Well i didn't understand the fix either. It's those diff files that i don't "read".
But i thank the guest for posting itand i agree that it belongs to Big World Fixpack thread.
It is a diff file like the ones the Big World Fixpack has. Essentially it is the difference between the original tree and the "fixed" tree. But it shouldn't be posted in the bwf thread because it is wrong.
If i understood correctly what the bg2-fixpack code does, it first browses these effects and writes down what entries each effect has and then it patches these entries into the vanilla swords. Aftewards it modifies the effects to do direct damage.
I copied the first part of the bg2-fixpack code and used it to patch the fireflower sword. The problem is that the original entries (the 129,4,etc that i mention in my previous post about dltcep) don't exist anymore because the effects were changed. Instead it will read garbage and apply it to the sword.
I am sorry for the inconvenience. I should have noticed it before i paste the patch.