I tried to install BPv1.8b (and 1.8a too) but I had this error:
ERROR: Cannot find 180 rows with at least 7 columns.ERROR: [TOOLTIP.2DA] -> [override] Patching Failed (COPY) (Failure("Cannot Set 2DA Entry")) Stopping installation because of error.
And this is the whole part about TOOLTIP.2DA in the file Setup-BPv180.tp2:
// Dealing with TOOLTIP.2DA ********************************************** APPEND ~TOOLTIP.2DA~ ~HELMLIFE k96738 k96740 25765kkkkkk~ APPEND ~TOOLTIP.2DA~ ~SHADLNTH k99780 -1 -1kkkkkk~ APPEND ~TOOLTIP.2DA~ ~BUCK02 6347 12028 -1kkkkkk~ COPY_EXISTING ~TOOLTIP.2DA~ ~override~ SET required_columns = 10 SET rows=2 SET rows_prev=0 SET col_cnt=0 WHILE "%rows%">1 BEGIN col_cnt = col_cnt + 1 rows_prev = rows COUNT_2DA_ROWS col_cnt rows END col_cnt = col_cnt - 1 SET ccc = col_cnt - 1 PATCH_IF 1 BEGIN SPRINT str_add "" SPRINT str "%ccc%" FOR(cnt="%col_cnt%"; cnt<="%required_columns%"; cnt+=1) BEGIN SPRINT str "%str%"^" %cnt%" SPRINT str_add "%str_add%"^" -1" END READ_2DA_ENTRY 0 0 3 "test" PATCH_IF( "%test%"=1 ) BEGIN SET_2DA_ENTRY 0 0 3 "0 1" END PATCH_IF("%ccc%"<"%required_columns%") BEGIN SET_2DA_ENTRY 0 ccc ccc "%str%" FOR(j=1; j<="%rows_prev%"; j+=1) BEGIN READ_2DA_ENTRY j ccc col_cnt "last" SPRINT str "%last%"^"%str_add%" SET_2DA_ENTRY j ccc col_cnt "%str%" END END END REPLACE_TEXTUALLY ~kkkkkk~ ~"%str_add%"~ REPLACE ~k96738~ ~Life Protection~ REPLACE ~k96740~ ~Chaotic Commander~ REPLACE ~k99780~ ~Summon Shadows~ // Now remove added "0" header: READ_2DA_ENTRY 0 0 4 "test" PATCH_IF( "%test%"=0 ) BEGIN SET_2DA_ENTRY 0 0 4 "" END //////Fixes it; now it matches the in-game description BUT_ONLY_IF_IT_CHANGES
I see a report about a similar error before, related to the file STATS.IDS:
ERROR: Cannot find 167 rows with at least 2 columns.ERROR: [STATS.IDS] -> [override] Patching Failed (COPY) (Failure("Cannot Set 2DA Entry"))
Stopping installation because of error.
but it looks like this one was fixed since v1.8
I already had The Darkest Day and Tortured Souls and several other stuff installed... Does any of these have something to do with the file TOOLTIP.2DA?
What should I do about this now, or should I just skip this component?