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Read this if you got BGII from GoG

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#1 vali

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Posted 06 March 2011 - 03:36 PM

If you got BGII from Good old Games.com, and used the Big World Installer, try using the console to teleport to any BGII location outside of the starting dungion. If the location fails to load and asks for a CD instead you have the same problem I did. I think the problem is that GoG installations and CD installations have a different file structure. CD installations have 5 folders, one for each CD, while the GoG version has one folder. This throws off the big world installer, and screws up all locations in BGII that weren't on CD1. You'll probably have to reinstall. Unless, of course, I don't know what I'm talking about and the problem is something else entirely. In that case ignore the above.

Secondly, I have a fast computer, and the game still runs slowly. Every second or so the game freezes for a couple of frames. I turned down the framerate, turned off ambient sound, deleted cache and tempsave, but it didn't help. My previous installation ran fine, no slowing. I assume the problem is that I installed the tactics version, which adds lots of scripts. If so, what mod should I exclude next time to be able to play a game without everything running slowly?

#2 Turambar

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Posted 08 March 2011 - 05:57 AM

Secondly, I have a fast computer, and the game still runs slowly. Every second or so the game freezes for a couple of frames. I turned down the framerate, turned off ambient sound, deleted cache and tempsave, but it didn't help. My previous installation ran fine, no slowing. I assume the problem is that I installed the tactics version, which adds lots of scripts. If so, what mod should I exclude next time to be able to play a game without everything running slowly?

Could you please post your weidu.log?


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#3 -Jarno Mikkola-

-Jarno Mikkola-
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Posted 08 March 2011 - 11:29 PM

This throws off the big world installer, and screws up all locations in BGII that weren't on CD1.

The only thing you have to do is rename the patch .txt to be the original name(I forgot what it is) and copy the "25movies.bif" file to be in the /CD5/movies/ folder, and the BWS will will recognice the game as the 'original'... there is a topic about this somewhere...

Now, what comes to the slow down, have you thied all of these ?

#4 dabus

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Posted 09 March 2011 - 03:35 AM

The problem shouldn't be the BWS but the BiG WOrld Install.bat since the BWS reads the alias-section and gets the version name from the executable itself. If it is, please leave a note so that I can look for it.
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#5 vali

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Posted 13 March 2011 - 02:51 AM

I reinstalled, so it doesn't matter anymore. Everything is working fine (at long last).

I'd check, dabus, but right now I'm just too happy from actually having a working game. All I know is that when I installed using the GoG version, the only BG2 locations that would load were those stored on BG2 disc 1, and when I installed with the cd version, everything worked fine. Like I said, I might have just messed up the installation. We'll know for sure if someone else has the same problem.

Thanks for all your help. Even though I just ignored it all and reinstalled :) I just want to say I am amazed by the amount of interest this game still generates after so many years, and how helpful you all are. I just finished the first part of the bone hill quest, and was really impressed. The mods this community has generated are well worth the effort of getting them to work.