BWS stuck on "processing fixes for "BGT""
Posted 26 February 2011 - 04:01 PM
Lol's BiG World Trimpack v9.6
Just sit back and watch...
This tool is making the job for you!
This tool will quicken the installation procedure.
However you will no longer be able to deinstall or
re-install any mod.
You can also use it without a megamod.
processing fixes for "BGT"
A blank DOS screen appears with the path "C:\...\Big World Trimpack\_utils\patch.exe
It's been like this for more than an hour. Any ideas what's wrong? Thanks.
Posted 26 February 2011 - 06:14 PM
I installed both BG1 and BG2, installed patch, created save game for each. Disabled UAC/Anti-virus/Firewall and then went through the BWS. It installs fine until this part:
Lol's BiG World Trimpack v9.6
Just sit back and watch...
This tool is making the job for you!
This tool will quicken the installation procedure.
However you will no longer be able to deinstall or
re-install any mod.
You can also use it without a megamod.
processing fixes for "BGT"
A blank DOS screen appears with the path "C:\...\Big World Trimpack\_utils\patch.exe
It's been like this for more than an hour. Any ideas what's wrong? Thanks.
If this is what I think it is, it's because of the default path to import elements of your Baldur's Gate game used in the BGT segment of the install.bat file created by BWS.
The install process for BGT uses the default installation path of the game instead of searching for the actual location of the game. You need to correct the path to where BG1 is installed.
Open the install.bat file in your BGII-SoA folder with Notepad and search for the following block of lines:
%IFES%BGT%S%BGT%L%0 --force-install 0 --args-list sp "C:\Program Files (86)\Black Isle\Baldur's Gate" | %M%
%IFGS%BGT%S%BGT%L%4 --force-install 0 --args-list sp "C:\Program Files (86)\Black Isle\Baldur's Gate" | %M%
%IFHS%BGT%S%BGT%L%2 --force-install 0 --args-list sp "C:\Program Files (86)\Black Isle\Baldur's Gate" | %M%
%IFRS%BGT%S%BGT%L%8 --force-install 0 --args-list sp "C:\Program Files (86)\Black Isle\Baldur's Gate" | %M%
Just change the path to where you Baldur's Gate 1 game actually is, save, and everything should be ok.
Note that I don't remember the actual name of the .bat file, but it should be pretty obvious to spot, containing the word "install" and a name reference to "BWS".
Good luck.
Posted 26 February 2011 - 11:50 PM
Check what's causing that, maybe look at Jarnos faq for some ideas.
Posted 27 February 2011 - 12:02 PM
Posted 27 February 2011 - 12:51 PM
Posted 22 March 2011 - 09:13 PM
Posted 19 September 2011 - 10:36 AM
Posted 02 November 2011 - 01:04 PM
Posted 02 November 2011 - 01:45 PM
Yes, it's the dump version how to do it, but it leaves less options to make errors.
To get the batch to run as an admin:
Open the start-menu
Type in cmd
Right-click the found program-entry and select "Run as Administrator"
Eventually type in the password for the account and verify that you want to do just that
A black window opens (come to the dark side -- we've got apples)
Type in cd /D "C:\SomePathWhereMyGameIs" and press Enter
Type in "BiG World Install.bat" and Press Enter