +Healing Received Fix
Vigilance/Starfang Fix
Sigrun's Roguish Past/Law & Order Fix
Silverite Mines Fix
Find Vitals Fix
Drain Life Fix
Damage Statistic Fix
Cailan's Helm Fix
Blackblade Armor Drop Fix
Bergen's Honor Fix - This is for the Collector's Edition
Awakening Runes Fix

Additional Patches:
Morrigan Restoration Patch
Awakening DLC Transfer Patch

#6 Enkida


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Posted 23 March 2012 - 03:23 AM

Thanks for that. I rolled up my sleeves and got back into it, and here's what I found.
Community Fixit Project - page 6 and 7 have up to date conflict lists but still omit some post 1.04 fixes, like the critical hit chance fix by JOG.

From searching:

On Qwinn Fixpack and 1.04+

Leliana Romance apparently being broken by the fixpack (confirmed)
The final dialogue option to start the romance appears to be missing for me, at least for the "second opportunity" at romance after completing her personal quest. I followed all of the correct dialogue, my approval is around 95, I'm not involved in another romance...

In the quest "Unrest in the Alienage", if you rescue Valendrian and kill Caladrius, a minor glitch occurs where after thanking you, he immediately goes into his dialogue if you go to meet him at his house later on, and his sprite remains in the Warehouse, slouched over as though he was still in the cage. AND a copy is in his house, as well.

If my character does not make Alistair king at the Landsmeet, he disappears from the Party Selection screen entirely when leaving Eamon's Denerim estate. I ran out to Camp to see if he reappeared there, but no dice. He's just plain gone. (confirmed)

Jowan's intentions is not working for me. When I try to return to Denerim after helping him the game crashes. Tried to go to Redcliff and to the camp and then to Denerim, and got the same crash. All the times.

"Cammen's Lament" seriously bugged:

Whatever I say in the first conversation with him, afterwards he is hostile and keeps saying "There's nothing to talk about. Go away!", no matter if I convinced him to bring him a pelt or to talk to Gheyna. He acts as if I had ***ed his girlfriend, which I hadn't even talked to.
I disabled the fixpack and force loaded an older save, and the problem went away.

On Drain Life bugfix by WRFan

Great idea, poor execution - fix did not work for me. I was still able to drain and receive life from enemy targets under the effect of force field. I didn't see any vanilla code in the script that stops enemies draining life from you or from receiving the health bonus while under force field, but it could be in another script.

I checked the source script and the correct object was not being passed to the modded code (the caster object was passed twice in vanilla script for some reason instead of caster and target objects), the index of the object to check was invalid (indexing starts at 0 so even if the target object had been passed correctly using the second index (1), the script listed index 2 when checking for force field effect), and even if those parts had been right the fix allows for the life to be drained from the target just not gained by the caster (unless the drain is stopped in another script).

A better place to put the changes if you want to make the spell ineffective on any target with the force field effect is in the event pending section, and it can easily be implemented using event manager for compatibility with other mods.

I rewrote the scripts for both drain life and drain mana (they are very similar) to not allow either spell to be cast on any target under the effect of force field. I use combat tweaks so I used its scripts as a base instead of the vanilla scripts so the change wouldn't break that mod. You can use anakin's event manager (http://www.dragonage...file.php?id=726) to implement the fix w/o modifying combat tweaks or vanilla files while still maintaining compatibility with CT and vanilla game, but I haven't gotten around to tyring it yet.

EDIT: I traced the function that applies the damage to core_h.nss, which just passes it directly to the engine so there's no way to know exactly why the damage does not get applied to the target in certain circumstances or directly fix it, although the application of the healing affect to the caster is in the spell script. It is possible to block the healing effect on the caster only when the target is a party member under force field and not vice versa for when the target is an enemy, but that wouldn't be fair now would it? According to the dragon age wiki force field is supposed to block all damaging effects (I would include drain life/mana and healing in this category), but not buffs/debuffs, and should do this regardless of who the caster or target is.

An alternate fix would be to try to bypass the bug in the engine's application of the damage by falsely telling it the damage is from a different ability/spell but making sure the effect is the same.

posted @ 19:56, 29 January 2011 , edited by tinman06 at 00:51, 30 January 2011

On trying to unpack DAZips

You can extract DAZIPs with any good ZIP extraction utility. Placing the extracted folder into your /override folder works for some mods. I was able to make it work successfully for the Morrigan Restoration Patch for example. Other mods, however, do not work, specifically those which place items in your inventory upon loading a savegame.

On modmanagers and 1.04+

A warning about the modmanagers, BW changed something in the way they process overrides in patch 1.04 which can cause overrides installed and managed with one of the modmanagers to not trigger properly. It is an intermittent problem. I only seem to have problems in WH and GoA. The exact same mods installed normally without the modmanager work fine. The issues are known and have been reported in the discussion threads for both mod managers on DA nexus but neither has updated.

There is more but I will save that for when I have more hands than one to type with ;-)

Edited by Enkida, 23 March 2012 - 03:25 AM.

#7 Enkida


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Posted 23 March 2012 - 11:57 AM

For those of you trying to jive Dragon Age Redesigned with Improved Atmosphere AND bugfixes, here's what I pulled out that's relevant.

