Changeclass -> sorcerer
Posted 04 March 2011 - 01:45 PM
I'm doing new kit and I wanted to ask if there is some way to change my base (Fighter) class (of that particular kit) to a sorcerer. (so that I can cast and gain spells per lvl)
I've tried ChangeClass script command in .baf, but it didn't worked.
ActionOverride(Myself, AddKit(Mykit2))
Maybe I'm missing something.
Any ideas/corrections?
Posted 04 March 2011 - 01:54 PM
And how did you use that .baf ?I've tried ChangeClass script command in .baf, but it didn't worked.
I did this with an invisible creature that's casted on top of the kitted character at level 1 via the kits .2da file, the creature has a compiled .bcs script which source is basically this .baf file:
IF Kit(LastSummonerOf(Myself),ijdragf) Class(LastSummonerOf(Myself),FIGHTER) Global("IJ#DCLO","GLOBAL",0) ActionListEmpty() THEN RESPONSE #100 ChangeClass(LastSummonerOf(Myself),SORCERER) ActionOverride(LastSummonerOf(Myself), AddKit(IJ#DRAGSO)) SetGlobal("IJ#DCLO","GLOBAL",1) Continue() DestroySelf() END
I would say that this is the cause why it won't work:
ActionOverride(Myself, ...)The target is the same as the commander.
Edited by Jarno Mikkola, 04 March 2011 - 01:58 PM.
Deactivated account. The user today is known as The Imp.
Posted 05 March 2011 - 02:28 AM
You mean that you actually managed to change fighter class to the sorc.?

Damn, and I waste my time like fool.

What kit concretly have you done? Is it shareable?
I did this with an invisible creature that's casted on top of the kitted character at level 1 via the kits .2da file, the creature has a compiled .bcs script which source is basically this .baf file:
That is interesting solution, guess I'm gonna try that.

How exactly did you summon that creature? Not sure I understand that - through some kind of AP/GA_ability in clab files?
Sry for my "dullness" on this matter. I started with modding like 5 days ago. 1 week ago I didnt even know what Weidu is.

Posted 05 March 2011 - 03:50 AM
Yeah.You mean that you actually managed to change fighter class to the sorc.?
The "Dragonclaw" kit from my MegaModKits has this exact feature. It also has the level zero effect...What kit concretely have you done? Is it shareable?
Well the clab****.2da's file name is actually "ij#dragf.2DA", the AP_IJ#DCA ability/applied spell IJ#dca.spl on the first level that summons the ij#dcn1.cre with the opcode #177 using the effect file "ij#dc3.eff" which is using the opcode #67 to summon the creature. The creature is a renamed "invicre.cre" as "ij#dcin1.cre". I think I stole that invicre.cre from somewhere... or I just remade it, doesn't matter.That is interesting solution, guess I'm gonna try that.
How exactly did you summon that creature? Not sure I understand that - through some kind of AP/GA_ability in clab files?
Most of the time, learning what you can do with things is most of the challenge, it's easy to do them when you just know how... and it won't matter how learned you are with these things.Damn, and I waste my time like fool.
Sry for my "dullness" on this matter. I started with modding like 5 days ago. 1 week ago I didnt even know what Weidu is.
Edited by Jarno Mikkola, 05 March 2011 - 04:04 AM.
Deactivated account. The user today is known as The Imp.
Posted 05 March 2011 - 08:42 AM

This made my day.
It was almost exact image of my kit. (I'll just need to change few variables now and add my own abilities)
It's good that I dont have to spend another hours of modding and simply ninja other work

Well the clab****.2da's file name is actually "ij#dragf.2DA", the AP_IJ#DCA ability/applied spell IJ#dca.spl on the first level that summons the ij#dcn1.cre with the opcode #177 using the effect file "ij#dc3.eff" which is using the opcode #67 to summon the creature. The creature is a renamed "invicre.cre" as "ij#dcin1.cre". I think I stole that invicre.cre from somewhere... or I just remade it, doesn't matter.
I checked this whole process you described and I have but 1 question.
In a part:
the AP_IJ#DCA ability/applied spell IJ#dca.spl on the first level that summons the ij#dcn1.cre with the opcode #177 using the effect file "ij#dc3.eff"
Didnt you meant actually AP_IJ#DC3? For IJ#dca.spl - it use opcode #96 level modifier.
It's the ij#dc3.spl that have reference to the .eff file. (+infravision I think) Or again am I missing something? (I'm just trying to understand it)
Also, the dca.spl cause minor issues for my game by setting lvl to 0. After I lvl up again (to 1) for example my HP is bigger, I start with total of 12 proficiency points instead of 4, (8 at character creation and additional +4 after actual lvl up) etc... however it's not big deal since I can reedit these values in Shadow Keeper.
Anyway this is good modding stuff, thanks for sharing. I would buy you a beer for this one.

Posted 05 March 2011 - 10:29 AM
You have to wait a second for the character to settle... And you can actually miss the whole kit change thing if you don't wait the few seconds. After that the hitpoints stabilize. I think I also set a hitpoint bonus.Also, the dca.spl cause minor issues for my game by setting lvl to 0. After I lvl up again (to 1) for example my HP is bigger, I start with total of 12 proficiency points instead of 4, (8 at character creation and additional +4 after actual lvl up) etc... however it's not big deal since I can reedit these values in Shadow Keeper.
Anyway this is good modding stuff, thanks for sharing. I would buy you a beer for this one.
As you should play this kit with BGT so you are at level 1, you only gain 4 proficiencies... you gain a few more after you level up as Sorcerer, but that's intentional compromise for this mod... Generally if you wish to make a kit that has no proficiency bonuses from the first class, then you just set the fighter classes proficiencies all to zero, and then he gains none.
Ah jeah, I copied the wrong effect from the "ij#dragf.2DA"... but it's good that you noticed that.I checked this whole process you described and I have but 1 question.
In a part:Didnt you meant actually AP_IJ#DC3? For IJ#dca.spl - it use opcode #96 level modifier.the AP_IJ#DCA ability/applied spell IJ#dca.spl on the first level that summons the ij#dcn1.cre with the opcode #177 using the effect file "ij#dc3.eff"
It's the ij#dc3.spl that have reference to the .eff file. (+infravision I think) Or again am I missing something?

Edited by Jarno Mikkola, 05 March 2011 - 10:42 AM.
Deactivated account. The user today is known as The Imp.