Improved Atmosphere encompasses:
- VANILLA BUGFIX: "Shaper's Life" and "Golem's Registry" side quest reward
- VANILLA BUGFIX: Soris acknowledges that you spared Caladrious
- VANILLA BUGFIX: Made stealing Nugbone (crossbow) from the Mines Commander possible.
- VANILLA BUGFIX: Made stealing Dwarven Defender (crossbow) from Captain of the Guard possible.
- VANILLA BUGFIX: Fixed vanilla game bug where NPC's could get stuck in an infinitely repeating animation upon the player's re-visit of the module (Lothring).
- VANILLA BUGFIX: Added a pair of Ancient Elven Boots (vanilla bug fix) and special Qunari Heavy Boots into Lothering chantry's cabinet.
- VANILLA BUGFIX: The Gangue Shade from the Dead Trenches should now drop Dead Metal Bucket (medium helmet) when killed.
- VANILLA BUGFIX: Fixed vanilla game bug where NPC's could get stuck in an infinitely repeating animation upon the player's re-visit of the module (Dalish Camp).

- Conflicts with COMBAT TWEAKS
- Weapon VFX Remover (included)
- Bodies Stay (included)
- Gorim will no longer annoy you with his "Fine Dwarven crafts..." more than once (included)

- Does not actually conflict with DRAGON AGE REDESIGNED for minor NPCs (according to the readme)

I think this means if you're using the UNOBTAINABLE ITEMS bugfix with IA, you only need to install these parts:

Edited by Enkida, 23 March 2012 - 12:14 PM.

#8 dubh

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Posted 08 January 2013 - 09:38 PM

Qwinn's Unofficial Fixpack
Nukenin's Dog Find Fix - I don't think this is necessary anymore for the fix, but I like the floating notifications it adds.
Nukenin's Stealing Fix - Same as the dog find fix, I use it for the floating notifications. It doesn't conflict with BioWare's fix.
Nukenin's +Healing Received Fix


Anyone have these files mirrored somewhere? The files on BioWare's site seem to be broken.

#9 -Ervandriel-

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Posted 09 January 2013 - 07:39 AM

I also tried to instal the Nukenin's +Healing Received Fix but the archive is broken. Could anyone reupload that mod?

#10 -Jason May-

-Jason May-
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Posted 09 January 2015 - 09:38 AM

OK maybe i'm just unlucky but i see a mod Non-Circle Origin Mage Dialogue Fixes - install if you use "adopted" or other similar mod and play as a non-circe mage (daelish mage? noble human mage?), NPCs will no longer think that you were in the circle BUT i can't find a mod. that alloweds me to do the non-circle mage story


#11 -Adrian D-

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Posted 21 March 2015 - 07:42 AM

OK maybe i'm just unlucky but i see a mod Non-Circle Origin Mage Dialogue Fixes - install if you use "adopted" or other similar mod and play as a non-circe mage (daelish mage? noble human mage?), NPCs will no longer think that you were in the circle BUT i can't find a mod. that alloweds me to do the non-circle mage story

The 'Adopted' and Dalish Mage Origin mods will both allow you to be a non-circle mage. If you just google 'dragon age origins mods' and then 'Adopted' or 'Dalish Mage Origin' they should come up, and they're both on nexus. 

#12 -Rhaseley-

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Posted 03 April 2016 - 03:42 PM

Ok So this may be a dead page given it's age but I'll try it anyway. I love DA:O over both DAII and DA:I. I have played it many times and still have a blast with the custom mods. However as I Started a new game today I found I am having a slight issue. I have a mod that allows all players to use Magic. But now every time I put a spell in the quick slot of anyone but a Mage all magic disappears from my quickslot when I use one. I know the simple solution is to uninstall and reinstall the mod, but the issue is I installed it so long ago I don't remember what it was called. Anyone have any suggestions that doesn't involve me uninstalling ALL my mods one by one and reinstalling them?

#13 -Rhaseley-

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Posted 03 April 2016 - 03:43 PM

Ok So this may be a dead page given it's age but I'll try it anyway. I love DA:O over both DAII and DA:I. I have played it many times and still have a blast with the custom mods. However as I Started a new game today I found I am having a slight issue. I have a mod that allows all players to use Magic. But now every time I put a spell in the quick slot of anyone but a Mage all magic disappears from my quickslot when I use one. I know the simple solution is to uninstall and reinstall the mod, but the issue is I installed it so long ago I don't remember what it was called. Anyone have any suggestions that doesn't involve me uninstalling ALL my mods one by one and reinstalling them?

#14 -Rhaseley-

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Posted 03 April 2016 - 03:43 PM

Ok So this may be a dead page given it's age but I'll try it anyway. I love DA:O over both DAII and DA:I. I have played it many times and still have a blast with the custom mods. However as I Started a new game today I found I am having a slight issue. I have a mod that allows all players to use Magic. But now every time I put a spell in the quick slot of anyone but a Mage all magic disappears from my quickslot when I use one. I know the simple solution is to uninstall and reinstall the mod, but the issue is I installed it so long ago I don't remember what it was called. Anyone have any suggestions that doesn't involve me uninstalling ALL my mods one by one and reinstalling them?

#15 Daulmakan


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Posted 24 September 2022 - 11:41 AM

Updated first post.

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